Why does the back hurt after sleeping in the kidney area? Why does the back and lower back hurt after sleep?

Why does the back hurt after sleeping in the kidney area? Why does the back and lower back hurt after sleep?

The causes of back pain after sleep.

The back diseases are in the first place among the ailments, with which they turn to an orthopedist and a neuropathologist. The causes of back pain can be a huge amount. This may concern both chronic ailments and acute diseases. In this article we will tell you why pain in the back appears after sleep. 

Why does the back hurt after sleep?

If such are more manifested infrequently, but only after severe physical exercises, then it is necessary to limit hard physical labor. The back can hurt after performing some rigging work, or loading, lifting things with a large weight. Sometimes pain can occur the day after some unusual physical exercises, or stretching.

Why does the back hurt after sleep:

  • Osteochondrosis. Usually, with mild forms, when the disease is not running, at first unpleasant sensations occur after sleep. This is due to increased body pressure on the spine. 
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. In women, it can be uterine fibroids, endometriosis, inflammatory processes in appendages. And in men, the lower back hurts due to prostatitis. 
  • Also, pain in this area can often occur due to the presence Chronic kidney diseases. Such as chronic pyelonephritis. 
  • Often there are pain due to the presence intervertebral hernias, inflammatory processes in the muscles and spine. 
  • If a person suffers scoliosis, then the pain after waking up is also quite explained by the presence of curvature of the spine. 
Problems with the lower back
Problems with the lower back

Why does the back and lower back hurt after sleep?

It should be understood that the treatment of painful sensations is reduced to eliminating the main reason that entailed pain. 

Why does the back and lower back hurt after sleep:

  • If you do not have any diseases, then the pain may be due to an uncomfortable mattress. Perhaps it is worthwhile to change it to a tougher. Often orthopedists recommend sleeping not on the stomach, but on the back.
  • Indeed, doctors note that people sleeping on their stomach, provide a strong load on the internal organs, and the spine. Therefore, pain occurs after sleep. Try to accustom yourself to sleep on your back. 
  • Often the cause of unpleasant sensations in the back may be excess weight. The fact is that in a dream, all muscles relax, so the muscle corset does not work. As a result of this, all internal organs, fat, excess weight press on the spine, which causes pain. 
Bad sleep
Bad sleep

After sleep, the back hurts in the kidney area, what to do?

The best option for the fight against pain is the acquisition of an orthopedic mattress. Now there are a lot of smart technologies, and materials that repeat the position of the body during sleep, supporting it in a natural state. Thus, it is possible to achieve good results.If the pain syndrome is caused by a chronic ailment requiring prolonged treatment, then some products can be used to eliminate pain. 

You can include sports. Yoga and stretching will be ideal. They will strengthen muscles and reduce pain.

After sleep, the back hurts in the kidney area, what to do:

  • Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. Among them, the leader is Diclofenac. It is sold in the form of plasters, ointments that are applied to the sore area. With their help, it is possible to quickly reduce pain and remove inflammation.
  • However, drugs are not a medicine, and do not eliminate the cause. Especially if it is associated with diseases of the pelvic organs, or bones. 
  • In people aged, discomfort after sleep, can be provoked by developing osteoporosis. It is worth being careful if pain occurs in women after 50 years. This is due to gradual bone resorption, due to a decrease in the number of hormones.

What to do if the back hurts after sleep?

Estrogens in the blood during this period are very few, which provokes leaching of calcium from the body. To avoid the destruction of bone tissue, it is necessary to take drugs that prevent this.

What to do if the back hurts after sleep:

  • These are means containing calcium, chondroprotectors, and means that block the production of substances responsible for the destruction of the bone. Such drugs are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, they cannot be taken independently.
  • However, it is still worth taking calcium for prevention.
  • In the presence of serious ailments of the back, such as scoliosis or lordosis, physiotherapy exercises are recommended. This is due to the fact that the disease progresses with weak muscles. If the muscles do not hold the spine, then the entire load falls on it.
  • That is why it is necessary to devote a lot of time to exercises that strengthen the muscle frame, in particular the muscles of the back, abdomen and lateral muscles. 
The back hurts
The back hurts

The back began to hurt after sleep, what to do?

Many have a question regarding the rigidity of the mattress. That is, the softer, the better. In fact, this is a wrong statement, and for each specific patient, the rigidity of the berth should be his own. It is best if it is smart mattresses made of special foam, acquiring the contours of the body and transferring them to an anatomical position.

At the same time, for people with an extra body weight, it is best to purchase hard products that will hold the spinal column in a normal anatomical position. Too soft mattresses will lead to the fact that excess weight will put pressure on the spine.

Bad sleep
Bad sleep

E i have been engaged in some kind of sport for a long period of time, and then stopped your classes, then the discomfort in the back is justified. However, there are specific reasons why pain occurs. 

Video: back hurts after sleep

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  1. With pain in the back, I recently advised me to take eight -eight -eight. I drank a couple of times - I liked everything. Suddenly quite quickly begins to act (on average, after half an hour I begin to feel how the pain leaves), and the result persists for a long time.

  2. thank you for the article

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