Why can children not drink an energy station? Why shouldn't children drink coffee under 14 years old? Why can children not drink stake, aspirin, milk?

Why can children not drink an energy station? Why shouldn't children drink coffee under 14 years old? Why can children not drink stake, aspirin, milk?

What drinks cannot be given to children?

With the birth of a child, many parents are trying to give him the best. That is why it is not always adequate to what is happening around. Some children strive to be older, and as soon as possible to become like adults. That is why they tend to adopt their habits, behavior. This is manifested in the fact that the girls measure their mother’s shoes, and the boys pretend that they smoke cigarettes, like their parents. In this article we will talk about drinks that are forbidden to drink to children.

Why shouldn't children drink coffee under 14 years old? 

The child’s curiosity leads to the fact that he begins to be interested in the contents of the cup or plates of parents. This applies to not quite useful drinks, such as coffee. Children 4-5 years old are curious, so they can ask their parents to try the drink that is in the cup.

Why do children should not drink coffee under 14 years old: 

  • You should not refuse, you can give half a teaspoon of a drink. Most likely, the child will not appreciate his taste for the reason that sweet, saturated or berry tastes attract babies. Gorky coffee is unlikely to like the child. Therefore, most likely, he will abandon this idea. 
  • Almost all experts agreed that it is forbidden to give the child coffee under 14 years of age. This is due to hypertension, increased sensitivity of the nervous system. 
  • Coffee is an energy that invigorates, relieves fatigue, prevents drowsiness. However, this is how it acts on adults. In children, the nervous system works differently, therefore, energy does not always affect the psyche of the child, as an adult. In most cases, this can lead to insomnia, stress of the nervous system, poor behavior. Preschool children can hysteria, cry. Because of the coffee drink, they can’t fall asleep. 

What to do if the child asks for coffee? 

In this case, parents should go to some tricks. Now on sale there are various coffee substitutes, as well as a mixture that does not contain caffeine. 

What to do if the child asks for coffee: 

  • Buy chicory, various coffee drinks that do not contain caffeine, but like a invigorating drink to taste. Remember that coffee washes calcium from the body due to diuretic exposure. 
  • For children, calcium is a necessary trace element that contributes to the formation of bone tissue and cartilage. Therefore, regular consumption of such a drink can lead to health problems. 
  • At the age of 14-15 years, the child’s nervous system is formed, so it is allowed to give children a small cup of coffee once a week. However, it should be understood that the strength of the drink should be slightly lower than for an adult. 

Why shouldn't children drink a stake? 

Some parents try to pamper their children, so sometimes they purchase harmful products, for example, chips or various soda, such as Pepsi or Coca-Cola. However, most doctors of the post -Soviet space oppose these drinks. It's all about a high sugar content. 

Why do children should not drink a stake: 

  • If the child drinks more liters of the drink during the day, he will suffer from obesity, the risk of diabetes increases. Due to the high sugar content, a few minutes after drinking the drink, the concentration of insulin and glucose in the blood increases sharply. 
  • This can cause the development of diabetes, various autoimmune diseases. But in addition to sugar, Cola contains a large number of other harmful components. In particular, caffeine, which is a strong energy, stimulant. 
  • Children who regularly drink such a drink are irritable, hyperactive, can hysteria for no reason. This is due precisely with the exciting effect of the drink. The composition may contain a large number of substitutes, concentrates and taste additives. These are also not the most useful ingredients that often lead to violations. 
Coffee for the baby
Coffee for the baby

Cola harm for children 

The main danger is that there is a lot of orthophosphoric acid, which can increase the acidity of the stomach, provoking gastritis, ulcer and heartburn. 

The harm of cola for children: 

  • A large amount of sugar in Coca-Cola causes putrefactive processes in the intestine, killing a useful microflora. Therefore, children who regularly use such a drink suffer from bloating, flatulence and stool disturbance. 
  • Such children can suffer from constipation or from a liquid chair. The process of digestion of food inside the intestines is disturbed, the body does not completely absorb useful components that come with food. When consuming this drink, potassium, calcium and a number of trace elements necessary for the health of the child are washed out. 
  • Children who regularly consume such a drink quickly lose milk teeth due to the destructive effects of orthophosphoric acid. Various violations in the formation of the structure of bones may be observed. 
  • The drink washes calcium, degenerative disorders in bone tissue can be observed. In children, joints may hurt, the spine is incorrectly develop, which provokes various curvatures and violations. However, some European doctors are absolutely calm about this drink. But we are not talking about a systematic technique, but periodic. 

Cola with Rotavirus - Komarovsky 

Dr. Komarovsky claims that if the child has poor health, he does not eat and drinks anything as a result of poisoning, then Cola is a good way to rehydrate the body. 

Cola at Rotavirus - Komarovsky: 

  • The substance contains glucose and salt that will help restore the balance of trace elements in the body. 
  • If the child refuses to drink water and compotes, but not against Coca-Cola, do not forbid him to use a drink. 
  • The main task is not to make a coca-cale intake systematic, constant. Such a drink can only be drunk periodically, no more than once a week. 
Children drink Cola
Children drink Cola

Why shouldn't children drink tea? 

Tea is a familiar drink that is traditional in some families. However, European pediatricians believe that this drink is allowed to introduce children into the diet, starting from the age of 3. However, in any kindergarten and school menu, this drink is in the first place. 

