Pectin: Useful properties, 10 best recipes for using pectins

Pectin: Useful properties, 10 best recipes for using pectins

Pectin is present in the daily diet of each person, but what do we know about him? Details and accessible about pectins, benefits and dangers to the body, as well as several recipes that are quick to prepare.

At 200 years ago, the world first learned about the existence of Pectin, but not everyone knows about its miraculous effect on the body. Pectin is widely used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer, geling agent.

It is his housewives that are added in the preparation of jelly, jam, jam to obtain the necessary consistency. However, pectin is also in large quantities in vegetables and fruits. As part of the products, it can be recognized by the abbreviation E 440.

Pectin beneficial properties for the body

Pectins are especially necessary to use people who seek to lose weight.
This is due to the fact that, entering the body, it sorves fats, toxins and other garbage, improves the intestines, reduces the level of cholesterol, glucose and lipids, removes radioactive substances and heavy metals.


  • Products rich in pectin are easier to get enough.
  • Pectin carefully cleanses the body without affecting metabolic processes.
    Its action is important for any person.
  • Pectin is not absorbed and not digested in the body, therefore it is an excellent enterosorbent.
  • It is he who creates favorable conditions for the growth of the necessary microflora in the intestines.

What pectin is made of: sources of pectin

The natural sources of pectin are apple cake, pertress of citrus fruits, sugar beets and sunflower baskets. In addition to the food industry, it is used in medicine for the manufacture of pills, in cosmetology - for masks and gels, in the production of cigars - for gluing torn tobacco leaves.

Types and actions of pectins

Pectin is found in two types: soluble and insoluble (pectin + cellulose). Insoluble protopyrate is in immature vegetables, fruits, root crops. During ripening or cooking, it is transformed into a well -known pectin that has a universal effect on the body:

• Antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory - creates a destructive environment for pathogenic organisms in the digestive tract, protects the mucous membrane
• complex -forming - plays the role of a preventive agent for threats of intoxication, when a person lives in territories with increased radiation
• enveloping - protects the mucous membrane from the aggressive effect of juices, bile. Slows down the advance in the intestines of food, absorption of fats and glucose
• detoxifying - removes allergens, toxins, elements of inflammation from the body
• orth -forming - allows you to use the skin and mucous membrane
• hemostatic - used as a hemostatic agent in gynecology, dentistry, surgery

How does pectin affect cholesterol?

  • Pectin is a natural tool for lowering cholesterol. Getting into the body along with food, he forms a jelly -like substance that, moving through the intestines, collects harmful substances, toxins, toxins
  • Thus, natural, careful cleansing of the body occurs, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism
  • Pectin is not absorbed, but is a sorbent that removes cholesterol and glucose from the body. The vessels are freed from plaques, cleansed, which is a prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Calorie content of Pectin

It is Pectin's calorie content that is most attractive to people involved in losing weight.

100 grams of pectin contain only 52 calories.

Pectin products

  • In different quantities, pectin is in all fruits, vegetables, berries and even algae. It is recommended to consume precisely products rich in pectin, but not very carried away by a substance made by industrial
  • The largest amount of pectin is found in citrus fruits, as well as in apples and pears. By the way, in a baked apple, the content of pectin is greater than in fresh
  • It is also in quince, persimmon, plum, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, banana, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, dates, dried figs
  • In vegetables in large quantities are in beets, young carrots, cabbage, pepper, peas, radish, pumpkin, eggplant and zucchini

How to cook food pectin?

The fastest and most simple way to produce pectin at home is to use apples.
Recipe: 1 kg of fruit, 1 lemon and 120 ml of water will be required.

Cooking method: Rinse apples and lemon and cut into small pieces, put in a container and bake in the oven for half an hour. Put the resulting mixture in gauze and hang over the pan. When the juice is draining, you can additionally put something heavy on gauze to squeeze the remains.

The resulting juice can be used, it contains pectin.
However, to obtain a pure substance, you need to continue the cooking process. Pour the resulting juice into the container and put in the oven for 5-6 hours, until the powder is brown. You can store such pectin for about a year, but always in a dry and dark place, in a container with a dense lid.

Fruit pectin in fruit

A large amount of pectin is contained in fruits, so everyone who cares about their good health must use more products rich in this polysaccharide. By the way, it is in the fruits deprived of moisture that the maximum amount of substance will be.

