Why does the wi-fi connect it, then turns off? Why doesn't Wi-Fi connect on android?

Why does the wi-fi connect it, then turns off? Why doesn't Wi-Fi connect on android?

Reasons for the lack of connection of wi-fi on the phone.

Connection K.wi-Fi The router is a rather simple manipulation to which we are used to. Residents of large cities want to be in the thick of events, so they do not represent their life without the Internet. Almost every minute, each of us enters the social network, meets the news, or makes financial manipulations via the Internet, using his smartphone. In this article we will tell you why the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi. 

Wi-Fi does not connect: Reasons

There are many reasons, among which several basic ones can be distinguished.

Wi-fi does not connect, reasons:

  • The router is not connected or the network works with errors. This often comes from overload, failure in the electric network. It’s just enough to restart the device, and see if the phone could connect to the wireless network. This can be done using a button on the rear wall of the router, or simply turning off the power cord for several minutes. 
  • Too distance from the router to the phone. Despite the fact that many manufacturers write the distance to which the router will be able to transmit a signal, sometimes the number of walls, furniture, or related devices that are located on the territory of the apartment are reflected on its strength.
  • If the router is in the same room, and you are in the far corner of the apartment, the signal may not reach. If this happens regularly, it makes sense to rearrange the router to another place. 
Network parameters
Network parameters

Why does Wi-Fi connect without access to the Internet?

You have not finished connecting to the network. In public networks, a mandatory requirement is the authentication or registration of the user. As a result of this, a special page is displayed to enter the system.

Why Wi-Fi connects without access to the Internet:

  • The wrong setting of the date and time, and the router will not be able to connect to your phone. 
  • Problems withipi-address. You need to go into the settings and press the “Change network” key. After that, you need to go into expanded settings. Next, it is necessary to set the user data. 
  • Althoughwi-Fi It is free, only administrators of certain devices can receive the Internet. If you are not an administrator, but want to connect, you will not succeed. 
  • Connection is blocked by a special program or antivirus. You can try to turn it off. 
Connection to the network
Connection to the network

Why fail to connect to the Wi-Fi network with total access?

Often, as a result of connecting to a common, free network, for example, in a cafe or airport, “no connection”, “authentication error” or “saved” may be displayed, but there is no connection, and the Internet too.

Why fail to connect to the Wi-Fi network with a total access:

  • Most often, this is due to the excess of the user limit. A certain number of users is installed, and the network simply does not pull out a larger number. This happens in places where there are a lot of people, at holidays and concerts. 
  • Incompatibility of the router and phone. Perhaps the old router is installed in the public place, and the new device does not support its settings. Often the general network is protected by password, you can enter it incorrectly. Try to clarify the password from employees, and enter it again. Most likely, the common network is not available at all for all customers. 
Wireless network
Wireless network

Why does the phone sees Wi-Fi, but does not connect?

If this happens in the home network, the situation depends on the condition of the router.

Why does the phone sees Wi-Fi, but does not connect:

  • If it often hangs, then the appearance of such messages is quite possible. It is necessary to restart it or disconnect from power for several minutes.
  • If the error is regularly repeated, you must go into the router settings and look at the type of encryption. It is necessary that the type of encryption corresponds to WPA2, DHCP-SERVER is included. Once again, double -check the password on a router and phone. 
  • Often the message “Error IP configuration” is highlighted. This happens if the phone cannot contact Wi-Fi. 
  • The problem can lie, both in the gadget itself and in the router. The easiest way to eliminate the problem is the reboot of the router, and the phone. Check the IP on the phone again. 
Advanced settings
Advanced settings

Why doesn’t wi-fi connect on the phone?

Often, after prolonged work, the router either connects or turns off. The phone can independently switch to a mobile network. 

Why doesn’t wi-fi connect on the phone:

  • A long distance from the router and a small radius of its action. In this case, rummage in the settings, and increase the radius of coverage of the device.
  • The frequency at which there is a large number of networks. Most often, a router is acquired, which operates at a frequency of 2.5 MHz. If you turn on the searchwi-Fi, a huge number of devices will be displayed. They score each other's work, due to being at the same frequency. In this case, reboot, firmware, channel change may not give any results. The only effective option will be the purchase of a new router, which operates at a frequency of 5 MHz. 
  • Channel workload. Look in the router’s settings, on which channel it works. In the same models, it is usually recommended to install a specific channel. As a result of this, a large number of devices will be observed on one channel. By changing the channel, you can significantly correct the situation. 
Disconnecting a mobile network
Disconnecting a mobile network

Why does the wi-fi connect it, then turns off?

