Why the hands hurt: causes and treatment with folk methods. Why do the brushes of the right and left hand hurt when bending, with a load, morning and night?

Why the hands hurt: causes and treatment with folk methods. Why do the brushes of the right and left hand hurt when bending, with a load, morning and night?
The causes of pain in the hands and fingers. Treatment with folk and traditional methods.
Thanks to our hands, we dress and feed ourselves, work and actively rest.
However, due to inattention to their health, excessive loads or unsuccessful movements, our hands suffer from damage and serious diseases. We feel them as pain and limited movement.

Let's talk more about the causes and methods of treating pain in the hands.

Hands hurt from elbow to brush, reasons

A man puts a tight bandage on a sore wrist
a man puts a tight bandage on a sore wrist
To determine the causes of pain in the hands from the elbow to the brush, analyze the nature of the pain:
  • chronic or often repeated
  • single, arising after serious physical exertion
In the second case, the reasons will be:
  • excessive one -time loads, for example, in the gym, when lifting weights, in the country
  • unsuccessful movements, for example, a sharp jerk, long -term holding of weight in a bent arm at the elbow
In the first case, the reasons are more serious:
  • the elbow of the tennis player, when the tension in the muscles, ligaments and joints accumulates due to heavy physical labor. Even agricultural work in the warm season affect the development of this disease. Yes, and office employees, due to long-term sitting at a computer with their hands bent at the elbows, increase their chances of pain in their hands from the elbow to the hand
  • fractures and bruises received in the past. Any rupture, tearing the hard and soft tissues of the human body does not pass without a trace for him
  • inflammatory processes in the joints, for example, arthritis, arthrosis
  • diseases in the cervical spine
  • coronary heart disease and pre -anti -infarction state
In order to correctly diagnose the cause of pain in your hands, you should visit the specialist doctors and undergo examinations not only of the hands, but the heart and the cervical-thoracic spine.

Why do hands hurt in the morning?

In the morning the hand hurts, the girl kneads her
in the morning the hand hurts, the girl kneads her
Morning dull pain and stiffness of the movements of the fingers and hands as a whole can signal you about the development of diseases as:
  • chronic arthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis

The causative agent of chronic arthritis is an infection, which either directly entered the joint or “sailed” with a blood flow.

Gradually, in the joint of the hand, inflammation increases, which is replaced by deformation and destruction of the joint.

The second disease is autoimmune and affects people of middle age of 25-45 years, as well as young people during puberty.

Due to a malfunction in the work, the human immune system begins to perceive healthy cells of the body as alien, it includes in the fight against the latter. So there are educational processes in the joints that lead to their deformation and difficulty in performing daily work.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins in the joints of the fingers of the limbs and gradually rises to the level of the cervical spine. Along the way, it destroys bone tissue and tendons.

Its characteristic feature is dull pain, a feeling of stiffness and clamping in the fingers and hands, which a few hours after waking up disappear.

The disease belongs to the category of incurable, it can slow down:

  • anti -inflammatory therapy
  • surgical intervention

Why do hands hurt at night?

In the morning the hand hurts, the girl kneads her
the hand hurts at night, the man develops the joint
Night pain in the hands annoy you because of:
  • carpal, or tunnel syndrome
  • party attacks
  • damage received the day before as a result of intensive physical labor or uncomfortable position of the hands
In the first case, the doctor is diagnosed with pinching of the nerve in the joint of the hand. The reasons for this phenomenon are:
  • hormonal restructuring of the body, for example, pregnancy, menopause, development of diabetes mellitus
  • in an inconvenient work pose, for example, at a computer, when hands hang over the keyboard
The disease of meat-eaters, or gout develops due to the accumulation of a specific substance in articular bags.

It is dangerous to the destruction of connective and bone tissues, as well as the formation of growths on bones that break all types of tissues surrounding them.

Gout begins with unpleasant pain in the joints of the toes, gradually rising above the body. It affects the carpal joint and announces to a person at night aching, pulling, bursting and pulsating pain.

The third reason for the night bouts of pains in the hands include damage that you could get the day before and not give them much attention.

Micro extensor muscles or tendons, a strong bruise or even a crack are able to deprive anyone of a calm sleep.

Why does the hand hurt at the load?

