Why are there nightmares in the afternoon, after alcohol, after binge, on the back, child, man, woman: reasons. What to do so that there are no nightmares?

Why are there nightmares in the afternoon, after alcohol, after binge, on the back, child, man, woman: reasons. What to do so that there are no nightmares?

Nightmares in a dream can appear occasionally, or they can torment the dreamer every night, without resting. With the causes of nightmares in a dream, an article will help to understand.

Nobody wants to wake up and exhausted after a nightmare, but such night visions are remembered for a long time. In fact, objects of concern are subjective, which the child is afraid of, is not for an adult fear. Nevertheless, a nightmare may reflect the real problem that they try to avoid and not remember, and sometimes it becomes so frequent that they threaten to undertake health.

Every night there are nightmares: reasons?

It has long been known that during sleep, the brain continues to work, creating incredible combinations from the impressions of what he saw. The internal struggle, experiences, unpleasant emotions, internal conflicts result in nightmares.

Nightmares in a dream appear not by chance.
Nightmares in a dream do not appear by chance

Repeating the same nightmare from the night at night, the subconscious requires solving a problem that does not give rest in real life.

  • In some situations, a nightmare, on the contrary, helps the nervous system to throw out the negative from psychological trauma, for example, an accident, natural cataclysm, tragedy, returning it to a balanced state.
  • The shock obtained in childhood, whether it is a family quarrel, fear of loneliness, punishment, can be so deeply rooted in a person’s subconscious that after several years it will be reflected in nightmares, even if the dreamer forgets the cause of stress.
  • Shock, overwork, oppressed state can also cause night horrors. However, with frequently recurring nightmares, which are out of the rut, it is worth thinking about the risk of the disease of the nervous system and the body.
  • Banal problems with the respiratory system, nasal congestion, problems with the lungs can come to sleep in the form of suffocation scenes.
  • Impressive natures, especially creatively gifted people with a rich imagination see nightmares much more than the rest, their consciousness in a dream is able to finish and think of thoughts and calculate options, supplement the emotions experienced in reality.
The cause of nightmares may be the most unexpected.
The cause of nightmares may be the most unexpected

Why does the child dream of nightmares?

Children absorb as a sponge into themselves not only huge volumes of information, but also impressions. No wonder it is believed that kids in a dream see nightmares much more often than adults.

A visit to a doctor, an operation, a change of residence, inattention from the parents, a dark room, fear of loneliness and abandonment, and in the end, films and programs with violence and monsters can cause a restless childhood sleep.

In cases where the child begins to complain about bad dreams, it is worth taking a closer look at his health. Problems with heart, breathing, temperature are full of bladder can cause restless dreams.

But a sense of safety, love and care, favorite toys, rituals before bedtime, the regime of the day, the lack of emotionally exciting games, especially mobile, proper nutrition, will help a little man fall asleep well and wake up with a smile.

Nightmares in children's dreams may indicate health problems in a child.
Nightmares in children's dreams may indicate health problems in a child.

What to do if there are nightmares?

  • First of all, it makes sense to pay attention to the state of the nervous system and try to determine the reason that undermines it: whether it is routine, responsible, full of emotional stress, or suffered stress.
  • Sometimes it is worth analyzing the essence of a nightmare, understand, draw it, survive in thoughts during wakefulness, and, realizing it, to win in this way.
  • Often the cause of nightmares can be eating fatty and spicy foods in the evening and night, caffeine -containing drinks, alcohol. The stomach, continuing to work, will not give rest to the body. Taking medications, their cancellation, can cause the body dysfunction and sleep problems.
  • Sometimes it’s enough just to change the room, move the bed, change the blanket.
  • Viewing emotionally difficult programs and films to impressionable people is definitely not recommended. They need to change the repertoire for funny, good television programs.
To get rid of nightmares, first of all, stress and disappointment should be excluded
To get rid of nightmares, first of all, stress and disappointment should be excluded

Why do nightmares dream during the day?

People who get up early and perform physical work, often daily sleep is necessary to replenish the forces of strength. Children also face a mental disorder when the daytime sleep cancel.

However for people who are not used to sleeping during the day, perhaps a violation of the usual biorhythm, new and unusual can become a stress for the body. The failure of biological watches, in which a person sleeps normally at night, but sees nightmares during the day, simply does not allow to go through all the usual phases of sleep.

