Sables: useful and healing properties and contraindications. Sabbath - Instructions for use, reviews

Sables: useful and healing properties and contraindications. Sabbath - Instructions for use, reviews
The benefits and contraindications for the use of a saberfish. Preparation of infusion, methods of use, reviews.

In ancient times, people with tendencies to medical business paid attention to the strength of herbs gathered at different times of sunny and lunar days. They understood and saw the difference in the influence of herbs on the human body, gathered early in the morning, at dawn or at twilight. An important point was the place of the development of healing plants.

It is interesting that the swampy lands contain huge therapeutic potential in terms of the variety of plants and their beneficial effects on us.
One of them is a saberfish, or a Russian ginseng, or decop, or a joint, which will be discussed in this article.

What does the saber look like, where it grows, when to assemble?

Sabelnik swamp in nature
sabelnik swamp in nature
Sabbath is a fairly noticeable plant. He looks like this:
  • the height is about a meter
  • green leaves are pointed upward
  • the stalk of brown color has no scales
  • flowers of dark purple color with pronounced petals
Decop loves swampy places, impenetrable shores of forest lakes. He chooses the most remote points for growth and flowering. It is found in Siberia, European and Scandinavian countries, North America.
  • Both the unearthly part of the Russian ginseng and its rhizomes are used in therapeutic fees
  • In the middle of summer, collect a blooming saber in the new moon. Feel free to cut the entire stem above the ground with leaves and flowers
  • In late spring and autumn, deco is most valuable with its rhizomes collected on the full moon and during the decreasing moon
  • Do not confuse the roots that entangle the long territories of the swamps with thin threads and act as a frame for the latter. The rhizome of the saberhik is a continuation of the stem underground, from which a thin swamp "pillow" grows up
  • If you buy ready-made herbal collections of the saber at the pharmacy, then pay attention to the dry rhizomes-they should be similar to the stem, have a tubular structure and dark green or brown color. No thread -like processes should be present on it

Useful and therapeutic properties of a saber

Blossor of the Sablen - the time for collecting stems and leaves
blossor of the Sablen - the time of collecting stems and leaves
The Sablen has been known since a long time as an amazing healing plant that our ancestors used in both dried and fresh species.

The benefits of the decop for the human body lies in its composition:

  • carotinoids are natural strong antioxidants that make up the barrier to penetrate pathogens and the development of cancer formations
  • vitamin C
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium
  • flavonoids
  • tannins that have a tightening effect and help in the healing of serious wounds
  • essential oils
  • organic acids
  • saponins that help alleviate the symptoms of colds and cough
  • resins, gum, mucous substances that penetrate well through the skin into places affected by inflammation, for example, muscles and joints
Among the therapeutic qualities of Russian ginseng, the following are distinguished:
  • immunostimulating - several centuries ago, residents of the northern cold countries took the saberfish as tea and retained body health
  • biologically active
  • wound healing
  • antitumor
  • spasmolytic
  • anti -inflammatory
  • anesthetic
  • normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract
  • from stretch marks and muscles
  • stopping bleeding
  • regulating intracellular metabolic processes
  • expecting
  • controversial

What does the saber tincture help from?

Crushed dry stems and rhizomes of the saberfish before preparing tincture
crushed dry stems and rhizomes of the saberfish before preparing tincture
The alcohol infusion of the decop is the most famous cure for:
  • breast and digestive organs
  • leukemia
  • arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, hernia, osteochondrosis
  • salt deposits in joints, cartilage tissues, vertebrae
  • cold
  • oral diseases that affect the gums
  • constipation
The infusion of the saberfish is taken orally according to a certain scheme both for the purpose of prevention and during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, it is useful as the basis for compresses, when articular and pain in the spine acquired a chronic character. Of course, he will not be able to completely cure you from them, but to relieve pain - quite.

Herb Square - Contraindications

Cup of tea with saber
cup of tea with saber
How all natural gifts of the Russian ginseng are shown for use by all people. Nevertheless, you should refuse him:
  • women during lactation and pregnant women
  • children under 14 years old
  • anyone who is allergic to a saber

Take one unique property of the decop - it causes exacerbations of diseases from the moment it began. However, this is a temporary phenomenon and you have nothing to fear. The plant, embedded in the work and elimination of the manifestations of the disease:

  • praise the current destructive scenario
  • normalizes metabolic processes
  • heals damage
  • relieves the pain syndrome
  • stimulates the internal reserves of the body on active interaction

Saber in folk medicine for the treatment of joints, hernias, arthrosis, osteochondrosis

A man has arthrosis, you need a saber
a man has arthrosis, you need a saber
As a natural medicinal plant, a saber -free manner effectively copes with a decrease in pain during lesions:
  • joints
  • cartilage
  • callors
  • muscle tissue
  • strengthens them and restores normal functioning.

To achieve the above results, use the infusion of the saber -on on vodka. Take it inside a tablespoon an hour before meals before each meal or in the form of compresses to sore spots.

If you adhere to the schemes for taking the saberfish inside, then simultaneously it will clean you with the digestive system, blood and lymph from toxins and toxins.

