Why you can’t wear money in your pocket: signs

Why you can’t wear money in your pocket: signs

Signs about money in your pocket.

Money loves order and account. Followers of the theory of Feng Shui believe that it is their orderly storage that helps to increase the amount of funds, and improve the financial situation. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to store money in your pocket.

Why you can’t wear money in your pocket: signs

In general, it is believed that a pocket is not the most successful place for storing funds. The fact is that they can break. Pockets from pockets will easily fall out if the jeans are too tight, fit tightly to the figure.

Why you can’t wear money in your pocket, signs:

  • From constant movement, the money will simply fall out of the pocket. It is on the basis of such facts that signs were built that say that wearing money in your pocket is not the best idea. Money is very fond of order and should be stored exclusively in the wallet.
  • Moreover, a trifle, that is, iron coins, should be stored separately from paper bills. Their accurate folding, helps to improve the financial situation, allows you to quickly count the amount of funds in the wallet.
  • Money loves an account, so their wearing in the wallet best affects the material well -being of a person. It is believed that if a person puts money in his pocket, he does not really need them. This is due to the fact that mainly bills in the pockets of clothing can crumble, break, and the corners are bent. Thus, this indicates the neglect of cash, they seek to go to a person who appreciates them more. 

Sign Money in your pocket

In the same way, it is impossible to store funds in the pockets of the bag without a wallet. Therefore, from the first salary you need to purchase a beautiful wallet for yourself, and store funds in it.

Sign money in your pocket:

  • It is believed that one of the bills should be hidden, always be inside the wallet. This is necessary in order to attract money. If you spend the last bill, this will bring misfortune, and will also contribute to a constant lack of funds. 
  • If mumbled bills are laid out for delivery, they cannot be put in pockets crumpled. This will worsen the financial situation. It is believed that even crumpled money must be gently smoothed and invest in a wallet. It is recommended to lay them out all the time in one direction, where the rating of the bills is indicated. 
  • Even small coins cannot be invested in a pocket. It is believed that under the weight of coins they can tear fabric, as a result of which all funds will fall out of the pocket. 

Money fell out of your pocket: sign

It is interesting that the sign about wearing money in the pocket appeared a very long time when there was no paper money, but there were only gold, silver or copper coins. It was believed that the ringing of coins in his pocket could attract the attention of scammers. That is why the funds were stored in special bags or caskets. Thus they expressed their respect, and showed that they were valuable for humans. 

ATi saved the money from the sign’s pocket:

  • For many people, losing money is a huge misfortune, disappointment. Especially if it is a large amount. Most often, it was intended for something, which means a person will be left without acquisition and the necessary thing. However, you should not be upset ahead of time. 
  • The followers of Feng Shui and Esotericism believe that if a person has lost a large amount of money, then the Universe took a repose or payment for some kind of service from him. Most likely, a person will receive some large amount of money over time, or establish relations with relatives with whom he had long been in a quarrel. Perhaps he will find a lover, a girl to create a family.
  • That is why you should never be upset if the money fell out of your pocket or a large sum of money has been lost. However, these signs are interpreted differently if the money is lost in the house or in the car. Most likely, this suggests that all plans, as well as the nearest expenses should be postponed until better times. The Universe warns that this money will be spent in vain. Most likely, the goods will be of poor quality or not the need to acquire it. Therefore, after losing a wallet or money in a house or in a car, it is worth a little time with global, large purchases. Perhaps at the moment you cannot afford such expenses. 

Signs: Find money in your pocket

If you lose money, this is a good sign, then there is no choice. It is believed that other people's money stores the energy of the former owner, they can fail, some misfortunes. That is why it is recommended not to select, and even more so do not put this money in your wallet. It is believed that the energy of the money found will go to the former owner. Therefore, all the money that is in the wallet will disappear, will be spent on some unexpected expenses. 