Why do nightmares dream after alcohol?

While for some people, drinking alcohol leads to excessive relaxation and trouble -free sleep, for others, alcohol causes nightmares.

In a state of intoxication, all the pictures of life and emotions become brighter and more expressive, for example, a feeling of resentment or insult, far -fetched may seem at these moments a reality, which will affect a nightmare.

Alcohol intake is a kind of stress for the body. Its excessive amount, dubious quality has a load on the organs, especially on the liver and heart, the nerve centers of the brain, which does not allow to fully relax and sleep.

Nightmare after alcohol is a frequent occurrence.
Nightmare after alcohol is a frequent occurrence.

Why do nightmares have nightmares after binge?

The cause of nightmares after binge is commonplace - the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body. The larger its volumes, the longer the time of exposure, and the lower its quality, the more threatening the blow he will inflict through the body, which also will not slow down with the answer.

After excessive libations, the phases of sleep are violated, condemning to view unpleasant paintings. Pars of ethyl alcohol can strike at the respiratory center, enduring the respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system, which can lead to breathing stop, and in dreams in the scenes of suffocation.

Why are there nightmares on your back?

Everyone has their own favorite sleeping pose. The cause of nightmares during sleep on the back is most often difficult oxygen for various reasons, such as the problems of the nasopharynx. In this case, the subconscious is trying to wake a person through a nightmare so that he changes a pose convenient for breathing.

A dream on the back can cause nightmares.
A dream on the back can cause nightmares.

Why do nightmares dream of a woman, a man?

It so happened that women Impressive and emotional than men. It is more difficult for them to stop thinking about the problem, even if they switch to another type of activity. It is this fixation that is the cause of a sense of anxiety and, accordingly, nightmares. Disappointment, humiliation, clarification of relations with a partner, mother -in -law, fear of treason and divorce, problems with the child - frequent “guests” of women's nightmares. If a young woman sees a nightmare, she is probably afraid to be disappointed in her young man.

At the heart male nightmares Often there are global experiences about those cases in which he is powerless to do something, for example, floods, earthquakes, as well as chases and persecution. The strucking paintings from the past pop up, fear of loss of property, work, and family, which all the time keeps it in suspense.

Nightmare men dream less often than women.
Nightmare men dream less often than women.

Why does the former dream in nightmares?

The phenomenon of those in nightmares is often the result of the fact that some points remained in the subconscious, tormenting and not giving rest. In most cases, female consciousness, wanting repentance or regret on the part of the once beloved, draws it unhappy.

If the cause of the nightmares is a constant feeling of anxiety, dreams appear in which misfortune occurs with the former, he needs the dreamer's care. This means that the psychological connection is not broken, and having the initiator of the gap, the woman continues to worry and feel responsibility, for example, for an alcoholic husband.

The main meaning in such dreams is played by feelings after awakening, since in principle these dreams are the result of accumulated experiences and subconscious desires.

Nightmares with the participation of the former is a frequent phenomenon in women's dreams.
Nightmares with the participation of the former is a frequent phenomenon in women's dreams.

What to do so that there are no nightmares?

You can get rid of nightmares by identifying the cause of anxiety and analyzing why it does not give rest. As they say - the enemy needs to know by person. To put the nervous system in order, you can take a walk before bedtime, ventilate the room. It is worth being careful with food before bedtime, oily and spicy foods to prefer a cup of warm milk with honey, watch a light film or comedy.

Nervous shocks, stresses, troubles at work and family are the cause of internal anxiety, psyche disorders, and, accordingly, the cause of nightmares. If terrible dreams are irregular and infrequent, then they do not talk about chronic anxiety, neurosis. In this case, you should not pay special attention to their interpretation, but you should brush off and try to forget about them forever.

Video: Why are there nightmares?

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  1. As a doctor, I can say that nightmares are always problems with brain function or with a nervous system .... It is very important to relax and tune in to the most full and high -quality sleep. To do this, I can recommend melatonin. I myself always buy Evalarovsky, because the ratio of price and quality is good. Take a note. You sleep with him really firmly and wake up vigorous and active. At the same time, the price is inexpensive.

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