With pain in the joints and vertebrae, the Russian ginseng will cope in the form of an ointment. For this:

  • add alcohol its infusion to the cream
  • store the finished product in the refrigerator and follow the treatment mode. About the latter, consult with the attending doctor

Sabbath: tincture, tablets, balm, ointment, gel - instructions for use

Balm gel-balsam for joint treatment
balm gel-balsam for joint treatment
The alcohol tincture of the decop is taken inside to facilitate pain at:
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • osteochondrosis
  • similar diseases that developed due to increased load on the human musculoskeletal system

Reception scheme: daily 3-4 times in the amount of a tablespoon diluted in a small amount of water, an hour before eating.

Duration and frequency of treatment: from 10 to 20 days, then a break of three days and repeat the cycle

Sabled in tablets is a crushed concentrates of dry rhizomes of the plant, which are especially effective in:

  • gift
  • osteochondrosis
  • rheumatism
  • polyarthritis
  • arthrosis

Therefore, the diagram of taking the drug differs from the previous option.

It is permissible to use 1 tablet per day for 20 days. Repeat the cycle after a ten -day break.

Use balm with Russian ginseng for local external treatment of inflammation in the joints, muscles and sprains.

  • Apply balm in the same way as any other analgesic drug
  • Take into account that it has a specific smell, which is noted by consumers as not very pleasant
Ointment with a saberfish due to the presence of other natural components enhances the effects of pain relief, purification of blood and lymph, restoration of affected tissues, removing toxins and toxins.

Use the ointment with a decop for:

  • polyarthritis, gout, arthrosis, arthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • muscle sprains
  • intervertebral hernia
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes
The ointment is shown for use daily up to 4 times within a month. Take a break with another month for a month and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

The Sablen in the gel is good for cooling, quenching pain, restoring the affected tissues of the joints, muscles and spine.

The duration of the use of a saberfish in a gel depends on the nature and duration of pain.

How to prepare a tincture of a saberfish on vodka, recipes?

Dry roots of a saberfish for the preparation of alcohol infusion
dry roots of a saberfish for the preparation of alcohol infusion
The alcohol infusion of Russian ginseng is easy to cook:
  • dry the rhizomes of the plant or buy ready -made in a pharmacy
  • cut them into sticks 1 cm
  • fill a liter jar for a third with dry material
  • add ordinary vodka in the amount of half a liter
  • close tightly with a lid and insist in a dark place for three weeks
  • strain and store the infusion in the refrigerator in a closed container
  • when taking orally, be sure to dilute with water

Another recipe will help reduce the concentration of tincture.

  • take up to 3 measured units of its dry chopped roots and pour a bottle of vodka
  • for three weeks, leave in a glass container the infusion "dare" in a cool dark place
  • strain and take orally according to the above scheme or use as a medicine for rubbing/compresses

Compress with a saberfish, application

The girl put a compress with a saber's neck
the girl put a compress with a saber's neck
The infusion of the saberfish is the most common effective form of treatment of sick joints, intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments.

If you add compresses to it at night to sore spots, then the healing effect of the saber will increase.

For preparing a compress:
  • take a small amount of infusion
  • heat it
  • smell the fabric/gauze and attach to the sore spot
  • wrap with plastic wrap and woolen scarf on top

In the morning, carefully remove the fabric, it should be dry. Wipe the place where there was a compress, wipe with warm water or take a shower. Avoid drafts and hypothermia, otherwise the action of the compress will be directly opposite.

Sabbath during pregnancy

Pregnant girl walks on the beach
pregnant girl walks on the beach
There are many biologically active substances in the saberfish that very quickly penetrate the human body and begin to interact with cramped and organs.

Decop affects the functioning of the heart muscle, as it is able to relax and reassure the excited nervous system.

Therefore, this plant is contraindicated for pregnant women. They should protect their hearts and avoid taking herbs slowing its work and lowering blood pressure.

Saber - reviews

Herbal tinctures at home, including with a saber
herbal tinctures at home, including with a saber
Peter Kirillovich, driver with experience
For its 20-year driver's experience, chronic problems with the lower back and knee joints. 
He was treated with many pharmacy drugs, took courses in a hospital hospital. But a few years ago, fate brought me up with a herbalist, who prompted me to try the tincture of the saberfish to facilitate my condition. I began to take it inside and make regular compresses. Frankly, I did not impose much hope of this grass. Nevertheless, after one course I felt the difference - the pain subsided and the dream normalized. 
I continue to take the saberfish to this day as a tea leaves for tea. My well -being also improved.
Antonina Sergeevna, physics teacher
I have been working at school for a long time and by the nature of the activity I often spend laboratory experiments in the lessons. Repeatedly due to awkward movements, it received muscle stretching and severe pain. But the sick leave with such a diagnosis can not be taken. Therefore, I was looking for an effective remedy for removing pain. 
Once in a pharmaceutical pharmacy, she prompted me a balm with a saberfish as a strong remedy for such ailments. The result surpassed my expectations - the pain subsided after the second application. Since then, I recommend to all familiar drugs with a saberfish.

The Sabelack undoubtedly took a worthy place among the herbs of traditional medicine. Any diseases of the musculoskeletal and digestive systems, many ailments with blood, lungs, liver, lymph retreat under its influence.

Study and apply knowledge about the healing properties of herbs. Be healthy!

Video: Sabor Swamp




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