How to make any man think about you at a distance, constantly? How to make a man think about you according to the signs of the zodiac?

How to make any man think about you at a distance, constantly? How to make a man think about you according to the signs of the zodiac?

In this article, we will talk about how to warm up the interest of a man according to a horoscope and make you think about yourself at a distance.

As a rule, women in relationships at a distance always need to be "On one wave" with a beloved. Constantly calling, correspond. It is enough for men to know that they have a loved one who is waiting for them. Due to the lack of opportunity be next to a loved one, feelings can gradually fade away, and interest in the partner simply disappear. Therefore, it is important to know what to do to maintain a happy relationship at a distance.

How to make Aries man think about you at a distance, constantly?

If your chosen one is Aries, then you most likely noticed that this man is stubborn, confident in himself, do not suffer an obstacle on his way and always achieves the goals. There are great romance in the soul of Aries, so to make a man's man think about you constantly At a distance you need:

  • Provide him all signs of attentionWhether it is a call or a message with a good morning or a good day. Remember only that Aries are stubborn and freedom -loving and will not tolerate obsessive invasion into personal space
Aries man is not averse to seek you again and again, so give him the opportunity to feel like a conqueror
  • Men Aries by kind of conquerors therefore show some restraint. Give him space for thinking about you. Do not pick up the phone, a little slow with the answer to the message. Heat interest in your person with this simple trick, and your man will certainly be interested in what you are doing
    • Aries are very energetic men, so never do not refuse your belovedin conversation, council and just communication
    • Never do not try to control and limit in the action of Aries man, he does not recognize power over himself and such attempts will simply turn away a person about you
    • Aries big lovers to make plans, so talk with your beloved about what will you do togetherwhen you meet where you go, which movie you will watch - your man will not remain indifferent to building plans for a joint pastime
    Arrange surprises for men-nurses. They themselves have a certain share of extravagance and adventurism, so a sudden visit to the weekend will make an indelible effect

Video: How to make a man think about you at a distance?

How to make a Taurus man think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men-Tels have a calm and measured disposition. Do not like fuss and changes, always They want to be confident In yourself and your soul mate. If you want a Taurus man i always thought about youat a distance, try to behave as follows:

  • Let him clearly know that despite the distance, You are near and always support itthat you are faithful only to him
It is very important to know the body that despite the distance, your feelings are still strong
  • During the meetings surround your chosen one with care And comfort - a delicious dinner, a comfortable atmosphere. Make him feel calm and comfortable with you, then he will definitely not forget about you and will always remember the moments spent together
    • Is always answer calls and messages of the chosen one
    • Always tell how was your day, be interested in the life of your loved one
    Do not forget about tenderness, for a male, the most important thing is to be sure that he is a beloved and long-awaited
    • Do not forget that the bodies are very appreciated The external data of his chosen onetherefore, even being at a distance from a loved one, remind him of his beauty with the help of a photo

How to make a man of twins think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men born under the sign of the twins are distinguished by their inconstancy and the desire for movement and change. Therefore, if fate brought you a twin and ordered you to go through a distance will have to make great efforts to make a distance to not let such a man forget about you:

  • Share your partner's desire To changes and movement. If you need it, decide on a sudden trip or completely moving to another city
Gemini do not sit still and you must match them
Gemini do not sit still and you must match them
  • If the twin promised you to call or write, do not get disappointed if he is elementary, he will forget to do it. If you want attention from such a person - write and call the first, talk a lot, warm up interest in your person
  • The twin man will think about you at a distance if you will divide his interests and hobbies, tell him about something new and interesting
  • Become a friend for your chosen oneSo that he could speak freely with you on any topic. This will make him look for communication with you

How to make a cancer man think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men-racks are distinguished by their egoism and the desire to make a brilliant career. From the side of the crayfish may seem rude, but under this mask a thin and vulnerable creative soul hides. If you had to build relationships at a distance of cancer, then try reminding yourself as follows:

  • The representatives of this zodiac sign are very characteristic dependence on people's opinionsso try to make it clear to your loved one that he is the best and unique for you
Cancer cannot live without the attention of its second half
Cancer cannot live without the attention of its second half
  • Since crayfish cancers Do not skimp on attention and compliments to your soul mate
    • Never do not set conditions Cancer, it will push him away
    • Do not become an obstacle for his career, on the contrary, support his desire to grow up the career ladder
    • Crayfish is very they value stability, therefore, your chosen one will not tolerate the slightest manifestation of windiness and inconstancy on your part
    • separation from your favorite crayfish it is very difficult to carrytherefore, never leave your man for a long time, constantly let's know about yourself and your feelings, then he will always think about you

How to make a lion man think about you at a distance, constantly?

