Why can't you transfer money from hand to hand? How to take and give money correctly?

Why can't you transfer money from hand to hand? How to take and give money correctly?

How to transfer money correctly?

Many people dream of a comfortable life and material well -being. Inhabitants who are dealing with money, working in trade know how to act with cash so that they are found. In this article, we will tell you how to transfer money into our hands. 

Transfer money from hand to hand: sign

It is believed that it is impossible to transfer money from hand to hand. This promises losses, and a person who accepts money takes over part of the energy of another user. This ends sadly if a person gives money to regret, or these are the last savings that remained before the salary.

Transfer money from hand to hand, sign:

  • All the negative and bitterness of loss, a person passes with money, they go to another. It is on this that signs are based, according to which it is best to transfer the funds not from hand to hand, but directly through some objects. The trade for this provides for special cash stands for which payment for the goods is laid out, the task is taken. Thus, the contact between the hands of the buyer and the seller comes down to zero. 
  • The sign arose in the Middle Ages, when infectious diseases spread among people. At that time, the typhoid epidemic, plague, a number of other ailments that were transmitted through the hands were raging. To minimize the body and hands contact, special stands were used. At that time, the money was invested in a linen bag, a box and in this form was transferred to another person.
  • However, in Russia, such a sign arose much earlier, not because of diseases, infections, serious ailments. The fact is that in Kievan Rus it was customary to store and transfer money in a special way. It was believed that through the money a significant amount of negative emotions, negativity can be transmitted. Often, the sorcerers with the help of money dropped their problems on outsiders. Thus, taking the money in his hands, the receiving side took all the diseases. 

How to transfer money correctly?

To minimize negative consequences, they began to use a tree. It was believed that wood, like fire and water, takes on negative energy, cleansing the object.

How to transfer money correctly:

  • The money that lay on a wooden surface becomes clean, the evil eye or damage is not transmitted to another person. A little later, to transfer money, they began to make envelopes. This also reduces to zero the possibility of contacting the hands of the buyer and seller. 
  • They believe in such signs in trade, as they associate rituals with improving the financial situation. For example, on the market, the first buyer who gives money should not give them to his hands. It is necessary to put a fee for products on the counter.
  • The seller takes this money, conducts them on all things. Having carried out such a magical ritual, it is possible to improve the financial situation, to attract customers. It is believed that in this way all day will be successful in terms of trade. If you transfer funds from hand to hand, trade will deteriorate, it will not be possible to earn decent money in a day. 

Why don't they transfer money to your hands?

Such will be adhered to when you take money on debt or repay it. It is recommended to lay them out on a cabinet or table when transferring funds. It is worth remembering that the table should not be lunch. The dining table is a symbol of the family, as well as a complete bowl, hospitable owners. If the money is put on the table, and then they take it, this deprives the house of a part of positive energy. Therefore, you should not lay out money on the dining table. If you borrow, ask you to give you small bills. If lending is recommended by small bills, it is worth the borrower to return them to larger bills. It is believed that if the value of money increases, this attracts wealth. However, for the person himself, who takes on a loan, it is best to give in small bills. With small bills, you give poverty. 

Why do not transfer money to the hands:

  • Money must be counted several times. This is not done in order to once again double -check the correctness of the amount, but to saturate with monetary energy. A person who counts the means several times is saturated with the energy of wealth.
  • Over time, such a person has a significant amount of money, they themselves flow into their hands. As for the purchase of purchases, all the money that is laid out on a stand or counter must be given with your right hand.
  • It is believed that in this way energy is blocked, and a person will not lose a large amount of cash in the future. However, it is best to take back with your left hand. It is closest to the heart, and carefully cleanses the bills of negative influences that outsiders could charge the money. Take the rule to lay out on a stand or counter of a folder folded with your right hand.
  • If before giving money, folding it in half, this will reduce the waste of monetary energy. A person in essence will not lose anything, and the money will soon quickly return to him back. However, they must be invested in a wallet not in folded form, but thoroughly straightening. You show respect for money, they will be happy to be found. 

Why can't you transfer money through the threshold?

Do not give and pick up the money that someone occupied you in the evening, after sunset. It is believed that the monetary energy after sunset flows. Therefore, any manipulations with money in the evening are prohibited. It is best to transfer money early in the morning or before lunch.

Why you can’t transfer money through the threshold:

  • Do not pick up the money that is given through the threshold. It is believed that the threshold is a kind of portal between this and the other world.
  • Therefore, otherworldly entities can reduce monetary energy, and funds will constantly leave.
  • A large number of work will not correct the situation. There will always be problems, which will have to spend money on the solution. 

Why can't you transfer money in the evening?

There is an opinion that the owners who give money in the evening let them go into the darkness, in an unknown direction. Accordingly, they do not give a damn how the money will be spent.

Why you can’t transfer money in the evening:

  • It is believed that the funds that are given at night may not get lost, not to find the way back, in a wallet to a person. The person who received funds will also not be happy, they will leave very quickly, as they came.
  • The night is considered the kingdom of otherworldly forces and evil spirits. Therefore, in the evening, after sunset, everything bad comes out. Mystical creatures can manage money for other purposes. Therefore, all financial issues are resolved early in the morning.
  • According to Feng Shui, the energy of money fades away. Therefore, all issues related to money are best resolved early in the morning. Then the money received will be profitable. However, you can still deceive signs as follows.
  • It is necessary that the person who repays the debt goes inside the house and put the money on the carpet. The opponent selects them from the floor. It is believed that no one gives such money or takes. They seemed to be accidentally lost and picked up. In the evening, money is not transferred several times from hand to hand. It is better to postpone all financial manipulations until the next day. 

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Video: How to transfer money?

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