Energy of indoor plants to improve human energy and home. Indoor plants with good, positive and bad, negative energy: List

Energy of indoor plants to improve human energy and home. Indoor plants with good, positive and bad, negative energy: List

Description of the influence of indoor plants on human energy.

Indoor plants help improve the climate in the room, clean the air and reduce the effect of the electromagnetic field. It is with this goal that near computers it is recommended to set pots with cacti. But many psychics insist that some plants can affect the biofield and change human life.

The role of indoor plants to improve human energy and home

Psychics believe that some plants absorb negative energy. In addition, individual crops are able to convert negative energy into a positive one.

Mandatory plants that should be in the house:

  • Geranium
  • Aloe
  • Chlorophytum is crested

According to psychics, it is these colors that have a strong energy field and are able to neutralize anger, negative thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended to put pots with these crops at home.

It is very useful to install flowerpots with flowers that distinguish negative ions. They absorb anger, nervous excitability. Such plants are simply necessary for residents of large cities.

The role of indoor plants to improve human energy and home
The role of indoor plants to improve human energy and home

Indoor plants with good, positive energy: List

Many plants have a positive energy.

List of plants with good energy:

  • Begonia. This culture has a beneficial effect on the body. Begonia is recommended to put children and older people in the room. It helps to restore the immune and nervous system. A pleasant aroma treats depression.
  • Lemon. This is a symbol of friendship and vigor. Thanks to this plant, you can cheer up and increase vitality.
  • Hyacinth. This plant fills the house with emotions. With it, you can improve well -being, acquire harmony. In addition, it will be possible to establish relations between family members.
  • Hibiscus. This is one of the varieties of a rose. With its help, you can establish an old relationship with the second half. Put a flowerpot with a plant in a married bedroom.
  • Cyclamen. This plant disciplines, accustoms to order. Culture increases creative potential.
  • Dracaena. This plant is known since ancient Egypt. Culture improves memory, helps get rid of depression.
Indoor plants with good, positive energy: List
Indoor plants with good, positive energy: List

Indoor plants with poor negative energy: List

In general, bad plants do not exist. But there are cultures that are recommended to install in some rooms and does not stand in others. Basically, such plants include vampires, that is, cultures that absorb energy.

List of vampire plants:

  • Monster. This culture, absorbing active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots with flowers are placed in receptions and offices. Monster will help to discharge the situation in the room and prevents the quarrel. But in a room with elderly people and children it is impossible to put a pot with culture.
  • Epipromeum. This plant is called "damn ivy." In addition, the plant is called a peasant. That is why the culture is recommended to Virgo, it enhances their energy and increases life tone.
  • Chlorophytum. This plant absorbs energy, but not positive, but negative. That is why pots are placed in offices and public premises.
  • Orchid. A very beautiful flower, and which actively absorbs energy at night. That is why culture should not be planted in the bedroom. The perfect place is an office, a living room, a business room.
Indoor plants with poor negative energy: List
Indoor plants with poor negative energy: List

Energy of some popular plants

Below is a characteristic of some indoor plants:

