Why do people become LGBT? LGBT - illness or norm?

Why do people become LGBT? LGBT - illness or norm?

Probably, no other topic has such zealous supporters and opponents as a matter of relations between the sexes. Can homosexuals have the same rights as people of traditional orientation, homosexuality is a disease or perversion, and perhaps this is a genetically determined phenomenon, which, as they say, can not be done?

Scientists still have not come to any specific conclusion. Homosexuality, like other deviations from generally accepted concepts of relations between the sexes, was first considered a sexual deviation, a little later was recognized as one of the options for functioning of the body, and not the disease. But finally, the characteristic of the nature of such a phenomenon has not yet been given. Therefore, let's consider some aspects of the problem under the general name of LGBT in detail.

Who are LGBT?

LGBT is a generally accepted reduction. In the abbreviation, letters mean: lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender. When determining such phenomena, the following concepts and terms are also considered, in particular:

  • Transmascular or transfeminine, those. Anyone who feels not belonging to his floor. The first concept means female self -perception of oneself as a man, the second, respectively, refers to a man who feels like a woman.
  • Homosexuality, those. One of the varieties of sexual orientation. And if earlier it was almost a synonym for a crime, then later gradually this concept went more likely to the category of mental states combining with pathological ones.
Same -sex love
Same -sex love

Letters can also be added to the abbreviation of LGBT:

  • K - Quir (literally translation - fake, strange, curved), i.e. one who falls out of the generally accepted binary system);
  • And - intersexuals, or literally - “inter -lane”, when the body has signs characteristic of both sexes. The more common name for this concept is familiar to most of us - hermaphroditism;
  • A - asexuals, or people who generally do not know the concept of sexual attraction;
  • P - Pansexuals, which, on the contrary, experience sexual attraction, regardless of whether the man is in front of them or a woman.
  • Transgender (or also transsexual) transition - These are the changes that a person makes over himself, feeling his belonging to another floor: from makeup, wig and change of clothing to hormonal therapy up to sex change operations.

The causes of LGBT nun

Scientists studying such phenomena converge in the fact that the most common causes of deviations from generally accepted sexual behavior and LGBT nacquences are the following:

  • Availability hormonal disorders The woman in the period of bearing a child. One of the consequences of this kind of violations can be the improper development of those brain centers that are responsible for choosing the floor, as a result of which the boy with the female perception of the world or, on the contrary, is the birth of a girl who self -identification as a boy. It is not necessary, of course, this over time will lead to pronounced homosexual manifestations, but the risk is large enough.
  • The influence of the environment, In which such homosexual relations are cultivated. If specific atmosphere is added to the general atmosphere, especially those aimed at adolescents in the period of puberty, then the development of acquired homosexual inclinations is quite likely.
LGBT support occurs in many countries of the world
LGBT support occurs in many countries of the world
  • Family relations, When the child is brought up "in the opposite way." For example, parents dreamed of a girl, and a son was born. And then mothers begin to disarm the baby into a dress, tie bows to him, etc. The psychological aspect is also imposed here: according to Freud, for example, any child, including a boy, at the age of 4-5, identifies himself with his mother. There is also an opinion that the fear of women in boys can arise as a result of a too powerful and despotistical attitude of the mother, and in girls homosexual inclinations can arise due to insufficient paternal attention, which often leads to the development of a complex of inferiority.
  • Sexual pressure In the form of harassment or even rape becomes a real psychological trauma, which may well provoke the development of homosexual inclinations. A similar psychological shock will become especially deep if violent acts followed from a loved one or relative.
  • Long -term stay in a same -sex environment Sometimes it is able to push the process of changing priorities in sexual orientation. Unfortunately, this happens in orphanages or, for example, in prisons - a lot is known about the facts of violence there. This is due to a sufficiently long sexual abstinence, and if we are talking about adolescents, then the cause is hormonal surge.
  • The failed attempts of relations with the opposite sex. A person who has survived a betrayal or abandoned by a partner can acquire a complex and low self -esteem, which complicates subsequent contacts. Again, a psychological aspect: a person believes that people of the same floor are better versed in his problems and experiences, hence - and craving for them.

What theses are put forward by the representatives of LGBT themselves?