What is pectin for: using pectins

  • In the food industry and in home blanks, pectin is used as a thickener. So, the substance was most used in the preparation of marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, pastille, jam, rakhat-lumber, jam, mayonnaise and ketchup
  • The daily consumption rate for humans is 20 g of pectin. Since it is found a lot in fruits and vegetables, you need to fill your diet with these products. However, you should know that 500 g of fruit contains an average of only 5 g of matter
  • This does not mean that you need to run after a polysaccharide obtained by an industrial method, you just need to change your daily menu in favor of the pectin -containing product and the most valuable effect of pectin - the elimination of cholesterol and glucose, and the prevention of cancer diseases.

Pectin recipe: Makarun cake


  • 350 gr
  • beet juice 4 ml
  • almond flour 250 gr
  • strawberry puree 250 gr
  • sugar powder 250 g
  • lemon juice 20 g
  • soy powder 10 g
  • pectin 5 gr

Cooking method:
Heat strawberry puree to 40 degrees, add pectin and 25 grams of sugar. Boil and add another 110 grams of sugar, cook for 7 minutes. Add lemon juice to the resulting mixture, cover and put in the refrigerator. Heat 130 ml of water, add soy powder and 80 grams of sugar, beat into foam.
In 60 ml of water, add the remaining sugar, boil and slowly pour into the foam, without stopping whipping. Mix flour, sugar powder and beet juice, set the soy foam and gently mix the dough. Fill them a confectionery bag and make forms of 10 cm in diameter. Bake half an hour at 140 degrees. Cool and smear the forms with strain syrup.

Pectin recipe: champagne jelly


  • Sugar 4 glasses
  • vinegar 2 tbsp
  • dry champagne 750 ml
  • pectin 60 gr

Cooking method: Mix champagne, vinegar and sugar, bring to a boil. Squit pectin, boil for another 3 minutes. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and let cool.

Pectin recipes: garlic jelly


  • garlic 2 heads
  • vinegar 400 ml
  • sugar 5 glasses
  • liquid pectin 90 gr

Cooking method: Clean the garlic and grind in a blender. Add half a glass of vinegar and beat again in a blender. Add the remaining vinegar, sugar to the resulting mixture and bring to a boil. Squit pectin and boil for another 2 minutes. Pour into banks and let cool.

Zepfir on Pectin: Recipe


  • sugar 700 gr
  • apple 4 pcs.
  • 1 egg
  • vanilla sugar 50 g
  • pectin 8 gr
  • powdered sugar
  • water 160 ml

Cooking method: To soak the pectin in the water. The apple must first be baked to a soft state. Rub the pulp with a spoon. You can additionally beat in a blender. In apple puree, put 250 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar. Let it cool down.

Heat dissolved pectin on fire, add sugar and bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes. Take the protein (the yolk is not needed), add it to the apple mixture and beat it. Take a large container and combine apple puree and pectin in it. Beat the resulting mixture to a thick mass, which must be transferred to a confectionery bag. On a baking sheet lined with baking paper, lay out molds in the form of marshmallows. The resulting marshmallow must be left for a day so that it froze and covered with a crust. Enjoy your meal!

Kisel with a pectin

Potato starch gives the traditional density of jelly, which, getting into the body, causes a strong feeling of hunger, therefore it is recommended to replace it with pectin for dietary nutrition.

  • 1 liter of cranberry juice
  • pectin 10 gr
  • citric acid 20 g

Mode of application: Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Cool and put in the refrigerator. The drink is ready!

Marmalade on Pectin

Preparing a marmalade on a pectin at home is easier!

  • 500 ml of any fruit juice
  • 50 g of sugar powder
  • 50 gr
  • pectin - 3 tbsp. tablespoons

Cooking method: Heat 250 ml of juice and add pectin and powdered sugar to it. Cool. Pour the remaining juice into another container, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Pour the cooled mixture from the first container and continue until it boils. Important - you need to constantly stir! Pour the liquid into molds, cool and put in the refrigerator for solidification.

Pectin recipe with vitamin C

The largest amount of vitamin C is contained in citrus pectin, from which it is easy to prepare home jam.


  • apples and pears - 4 pcs.
  • sugar 6.5 glasses
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon
  • lemon juice 50 g
  • liquid pectin 200 ml

Cooking method: Grind the fruits, previously extracting the core. Add everything except pectin. Bring to a boil and at this moment pour in citrus pectin. Cook for another 2 minutes. To roll up the jam into banks or cool and consume. Keep refrigerated.

