Why you can’t wash your face in the shower: 5 reasons why it is harmful to wash in the soul

Why you can’t wash your face in the shower: 5 reasons why it is harmful to wash in the soul

Many of us love to take a hot shower in the morning, not even suspecting that it is harmful to the skin. What such unpleasant consequences can be expected from such a common habit?

Dermatologists have explanations on the question of why you can’t wash your face in the shower. And there are also certain recommendations with which we will share with you.

Why you can’t wash your face in the shower: 5 reasons

Harmful hot water

  • Often people for bathing in the shower use hot water. But under the influence of high temperatures blood vessels expand, and there is a destruction of the lipid layer responsible for the preservation of healthy skin.
  • Therefore, it is worth accustoming yourself do not wash your face under a hot shower and above the sink, certainly using slightly warm water. This is recommended by both domestic and American dermatologists, who claim that hot water greatly dries the skin of the face.
  • Experts also strongly recommend people with hypersensitive skin prone to acne, do not wash in the shower, since the high water temperature contributes to the appearance of rashes.
  • Washing up over the sink, then you can continue your morning hygiene procedures - take a hot shower or bath, avoiding hot water on the face. If you still cannot abandon the habit of washing in the shower, then you should adjust the taps so that the water stream is warm, but in no case is hot.
  • In principle, nothing terrible will happen if you still continue to use it to wash with hot water. However, with frequent negative effects of high temperature on the fat layer the skin of the face can lose its healthy look. And no one of us would like this, wouldn't it?
High temperature harm
High temperature harm

Strong pressure of water

  • If the face is washed over the sink, then usually water is taken with handfuls or used by a special brush. Using shower for these purposes, a stream of water hits directly into the face, which also negatively affects delicate skin.
  • Do not perceive it as something insignificant. Experts say that a sharp pressure of water pulls the skin down each time, which is why it can ahead of time spend and swallow wrinkles.
  • In addition, powerful hot jets can become initiators invisible injuries. For the whole body as a whole, a strong stream of water can be achieved well anti -cellulite effect, But it is not useful to wash your face in a shower with a strong stream. In addition to the traumatic effect of steamed skin, over time, over time may appear capillary nets And even the "stars" due to the fact that the blood vessels weakened.
It is more useful for the skin to wash with water water
It is more useful for the skin to wash with water water

Long stay in the shower and harm to the skin

  • American dermatologists conducted a study, as a result of which the optimal time of the person was in the shower was revealed - 5-10 minutes.
  • If you are longer, then your face skin may suffer from this. Moisture in the skin is held ceramides and other lipids that have the ability to dissolve in liquids.
  • That is, these beneficial substances of the body can be partially lost if the skin of the face is exposed to water for a long time.
  • That's why Reduce your time in the shower And forget about washing your face in the shower. You can, for example, set the timer on your mobile phone, and as soon as it gives a signal, immediately end water procedures.
Long stay in the soul - harmful
Long stay in the soul - harmful

Harmful effects of shampoos and air conditioners

  • When washing the head on the face, shampoos and air conditioners who provide irritant effect on the skin of the face, Not to mention soap, body gel and other hygiene products. Because of them, it is violated Acid-base environment, and as a result - increased dry skin.
  • Natural shampoos should be used, which do not include sulfates and parabens, And very carefully after washing the hair, rinse the face with clean water. It is better not to wash your face in the shower, and after bathing thoroughly washed with water from the tap.
Harmful shampoos
Harmful shampoos

Body bath accessories - damage to the face

  • In no case should you wash your face in the shower with means that are designed for the body, since there are a lot of bacteria. They, as you know, are absolutely not for the benefit of the skin of the face.
  • The skin of the face is very delicate, and therefore it should be a priority - washing, use special sponges, sponges and brusheswhich will add effectiveness to cosmetic products.

Many of us are wondering: “Why did the skin of the face suddenly become problematic, dry, peeling, rashes and premature wrinkles appeared?” And we don’t even know that the reason for all this is banal mistakes when leaving the skin. But now we know that it is impossible to use water with high temperature for washing, you can not expose the skin of the face with prolonged exposure to water and powerful shows of the shower, and those accessories that are intended only for the body are prohibited for the face.

We advise you to read the articles from which you will find out why:

Video: How to wash your face correctly?

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