Why Muslims shave their mustache and leave a beard: what does Muslim beard mean, is obligatory or not?

Why Muslims shave their mustache and leave a beard: what does Muslim beard mean, is obligatory or not?

Muslim beard is a Sunnah, and the mustache needs to be shaved. There are several reasons for this.

In Islam there is a number of generally accepted norms of behavior. Also, there is a list of requirements for the external. Of course, there is a list of rules that are related to hygiene and its observance. One of the important laws that Muslims observe is maintaining purity. This concept includes not only physical, but also spiritual. This is easy to explain if you refer to the Holy Book of the Qur'an.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Can Muslims make tattoos?". You will find out why you can’t fill the tattoo on the body and what will happen if the Muslim is tattooing.

In the Muslim religion, great attention is paid to the face. For some reason, women need to cover their nose, mouth and other parts of the body, given the exceptions. In men, the rules regarding appearance differ significantly. From this article you will learn why Muslims shave their mustache and leave, grow a beard. Read further.

What are Muslim traditions?

Wedding Muslim traditions
Wedding Muslim traditions

If we talk about the appearance, then Muslims are strictly forbidden to wear clothes that do not correspond to their floor. For example, men are dresses, skirts, etc. In the world of Islam, such actions are condemning from a religious and moral point of view. The prohibitions also include clothes that can turn into a minister of another faith. These include: the vestments of priests of the Christian religion or the corresponding symbolism in the form of a cross.

There are many legends about the speeches, actions, the prophet of Muhammad. They relate to different rights, moral principles that are observed in the Muslim community. Hasides indicate that it distinguishes a believer. This is compliance with complete purity of the body, because the spirit is associated with this.

What other Muslim traditions exist?

  • Associated with family and relatives. Rites are important: weddings, funeral.
  • It is necessary to go to the mosque for a prayer and worship of Allah. This is the very first duty of a Muslim on the Holy Scriptures.
  • Nicknames - marriage on Islam occurs only after the wedding. The peculiarity of this tradition lies in the announcement of the rights of a man and a woman, because their life changes and switches to another level of intimacy.
  • Circumcision. The child is born, grows and is brought up by parents. The moment comes when he must pass this Muslim religious rite, according to Sunnah.
  • Attitude to the funeral. It is customary to bury Muslims shortly after death. The time period, when they must have time to make all the rituals before the burial, is short enough. Only one day is given for preparation, washing, etc. In this process, incense is usually involved. Also, a camphor tree resin is actively used. During farewell to the departing, two people read a prayer from the sacred book of the Qur'an.
  • Maintaining cleanliness. This is a big list of requirements. Particular attention is paid to hygiene of the oral cavity, nose. It is also necessary to cut your nails and prevent their growing. Of course, this takes a lot of time, some men go to specialists who help them.

Of course, there are other different traditions, there are many of them. It is worth noting that almost every Muslim has vegetation on his face, and this is not just that. Read further.

What does Muslim beard mean - Sunnah: is it obligatory or not, why is it needed?

There are several Islamic movements that are different about the hair on the face. Some followers believe that growing a beard is indecent and in general is a sin. You can trim the hair on the beard. To shave off is the discontent of others. There were times when wives did not accept their husbands precisely because of this. They said that they made a marriage with a man, not a woman. The spouse committed a deed of censure.

So what does the beard mean in Muslims?
  • Muslims associate a beard with courageous qualities.
  • Not shaving it is a sign of involvement in the pristine role of man, man.

All Muslims say about the important need of beard. This indicates that the man is in front of you. If you refer to the history of life and the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad, then a beard is present on his face.

There were times when many people grew a beard, like Christian monks and Jews. Followers called to raise her, but this was not mandatory. Muslims have a beard - a Sunnah. Nevertheless, the presence of a mustache is unacceptable. This is indicated in the hadiths. Their meaning lies in this statement: "String the mustache and let go of the beard". Historically, so that Muslims are able to determine their co -religionist. By the way, it is relevant to this day.

