The decoration and design of the walls in the nursery for a girl and a boy: color, wallpaper, murals, painting, drawing, vinyl stickers, soft panels, painting. Griffel, marker or chalk wall in the nursery, drawing board

The decoration and design of the walls in the nursery for a girl and a boy: color, wallpaper, murals, painting, drawing, vinyl stickers, soft panels, painting. Griffel, marker or chalk wall in the nursery, drawing board

How to quickly decorate the wall in the children's room? We will introduce you to the most affordable methods of wall decoration, and also tell you how to properly decorate the space in a children's bright and colorful tree.

Loving parents always try to arrange the child’s room as beautifully and functionally as possible. In order for the favorite child to feel in her comfortable, they do not spare either the strength or the money.

And since usually in a children's child not only sleeps, but also plays, teaches lessons and communicates with peers, the design of this room should be thought out in such a way that it has a clear zoning of a place to relax and a place for games. It is also very important that the color scheme of the nursery is correctly selected.

No child will like a room whose walls will be pasted with inconspicuous wallpaper without any decorative elements. Therefore, remember what your son or daughter likes most of all and, in accordance with their addictions, create a cheerful and colorful space in the room.

The color of the walls in the nursery for the boy

Boy bedroom in green

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the best option for the boy’s room is blue and blue shades. In principle, such a color scheme has every right to exist. True in one case, if you make up the space, for example, in a marine style. In all other cases, it is best to use blue and blue as an interesting addition to a complex color composition.

It is also strictly impossible that a rich red color is present in the room of a little man. Such a shade has a sufficiently strong exciting effect on the psyche of the child, and since by nature the boys are already terrible fidgets, this can lead to the excessive activity of the owner of the room.

Optimal colors for the boy’s children's room:

  • Green. This color will help your baby relax as well as possible and contribute to a better rest. It is best to combine it with muffled yellow, white, mint shades
  • White. It is considered the most universal color as it goes perfectly with any, even the brightest shades. But since the white color itself does not differ in special juiciness and brightness, it will be better if you try to supplement it with a beige or chocolate colors
  • Dark brown. It will help to create in the nursery as comfortable and comfortable atmosphere. Such shades of walls are best diluted with light gray, bottle-green, herbal, color khaki

Wallpaper and mural for walls in a nursery for a boy

Wallpaper in the room of a fan of stories about pirates
  • Properly selected wallpapers look equally good in any interior design. But for the boy’s room, they must be chosen especially carefully. In no case do not opt \u200b\u200bfor gloomy, almost black wallpaper. Although such a finish is considered to be not a brand on the psyche of the child, it will have a negative effect
  • If you want your beloved son to consider your room the best place on earth, then select for children's wallpaper with no matter what a small pattern. Also consider whether the interior will supplement with bright decorative elements, soft toys and children's posters
  • If you plan to place all your baby described above in the bedroom, then paste the walls with calm plain wallpaper. If we talk about murals, they should be combined as well as possible with the general color scheme of the children's bedroom, but not get lost against the background of the walls. They can depict their favorite fairy -tale heroes, sports plots and search expeditions

Artistic painting of the walls in the children's room for a boy: stencils

Artistic painting in a cartoon style
  • The children's room should look like a bright and cozy corner against the rest of the apartment. Therefore, if you really want to cause delight in your child, then try to artistically paint the walls in the nursery. If you decide on this experiment, then you will choose an interesting plot of your son’s favorite fairy tale or follow the mysterious distant island from the walls on which unprecedented animals live
  • But no matter what drawing you choose always remember that it should be as funny, positive, bright and, of course, your child really likes. If you do not have special drawing skills, you can always try to apply a voluminous pattern using ready -made stencils
  • Any boy will like the image on the wall, which depicts his favorite football player, spaceship, fairy -tale tree or funny robots of different sizes

The color of the walls in the nursery for the girl

Girls bedroom in white-pink color

Always remember that your princess’s room is a small fairy -tale world. In it, she should feel comfortable, cozy and protected. Therefore, it is very important that the design of the premises of the nursery is very tender, warm and filled with details that girls like.

If you want your daughter’s room to answer all these criteria, then take the choice of walls of walls especially carefully.

Optimal colors for the girl’s children's room:

  • Pink. Almost all girls like this color. From him, it blows femininity, romance and ease. But take into account that the older your daughter, the more muffled there should be pink color scheme
  • Violet. Since this color itself is very bright, it will be better if you will combine it with shades, which are very close to it in the color palette. It can be lilac, pink red-linen, fucia
  • Orange. It will help to make the room as warm and comfortable as possible. And in combination with brown, yellow, peach and sand, this color begins to cast even more interesting shades and halftones

Wallpaper and mural for walls in a nursery for a girl

Disney style murals
  • When choosing wallpaper for decorating a daughter’s room, first of all, think about her addictions and age. If your baby is still very small, then buy calm plain wallpapers of peach, pale pink or cream-colored
  • To make such a fairly restrained interior, cheerful flowers and toys will help you more colorful. If your daughter already goes to school, you can try to design the walls more catchy. A delicate floral ornament, bright natural motifs or scientific topics may be present on the wallpaper
  • But the most advantageous in the girl’s interior look colorful murals. Very often it is they who help to create the right atmosphere and become the main highlight of the interior design