The athlete strongly strains his hand during training
the athlete strongly strains his hand during training
Hands can be exhausted during physical exertion. And the reasons for this are:
  • osteoarthrosis
  • tendonite
  • underdrawn old injuries and damage in the wrist zone
Osteoarthrosis weakens the cartilage tissue of the joints and wrist bone. It can also develop because of:
  • poorly treated brush fractures and pale
  • the presence of a systemic chronic disease, for example, polyarthritis
  • malfunctions in the metabolic processes of the body
In addition to pain, you can hear a crunch, see swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint, with advanced versions its deformation. With great difficulty, classes with small objects are given, since the hands and fingers refuse to bend properly and unbend.

Tendinite is localized in the inflamed tendons of the wrist. This disease has a professional nature and is found in athletes, seamstresses, pianists, movers.

Tendinite is manifested by acute pain and weakness of the hands during loads on the brush.

You can also hear crispy sounds while working with your hands.

It lends itself to treatment, but returns again when the usual actions are renewed.

The third cause of pain symptoms in the hands during the loads on them are unfinished injuries. For example, a fracture of the phalanx of the finger without proper treatment is growing incorrectly and can no longer perform its functions efficiently. The same applies to fractures, cracks and bone displacements in the wrist.

The hand hurts when bending, what to do?

The girl is pestering the pain in the brush during bending
the girl is pestering the pain in the brush during bending
Since pain in the hands most often manifest during active activity, you should:
  • stop and bend/straighten your fingers and brush of both hands
  • press your fingers on the place that hurts. If the pain does not subside, but even intensifies, urgently go to the emergency room and to receive the surgeon. You may have a fracture, rupture of ligaments or serious damage to the tendons
  • grind your palms and a sore spot without strong pressure
  • if pain symptoms in the wrists are repeated, then do not postpone the visit to one of the doctors - the surgeon, the traumatologist

Remember that self-medication in the form of rubbing ointments, applying compresses may be useless if you have a serious pathology in the metacarpal-warehouse area.

No herbs are able to restore broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons, destroying cartilage fabrics, and free the pinched nerve.

Hands hurt and swell, what to do?

The man has one hand is swollen, and the second is healthy
the man has one hand is swollen, and the second is healthy
Before answering this question, we consider the possible causes of this phenomenon:
  • strong bruise of a finger or arm, fracture, injury
  • long -term physical exertion on hand, especially in the warm season in rural areas
  • the presence of serious diseases of the joints, spine, internal organs
In the first case Be sure to attach ice to the sore spot and go to the doctor for inspection. Remember that ignoring injuries is the path to the development of pathological diseases of the connective tissues, deformation and difficulty in the work of the limbs.

In the second case Only the preparation and observance of the correct routine of the day, where the time is allocated for a good rest after work, will help. Only their reasonable combination will extend your good health and health.

With the third option The soreness and swelling of the hands are repeated regularly and ice cannot do here. If these symptoms do not pass within two days, then immediately go to the clinic.

Visit a doctor, undergo an examination on an X -ray, MRI and the like to accurately determine a disease that causes unpleasant pain and swelling of the hands.

Why does the hand go numb and hurt?

The man has one hand is swollen, and the second is healthy
the girl kneads a numb hand
In addition to pain, the hands can become numb, that is, you lose the sensitivity of this part of the limb.
The reasons can be:
  • circulatory problems. Due to the subtlety of blood vessels, the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the current of blood and oxygen is difficult in the hands
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system, which are manifested in the form of spasms of blood vessels and the bluishness of the fingers. This is characteristic, for example, with arthritis
  • an uncomfortable pose during sleep, a pillow or bed cause irritability and a feeling of fatigue that accumulate, as well as numbness of the limbs
  • lack of vitamins of group B
  • pinching and hernias of the vertebrae of the cervical and thoracic spine, for example, due to hernia, osteochandrosis
  • tunnel syndrome, which became a scourge of modern IT industry and computer scientists. Due to long-term monotonous loads on the fingers and hands of the hands, as well as an uncomfortable posture, at the same time, a pinching of the middle nerve occurs and a decrease in the ability of the hands normally perform its functions
  • strong bruise of fingers or brushes obtained in the process of physical labor

Why does a child have a hand hurt?

The kid cries due to pain in the handle
the kid cries due to pain in the handle
Children move a lot, play, because they are not safe from bruises and injuries. Unsuccessful movements, lifting weights and monotonous long -term classes for hand, for example, drawing and playing the piano, cause pain in the hands.

On the other hand, take into account such a factor as heredity. If one of the parents was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, then this disease can appear in a child.

