Why is not working, Aliexpress does not open today in Russia: what to do?

Why is not working, Aliexpress does not open today in Russia: what to do?

Fails to access the site Aliexpress: Review of the main causes of the problem and its solution.

Chinese trading platform " Aliexpress"Is famous not only for a large assortment of various goods, but also by its stable work. But, from time to time, when trying to enter the site or personal account, users from Russia can see an error message " Fails to access the site". The reasons for its occurrence can be very different, and in our article we will talk in detail about the most popular of them.

Why doesn’t it work, the Aliexpress website does not open today in Russia: what to do?

Technical work, overload of servers or temporary blocking of the resource by Roskomnadzor

  • Almost all Internet resources periodically close access to their sites in order to conduct an interface update, implement new functions or improve their protection against hacks and dos attacks.
  • On resources, which, one way or another, are associated with the turnover of funds, such technical work is carried out most often. These include and Aliexpress. Users can only wait for the completion of work, which, as a rule, lasts no longer than 1 - 2 hours.
  • Also, an error about the inaccessibility of the site may appear due to a large number of users who simultaneously perform numerous operations on the server of the trading platform. At the work of the site itself Aliexpress This rarely affects.
  • When viewing the catalog of goods and entering the personal account, no problem arises. However, when trying to pay for an order, users may encounter an error. As in the previous case, it remains only to wait for the unloading of servers.
Image 2. It fails to access the Aliexpress website
Image 2. It fails to access the Aliexpress website
  • The last reason that is solved only by expectation is the temporary blocking of the website of the trading platform Aliexpress Roskomnadzor in the Russian segment of the Internet. The reason for this blocking may be the availability of goods on the trading platform that are prohibited in the Russian Federation.
  • These include spy gadgets, all types of tobacco products and smoking mixtures, flammable substances and much more. As a rule, the problem with the availability of forbidden goods in the catalog Aliexpress It is decided within 1 to 2 days and the site resumes its work again.
What is forbidden to buy for Aliexpress?
What is forbidden to buy for Aliexpress?

Problems with a browser

The site of the trading platform " Aliexpress»Well optimized for all modern browsers, including mobile ones. However, if the user has not been updating his Internet recrecer for a long time or did not clean the cache, problems with access to the site may arise. This problem has several solutions:

  • Update your browser to the latest version from the official site, reboot the computer and repeat the attempt to enter the service Aliexpress;
  • Change the browser or activate the mode on it " Turbo", Which will accelerate his work;
  • Get rid of excess garbage, by cleaning the cache, the history of visits and cookies;
  • Check your computer for viruses using a free check program Dr. Web Cureitwhich can be downloaded with official site developer;
  • Use another computer or other device to enter the website of the trading platform;
Image 4. Cleaning the cache and the history of visits in the Google Chrom browser
Image 4. Cleaning the cache and the history of visits in the Google Chrom browser

Why can't you enter your personal account on the Aliexpress website today in Russia: what to do?

It happens that the site of the trading platform operates in normal mode, but when trying to enter the personal account, nothing happens or the user sees an error message. There are two reasons why this can happen:

  • Technical work is underway on the server;
  • Blocking the resource with an antivirus program that recognizes it as malicious;

If you are faced with such a problem when entering your personal account, close your antivirus program, update the page Aliexpress In the browser and repeat the attempt to enter your account. If the problem does not solve, then wait for some time and try to enter again.

In the event that these actions did not help you, contact the customer customer support service of the trading platform Aliexpresswhere you will be given maximum help in solving this problem.

Why is it not possible to enter the personal account through the Aliexpress mobile application today in Russia: what to do?

  • The problem with the entrance to the Personal Account can arise not only in the browser on the computer, but also in the mobile application " Aliexpress". The reason for its occurrence may be a bad Internet connection, incorrectly introduced login and password, as well as internal malfunctions in the application.
  • Make sure you have a good Internet connection and entered the correct data for the entrance. If the problem does not solve, go into the settings of your smartphone or tablet, open the section " Applications", Find among them" Aliexpress"And on the page with information about the appendix, click" Clear cache».
Image 6. Cleafing the cache in the mobile application Aliexpress
Image 6. Cleafing the cache in the mobile application Aliexpress

Video: The Aliexpress website does not work: Solving the problem

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