Why do not reviews for Aliexpress? Why does Aliexpress not show customer reviews?

Why do not reviews for Aliexpress? Why does Aliexpress not show customer reviews?

The article will tell you why reviews do not open on " Aliexpress».

Regular customers " Aliexpress»They know well that before buying goods in this online store, you need to carefully study the reviews for them. Reviews of other buyers for goods on " Aliexpress»Give an idea of \u200b\u200ba particular product, whether it is worth acquiring it.

But over time, the store customers notice that many reviews simply do not open. The review counter can show one figure, but the real number of reviews is completely different. Why is this happening? Let's talk about this in our review.

Why are AliExpress reviews not visible?

Why are AliExpress not displayed customer reviews?

Consider this issue in order. We will find out why the indicators of the review counter and the number of displayed reviews do not correspond to each other.

The bottom line is that when you find the product you need for " Aliexpress", You see the total number of orders received for this product. This total number includes all orders: accepted and canceled, with goods expelled and not sent to the buyer.

By the way, sellers use this to their benefit. They put up goods for sale and offer large discounts. Buyers make an order, but sellers do not pack the goods to the parcels and do not send. They just return the money back. But the order counter notes that this product was as if purchased. Thus, sellers increase the rating of their goods and attract many buyers.

On the other hand, if the seller sends the parcel to the client, the latter will be able to leave his review to this product only after receiving the parcel on hand. And the package itself can go for up to two months. The client can also leave his review for a month. Therefore, you can observe a huge difference in the number of reviews and orders.

Now let's figure out why often not all reviews we can see. Many users " Aliexpress»They say that real reviews are less than the figure declared by the counter, or there are no reviews at all. The screenshot below shows a review counter, a real number of reviews, as well as a product rating:

The number of displayed reviews is less than declared in the meter

As we see, the numbers vary. Many buyers even suspect that the seller simply delements poor reviews that lower the rating of his goods. But actually it is not.

Sellers cannot delete customer reviews. Online store " Aliexpress»Carefully monitors that all trading transactions are honest. If the buyer did not like the goods, and he wrote a comment about this, then the seller has no technical opportunity to delete such a review.

But let's return to the essence of the question and tell you why reviews do not open on " Aliexpress". The comment left by the client becomes available for viewing only when the seller, in turn, will leave a response to the client. And while the seller does not, for a month no one can see the customer's review. Even the seller himself cannot see him.

As a result of this, the following situation is obtained. Sellers overloaded with work do not immediately respond to the buyer, and some, fearing negative reviews from customers, do not respond at all. In the latter case, the buyer’s review is displayed only after a month from the moment of writing for the reason indicated above.

It is due to these circumstances to " Aliexpress»A real number of product reviews is less than indicated in the meter. The counter determines all the reviews left, and we see only those to which the buyer’s response was given. Therefore, there can be no mistake or fraud here.

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