What length should Muslims have a beard: what does a long beard mean?

According to the Sunnah, there is no unambiguous demand for the specific size of the beard of the beard. The only thing is that a believer Muslim is obliged to monitor accuracy in order to look neat. The associate of Ibn Umar recreated the approximate length.
  • To do this, he picked up his hair, squeezed his fist, then cut off the length that went beyond the contour of his palm.
  • This method has become an indicative example.
  • Now Muslims prefer a beard of such a length.
  • And what to do with hair on the cheeks? They simply drive into an approximate hair size on the chin.
Thus, there is no specific requirement for hair length, but there are certain standards. This is the method described above to help cut off the hair so as not to look obscene.
What does Muslims have a long beard? This does not mean anything, it is just a sign of masculinity. Often, older Muslims grow long beards, they simply do not cut their hair. This indicates their wisdom and great life experience.

Why do Muslims shave their mustache and leave, grow a beard?

Muslims shave their mustache and leave, grow a beard
Muslims shave their mustache and leave, grow a beard

The beard plays a huge role, because by its presence you can easily determine who belongs to the same faith. Again, it is impossible to say about this with a hundred percent accuracy, sometimes there are exceptions. The hadiths confirm the desire (Sunnah) of the presence of this identification sign. Distinctive appearance is what Muslims strive for.

Why do Muslims shave their mustache and leave, grow a beard?

  • If you rely on the words of the Prophet Muhammad, then the mustache means belonging to viciousness. Therefore, they should follow them, trim or shave.

In addition, this is also explained by the fact that the appearance that the Lord granted is a person to change not in any situations. The prophet Muhammad was commanded by men to remain men and not imitate women, not to stand against natural nature, shaving the bristle from the face. All, without exception, had to shave off his mustache and raise beards. This was done for the reason to avoid being like pagans, who only left a mustache on their face.

Are there any Muslims in the world without a beard: why are they shaved?

Unfortunately, the appearance of hair and their density is the merit of nature and genes. Are there any Muslims in the world without a beard? Yes there is.

  • Often you can see a young man professing Islam, completely without a beard.
  • The fact is that not everyone can acquire such a “identification sign”.

But at the moment, there are many options for additional care that helps to cope with the problem. For example, oils, vitamins and much more. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed juices that contain growth stimulants. The diet should change, certain products full of necessary components are included.

Despite rare hair on the chin, many Muslims still want to grow a beard. If it does not work, then not everyone wants to leave rare hair, but is it possible to remove or shave it? Unfortunately no. This is prohibited by the Qur'an.

What will happen if a Muslim shaved a beard?

Allah condemns such a change in external data, because he is a creator. What will happen if a Muslim shaved a beard?

  • Taking a razor and removing a beard is to join the dark power.
  • This is maliciousness that will like exclusively shaitan.
  • It is fraught with censure of the Almighty. Allah said: “And what the envoy gave you, then take it, and what he forbade you to resist”.

Often men who do not have a beard are attributed to those who are trying to imitate the female sex. This ritual shaving is the motivation not to give the mercy of the Almighty. A thick, neat beard is one of the signs of a courageous person. In the hadiths on the shaving account, a ban is indicated.

Can Muslims paint a beard?

The hairline on the chin and neck is like decoration characteristic of some representatives of birds. In Muslims, it is customary to use henna to change the color of vegetation on the face and head. As An-Navavi says, regardless of gender, gray hair can be painted with yellow or red color. The Prophet Muhammad resorted to the use of yellow. With this pigment, he covered not only the hair on the beard, but also on his head.
  • Despite the fact that most Muslims have dark hair, some have almost black.
  • However, using this color for painting is prohibited. It is permitted in exceptional cases. For example, scare away the enemy during jihad or war.
Do not forget that each religion has its own rules that believers adhere to. Muslims have great importance, the state of their face. Prophets in their scriptures attribute great importance to the appearance. A beard is not the last thing that is important for Muslims, according to their religious views, but is of great importance in their faith.

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