How to dilute a man, a guy for money and gifts: a psychologist's advice. How to promote a lover for money?

How to dilute a man, a guy for money and gifts: a psychologist's advice. How to promote a lover for money?

Detailed information and instructions on how to make the man give gifts and give money to the woman.

We offer the whole female society detailed instructions on how to get gifts and money for personal needs from a man. This is by no means extortion or blackmail, just female tricks that you did not know about, but you will definitely learn from the article.

How to promote a man with money: a psychologist's advice

To begin with, we ask everyone who will begin to erect ethical and moral standards in response to move aside. Since men do not always behave with dignity in relation to the weak floor.

But a woman often wants to get a certain amount for shopping or a visit to the salon. Some simply live due to male generosity. But if a man does not really want to part with the bills, what to do so that he did voluntarily and easily do it?

To begin with, let's figure out what is the reason for the woman receiving material benefits:

  • Shaky or difficult financial
  • A woman so determines for herself increased male attention
  • It can be revenge for previously failed relations
  • The desire to feel your own superiority on a strong floor
  • The desire for self -affirmation

If you find out the reason, then first of all it should be understood that the money does not need to beg, or complain to the man that you are shallow. No, the process should be approached creatively and understand what self -esteem is.

It will naturally be more profitable for a man if you beg and complain, then he will pay off a smaller amount. But it is more difficult to win an independent woman, but each man is a predator and getting hard -to -reach prey is much more interesting.

Ask a man by showing female wisdom
Ask a man by showing female wisdom

You must also clearly realize that not all men are just generous just like that, they can ask for something in return. And here you should not talk about the principles. But also do not immediately agree to the required, be a trick and promise the award for the award, but a little later. So the man will want to bring the desired moment closer to the desired moment.

Also remember that at the pickup school, men are also taught, so make sure that in the pursuit of material benefits you yourself do not become prey. After all, women love ears, and men can speak beautifully. And so, you will not have time to look back, as you yourself give all the values \u200b\u200bof the "poor beloved"

The general information was studied, now it is necessary to prepare the battlefield. Men with money are divided into two categories:

  • The former believe that women with them only because of money. If you have just such a partner, then first you should convince him and certify that your feelings are completely sincere. That's why should not be asked or even more so demanding money from him at once. Be more cunning and do not ask for anything, modest girls, such specimens themselves want to give
  • Others believe that they are just golden kings and all women simply dream of being with them. For such specimens, you should be fully armed - you will have will spend on its own appearanceImagine that you are wealthy and absolutely not interested in a man. For a golden magnate, this will be a curiosity and, be sure, he will rush to seek
Let the man buy everything to you
Let the man buy everything to you

Let us now in stages we will analyze the main nuances of behavior that many psychologists determine so that the man will fork out financially:

  • Show him that you do not need his money. Here you can be either a self -sufficient woman or a modest simpleton, you decide
  • At the next stage, when you see that a man is in love, you can slowly begin to shake his reserves. It can be a banal trip to the restaurant. When you see that he is very busy, say that you need to urgently buy something. Then the man most likely simply counts a certain amount, so that he would be left alone
  • But the main thing is to remember - know the measure. You do not need to demand money from him, but as if by chance mention this or that desire
Show the man that you are a self -sufficient woman
Show the man that you are a self -sufficient woman

These tips act on wealthy adequate men who will act as a hunter and fulfill your desires in every way. But insolvent specimens will immediately declare your corruption and pout your lips. So look carefully exactly who is in front of you.

Video: How to dilute a man for money?

How to dilute the guy's money?

The young man should be diluted with special tricks so that the guy thinks that this is his initiative. If you have a comfortable pastime in your plans, then you should follow the following rules:

  • Come to the question creatively, take material support not always. Sometimes create the impression that you do not need this, or do not want to take money from the guy. This will bring a young man to an interesting position, and he will ask you in every way
  • the Forbidden fruit is sweet - Do not agree to men's tricks, do not be easily accessible. If the guy offers a cup of coffee, say that today you have a different meeting. And if the guy previously easily managed to take possession of the girl, then you radically differ from the series of his girlfriends. Such a girl will want to take possession of at all costs
  • Do not give the guy a hot night of love after the first material gift, no, everything will not work out so easily. Start with a cup of coffee, going to a restaurant (for which, by the way, you may need a new dress and shoes - a thin hint of a young man). So during courtship, the guy will spend more money on you
  • If you decide to go to the store for shopping together, then first choose the things that you yourself have enough money. And when the young man offers to pay, resist hard. Maybe he will give in and will not pay, then you will even have the opportunity to buy the chosen one. But in most cases, guys still show firmness and buy everything for their beloved
  • Do not lead after the first acquaintance of the guy in the boutique behind the fur coat. But before the birthday or day of Valentine, on March 8 and any other important holiday, you can pass by the jewelry languidly look at the ring or chain. Smart young man without words will understand everything
Create all the conditions for gifting you with gifts and money
Create all the conditions for gifting you with gifts and money

How to dilute a man for gifts by a psychologist?