Depending on the age, the wall can be pasted with the following photo wallpaper:

  1. Fairy -tale house in the clouds
  2. Funny bugs
  3. Beautiful forest glade
  4. Disney princesses
  5. Fairy with butterflies
  6. The mysterious castle of the princess
  7. Colorful field flowers

Artistic painting of walls in the children's room for girls: stencils

Artistic painting for a girl

If you dream that your daughter lives in the most comfortable space, then try to make the interior design of her room extremely original. You can apply such a technology for this as an artistic painting of walls.

Such decor can be done by hand (for this you need quite good drawing skills) or apply an original pattern using special stencils. In any specialized store you can find large -format stencils, with which you can create not single drawings, but rather voluminous and interesting compositions.

The girls will look good in the room:

  1. Clouds of different sizes
  2. Smiling the sun
  3. Colorful rainbow
  4. Dandelions in the green meadow
  5. Stars
  6. Raindrops
  7. Multi -colored snowflakes

Wall painting in the nursery: options

Wall painting in the nursery: ombre

Recently, more and more parents have preferred wall painting. After all, if such a decoration was considered unfashionable, then modern technologies made it possible to make it an ideal background for the most fashionable and bold interior.

In this case, you can turn on your imagination in full and combine colors so that the walls in the nursery are ideally complemented by a vintage, classic or fabulous style of a children's finger.

Options for painting walls in the nursery:

  • Textured coloring. This type of finish allows you to create a very interesting texture pleasant to the touch on the wall. It can be simply clearly protruding textured lines or visual imitation of stone, sand or wood
  • Divide the wall horizontally. In this case, you can use two completely different colors, for example, white and chocolate or dark green and pale yellow. If you paint the walls in the nursery that way, then consider that a darker color should always be below
  • Ombre. Like someone who does not really love sharp transitions. To achieve the desired result, you will have to apply one color on the walls, just in different shades. But even in this case, the darkest shade should be below, and the lightest above

DIY drawings on the walls in the children's room

Rules for applying the picture to the wall

As already mentioned a little higher, you can make a beautiful drawing by hand or with a stencil. But no matter how you do it, remember him, he must like your child, be bright and colorful, but at the same time not very much stand out against the background of the rest of the interior.

Therefore, when planning the concept of the future drawing, be sure to estimate how well, it will be combined with wall decoration and furniture in the nursery.

Drawing rules:

  1. To begin with, conduct the preparation of the walls. Remove the old wallpaper, mashwheate the walls and be sure to align them
  2. Buy the materials that you will need to draw a picture (brushes of different sizes, acrylic paints and stencils)
  3. At the next stage, you can proceed to applying the main background of the picture. It should harmonize as well as possible with the rest of the color scheme of the walls
  4. Further, with the help of an ordinary pencil, apply the drawing contour (if you use the stencil, then just lay it to the right place) and begin to carefully color the future masterpiece

How to draw a tree on the wall in the nursery, photo

Bright tree in children's

The tree on the wall in the nursery can be either very small or very voluminous. Its dimensions and colors will depend on the size of the room and the height of the ceilings.

Recommendations that will help draw a tree on the wall:

  1. Highlight for this tree the most light and unknown place
  2. Remove the old paint, wallpaper, fill all the cracks and cracks and apply a thin layer of aligning material
  3. When everything dries, start making a sketch of the future drawing
  4. To do this, draw the contours of the tree and that's it, even its smallest twigs with a simple pencil
  5. At the next stage, start coloring the picture
  6. Start with the largest and most voluminous parts and only then go to thinner branches of leaves and flowers
  7. When all the basic colors are applied, it may take shades and with their help to arrange deeper color accents

Rainbow on the wall in the children's room, photo

Rainbow on the wall in the nursery

  • The rainbow on the wall may be an excellent option for renewing space in the nursery. If you ideally align the walls in front of the main hotel work, then you can quite calmly draw it over wallpaper or paint. It is best to draw a rainbow by hand and do it with someone in pairs
  • So you can draw the right circuit the first time and you will not have to adjust the sketch several times. If you wish, you can supplement it with pale blue clouds and a bright smiling sun. If your child’s room has small sizes, then do not draw a rainbow whole
  • Let it be a small piece peeping from behind a bookcase or bedside table. This will also look pretty pretty, but at the same time it will not very much overload the interior of the nursery

Letters on the wall in the nursery

  • If you think that letters can be used as a decor only for a nursery, in which a child of primary school age will live, then you are deeply mistaken. If you use this finish method correctly, then it can be applied even in a teenager's room
  • The letters can be used as a separate emphasis or be combined in words, for example, the name of the owner of the room or just an interesting phrase. Such a jewelry can be placed anywhere around the doors, near the bed, a closet with clothes and even on the ceiling
  • The most pleasant thing is that letters can be not only an element for wall decoration. If you are already bright enough with you, then make original pillows, garlands, hangers and holders for small toys from the letters

