Why are tomatoes crack in a greenhouse and open ground when ripening: Causes. What needs to be done so that the tomatoes do not burst on the bushes: a complex of measures, tips

Why are tomatoes crack in a greenhouse and open ground when ripening: Causes. What needs to be done so that the tomatoes do not burst on the bushes: a complex of measures, tips

Healthy strong tomatoes may begin to crack. The article indicates the reasons for such a phenomenon and measures to prevent corruption.

Good fruits of tomatoes growing on healthy bushes can start bursting for no apparent reason. For conservation, cracked tomatoes are not suitable. In cracks, microbes and bacteria are settled, leading to rotting of the fetus. Damaged tomatoes are the source of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

Why are tomatoes crack in a greenhouse and open ground when ripening in the garden: Reasons

Cracks on tomatoes are not a disease and not an infection, but a physiological condition caused by disorders during care. Most often, cracks appear after a sharp change in the terms of growth, special for the differences in the water balance.

Large varieties, as well as tomatoes with dense pulp are most cracking. Light yellow dense hybrids are the most sensitive.

Causes of cracks in tomatoes growing in greenhouses

Greenhouse fruits crack more often, because under the film at elevated temperatures, the soil dries faster than on open ground. The subsequent abundant irrigation provokes the appearance of cracks.

The reasons:

  1. Not entirely correctly selected variety.
  2. Overheating of the fruits.
  3. Excessive watering of ripened fruits.
  4. Using concentrates for top dressing.
  5. Excessive exposure of the bushes. With a regular breakdown of more than 3 sheets per week, tomatoes may begin to crack.
  6. Nutrient deficiency.
Tomatoes with dense flesh crack more often
Tomatoes with dense flesh crack more often

The causes of cracks in tomatoes growing on open ground

  1. Sharp changes in temperature day and night.
  2. A sharp change in the weather, when one day is cloudy and rainy, and the next day - the scorching sun.
  3. Abundant watering, too rainy weather.
  4. Exposure to direct sunlight.
  5. Irregular watering, when the earth first dries strongly and then moisturizes it abundantly.

Crossing is subject to not only ripening fruits in which the skin is thinner and delicate. Green tomatoes can also begin to crack. Not everyone has the ability to maintain a constant 60-70% level of soil humidity. When the earth is very overdried, the growth of fruits slows down, the skin grows rude, becomes less elastic. With abundant watering, active cell growth is resumed quite sharply, the skin does not withstand pressure, bursts.

Cracking tomato
Cracking tomato

What needs to be done so that green and red tomatoes do not burst on the bushes: a complex of measures, tips

The main thing is not to change the conditions of growth sharply.

Measures for the safety of greenhouse tomatoes

  1. Select the variety correctly. It should be soft varieties: our Masha, ostrich, diva, centaur, harlequin, beautiful lady, under Moscow, favorite, etc. These varieties are less prone to cracking, as they have a thicker skin.
  2. In the early period until the start of mass ripening, when the crown and the root system are formed, it is necessary to observe regularity, uniformity of watering. Prevention of overdrying and waterlogging of the soil, especially sharp.
  3. In summer, the roof of the greenhouse made of glass, polycarbonate must be treated outside with lime milk. Such a measure will reduce the temperature in the greenhouse, which will reduce the speed of moisture rendering. Shading can also be provided by covering the greenhouse with a special net, agrofibre.
  4. At very high temperatures, all the doors of the greenhouse must be open. In windy weather - a side wall located on the leeward side.
  5. During the assumption of drying out, it is impossible to immediately fill in a large amount of water. Watering should be done in small portions in several stages to prevent a sharp growth of cells.
  6. If the temperature dropped below 13 ° C at night, then watering can be done no earlier than noon of the next day. In hot weather, watering is allowed only in the evening.
  7. Bushes mainly with mature fruits are not recommended to water abundantly. Such plants already have a powerful root system and they get moisture from deep layers. It is desirable to water such bushes locally, directly under the root every 5 days.
  8. It is advisable to take concentrated fertilizers at the calculation of 20 g per 10 liters of water. Such an amount will feed the plant, but will not lead to cracking.
  9. When yellowing and twisting of watering sheets, watering must be reduced.
Tomatoes in the greenhouse
Tomatoes in the greenhouse

Measures for the safety of tomatoes on open ground

  1. Choose varieties designed to grow on open ground.
  2. Monitor the moisture balance. The early ripening period is the most significant. It is regularly necessary to check the degree of importance: dig a hole 10 cm deep. If the earth is wet, you can blind a lump, but with a slight pressure, it easily crumbles, then the humidity is good.
  3. At the beginning of ripening, the soil should be of medium humidity - about 50%. The more ripe fruits become, the less watering is necessary.
  4. With severe drying of the soil, watering should be gradual, in several stages. A large amount of water will immediately lead to cracking.
  5. The crown of the bush should be sufficient and prevent direct sunlight on the fruits. It is necessary to protect the plants in a timely manner from pests, diseases. With a very active sun, it is advisable to resort to the darkening of the site, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves, fruits.
  6. To preserve moisture at a constant level, you can use mulching.
  7. Control the balance of trace elements.
  8. Dilute concentrated fertilizers with a sufficient amount of water.
The lack of trace elements affects not only the leaves
The lack of trace elements affects not only the leaves

Signs of deficiency of trace elements

Lack of trace elements can also provoke cracking. If the temperature and the moisture regime are normal, pay attention to the appearance of plants, a deficiency of trace elements may be observed:

  • The lack of nitrogen leads to low plants, the rapid ripening of fruits that have not reached their standard size. Old leaves brighten.
  • The lack of phosphorus also reduces the growth of the bush. Small leaves have a purple hue, their edges are deformed - bent. Gradually, the leaves die and crumble.
  • The lack of potassium can be determined on the burned edges of the old leaves. Gradually, this process will switch to younger leaves. The fruits will have black stripes.
  • The lack of calcium is manifested by point yellowing on deformed leaves. Gradually, the points merge, the sheet dies.
  • In peaty soils, a lack of copper is often observed. At the same time, the leaves seem whitewashed. The shoots become weak, young leaves are small, the flowers are poorly developing and crumble.
  • With a lack of boron, stepsons are stopped forming, growth points die. Dried areas are observed on the fruits.
  • The deficiency of magnesium is characterized by the appearance of yellow-green spots on the leaves, which gradually become gray or brown. The leaves dry, fall, the fruits ripen in accelerated mode, so they remain small.

Adhering to these recommendations, you can prevent cracking and get a full -fledged healthy crop.

Video. Cracks on tomatoes: Reasons

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