Lions are proud, charming, funny and jealous. Having established relations with Leo, be sure - he has serious intentions. Such men not used to exchanging trifles. If you love, then to the end. Lviv is also distinguished by intolerance to other people's shortcomings.

Lions do not exchange for trifles - choose an important step for him
Lions do not exchange for trifles - choose an important step for him

Relations with such a man are bright, simple and funny, but only while everything suits him. Therefore, if you have a relationship at a distance with a lion, then get ready for difficulties:

  • Despite the fact that the lions are very jealous, jealousy in its direction They will not tolerate. Do not even try to think to control him and find out where and with whom he spends time while you are in separation. This will insult your man and push you away from you. If he chose you, know he will not go to treason, And innocent flirting will not harm your relationship
    • You, man-lion not forgive even an innocent flirting, especially at a distance, so be careful
    • In communication do not impose. Lions are people depending on mood. If everything is fine with him, he himself will tell everything. If your loved one has something wrong-stock up on patience, love and understanding
    • So that the lion thinks of you, let him make decisions for two, Do not try to impose your opinion. If this man is dear to you - learn to agree and be driven, well, or at least create visibility
    • Lions are big egoists, so always give in, go towards, admire and remind of your feelings, then he will think about you even at a distance

How to make a man of a girl think about you at a distance, constantly?

The men of the Virgin are very calm, balanced and secretive. Even if the ocean of emotions is seething inside them, it is difficult to guess about it. At the same time, if you have serious relations with Virgo - Be sure, he considers you how the love of his life will do everything to maintain and maintain relationships.

Virgo man will think about you day and night if he is sure of your love
Virgo man will think about you day and night, if he see the main chosen one of his life in you

In a relationship at a distance with a man’s man:

  • Show yours good manners and upbringing - Virgo very much appreciate the decency of the chosen one
    Pride in such a relationship is not a viceOn the contrary, in the relationship of Virgo, this line will appreciate. If you need it, they themselves will make concessions and ask for forgiveness
    • So that a man-girl thinks about you, surround it with support and care, let him know that you are his reliable and cozy rear
    • Show your loved one that you strive for development your personality and career
    • Men Virgo they blame jealousyso do not let yourself show it
    • Excessive manifestation of emotions and obsession Also can push away the girl

How to make a man Libra think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men born under the sign of the scales are gallant, courteous, pleasant. By nature, these are real diplomats that I will always find a joint decision and will compromise. Some perceive it as weakness, but in fact it is just a desire to like people and not create awkward situations.

Male Vesnya is very gallant and courteous - a real gentleman
Male Vesnya is very gallant and courteous-a real gentleman

Such men Very smart and reasonableBut at the same time, they are prone to sharp mood shifts and depend on public opinion. In the relationship for this sign, passion is in the first place, so you need to do everything so that it does not fade away. If you are at a distance, so that the man of Libra thinks of you, try:

  • So that he constantly thinks about you and feels not to disappear, give up scandals, claims and clarification of relations
    • To support passion and attraction by all means support the brightness of your intimate life
    Do not forget about conversationsThey are very important. First of all, become a best friend for your beloved
    • Let your man allow see you and conquer
    Show tenderness and care at a distance

How to make a scorpion man think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men of the Sign Scorpio is purposeful, domineering, smart. Do not bend and have high demands To yourself and others. I have a sharp mind and high intelligence. These are passionate and subject to emotions, at the same time they are very sociable and friendly.

Scorpio man has special magnetism and often attracts his views
Scorpio man has special magnetism and often attracts his views

Men-scorpions have a memorable appearance and extraordinary charisma. It is difficult to pass by this, so it is not surprising that you are in his network. So that Scorpio always think about you on distance:

  • Stay for him unsolved and complex mysteryso his interest in you will not disappear, but will increase
    Support his beloved in all his endeavors
    • Do not reproach or criticize
    • Always give it to him the role of the first violin. Put its authority and superiority above everything else
    • Never do not show your doubts and uncertainty in the partner
    • Never give reasons for jealousy and do not be jealous yourself

How to make a Sagittarius man think about you at a distance, constantly?

It is impossible to pass by a shotgun man. People of this sign are literally draw attention to themselves: funny, sociable, kind, sincere, open. They are interested in everything that moves. From the outside it may seem that the Sagittarius man is not subject to age and in the soul always remains young.