The cause of osteoarthritis is arthrosis, or in other words too rapid aging and the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

The child complains about:

  • brush pain even when pressed on the joint on the wrist
  • the limitations of his mobility

Hands, folk remedies hurt

The girl kneads the sick hand of another person
the girl kneads the sick hand of another person
To relieve joint pain in the joints, folk healers and dentists know many healing herbs and their infusions.

If you know for sure that pain in the wrist is not a symptom of a fracture or crack of a bone, rupture of a ligament, necrosis of tissues, then prepare a medicine for treatment from gifts from nature.

Recipe 1

Lilac helps to get rid of pain in hands
lilac helps to get rid of pain in hands
  • Fresh lilac flowers put in a dark container, filling it half
  • Share vodka to the edges and cover with a lid
  • For two weeks, store the container in a dark place, not forgetting to shake it daily
  • Take a tablespoon an hour before meals
  • The course of treatment for at least a month
  • Instead of lilac, use walnuts and take according to the above scheme

Recipe 2

Dandelion root and his decoction - a cure for pain in the hands
dandelion root and his decoction - a cure for pain in the hands
  • In the summer, dig dandelion roots, rinse them, dry and cut into segments about a centimeter long
  • In a hot oven, hold them until the moment when they acquire a brown color
  • Grind the roots of dandelion in a coffee grinder
  • Pour a measured unit of finished raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave to leave for a quarter of an hour
  • Drink every day an hour after each meal for a month

Recipe 3

Fly agaric will help get rid of pain in the hands
fly agaric will help get rid of pain in the hands
  • Fill the glass container by a third, fill the rest of the space with vodka
  • Close tightly with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark cool place for two weeks
  • Shake the container with an alcohol solution of fly agaric daily
  • Grind the sore spots tincture at night and wrap them in dense cotton gloves
  • Duration of treatment - 30 days

A strong tool for restoring joints and fabrics around them is a swamp saber. Read more about its benefits and methods of application here

Hands and fingers hurt, treating the joints of the hands

Fingers massage to get rid of pain
fingers massage to get rid of pain
As we examined above the diseases of the hands, a large number-from bruises to fabrics from bruises due to serious lesion.

Therefore, there are a lot of methods of treating the pain symptom of the carpal zone, palms and fingers:

  • alternation of the regime of work and rest
  • changing the type of activity, for example, after lifting weights, take care of something that does not require excessive tension of the upper limbs
  • massage and compresses with medicinal herbs and pharmaceuticals
  • manual therapy
  • medical physical education and taking vitamins
  • ointments, creams and injections
  • taking painkillers and anti -inflammatory drugs, specific hormones
  • surgical intervention
  • treatment of the cause of pain, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteochondrosis
In any case, the treatment of pain in the joint of the hand should be preceded by consultation with specialists - traumatologist, surgeon, neuropathologist. They, in turn, will select a scheme to eliminate pain, treat its causes and restore the mobility of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe hand.

Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the hands

Ultrasound examination of the patient's hand in the clinic
ultrasound examination of the patient's hand in the clinic
Arthritis of the hands occurs due to an infection that falls into the joints of the fingers and/or hands.

It quickly captures the space, killing healthy cells of cartilage, bones, tendons and joints.

Over time, arthritis without proper treatment:
  • strongly deforms the structure of the hand
  • causes limited movements and accumulation of fluid in the joint
In the arsenal of treatments of arthritis, doctors have:
  • drugs - injections, tablets, compresses of non -steroid elements, antibiotics, hormones
  • folk remedies to relieve pain syndrome
  • physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy
  • massage
Arthrosis affects the joints of the fingers and is extremely rarely diagnosed in the wrist.

In the early stages of development, it brings pain at night, at later - after intense physical exertion, edema and redness of the skin are added.

This disease leads to:
  • deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue
  • the formation of growths in the form of knots that limit the extensor functions of the hands
Arthrosis lends itself to comprehensive treatment:
  • medications that relieve pain and stop the processes of destruction
  • means of traditional medicine
  • therapeutic gymnastics
  • massage
For example, at home, you can help reduce the manifestations of arthrosis with the help of such products:
  • honey and salt - mix them in equal proportions and apply to sore spots at night. Be sure to wrap your arm in heat
  • pharmacy clay - it is good in the form of a mask on a sore joint
  • cabbage sheet
  • grated potatoes, namely the green area, which is rich in poisons. They act on the pain focus as antispasmodics
  • crushed green onions, white clay and low -fat kefir

Video: The joints of the fingers, wrist, brush hurt. How to remove pain?

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