Why do children should not drink tea: 

  • Pediatricians insist that tea should not be the main drink, but only an addition to the child’s daily diet. Normally, the child should use ordinary clean water, compote, jelly or herbal decoctions during the day. 
  • There should be a minimum of tea in the diet. At the age of 2 years, children are allowed to give tea in an amount of 50 ml 1 time per week. Children aged 6 years are allowed to drink 200 ml of tea on a daily basis. It should be understood that the drink should be weakly brewed, with a light caramel color, without bitterness and saturated taste. That is why children are always brewed rather weak tea, reducing the amount of tea leaves. 
  • The composition of tea contains caffeine, some refers to psychostimulants. Therefore, children under 2 years old, to give ordinary tea is prohibited. Instead, you need to buy special children's drinks that contain healthy herbs. Usually these are chamomile, fennel, mint and lemon balm. Such herbs soothe, improve the functioning of the nervous system. They are shown to children instead of standard black tea. 
  • The composition of green tea is much more caffeine than in black. Therefore, if black tea can be given to children, starting from 2 years old, then with green tea it is necessary to wait until the child is 11-12 years old. Indeed, the drink is higher in the concentration of caffeine, energy, psychostimulants. Be sure to control the composition of tea, try to avoid drinks that contain flavors. Do not allow children to consume drinks that contain herbs unresolved for admission to children. Therefore, if the composition of tea causes you suspicion, do not give it to the child. 

Why shouldn't children drink aspirin? 

Not only some drinks are dangerous for the child. There are a number of medications that are popular among parents, but are not approved by doctors for taking children. One of these drugs is aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. 

Why do children should not drink aspirin: 

  • This drug is allowed to receive children from 16 years old. But many parents in the old fashioned way believe that this medicine is absolutely safe for children, if it is necessary to quickly lower the temperature. As scientists show, this drug can lead to serious complications. 
  • In world practice, in particular in Europe, aspirin is under a strict prohibition and in no case is prescribed for children to reduce the temperature provoked by viruses. Aspirin affects brain cells as a flu virus and hepatitis. This can cause toxic brain damage. 
  • As a result of this, a serious ailment arises, which is called Ray syndrome. Because of this ailment, brain edema, liver hepatosis, which leads to serious consequences and death, occurs. Mortality from this ailment is 20% among children. Oddly enough, but exclusively children suffer from the syndrome. For adults, aspirin is absolutely safe. 
  • Therefore, in no case do not give children of antipyretic agents based on aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid. To reduce temperature, ibuprofen, paracetamol can be given. Paracetamol is not the safest medicine, so in no case do the dose in no case. The drug is given to children only in the quantity in which the pediatrician recommended. 

Can children drink milk? 

Cow's milk is a useful product that was previously considered one of the substitutes for breast milk, if the woman did not have it. However, as studies, researchers found that cow's milk is a poor alternative to breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that in the composition of cow's milk there is much more calcium and fat than in breast milk in a woman. 

Can children drink milk: 

  • For a child, cow's milk is not suitable as the main source of nutrition. The World Health Organization recommends introducing cow's milk into the children's diet no earlier than 7-8 months. 
  • Moreover, they are introduced not as an independent product, pouring into a bottle, but as part of cereals or mashed potatoes, to improve the taste of vegetable dishes. Often milk is introduced when making pumpkin puree, other vegetables that children do not really like. Pure milk is allowed to use in pure form, starting from the age of 1 year. The amount of milk per day should not exceed 200 ml. At the initial stage, as soon as this product is introduced into the diet, it is recommended to dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1 to reduce fat content, reduce the negative effect on the liver and pancreas. 
  • It is proven that due to the high fat content of cow's milk, a child may develop pancreatitis, disorders in the liver. Try to reduce the amount of this drink in the children's menu, especially if the child suffers excess weight and obesity. Pediatricians recommend introducing this product as part of cereals. 

Starting from 3 years, children are allowed to drink milk in the amount of 400 ml per day. But at the same time, its fat content should not exceed 2%. Therefore, children are given homemade milk, diluting it with water to reduce its fat content. 

Why can children not drink an energy station? 

The last few years, on TV screens, aggressive advertising of drinks in bright packages has appeared. These are energy that allow you to make a person more active, energetic. It is since then that 8-10 year old children can see this drink. 

Why do children should not drink an energy: 

  • Many parents do not prohibit the use of this drink, because it is not alcohol. However, in fact, the drink is not safe. The composition contains Taurin, caffeine and vitamins of group B. 
  • However, coffee and Taurin are psychostimulants that increase performance and pressure in adults. However, children can cause undesirable consequences. Taurin, which is part of the product, is also found in some food components, and in medicine it is inserted into the body in the form of eye drops. 
  • It regulates metabolism, is able to cheer up. The main feature is that this drink does not introduce useful components inside, but pulls out the last forces from the cells. At the moment, several deaths have been recorded in the world that have occurred due to the fault of power engineers. In some European countries, this drink is not sold in supermarkets. It can only be purchased at a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription. Children under 18 years of age can not be drunk this drink. It is prohibited by patients with hypertension, as well as older people
Energetic to children
Energetic to children

Read on the topic:

Appreciate the health of the child and do not give harmful drinks, products. This can adversely affect its growth and development.

Video: What drinks can not be given to the child?

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