The fundamental theses of the LGBT position can be attributed to the following:

  • Homosexual inclinations are congenital, and such orientation is as natural as heterosexual and bisexual.
  • It is not possible to change the innate orientation, therefore, that part of humanity that is homosexual (and this is up to 10% of the total population) should not be subjected to any methods of forced therapy.
  • Homosexuals are pursued by representatives of the heterosexual part of the population, whom the vast majority.
  • If homosexuals raise a child, then he will not be different from children brought up in heterosexual families.

Scientific research of the reasons why people become LGBT

  • As scientists found out, conducting studies of the causes of sexual orientation, which differs from traditional, is observed increasing the percentage of people with unusual orientation, At a time when any large-scale cataclysms, disasters, wars occur. According to researchers, this is explained by the stresses that pregnant women experience at such a time. That is, the deviation in intrauterine development related to psychological, is evident.
  • This was proved by studies that were posthumously conducted on The brain of homosexual people. The presence of morphological changes in the structure of the subcortical nucleus is proved, which is also not the norm.
It is proved that certain changes in brain activity occur
It is proved that certain changes in brain activity occur
  • Is it possible to change orientation by psychotherapeutic treatment? Experts believe that yes, but such treatment is best done in adolescence, and the main factor here is the desire of the homosexual himself.
  • In addition, one cannot reject the factor of following the fashion dominating in the environment in which a person rotates. And here also there are not innate features, but acquired under the influence of external factors. There is also a hypothesis that homosexual contacts often do not happen due to a natural attraction to the partner of their gender, but due to a tendency to risk in character, as well as among people prone to depression or bipolar disorders.
  • One of the latest studies rejects the concept of the so -called Gay Gen. In other words, scientists do not agree that a person is born prone to homosexuality, namely, acquires such inclinations, falling under the influence of certain external factors. This study was conducted among people who constantly or periodically having same -sex contacts, both on the basis of genetic indicators and polls.
  • Without identifying the gene responsible for changing sexual orientation, the researchers found genetic changes in LGBT representatives. But in general, the significance of the factor of genetics is estimated by no more than 25%, and in most cases - much lower.

Scientific conclusions why people become LGBT

  • Having summarized the results of LGBT studies, their authors do not deny the significance of genetic factors, but they emphasize that they are closely related to those that do not relate to heredity. And depend on education, environmentin which a person abides, the features of his psyche, life experience and many other reasons. Therefore, it is impossible to say that there is a certain genetic factor that affects sexual orientation.
  • Thus, scientists essentially argue that genetically a person is not predisposed to a change in traditional orientation, but this happens due to certain deviationsregarding both genetic and psychological components of human health.

LGBT - illness or norm?

  • Officially, the World Organization since 1990 has not classified LGBT as a disease, but at the same time the presence of psychological discomfort is stipulated, which often becomes a reason for the desire to change it, which is called "Egodistonic homosexuality".
  • Many experts to this day are sure that the exclusion of homosexuality from the list of diseases is not due to the fact that this is true, but with the pressure that LGBT representatives, including political.

Is it possible to change sexual orientation?

  • Many representatives of LGBT, according to the observations of doctors and psychologists, are in the need for heterosexual orientation. They consider their self -identification a pathology, which affects the self -esteem and sense of human dignity.
  • In the case when such a person experiences discomfort, the doctor, starting treatment, introduces the patient into the so-called sexual psychological vacuum, thereby paying off the attraction to the faces of his gender. So there is indifference to them.
  • Using non -drug methods (hypnosis, auto -training), the doctor also adds physical activity. And then - the stage of active communication with persons of the opposite sex through, for example, ballroom dancing.

The classic Freudian view of the problem consists in the conjugation of homosexuality with certain mental disorders. Today, doctors also note the presence of panic attacks among many LGBT representatives. And they believe that psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are quite possible, as in the treatment of other diseases associated with psychological factors. At the same time, the emphasis is placed precisely on the voluntary desire of the patient.

Articles about relationships on the site:

Video: Parents of LGBT children about their life

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, what is the norm? And do not believe that he/she is such a special creature. From hopelessness to be ill. A person with non -traditional orientation elementarily cannot find a stall. Even “their own” shy, which leads to random ties. In my experience, these are somewhat infantile, one might say, “asexual” personalities. There is also a mishmash in my head. Probably a warehouse of such physiology that attracts psychological problems. I have a hypothesis that pathology is associated with impaired object recognition, as well as improper upbringing, when the model of behavior of the other gender is perceived. The phenomenon is subject to correction.

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