Sagittarius love communication, and with the opposite sex especially
Sagittarius love communication, and with the opposite sex especially

The main advantage, but at the same time, the lack of archers is Their honesty: It is completely unfortunate that he can hurt another person with a sharp remark. But, entering into a relationship with Sagittarius, be sure, no one will deceive and give false hopes to you.

Possessing some windiness, Men-Sagittarius are rarely capable of serious relationships and creating a family, but if they decide, they will not retreat. Being at a distance with a shooting partner stands:

  • Often make oneself. Call, visit you so that interest in you does not disappear
    • In no case do not encroach Sagittarius, give him space for active life
    • adhere to the same interests as your man, then you always will talk about what to talk about
In addition to love with it, it is important to have common iteres
In addition to love with Sagittarius, it is important to have common iteres
  • Learn do something in common with himso that he needs a need for you
  • If it seems to you that the interest of the Sagittarius has cooled down in you, make it jealous. This is the best stimulation for leaders in everything. Believe me, Sagittarius will not allow him to take a woman
  • Learn to forgive him for sharp statements and mood change

How to make a Capricorn man think about you at a distance, constantly?

Male Capricorn very mundane people. Their main feature is hard work and determination. These people are stingy with emotions, and especially on their external manifestations. But if the Capricorn is for the second half and falls in love, then it goes to the arena a romantic hidden in his soul.

Capricorn may seem mean to feelings, but in his soul he is a real romantic who dreams of love
Capricorn may seem mean to feelings, but in his soul he is a real romantic who dreams of love

Capricorns cannot be offended, they are very proud, self -loving and vindictive, even small resentment. he will remain in his heart forever. The main feature in the chosen one for Capricorn is practicality. With this woman, first of all, should be comfortable and comfortable. Beauty, mind and intimate are usually secondary and additional qualities for them. To make a coserge man i thought about you at a distance constantly need:

  • Show that for you the creation of a career and reputation is as important as for him
    • Never do not complain And ask for help from a Capricorn man
    • In no case should you have obsessive attention signs. You can only sincerely praise and encourage those gestures that he does himself
    • Capricorn is always necessary stay honest, having stumbled, you will not return trust
    • Develop and expand the circle of interests to stay an interesting interlocutor - Read, study, communicate

How to make a man of Aquarius think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men Aquarius are bright, active, sociable. They are willingly start new acquaintances, they are attracted to everything interesting and unusual. It is difficult to build relationships with such people, because it is easy to attract attention, but it is difficult to keep. In relations with Aquarius We need a kind of “nerve” - extraordinary actions, the collapse of stereotypes, bright makeup and clothing, adventurism.

Holding Aquarius nearby is very difficult - if he loses interest, it will disappear from your life
Holding Aquarius nearby is very difficult - if he loses interest, it will disappear from your life

If you had to build relationships with Aquarius at a distance, try:

  • Never to miss the opportunity communicate with your loved one about everything in the world. Tell him everything, but do not complain and do not load problems
    Do not rush the events, do not demand a serious relationship, be patient and wait until Aquarius matures for them
    • “hook” Aquarius unusual hobbies, an extravagant taste, specific views on life and his attention and interest in you are provided
    • since Aquarius is not adapted to everyday life, try it help in every possible way. When you cook tasty together, create comfort. Remind your loved one at a distance that he needs to eat or pass things to the laundry
    • Farewell to minor misconduct and do not arrange scenes. For Aquarius, relations, first of all, should be easy and simple

How to make a man fish think about you at a distance, constantly?

Men-fish are very specific. As a rule, these are peculiar personalities that live in their cramped world And they do not want to leave him. They are passive and love to sit still. Attracting the attention of such a man is very simple, just enough show interest in him. But to wait for the first step and from the fish, and even more active actions are not worth it.

Prove to a man to fish that you only need him - the slightest hint of another man in your fate will lead to a collapse
Prove to a man to fish that you only need him - the slightest hint of another man in your fate will lead to a collapse

If you have a relationship at a distance with fish, try:

  • Is always surround his attention and care. Convince him that your relationship is strong and he needs only you
  • Try communicate with his friends and relativesMake common friends. The common circle of friends will help in such a situation very much
  • Be simple and kind with him
  • Show persistence, don't be afraid to call once again, write, come
  • Always be irresistible. Even at a distance, the common friends of your chosen one will definitely tell him what a beautiful woman he has

Relations at a distance - A difficult test, but it can also be passed if there are genuine, sincere feelings between a man and a woman. And about How not to lose a degree of these feelings We said in this article.

Video: How to make a man think about you?

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