Persian oil: properties. Application in the nose from a runny nose, for the face, hair and caring for a newborn child

Persian oil: properties. Application in the nose from a runny nose, for the face, hair and caring for a newborn child

Do you have problems with your hair and skin? Try to get rid of these problems with peach oil. If you do not know how to use it, then read our article. From it you will learn everything about the beneficial properties of this product, as well as get acquainted with simple home recipes for masks that will help you return your beauty.

Peach oil - This is a product of natural origin, with the help of which you can treat diseases and maintain in perfect condition skin, hair and nails.

  • This miracle tool is made from peach bones, by grinding and pressing them. After cold pressing and thorough filtration, a product is obtained, which contains a huge amount of nutrients
  • It is for a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that Persian oil is loved by modern beauties. After all, only one bubble of this miraculous agent can replace almost all purchased creams, masks and lotions
  • If you know how to use this product correctly, then you can maintain your beauty without unnecessary expenses on expensive cosmetics and anti -aging salon procedures. Therefore, let's figure out how to cook and use masks with peach oil correctly

Beneficial properties of peach oil

Peach oil promotes the rapid restoration of the skin of the face and hands
  • As already mentioned a little higher, a high -quality product contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy acids that can restore the health and beauty of the most neglected woman
  • It has long been proven that peach oil has anti -excavation, diuretic, general strengthening, anti -inflammatory and regenerative properties. All this makes him simply indispensable for female health and beauty
  • Regular use of this product helps to calm the nerves, establish the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthen hair and nails and restore the skin of velvety
  • If you do not have a desire or time to prepare home creams and masks, then you can quite calmly add a couple of drops of peach oil to the finished cosmetic product. Of course, the effect on the skin or hair in this case will be minimal, but after some time the result will be completely noticeable

Useful qualities of peach oil:
• makes the skin more elastic and elastic
• Establishing metabolic processes and dermal nutrition
• contributes to the gradual rejuvenation of dermatological cover
• moisturizes the mucous membranes in inflammatory processes
• Helps get rid of dry scalp
• Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body
• It increases immunity as quickly as possible
• smoothes age and facial wrinkles

Use of peach oil in the nose

Drops in the nose made on the basis of prescription oil

A runny nose is a fairly common problem that can appear at any time of the year. In winter, the appearance of this pathology is provoked by viruses and bacteria, and in the spring-summer period the main negative factor is allergens. Unfortunately, if this pathology becomes chronic, then a person may develop addiction to drugs.

In this case, peach oil can be an excellent alternative to pharmacy. In addition, doctors recommend its use when a person’s tendency to allergies and sufficiently pronounced intolerance to the nasal mucosa of other medications.

Method for cooking drops at home:
• Take a half-liter glass jar and rinse thoroughly with baking soda
• Rinse it several times with boiling water and let it dry a little
• Pour 150-250 ml of peach oil into a disinfected bank and put it in a steam bath
• after 45 minutes, remove it from the stove and let it cool
• Pour the cooled product into a hermetically closing container and store it in a dark cool place

Recommendations for the use of peach oil in the nose:
• Before using the oil, be sure to wash your nose with saline
• In each nostril, instill 3-4 drops
• It is best to carry out this manipulation in a lying position
• Repeat the procedure at least 2 times a day
• If the nose is slightly laid, then just grease the nasal mucous membranes
• so that the result is fixed for a long time, treatment should last at least 10 days

Child care with peach oil

Persian oil is very useful for infants

• Newborn children are quite defenseless, so they need everyday, and most importantly, competent care. Since the baby’s body adapts to new conditions almost the entire first year of life, it is very important to make it so that during this period its skin and mucous membranes are always cleaned and moistened in time

• This will contribute to the proper thermoregulation and saturation of the child's body with oxygen. If you do not have the opportunity to buy expensive care products, then go to the pharmacy and buy certified peach oil. With it, you can cleanse your nose and ears of your child, moisturize its skin after hygienic procedures, and also use it as a remedy for a diaper

• But, perhaps, the main advantage of such a tool is its complete hypoallergenicity. Therefore, peach oil can calmly use mothers whose children are prone to allergies from birth

Rules for use:
• Before use, the oil must be boiled and poured into sterile containers
• You can apply the product only to pre -peeled skin
• Before applying peach oil to the skin of the baby, it must be heated to room temperature
• After application, you must let him soak and only then put a diaper or clothes on the child

Facial peach oil from wrinkles: Mask recipes

Peach oil from wrinkles

• Absolutely all women strive for their face to remain young and fresh as long as possible. But unfortunately, the fast pace of life and not quite correct care is quickly reflected on the skin. Because of this, some 30 flight women begin to appear the first age-related changes

• The first sign that the skin of the face is missing something is not enough wrinkles around the eyes. Usually, after the appearance of wrinkles, the ladies are immediately recorded for an appointment with a cosmetologist and make beauty injections, of course, they get, but, unfortunately, for a short while. After all, whoever says, but such a cardinal measure cannot solve the problem completely

• If, after the procedure, you will continue to pay attention to your face, then wrinkles will still appear again. Persian oil can help you avoid such problems. With regular use, it quickly levens the color of dermatological covers, smooth out small wrinkles and make the skin more velvet and elastic

Simple recipes for masks with peach oil

Bullet for oily skin:
• Rinse and grind several strawberry berries
• Add a couple of drops of peach oil to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly
• moisten gauze in water, squeeze well and uniformly lay a mask on it
• Put the gauze on your face and leave it there for half an hour
• after time, remove the product with warm water and get wet the skin with a soft cloth

Face cleansing recipe:
• Grind sea salt in a mortar and add peach oil and fatty to it
• Massage movements apply belongings to the face
• Righten the mixture into the skin for 5-7 minutes
• After the massage, leave the belongings on the face for another 10 minutes, and then wash off everything with clean water

Peach seeds from wrinkles around the eyes: masks

Homemade masks with peach seeds

Recently, an increasing number of women have been using peach seeds to care for their faces. This inexpensive product helps ladies fight almost all age problems. But, perhaps, the oil fights with facial wrinkles best.

