Why a newborn baby, a baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes: causes. What is somnambulism in children, adolescents and adults: causes and treatment

Why a newborn baby, a baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes: causes. What is somnambulism in children, adolescents and adults: causes and treatment

The child sleeps with open or half -closed eyes, walks and talks in a dream? There may be several reasons for such phenomena.

When a baby, mom and dad appear in the house with interest and anxiety watching every movement of it, note any changes in his behavior. Attentive parents will definitely notice if the baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes. At the same time, a teenager can be a complete surprise for the parents of the teenager that their adult child, who had no such problems, was sleeping with open eyes.

Why can children of different ages experience the same sleep problems? What to do to parents who noticed that their child is sleeping with their eyes open?

Why is a newborn baby, a baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes: reasons, the opinion of a neurologist
Why is a newborn baby, a baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes: reasons, the opinion of a neurologist

Why is a newborn baby, a baby sleeps with ajar or open eyes: reasons, the opinion of a neurologist

Parents who turn to a neurologist with the question of why their newborn child sleeps with ajar or open eyes, receive a detailed answer.

The dream of any person consists of two periods - phases superficial and deep sleep. Deep sleep is preceded by a superficial dream, during which young children can be twitching of muscles, crying, smile, laughter, uneven breathing and ajar eyed.

In babies, a frequent change in these two phases occurs, so the sleep of a newborn with open or half -open eyes can be considered a normal state. However, the dream should normalize by one and a half years. If this does not happen, and after reaching 1.5 - 2 years of age, the baby continues to sleep with open or ajar eyes, you should re -consult a specialist.

Important: a baby who often sleeps with open eyes must be shown a neurologist and an optometrist. The neurologist examines the child for neurological disorders, and the optometrist will examine the eye bottom and make sure that there are no organic eye lesions. If both experts confirm that the child is healthy, parents should not worry.

The child sleeps with half -open eyes
The child sleeps with half -open eyes

Also, the causes of sleep of a child with open eyes can be heredity and emotional overstrain.

  • If both or one of the parents of the baby in childhood also did not close their eyes during sleep, probably the cause of this phenomenon in the child became heredity.
  • The child actively plays, excitedly requires attention or emotionally shows his feelings throughout the day - the cause of open eyes in a dream is nervous strain. In this case, calm games and relaxing baths are recommended.

What is somnambulism in children, adolescents and adults: causes and treatment

Somnambulism (lunatism) -deviation from the norm, a disorder of the psyche, in which the state of sleep is accompanied by any unconscious actions.

A critical children's age, which is characterized by manifestations of somnambulism - 4 - 8 years.

For children and older people suffering from somnambulism, walking in a dream, performing actions usually characteristic of awake.

From the side, manifestations of somnambulism look terribly, because a person is in an unconscious state, with open, but extinct glazed eyes. The movement of the lunatic is slow, the reaction to the surrounding environment and the addressed speech is absent.

Usually the actions of sleeping people are simple, ridiculous and safe. These include walking, attempts to remove in the room, get dressed. The danger is more complex actions of somnambul: the use of household items, driving, attempts to capture a nonexistent imaginary object.

On average, the attacks of somnambulism last 1 - 30 minutes. In some cases, they can reach several hours. In order to avoid applying mental injuries, you should not wake the lunatic sharply. Somnambul does not have memories of night "adventures".

Somnambulism in children
Somnambulism in children

The reasons for somnambulism:

  • an immature nervous system
  • deep sleep phase
  • fatigue, stress
  • genetic diseases
  • mental disorders
  • nervous excitement
  • apnea
  • epilepsy
  • syndrome of tired legs
  • alcoholism and drug addiction
  • heredity
  • transferred injuries
  • parkinson's disease (in the elderly)
  • In the last century, the only reason for the manifestation of somnambulism was considered the influence of the moon on the human body.
The attack of somnambulism usually lasts from 1 to 30 minutes
The attack of somnambulism usually lasts from 1 to 30 minutes

Video: What makes lunaticians perform night walks?

Treatment of somnambulism:

  • elimination of the root cause
  • interruption of sleep before the attack
  • compliance with the regime
  • avoiding overloads
  • good vacation
  • walks in the open air
  • taking sleeping pills as prescribed by a doctor

Important: you need to try to protect and facilitate the life of a person suffering from somnambulism as much as possible: close the entrance doors and windows, hide sharp objects, keys, electrical appliances. A wet towel can be put in front of the bed. Perhaps, touching the cold wet tissue with the feet of the legs, the lunatic will immediately wake up.

Rest in the fresh air helps to deal with children's lunatism
Rest in the fresh air helps to deal with children's lunatism

The child sleeps with open eyes - Komarovsky

To provide the baby with a comfortable dream, Dr. Komarovsky asks his parents to support the child’s temperature 18 - 19 ° C and humidity within 50 - 70%in the children's room during a child’s night's night. Compliance with these rules alone can correct the situation with the sleep of the baby.

Somnambulism, according to Komarovsky, is not dangerous to the health of the child. The doctor recommends parents to adhere to such rules to parents:

  • do not wake the child during an attack;
  • try to put in the bed, not withdrawing from a state of sleep;
  • turn to the child with gentle quiet words;
  • remember that when performing quite conscious at first glance, the child continues to sleep.

Video: lunatism - symptoms and treatment

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