We offer you the best instructions and behavior options developed by psychologists. You will find out what to do to get a gift from a man:

  • Take a man with you to the store, there subtly hint at him at something very desired, but so far unattainable. He must buy it either at once or make a surprise in a few days
  • Write the desired things and “accidentally” put the list in front of the man. If he buys, but let's say the wrong color, you have 2 more weeks to return the goods. But it is not necessary to talk about this to a man. So you will have money in your hands for other needs
  • In a joke, ask the man whether you switched to the level of relations when you have the opportunity to use his card. Only a true jerk will refuse you this
  • Give the man a romantic evening and an amazing night. Only a true dunce will not thank you with a cute gift in return. And do not consider it immoral, a man will do it from a pure heart. But you, too, tried not in vain
  • Hint the man about the upcoming holiday and what you would like to have a renewal. After going to the store, thank it with a delicious romantic dinner
  • Give him any pleasant thing, you can buy it or do it yourself. Suppose a sweater, be sure a man will want to thank you back
  • Throw him on social networks a link to the thing you like. Tell me what you want to buy. A man be sure to offer you a gift. Or will say that you order, and he will pay
  • You can tell you admiringly what a cool fur coat, a chain, a car bought a guy to your girlfriend. Your man will try to be no worse. But still look at the well -being of a man, because if he does not earn a month and 4 wheels, he is unlikely to buy you a whole car. With these words you can only offend him
  • Especially generous for men's gifts On the day of salary. Take advantage of these tips and introduce your wishes for this day
  • The queen of gifts you will certainly become in Birthday. Ask everything you want (again as a reasonable)
  • Admire successes Your man, mark with him a successful deal or a new project. For such an occasion, why not buy a beloved woman present
Sincerely thank the man for all gifts
Sincerely thank the man for all gifts

But we urge you to remember that men are not only a bag of money, but also a person who needs care and love. A sincere attitude and feelings will certainly be rewarded.

Video: How to dilute a man for gifts?

How to promote a lover for money?

“If a woman has a head on her shoulders, then she has a lover” - as they say in one of the jokes. And if your man does not give gifts, then how to hint to him that this is wrong and change the situation?

Remember that if your relationship with a lover lasts no more than 2-3 months, then you do not need to ask him for anything expensive. Otherwise, relationships can end very quickly. He will consider that you want to sit on his neck and, since nothing binds you much, he will just leave.

The lover willingly give you gifts with the right approach
The lover willingly give you gifts with the right approach

If the relationship is already more than six months, then you can spin a lover for a gift using the following methods:

  • HintsBut be prepared for the fact that men do not always understand thin hints. And if you say on the phone that you want sweet, then instead of inviting coffee with cakes you can get a bag of caramels. Therefore, say more accurate desires, and indeed hints are one of the most ineffective methods of promotion
  • Press the envy - This is especially valid if the lover is married. Hint that you would like the same fur coat as your wife, because he loves you more. If the lover is not married, then a description of the gifts of the colleague or girlfriend from the boyfriend is suitable. From self -esteem, you are unlikely to hear a refusal
  • Cry. This acts with lovers, just do not bend. This is most suitable for a married gentleman. I wish he bought you a new phone so that you can look at his photo more often. After all, you are so missing, and on this gadget the photos are so fuzzy. What if he leaves on a business trip or vacation with his wife, but how are you without new earrings in full combat readiness
  • Squeeze it out of it promise About the purchase, and then press on these words. After all, men do not throw words into the wind
  • “By chance” send your friend a message from social networks with a photograph of the desired gift. But the message somehow “accidentally” went to him. And you didn’t want this at all, right? A man must respond as it should
Appreciate the gifts of the man
Appreciate the gifts of the man

In the end, remember that if you were given the wrong thing, in no case show the disappointed physiognomy, otherwise you will repay the desire of a man to give you gifts for a long time. And do not get angry or blow if there is still no gift, because he will think that your goal is only to gain benefit. Be smarter and know how to wait and then all desires will surely come true!

How to ask a man, a guy?

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Comments K. article

  1. It is written that you should not ask for gifts in the first three months or half a year. So in the first half of the year a man is in the most efaric state and flips the tail. Then the passion is fading away and the hell is drunk. And even for half a year, the relations are unnecessary. In the same way, rich men There are very few who are able to bestow women and provide. Therefore, to swear this pain is a practical way for everyone. So you can glue the thread on life and for your needs. And you can wait for a rich one to retire. 3%.

  2. That's right, it is better to beg before sex, after sex he shook off and flew away!

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