In order to put your face in order, it is enough to cleanse the skin of the face and apply a cosmetic product to problem areas. In this case, you can refuse a light massage and try to drive oil into the skin. This method quickly smoothes small wrinkles and increases the tone of dermatological covers.

Smoothing mask for the skin around the eyes

Caring for the skin around the eyes

• We take peach oil, fatty cream and rice flour
• We are thoroughly mixed and apply to the skin under the eyes
• A properly prepared mask will have a consistency of thick sour cream
• We leave the product on the skin, for half an hour
• After 30 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab moistened in a decoction of chamomile flowers
• After that, rinse the face with water at room temperature and let it dry naturally

Mask to moisturize the skin around the eyes

Moisturizing mask around the eyes

• rub the cucumber on a fine grater and mix it with oatmeal flour
• Add peach oil and yolk to the resulting mixture
• Mix everything again and apply the skin under the eyes
• We leave the product on the face for 20 minutes, and then wash off with cool water without the use of soap

Persian oil for dry hair and tips: Mask recipes

Hair masks based on peach oil

Due to the fact that this product contains vitamins A, B, E and fatty acids can be used to care for the hair. These beneficial trace elements feed well and strengthen the roots of the hair, moisturize the skin of the heads and make the hair themselves lively and healthy.

Therefore, if you dream that your hairstyle is always perfect, then in addition to high -quality shampoos, periodically process your hair with masks made on the basis of peach oil. If you want to enhance the effect of this tool as much as possible, then use the oil base as monoscitation without combining it with other components.

Rules for applying a mask to hair:
• Process your hair with peach oil every three days
• For the period of hair restoration, it is better to completely abandon the use of purchased balms and rinses
• You need to start applying the mask to the roots and only then distribute it along the entire length of the curls
• Keep the product on your hair for half an hour
• If your hair is inclined to fat content, then you can slightly reduce the amount of oil base
• Apply a mask to slightly moisturizing the curl
• Monomaska \u200b\u200bmust be warmed up before use

Dry hair mask

Dry hair mask

• Add a few drops of peach oil to the honey and put everything in a water bath
• While the mixture diverges a little beat the cottage cheese (ideally, it should have maximum fat content)
• Add the cottage cheese to the still warm honey with butter and mix everything thoroughly
• apply the mask to the hair and wrap the curls with a plastic waffle towel to preserve heat
• after 30 minutes, wash off the product with warm water with shampoo

Mask against split ends

• Prepare a calendula broth in advance and put it to cool
• At this time, we heat the peach little and start applying it to the hair
• First, rub it into the scalp and roots, and only 15 minutes after application do we also process the curls
• We warm our head with polyethylene and towel and wait another 15 minutes
• After time, wash off the mask with warm water using shampoo
• At the end, rinse your head with a calendula decoction and dry your hair without a hairdryer

The use of oil growth and eyebrows

Persian oil makes eyelashes thicker and silk

Beautiful eyebrows and fluffy long eyelashes are a pipe dream for many women. Some of them are trying to fix this flaw using decorative cosmetics, others go to cosmetic salons and make their overhead eyelashes.

But unfortunately, such beauty is not very durable and requires regular adjustment. Another big disadvantage of the salon procedures is the causing eye of the artificial eyelashes and eyebrows.

And if even with evening makeup all this beauty looks quite harmonious, then in daylight it excessively attracts eyes to itself. Therefore, it will be better if you try to put your eyebrows and eyelashes in order with peach oil. Close -ups will make cilia more healthy and thick, and will also prevent their untimely loss.

Basic care rules:
• Before use, be sure to conduct a standard test to an allergic reaction
• apply the product exclusively on eyelashes and eyebrows and make sure that it does not fall on the mucous membrane
• For application, it is best to use not a cotton wool, but a small cosmetic brush with thick bristles
• After applying oil on the eyebrows, they need to be combed well and make a light massage
• Cilia must be processed once a day and it is advisable to carry out the procedure at night
• For more efficiency, oil on the eyebrows should be applied 2 times a day
• Before use, the oil must be heated in a water bath
• The minimum course of treatment should last at least 15 days

Vitamin mask for eyelash growth

• Take peach oil, the capsule of the drug "Aevit" and freshly squeezed juice aloe
• Mix all the ingredients in the sterile container and apply them to the eyelashes
• Gently comb them with a cosmetic brush
• if you wish, you can leave the mask overnight, and if there is no time, then remove it as a minimum 2 hours after application

Video: Persian facial oil: Properties. Use of peach oil at home

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Comments K. article

  1. I never used, and I didn’t hear about the existence of such oil at all, and a runny nose for me was a problem for the time being, I tried to treat Orvis Rino and Kalanchoe juice, it turned out to be quite successful)

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