Signs find money in your pocket:

  • The sign is deciphered differently if the money is found in its own pocket. The fact is that after winter or after extracting seasonal clothes from the cabinet, the money that is left in the owners in the pockets. This is a good sign, and promises pleasant changes in life. 
  • Most likely, the last time you forgot the money, which means that it was impossible to spend them in that period of time. Now the money is ready to spend it. That is why you need to put bills in the wallet, store them until next month.
  • It is believed that such funds will bring good luck, success and not only in financial matters. Perhaps lucky in your personal life, meet love. This also promises the restoration of relations with the second half, with which they parted not so long ago. Perhaps this money is a sign that it is necessary to purchase some valuable thing that have long been dreamed of, but could not afford. Thus, the universe made a gift. 

Sign - Wearing a Piglet in your pocket

Pyatak is a magical irrevocable coin with which the mass of beliefs and signs is associated. It is believed that it is such money that attracts good luck, health and love. The fact is that its magical properties associated with the number 5.

Sign - Wearing a Piglet in your pocket:

  • In numerology, this number speaks of human feelings. This figure contains health, heart, development, growth. In addition, in ancient times, five were associated with the goddess of love. In addition, it is a symbol of female and male energy.
  • That is why the nickle is not worn in your pocket in order to attract money, but to attract love. It is believed that it is the bills and an indispensable coin with a number five that attract happy love. Therefore, it is customary to wear such a talisman in a pocket or in a wallet.
  • It is believed that as soon as a person gropes such a coin in his pocket, he recalls the search for his love, charges with energy and a good mood. If the nickel is silver, it improves intuition, helps to correctly act in various situations.

In order for the coin to work, it is necessary to conduct a certain ritual for its preparation. First you need to get rid of the energy of the former owners. As indicated above, money can store information about former owners, so you need to use the Thursday salt. It is necessary to put 3 pinch of salt in a glass or in a glass, and then still pour 9 pinch. In no case should you let children and pets into a room with salt. Three days the coin should be in salt. On the third day, it is necessary to pour cold water into the vessel with a slow stream. It is believed that as soon as the salt dissolves, the water along with the solution will take away the negative. It is believed that the patch attracts wealth and luck. However, in this case, it is best not to wear it in a pocket, but in a wallet. Students are recommended to invest a nickle under the heel. 


Sleep: put money in your pocket

Not only signs, but also dreams are connected with the money that is put in the pocket. If you dreamed of a pocket with a hole, it is necessary to expect in the morning, a deterioration in the financial situation. This means loss, troubles that affect the financial situation. It is believed that a holey pocket is a shame, poverty and poverty. 

Dream put money in your pocket:

  • However, if in a dream you restore your pockets, it is sewn up, it will be possible to correct the situation through a large number of part -time jobs. You may have to find another job. If you dream that you put something in your pocket, for example money, this indicates future losses.
  • Most likely you are waiting for unforeseen money. If you extract money from your pocket, give it to someone, most likely you will be returned to the debt, or you will get an unexpected profit. In this case, it is best to invest in business projects, because they will end with great profit and become winning.
  • However, if you are trying to find something in your pocket, but you can’t do it, you should wait for failure. If during the pick in the pocket it was possible to break it, you should not be upset, because it promises profit. A pocket is something personal, because it stores expensive things hidden from prying eyes. If something is extracted from your pocket, you show that it is in life. Pockets keep secrets that only their owners know about. 

In what pocket to wear money?

Wearing money in the pocket of trousers or jeans is a bad sign, because for storage it will need to be mixed, folded several times. Money does not like this.

In which pocket to wear money:

  • If you managed to find some large amount, it is best to put it not in a wallet, but in a pocket. It is believed that the money found must be stored separately so as not to contribute to the deterioration of the financial situation.
  • In the wallet, the money of strangers who were found by you can take energy. In no case should you leave the house with empty pockets.
  • It is believed that in this way a person will wait for poverty or failure. That is why in your pocket it is best to store a coin or a nickle. It is believed that he attracts money. 

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Video: Is it possible to store money in your pocket?

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