Why Adolf Hitler and Nazis did not like Jews and gypsies: History

Why Adolf Hitler and Nazis did not like Jews and gypsies: History

Almost every person knows why Hitler did not like Jews. Read the article to know even more interesting facts from history on this topic.

Even schoolchildren know that Hitler He could not stand Jews and gypsies. The Führer did not hide this hatred. On the contrary, he openly demonstrated it. The words on the speeches were not limited - in relation to these peoples, the Nazis were really cruel. But what is the root cause of such an approach?

Of course, that Hitler In his dislike, he was not limited only to Jews and gypsies: he despised the Slavs, the disabled, and the mentally ill. But, as it turned out, the Fuhrer did not always hate Jews. Why did this happen? Read about this in this article.

The first impression of Adolf Hitler on Jews and Gypsies

The first impression of Adolf Hitler on Jews and Gypsies
The first impression of Adolf Hitler on Jews and Gypsies

It all started in his youth. Adolf met a Jewish guy with whom he studied together at the school. Judea had practically no friends. The student behaved is closed. However, Hitler also did not plan to get closer to him. Although, at that time, he just believed that Jews and Germans simply had a different religion.

First impression Adolf Hitler About Jews and gypsies appeared a little later:

  • On Viennese streets, Hitler noticed a man with paces and in a strange frock coat.
  • It was so impressed by the future “head of fascism” that he decided to get to know Jewish culture better.
  • Adolf began to meticulously study literature and conduct his own research.
  • At first there were anti -Semitic brochures.
  • The narrative was carried out in a negative way. But then Hitler experienced only a sense of pity for the Jews.

He found the reasons to hate them a little later:

  • It's all about the abilities of this nation.
  • AT 1941, on one of the reports, the Fuhrer called Jews a powerful people who are going to declare war on the whole world.
  • The ambitious Hitler was very annoyed by the fact that the Jews were on the crest of social and political life.

After First World War The course of the German brand fell. The work of the worker during the night could depreciate. And the Jews used the situation, made a huge capital. Such enterprise did not give Adolf of peace.

Before the beginning Third Reich The Jews were all bankers and businessmen. Representatives of the Jewish people also succeeded in cultural life. There were no ordinary hard workers among the Jews. They always held leadership positions and were fabulously rich. Hitler regarded this as "the superiority of the lower race." Therefore, compassion was very quickly replaced by contempt.

The racial theory of Adolf Hitler - why did he not love Jews and gypsies: History

RAS theory of Adolf Hitler
RAS theory of Adolf Hitler

AT "My struggle" - Autobiographical book Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer painted his racial theory in detail. He called the Germans "Aryans" And he considered the highest race. Only they were worthy of world domination.

Interesting: In understanding Adolf Hitler, the average Aryan must have light skin, blue eyes, high or medium height. The character should have been present self -giving and idealism. The Jews, perhaps, were least suitable for this description.

RAS theory of Adolf Hitler
RAS theory of Adolf Hitler

The second grade, according to history, were the Slavs. Hitler He believed that for the most part they should be destroyed. Those that will survive are required to become Aryan slaves. However, even our ancestors caused Fuhrer more respect than Jews and gypsies. Why didn't he love them? Read more:

  • Jews were considered a lower race.
  • Hitler He hated them for their greed, resourcefulness and a usury vein, considered it as it are adaptants and parasites.
  • Moreover, not only on the body of the German people.
  • According to ideology Hitler, the Jews should have been completely exterminated. Since they do not even deserve a share of slaves.
  • This category included gypsies. The Führer also considered this people “dirty” - and, not only physically, but also spiritually.

Also Adolf He fought for the "purity of blood." He was an ardent opponent of interethnic and interracial marriages, believed that this would kill the whole integrity and beauty of the Aryan nation.

Other reasons why Hitler did not like Jews and gypsies

Hitler did not like Jews and gypsies
Hitler did not like Jews and gypsies

There were other prerequisites for the hatred of the Fuhrer to the "third -rate" according to him by the peoples. Hitler approached the case thoroughly. In addition to standard and obvious reasons, he put forward many secondary ones. Why didn't Hitler like Jews and gypsies? Here are other reasons:

  • Delight:

If the Jews still tried to observe relative hygiene, then the gypsies always looked unwashed. As for the stiff Germans, from childhood they accustomed to purity and order. An unpleasant odor, not cut hair and beards, lands - from all these true Aryans was farand. Moreover, these peoples for Hitler were dirty and spiritually. Suppose Jews very often resorted to marriage by calculation. They appreciated the money above, forgetting about eternal values. By the way, it was Hitler who accused the Jews of an epidemic of syphilis and considered incredibly vicious due to the fact that only Jewish surnames were indicated in pornographic publications.

  • Enterprise:

Unlike gypsies, the Jews were more intellectually rich. They easily got to their feet in the material sense, were masters of trade and deception. This caused Führer envy. He could not answer the question with a question or say what the interlocutor wants to hear. Hitler was sure that he had even a small part of Jewish resourcefulness, he would have achieved much more in life.