Beetroot pectin recipe

With a beet beetle, excellent jam, for example, from plums.
Plum jam:

  • 1 kg of fruit
  • 1.8 kg of sugar
  • 200 gr
  • lemon juice 100 g
  • pectin 12 gr

Cooking method: Clean and chop the plums, add sugar, water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and add pectin. Boil another 5 minutes. Pour jam into sterilized banks and roll up.

Apple pectin recipe

A quick and convenient way to make jelly with a pectin.

  • 100 grams of any fruit that will be found in the refrigerator
  • 300 grams of water
  • 10 g of apple pectin

Cooking method: Heat and add pectin half of the water. In the second part of the water, add fruits and cook until boiling. Strain and pour pectin. Pour into molds, let freeze and enjoy the resulting jelly.

Coal with pectin

In free sale, you can purchase tablets, which include activated carbon and pectin. This tool is used for acute poisoning with foods, drugs, industrial poisons.
Mode of application: Ture the tablets and dissolve in water. One use will require 30 gR powder.

Citrus pectin: recipe for cooking

To obtain pectin from citrus fruits, you can use the peel of lemon, orange, grapefruit.

Recipe: It is necessary either a peel or whole fruits should be cut into small pieces and cook until mashed potatoes. Then strain.

The resulting juice is a natural pectin cooked at home! It can be used immediately, or rolled hot in banks, or frozen.

Hurma Pectin

Hurma is an excellent source of not only proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, but also pectin.
It is thanks to him that the persimmon is a sorbent that collects and removes the substance that is unnecessary to the body.

The pulp of the persimmon is delicate, does not irritate the mucous membrane, does not digest, allowing the body to be cleared as softly as possible. The trace elements of the fruit have a preventive effect on the heart muscle, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Does pectin harm?

Pectin has insignificant harm to the body only with a large overdose.
And this can be achieved by excessive enthusiasm for industrial pectin or fruit use in unlimited quantities.
Both the first and second options are so rare that they are almost impossible.

What can be symptoms of an overdose of pectin?
• Strong flatulence and fermentation in the intestines
• Low digestibility of fats, proteins and minerals

Where can you buy pectins?

In ordinary stores, it is difficult to find pectin, except in expensive supermarkets to look. However, modern people are increasingly looking for products on the network, and it is online stores that are full of various offers of pectins from many manufacturers. Apple and citrus pectins are more common.

Pectin in a pharmacy

Pectin in the pharmacy is presented mainly in the form of food additives, and the cost varies from the cheapest means to really expensive. Pectin in the form of powders is acquired in the form of a sorbent, in pills - for comprehensive healing and reducing cholesterol.

Pectin -based drugs and drugs

Pectin -based products have similar indications for use: for poisoning, intestinal disorders, dysbiosis, toxicosis.
Pecto - In addition to pectin, the powder includes sugar powder and citric acid. The daily dose is up to 4 g of pectin. One bag contains 2 g.
Citrus pectin - Available in capsules. 1 capsule contains 650 ml of pectin. Application by adults - 2 capsules from 1 to 3 times a day.
Liquid coal - powder for the preparation of the solution during dehydration, poisoning. The composition includes pectin, taurin, inulin, amber acid.
Pepidol - Invented more than 20 years ago and successfully copes with poisoning, dysbiosis and the normalization of metabolism.
Carbopect - activated carbon with a pectin
Caopectil (attapulgit) - Tablets from diarrhea with pectin content.
These are only some means containing pectin, however, their list and scope are much wider. For weight loss, it is better to cook liquid pectin at home, because this is the only way to be confident in its composition. 30 minutes before meals, drink half a glass of juice and the result will not be long in coming.

Video: Culinary Encyclopedia - Pectin

Video: Plum jelly (with a pectin)


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Comments K. article

  1. Pectin from citruses has the most vitamin C.
    Make a laugh ...
    I wonder how the jelly on a pectin from activated coal will look like? Coal jelly. Dessert for miners or is it ready?

  2. They forgot the liquid "pecto" to mention. By the way, it is better than dry powder, as I understand it. Well, it tastes much more pleasant (although this is already a subjective opinion)

  3. I heard about Pecto, but I can not find in Russia! Tell me where to buy it?

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