Why in Russia such an expensive gasoline? In which country is the most expensive and cheapest gasoline in the world?

Why in Russia such an expensive gasoline? In which country is the most expensive and cheapest gasoline in the world?

The reasons for the increase in gas prices in Russia.

Many Russians complain about the cost of gasoline, and note that it is not affordable. However, not everything is so bad. If we analyze the cost of fuel in other countries, we can conclude that in Russia it is one of the cheapest in the world. In this article we will tell in which countries the most cheap and expensive in the world. 

Why is expensive gasoline in Russia?

Practical daily the lion's share of motorists asks the question: why is expensive gasoline in Russia? Russia is a country that is engaged in oil export, as well as gas to other states. Indeed, our country lives on the sale of fuel fuel. However, despite this, for residents of Russia, fuel is quite expensive.

Few people can afford to go to work on a car daily. This can afford relatively wealthy people. The most interesting thing is that if you look at the cost of fuel in relation to other countries, and compare prices, we can conclude that in Russia one of the cheapest gasolines.

Even, despite such a meager price, the usual passerby is not in force to afford to often refuel the car or use it every day. Accordingly, the price of gasoline is low, but unbearable for the income of our population. As for the installation of the price of automobile fuel, it does not always depend on whether the state is an exporter or an importer. Although, by logic, indeed in all countries in which black gold is mined, fuel prices are much lower than in states that import oil and its processing products. 

Gasoline cost table in different countries of the world
Gasoline cost table in different countries of the world

Why are gas prices in Russia rising: reasons

It is worth noting that the price of the fuel price includes tax payment, also the availability and possibility of processing black gold. In some states, there are practically no oil refining plants, where there is a conversion into diesel fuel. That is, simply put, there are no factories that divide oil into fractions. Therefore, such states are forced to acquire ready -made gasoline. Accordingly, very high prices for its transportation, transportation, the cost of such goods is sky -high.

The reasons for the growth of gas prices in Russia:

  • Low standard of living
  • Reduction in the number of working population
  • An increase in the number of pensioners
  • Broken roads
  • Oil price in the world market
  • The use of primitive equipment for oil rectification
  • The use of spare parts of foreign plants in the oil refining industry
  • Seasonal fuel lack of production reduction
At the gas station
At the gas station

In which country is the cheapest gasoline in the world?

In which country is the cheapest gasoline in the world:

  • Venezuela 
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Iran 
  • Kuwait 
  • Malaysia 
  • United Arab Emirates 
  • Nigeria 
  • Russia 
  • Indonesia 
  • Pakistan 

The cost of automobile fuel in almost all these states is no more than $ 1 per liter. This, in comparison with world prices, is one of the lowest costs for gasoline. Basically, all these states are large fuel exporters. But there are exceptions, since oil is not produced in some states, so the low price is due to a very low life level. In these states, only cream of society ride on cars. 

At a gas station
At a gas station

The cheapest gasoline in the world boasts Venezuela. The price per 1 liter is 0.02 dollars. There is no such low price anywhere in the world. At the same time, the price of fuel gas stations is 30 times lower than the cost. Such a low price is due to subsidizing the state of this industry. Yes, of course, Venezuela is a large exporter and produces a large amount of oil. However, the cost of processing is quite high. It is precisely because of the presence of state subsidies that the cost of fuel is so low. Sometimes people at gas stations leave more tips than paid for a full fuel tank.

It is noted that even the upcoming rise by 60% will not significantly aggravate the situation. Due to the heated political situation in the country, part of the fuel is exported to neighboring Colombia, as well as to Brazil. It turns out that part of the taxes and income passes Venezuela. Therefore, difficulties with subsidies can be observed. This will lead to an increase in fuel prices for the population. In most countries, the price of fuel is significantly overstated to cover costs, level losses, in the event of an increase in oil cost. In Venezuela, the opposite is true. In this state, almost large of the money spent on the production, processing and transportation of gasoline, the state, not the population. Almost all people in Venezuela drive their own transport, because it is very cheap. 

Full tank
Full tank

In which country is the most expensive gasoline in the world?

In some countries where almost the highest price in the world for gasoline is observed, oil production is produced. But at the same time, the price of fuel is very high. This is due to the fact that countries have high taxes and a good standard of living.

In which country is the most expensive gasoline in the world:

  • An example of such a state is Norway. The state has oil reserves, as well as gas, but at the same time the cost of black gold is quite high, due to the high standard of living of the population. Taxes in this state are very high, therefore, by the standards of residents, fuel is not expensive. 
  • Each resident of Norway can acquire a fairly large amount of gasoline. This is due to the fact that the average salary is 3200 dollars. Therefore, if the price of car fuel is more expensive than $ 2, none of the Norwegians will be upset. For them, this amount is feasible, and does not hit. In this state, almost everyone drives in cars, as they can afford it. It is worth noting that Greece can boast of a very expensive automobile fuel. Its price is almost $ 2 per liter.
  • The high price is explained by the fact that in Greece there are no oil refineries, all gasoline is started from abroad. At the same time, the salary in Greece is low, and is about $ 900 per month. If we take into account the price of this product and average earnings, then on average gasoline is twice as expensive for Greeks than for Russians. That is why many of the local residents acquire a car that work from electricity. 
  • One of the most expensive gasolines boasts Denmark. In general, this state is very successful, and the most prosperous in Europe. The price of gasoline It is about $ 20 per liter. Such a high price is not at all due to difficulties with the delivery of gasoline, and not the lack of oil refining industry. Taxes in this state reach 50%. But at the same time, the salary is high, and exceeds the mark of $ 3,000.
  • Accordingly, many Danes can afford gasoline, and not refuse to acquire it. However, in this state, many go on bicycles, and use machines extremely rarely. This is due to beautiful nature, good infrastructure, and small size of the country. Accordingly, the towns are very small, so you can even get to the nearest supermarket, work or school. 
Drogy gasoline
Drogy gasoline

Russian gasoline is the cheapest in Europe. However, the purchasing power of the citizens themselves is very low. This is due to a total low level of residence and minimal salaries.

Video: Formation of gasoline prices

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