  • Personal reasons:

There are at least two peculiar myths about the reasons for Fuhrer dislike for Jews. According to the first legend, he was infected by the Jewish Putan with syphilis. After Adolf, he was treated and hated this people for a long time. As for the second version, Hitler’s mother died young because the Jewish doctor could not cure her. It is noteworthy, in childhood Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist. He could hate Jews after one of them filled him in the exam. But there is another fact. Hitler himself was a quarter by a Jew. The Holocaust was an attempt to hide a shameful spot in his pedigree.

  • Duality:

Jews are quite strange people. Today they can say one thing, and tomorrow another. Hitler hated the duplicity. Partly because he did not understand him. Even the very negative attitude of the leaders of the Social Democracy to their people has already talked about a lot. After all, the government almost always reflects its people.

Hitler did not like gypsies
Hitler did not like gypsies
  • Idleness:

This item refers to the gypsies more. Everyone knows that the nomadic people do not particularly favor physical work. Moreover, the gypsies are freedom -loving. It is unlikely that they would strictly obey the Aryans. Hitler considered the gypsy to be dirty and lazy tramps, for whom songs and dances are more important than any ideology. The meticulous Fuhrer also despised such people.

The attitude of Hitler and the Nazis to the Slavs

The attitude of Hitler and the Nazis to the Slavs
The attitude of Hitler and the Nazis to the Slavs

Slavs Hitler He considered much lower than the Aryans in their spiritual development. In his understanding, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and similar peoples could only be servants of representatives Third Reich. Yes, and then in a small amount. That's what the relationship was Hitler And the Nazis to the Slavs:

  • The bulk of the Slavs should be exterminated.
  • The Führer was interested in the fact that in Russia the population consist of people of a primitive semi -European type.
  • The latter would not have delivered trouble to the German leadership.
  • In other words, the Germans were focused on inferior people who are easy to manage.

The Russians were by no means that. The Nazis tried in every possible way to undermine the biological power of the people. But this did not always turn out. The main task was to prevent the kinship of the Germans with the Russians and the incest. Then the Aryan race could well dominate these lands. Hitler had another idea: to increase the population of Ukrainians, and push them with the Russians. However, this should not lead to the extermination of some people.

The following is interesting:

  • Hitler was afraid of Russians.
  • Therefore, in his ideology there was propaganda work regarding the fight against fertility.
  • The Russian people, like domestic animals, Adolf wanted to forcibly “sterilize”.
  • He planned to weaken the people to such an extent that the Russians were not able to provide competition and resistance to the Germans.

From this it follows that, despite contempt, the Fuhrer considered the Russians quite strong opponents. He believed that if the Russian people are not eliminated, then there is no way to see dominance throughout the world. But it didn't bother Hitler Consider the Slavs as the lowest race as gypsies or Jews. After his troops invaded in the USSR, the words: “Dispers”, “animals”, “animals” began to be applied to the Russians and their brothers. Besides:

  • Russians have never considered people.
  • If the Nazis managed to take someone alive, they sent such a Slav to Germany, to slavery.
  • If the territory USSR It was occupied by the Germans, schools were closed there (not having an education, it is easier for a person to manage).
  • According to Hitler, if Russian knows how to count up to 100 “This is enough for life, and it is not necessary to read it at all.”
  • In other words, Adolf intended to turn the Slavs into puppets.

But not all the Slavs oppressed. Suppose Ukrainians allowed their education. And the Poles were completely endowed with special privileges. The reason was a large number of blue -eyed blondes that Adolf saw there. In his opinion, such an appearance spoke of the presence of Aryan blood. Although, of course, these peoples also “did not reach the real Germans.

However, after the attitude Hitler To the Ukrainians and Poles have changed. The latter began to create partisan detachments, because the Nazis continued to destroy everyone in a row.

The attitude of the Nazis to other nations


The attitude of the Nazis to other nations was quite simple. According to Hitler, the Germans (Aryans) were considered the heirs of a special gene pool, owners of unique blood. All other peoples were seen as a lower caste, unable to live next to true Aryans. If the Fuhrer intended to cleanse the planet from the Jews, the Gypsies and the Slavs, then he wanted to subjugate the rest.

Since the Aryans were considered almost demigods, they needed the servants who would carry out black work. After all, the owner of an ideal gene pool should not stir hands. In Hitler's understanding, the German task is to educate children, to engage in self -development. And others - the same Russians, or gypsies, can bother cleaning, washing, construction.

To destroy other ethnic groups, the Germans created more than 20,000 concentration camps and ghetto. Since there were more Jews and Romes, their genocide was remembered most. However, the Holocaust touched the Tatars, the Mongols, and Asians. Everyone who was different from the “true Aryan” on external signs suffered.

Video: Hitler racial theory. A special folder

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