It is worth remembering that the radio or microwave can jerk a signal, the phone may not see the router. This happens if you are sitting in the kitchen, the microwave works, and the router is in another room.

Why does the wi-fi connects or turn off:

  • When the microwave oven operation, waves are produced that prevent the normal search for the signal. They are a kind of source of interference. In the kitchen, it can often interferes, unlike other rooms where there are no radio devices, as well as equipment that works thanks to waves of various frequencies. 
  • If nothing helped, tryreflash The router, while changing the channel and radius of coverage. In this case, all systems will be updated, and the equipment will begin to work on another line, wave. This will greatly simplify the situation, improve the work of the router. In this case, the phone will connect to it without any problems. 
Network data
Network data

Wi-fi connects, but does not work, what to do?

It often happens that there is an Internet icon and there is a connection, but it is impossible to open pages on the network. In this case, there are several options for solving problems. 

Wi-fi connects, but does not work, what to do:

  • It is necessary to figure out what is the cause of the problem, the lack of the Internet. It can be a router, or your phone. To eliminate problems on the phone, you need to remove the cable from the router and connect directly to the computer.
  • If there is the Internet, it works properly, then the whole thing is in the router. You can try to reboot the router and mobile devices, try to connect again. If the situation is repeated, it is necessary to further look for the problem. Pay attention to the condition of the router, and flashing badges.
  • If any of the icons stops flashing, you are looking for a malfunction there. Children can indulge, and change the direction of the cable, or the nest. Expand the router, look at its back.
  • The cable should enter the hole that is marked in blue. It stands out significantly among everyone else. If the cable is connected to another nest, install it in place. Do not forget to restart the device to retake.
  • If you think that problems with the phone may have flownwifI-adapter. ita small device, which is soldered in the phone fee. 
  • You need to leave the house and try to connect to another device. It should be a different router. If the situation is repeated, then the problem is in the adapter. After replacing, the situation is usually restored. 
Choosing a network
Choosing a network

How to connect to Wi-Fi of another phone?

To connect to the Internet, it is necessary that in the settings the gadget is transferred to the modem mode.

How to connect to Wi-Fi of another phone:

  • For these purposes, you need to go into the settings mode, find “another”, and will be displayed several positions. One of them will be a “modem mode” connection. Thus, you will make the phone with a distributor who will transmit the Internet to other devices.
  • During installation, it may request a password. Do not forget to inform him to the person who are going to give out Wi-Fi. This is very convenient if one of the partners has a mobile Internet, but the other does not have it.
  • It is impossible to connect to a wireless network, since it is not nearby. This is quite convenient if you are on a walk, and there is no wired Internet, as well as a router nearby.    
List of access points
List of access points

Why doesn’t wi-fi connect on android: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have encountered the problems of connecting to the Wi-Fi network. 

Why doesn’t wi-fi connect on android, reviews:

  • Valentine. A few years ago I acquired a routertP-LinkHe worked without problems. However, recently, failures began to appear. The phone independently rebuilt on a mobile network, did not choosewi-Fi. It turned out the problem on the phone. It is necessary by default to install the connection to Wi-Fi. 
  • Veronica. I was faced with the problem of lack of connection in a cafe, which is located near my house. It turned out that the problem with the cable and the Internet provider, which was the service provider. There were often problems in this cafe, and there was no connection towi-Fi. Despite the fact that the icon was turned on, but the pages did not open. Administrators were constantly forced to reboot the router to improve his work. A few weeks ago they replaced the router, the problems disappeared. Everything works like a clock, even if I have dinner in the evening, when there are many people who are constantly sitting on the phone. 
  • Alexei. I also had problems with the router, the connection, the connection with the Internet often disappeared. It is very upset, as I recently acquired a router, set it up. It turned out that the problem is in the firmware. It was necessary to update it. If the router worked well with the phone, then the laptop is very terrible. Later it turned out that it was necessary to update the driver’s laptop. 
Router firmware
Router firmware
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After registering on a common network, you can use the Internet. If the page does not open after such manipulations, select the Wi-Fay name in the list of all available and click the “Delete” button. Repeat the connection again. 

Video: Wi-Fi does not connect

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