Soft wall in the nursery - soft panels

Soft wall in the children's room
  • Soft wall panels are an ideal element of the decor of the children's room. There are several types of this finishes, fabric and leatherette. For a children's room, a type of fabric panels is most suitable. They are particularly soft with environmental friendliness
  • In addition, fabric panels have a rather large color scheme, which allows you to create rather unexpected color combinations. If you are not embarrassed in finances, then you can make such a finish on order. In this case, you can individually choose the size of the panels, their color, as well as the pattern that will be applied to them
  • As a result, you can not be easy to finish the walls with them, and create interesting interior elements that will distract attention from the size of the room or the height of the ceilings. Most often, 3D panels are mounted in children. In addition to the fact that the soft finish looks very beautiful, it still help to hide all the communications that can interfere with the child to play normally

Vinyl stickers on the wall in the children's room

Vinyl sticker of Vinia Puff and his friends
  • Although vinyl stickers are nothing more than ordinary children's pictures on a self -adhesive basis sometimes, sometimes these seemingly not very noticeable interior details set the tone of the atmosphere in the nursery. If you wish, you can create compositions from them over the entire wall or divide with their help a room into separate zones
  • The only thing you should consider is to place bright vinyl stickers in the zone in which the child does not need lessons. This will very much distract his attention and interfere with concentrating on his homework. If you want such a decor to carry at least the minimum semantic load, then select the stickers containing the game element
  • It can be riddles, short questions or a colorful maze. If you just want to refresh space, then give preference to flowers, plant ornaments, animals, juicy fruits and cartoon heroes

Griffel, marker or chalk wall in the nursery: drawing board

Griffel board in the entire wall

Such an element of decor will appeal to a child of any age. Small children will be able to calmly draw their first masterpieces on them, and older children leave messages to their parents or also just express themselves.

The size of such a decor can be completely different. The neckboard can be placed above the desk or occupy a whole wall. Here everything will depend on the wishes of the child and the size of his child.

The advantages of the griffle marker and chalk wall:

  • Flutters fine motor skills
  • Helps the child calm down
  • Contributes to the development of creative abilities

How to decorate the wall with photos in the nursery and photographer

Panel of photos
  • Photo is a wonderful alternative to stickers, drawings and murals. In this case, you practically do not have to spend money on the material, because to create this decorative element you will need your family photos, cloves, threads and frames
  • Separately, I must say about the size of the photo -panel. If you want this element of the decor to be the main highlight of the interior, then make it as large as possible. If you plan to give the room more comfort and warmth, make a small panel
  • The easiest way to make such a decor is to buy the largest frame for photography (if you have skills, make it yourself) and put photos in it in arbitrary order. And if you want to get a more original decor, then increase the portrait of the child or your common photo with him, divide it into several parts, and already put them into pre -purchased frames. Fasten all the frames on the wall so that they are formed again in the original photo

Fresco on the wall in the nursery for girls and boy

Fresco in the interior of the children's bedroom

If you want the nursery to change beyond recognition, then try to decorate it with a colorful fresco. But keep in mind that the creation of such a masterpiece requires certain skills. Therefore, if you do not want to spend money on materials in vain, then try to find a professional who will quickly realize all your ideas into life.

In this case, you will only have to tell the master about the preferences of the child, and he will literally create an original and unique fresco in the children's style for you in a matter of hours.

Ideas for frescoes for boys:

  1. Space
  2. Racing track
  3. Pirate Island
  4. Spy laboratory
  5. Bridges
  6. Safari

Ideas for girls for girls:

  1. View from the window
  2. Picturesque waterfalls
  3. Fairy -tale locks and princesses
  4. Flowers
  5. Still lifes

Stickers on the wall in the children's room

Boy bedroom stickers

You probably already realized that the interior of the children's room should be bright and thought out. After all, how visually attractive the room looks at the well -being and development of a small person. Therefore, if you want your baby to feel your warmth and care, try to create a cozy and harmonious interior for him.

Stickers can help you to achieve such a result or as decorative stickers are also called. You can place funny faces of cartoon characters right at the crib or make a more attractive playing area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom. You can work to decorate with floral motifs and butterflies the place where you and your child read books or to arrange the door to the child’s room in an original way.

Hours and shelves on the wall in the nursery

Clock in the children's room

No matter how funny it may sound, even from hours and shelves you can make an original decor for the walls of the nursery. True, if you want it that, you will have to forget about the classics for a while and try to find anything more original. If we talk about the clock, they should have an interesting shape and a bright color.

It would be nice that they were finished with additional decorative elements from whatever materials pleasant to the touch. The shelves should also be original. They can be made in the form of a garden fence, an airplane, a complex geometric figure and even letters.

Video: Wall painting in the nursery. Technology and advantages

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