The pros and cons of rubber painting of the body. Instructions for applying liquid rubber to a car

The pros and cons of rubber painting of the body. Instructions for applying liquid rubber to a car

Advantages and disadvantages of painting body with liquid rubber.

Despite the fact that now there is a huge amount of special cosmetics that maintains body integrity, the painting procedure is relevant. The fact is that the standard body renewal using a paintwork is a rather expensive procedure. In this article we will talk about rubber painting of the body using polymers.

Pros and cons of rubber painting

This kind of painting can be performed both at home and in the cabin. The main difference from covering with ordinary paint is that this composition is based on special polymers or rubber. Simply put, this is a kind of rubber, rubber coating. Its advantages are that it gives the car a pretty matte coating that does not glisten in the sun.

Liquid rubber is mainly used in several cases:

  • Partial painting for decor of some sections
  • Full painting with a change in car color
  • Protective painting in order to slow down the process of corrosion and destroy the parts of old cars
Liquid rubber
Liquid rubber

It is worth noting that despite its value, such painting is quite stable with proper preparation and application. Thanks to this coating, you will be able to save the car for 5 or 7 years. The essence of the procedure is that the special composition is poured into a sprayer and a car is covered with it. A little later, the coating hardens, turns into an elastic film.

Advantages of rubber painting cars:

  • High resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Stylish type of car
  • Durability
  • The possibility of preserving the initial paintwork
  • Corrosion protection
  • Moisture protection

It is also worth noting that the coating repels moisture, respectively, this will retain your car from corrosion and rust.

Rubber on disks
Rubber on disks

How to paint the car with rubber?


  • In order to paint, you need to choose a coloring composition. In addition, you will also need a solvent. Usually the paint is mixed with a solvent in a ratio of one to one. After that, the composition warms up to 50 degrees, it is in such hot form that painting is carried out.
  • This mixture is poured into the spray gun and is applied to the prepared body. The main advantage is that there is no need to fumble, degrease, somehow additionally clean the body, which is necessary when coating with conventional paintwork.
  • It is enough to simply wash the car using a special shampoo. After that, the car is completely dried, paint is applied. Before that, do not forget to seal the headlights, as well as the radiator grille and other places in which the penetration of the paint is unacceptable, using painting tape.
  • The spray gun must be tuned for medium or speed supply of paint, the nozzle should be quite large. This is due to the fact that the paint is very thick, so the thin nozzle simply clogs from the effect of the composition.
  • It is necessary in the process of staining to go from top to bottom, and overlap one line another very slightly. Such painting may need up to 5 layers. Each new layer is applied after the previous one dries. 5 layers are of course quite a lot, and it is required only if a black or white car is overlapped. If the paint is applied to other colors, then 3 layers are enough. This is enough to give a shade or block some not very bright color dark.
  • Of course, this painting is very inexpensive, effective, and resistant to various mechanical damage. But she is very afraid of a variety of solvents. Therefore, it is very careful to behave at gas stations, and prevent gasoline from entering the body. Because it will contribute to the destruction of the coating and the appearance of spots on it.
Removing liquid rubber
Removing liquid rubber

Features of car painting with liquid rubber

Now many manufacturers produce liquid rubber in special spray cans. This allows you to significantly save on painting a car. In any case, you do not have to use a spray gun. It is worth noting that liquid rubber can not be applied completely to all cars, but certain parts are covered.

This allows you to make them voluminous, giving some piquancy. For this ordinary, the hood is covered, as well as areas that are most often influenced by traveling on the roads. For example, the lower part of the car, which is often scratched. It is worth noting that a layer of liquid rubber can be removed if necessary, and absolutely without damaging the paintwork.


  • Many motorists choose rubber, not in order to paint the car, but in order to save, to preserve the iron horse. After all, the shell is completely waterproof, which several times reduces the possibility of corrosion of many parts of the car.
  • There is a matte, as well as a glossy, translucent coating for every taste and wallet. Any motorist can satisfy his tastes and decorate, tint, or simply cover with a transparent film of his iron horse to preserve the paintwork. Please note that this paint, even in the process of impact, retains integrity. If a dent appears on the wing as a result of an accident, collisions on the road, the paint in this area will remain untouched.
  • That is, it is not necessary to reduce, additionally clean up, soil. Please note that before painting the car with rubber paint, if there is damage in the structure of the paintwork, that is, rust, it is necessary to clean the rust, primed and only then carry out the coating. This will extend the service life of the paint and completely eliminate the possibility of further corrosion of this place.
  • There is a certain amount of paint, which directly depends on the color in which you are going to color the body. If it completely coincides with the original color, then about 5 liters of paint for a conventional car. If the color is significantly different, then the paint may need more than 10 liters. Before carrying out manipulation, it is best glass, glue the discs with masking tape.
  • There is no need to seal the headlights, because liquid rubber is satisfied easily removed. Be sure to dismantle the pens. After the staining procedure is carried out, the paint is completely dry, it is necessary to remove the painting tape. If somewhere liquid rubber stuck to the tape, can be carefully trimmed with a knife. Do not pull, so that the gap between the body and liquid rubber does not form, into which moisture will fall.
  • Please note that on average to dry one thin layer will need about 15 minutes. If thick, then drying is carried out for an hour. The body is finally hardened in about one day. At the same time, it is desirable to paint in a room with a temperature above 20 degrees.
Liquid rubber
Liquid rubber

Protect the car during painting from high humidity, as well as direct sunlight. In no case should you paint on the street on sunny days or calm weather. Then, dust, leaves and other garbage will fall into the car body, and on wet paint. You only spoil the paint and spend extra money. Liquid painting is a fairly simple and excellent option for those who want to maintain the color of their cars longer, as well as improve the quality of the coating.

Video: car painting with liquid rubber

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