  • Ficus. An excellent plant that is created for the home with a large family. He helps to calm down, to establish a relationship. Childbrust couples will be able to acquire offspring. But unmarried women should not keep the culture in their house. He drives the suitors.
  • Bugengville. According to Feng Shui, Bugenville in the house is considered a favorable sign, it attracts energy that contributes to luck and financial prosperity.
  • Aloe. This healing plant helps to restore the aura in the house. Accordingly, it is worth planting a culture in houses where they often quarrel.
  • Spathiphyllum. The energy of spathiphyllum is swore and directed up. Spathiphyllum has the ability to normalize extreme energy vibrations. And it gives everyone spiritual balance, wise calm.
  • Cyclamen. The plant can restore balance in the house. It improves energy and unites the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, households quarrel less often.
  • Spurge. The plant should be planted only in houses where prosperous families live. Otherwise, the culture fades.
  • Gloxinia. This is a neutral plant, it cannot be attributed to vampires or donors. Most energy is released during flowering. Gloxinia can push to changes in life.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Guzmania. This is also a neutral plant. To achieve success at work, the plant should be placed on the eastern side.
  • Primrose. Brings joy and happiness to the house. Helps to make peace of loved ones.
  • Kalatea -The symbol of happiness created by the family is believed that it brings peace and peace to the house, because it can absorb aggressive energy, and because of this it can be called one of the best flowers for the house.
  • Begonia. It is recommended to put flowerpots in the room of unbalanced people. She helps to find harmony and calm down.
  • Kalanchoe. This culture brings material well -being to housing. Helps to eliminate financial difficulties.
  • Clivia. The flower improves heart function and helps to remove negative energy in the house.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Artificial plants. According to Feng Shui, all artificial flowers should be thrown away. They weight the aura in the house and can provoke a number of diseases.
  • Zamiokulkas. This plant should not be kept in a house with single people. Culture brings celibacy.
  • Monster. This culture, absorbing active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots with flowers are placed in receptions and offices. But in a room with elderly people and children it is impossible to put a pot with culture.
  • Diffenbachia. The plant drives men from home. Therefore, family women should not grow a plant.
  • Orchid. The plant belongs to muzhegons. Do not grow it unmarried ladies.
  • Sansvieria. This plant is called "mother -in -law." It should not be placed in children's and bedrooms. The plant is characterized by strong energy. The perfect place for growing is the living room, offices.
  • Croton. The plant ensures that people with poor and negative thoughts do not come to the house.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Chlorophytum. Improves energy in the house, prevents quarrels and abuse.
  • Peperomy. It will be necessary in the society of those people who always complain of their troubles, failures and decay. It will help to configure these people on a positive wave and increase self -esteem.
  • Philodendron. Helps to overcome difficulties, improves resistance to troubles. Increases resistance.
  • Thuja. A lot of signs are connected with this tree. It is believed that this is a cemetery culture that brings death and celibacy.
  • Tradescantia. A positive culture that develops a sense of humor. In addition, the plant retains a friendly atmosphere in the house.
  • Eucharis. Culture gives vigor and activity. This is a great flower for a children's room. He will help to develop perseverance, attentiveness in the baby.
  • Geranium. The plant brings happiness and money in housing. This is a great culture for strengthening family happiness.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Hamedore. Refers to the Palm family. Such flowers can be considered a source of energy and vigor.
  • Ehmey. If you are often in a dull state or lovers come to cry, you need a striped ehmey. It does not allow a dull mood to spread around the house, merge with the atmosphere.
  • Ivy. The usual bindweed for all brings health to the house. It helps to grow faster to bones.
  • Cactus. Opinions regarding the plant diverge. Many consider the cactus a magnetic field absorber. As for the action on a person, the cactus will be useful to quick -tempered people.
  • Money Tree. Almost everyone knows about the energy of this culture. The plant helps to improve the financial situation.
  • Dracaena. This is also a palm tree that increases life tone, improves mood and helps to cope with depression.
  • Myrtle. The plant retains love and mutual understanding. In the house where they often quarrel, the plant may dry.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Fuchsia. This is a plant that does not like conservatism. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a culture in the house where conservatives live.
  • Gardenia. It is better to plant a plant in the bedroom, as it gives mutual understanding, love and tranquility.
  • Hoya. The plant gives harmony and comfort. It is recommended to plant the newlyweds. This will allow partners to get used to each other faster.
  • Violet. It is better not to start a violet to an unbalanced person, even suffering from periodic depression. If the plant will have to constantly level your mood changes, not having time to replenish their energy reserves, then it risks perish.
Energy of some popular plants
Energy of some popular plants
  • Pike tail. This plant should not be started at home. It is believed that it is how to put mother -in -law on the threshold. There will be quarrels and misunderstanding in the house.
  • Anturium. This flower is called "male happiness." It is believed that the plant gives success to a man.
  • Laurel. This culture has been used from ancient times for purification. If guests often come to your house, put a pot with a plant in the lobby. This will help transform negative energy into positive.
  • Pahira. Feng Shui masters believe that this miniature baobab brings success and health to the house.
  • Aglaonema. It is better to grow a plant in an office or in an office. It will help to concentrate and quickly perform work.

Any plant cleanses the air in the room and saturates it with oxygen. But besides, a correctly selected culture will help to achieve harmony in the family.

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