Autumn and winter crafts from beets to kindergarten, school for the exhibition: elephant, hedgehog, bull, mammoth, owl, piglet, snowman, smeshariki

Autumn and winter crafts from beets to kindergarten, school for the exhibition: elephant, hedgehog, bull, mammoth, owl, piglet, snowman, smeshariki

See what cute and interesting crafts can be made from beets. Look for detailed instructions, ideas and videos in the article.

Beetroot is not only a delicious and healthy root crop, but this is a wonderful material for autumn and winter crafts. From it you can make different figures for school contests and holidays using special schemes and instructions.

Read on our website an article about what light and quick crafts can be done in 5 minutes. In it you will find interesting ideas and master classes.

Choose the best option for yourself - and engage in creativity with your child! It will be fascinating and fun.

The beets are similar to which animals: for crafts

Crafts from beets
Crafts from beets

Take this root crop - large or small - and ask your child who he looks like, which animals' head. Most likely, you will hear the answer that to the elephant, and this is true. The tail of beets resembles a trunk, and the root crop itself is a head.

Elephant from beets
Elephant from beets

However, completely different animals can be made from the vegetable:

  • Mouse
  • Bear
  • Owl
  • Pigor
  • Bull and many others
Hedgehogs from beets
Hedgehogs from beets

The flight of fantasy is unlimited. Create crafts with your child, make original and funny compositions. Create real masterpieces that will draw attention to the exhibition "Gifts of autumn" At school or kindergarten.

What crafts and how can you make from vegetables and beets to an exhibition to a kindergarten or school - carrots, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage: from one root crop or when a lot of beets?

Crafts from beets
Crafts from beets

Do -it -yourself beetroot creations look funny and very attractive. Nevertheless, the root crop can and should be combined with other vegetable foods to obtain brighter and more colorful compositions. What crafts and how can you make from vegetables and beets to an exhibition to a kindergarten or school - carrots, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage?

So, from zucchini, cabbage, carrots and beets (one root crop or when there is a lot of beets) you can make a famous hero from the cartoon "Smeshariki" - Krosh. And from potatoes and beets, a charming elephant is obtained.

Mice, hedgehogs, piglets and even snowmen - All this can be made of red root crop and additional vegetable ingredients. You can not only follow the schemes below, but also experiment, adding something to your own, copyright.

Autumn crafts from beets with your own hands - elephant at the exhibition: how to make an elephant step by step, photo

Autumn crafts from beets with your own hands
Autumn crafts from beets with your own hands

An elephant is an interesting and beloved animal by many children. To make such an autumn craft from beets with your own hands - an elephant for an exhibition from natural raw materials, prepare in advance:

  • Root crop - 1 large and 3 smaller
  • Toothpicks, matches or plastic skewers
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard box or some kind of wooden pallet of small size
  • Fastened paper sheet
  • Plasticine

Now you can proceed to the creation of a masterpiece. It is prepared according to this scheme - step by step:

  1. Put two fruits to the side. One of them is large, the second is smaller. It will be the head and body of the elephant.
  2. Take the third fruit and cut several rings from it.
  3. Divide them into 2 parts - these will be ears.
  4. In the beetroot root intended for the manufacture of the elephant head, stick two sticks-knuckles.
  5. On these fasteners, put halves of beetroot rings - and the ears are ready. In the photo above, this is clearly visible.
  6. Now take a fruit to create a body. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, stick 2-3 skewers Or toothpicks.
  7. Stick the head of the elephant on these fasteners.
  8. Now take the last, 4 beets. Cut it into 2 quarters.
  9. Turn each of them into a trim in a cylindrical shape - these will be the legs of an elephant.
  10. In each of the particles received, stick through a toothpick.
  11. Put the cylinders in places - that is, at the edges of the beets. Stuck them with fasteners in the body of the elephant and press well. They must hold firmly and not fall off.

If the design is stable, you can put it on the table. Now proceed to its decoration, because you still need to make a mouth and eyes for the elephant. To do this, take the plasticine and perform the following actions:

  • Roll 2 white plasticine balls.
  • Make 2 black plasticine peas and one oblong sausage - from red.
  • White plasticine, make an elephant eye.
  • And from black - make pupils.
  • From red plasticine mass, you need to make a mouth.

Everything, the beet elephant is ready completely. And now you need to take care to make a cozy place for him. Thanks to him, your composition will become full -fledged, and will just have a chic look.

  1. Take the prepared box and a piece of paper.
  2. Cover the bottom of the box with it.
  3. Separately, cut many more stripes of paper that will imitate grass.
  4. Fold all the resulting strips to the bottom of the box in random order.
  5. Put an elephant in a box - the composition is ready.

As an addition to the craft, you can use acorns or other small fruits. Place them in front of an elephant - they will portray his food.

Elephant from beets, potatoes, carrots and cabbage sheet - how to make crafts: Instructions

Elephant from beets
Elephant from beets

When you make a craft, you can spread cabbage sheets to the bottom. By the way, you can make an elephant ears from them, it will also turn out very interesting. Just instead of halves of the beetroot mug, as described in the previous instructions, put pieces of cabbage on the toothpicks, as in the photo above. So how to make such a craft? Here is an instruction that will help create an elephant from beets, potatoes, carrots and a sheet of cabbage:

  • You will need these vegetables for 1 piece, as well as two pieces of cabbage sheet.
  • Select medium -sized beets, wash and wipe it dry. Do the same with other vegetables.
  • Cut carrots into quarters - these will be the legs.
  • Now, using toothpicks, start collecting an elephant.
  • Insert 2 sticks into the beets and attach cabbage sheets - the ears turned out.
  • Then also attach the potato - the body.
  • Pieces of carrots or legs attach toothpicks and insert into potatoes.

Cut your eyes out of paper and draw pupils. You can make them from plasticine mass. The elephant is ready. Install it in a box with spread cabbage sheets. Everything is an elephant in its place and is ready to surprise everyone around.

You can still make such an elephant:

Elephant from beets
Elephant from beets

There is another version of the craft in question. From potatoes and beets or carrots and beets, you can make a cute little elephant. In addition to these components, you will also need colored plasticine, from which the ears and eyes of the animal will be made. The most interesting thing is that you will not have to do anything special. Vegetables can be used both raw and pre -boiled. In the second case, the craft also becomes edible if you remove a piece of plasticine from its surface.

  • As a trunk, an elephant is a long tail of the root crop, but potatoes or carrots are used to make legs.
  • Cut it in half and attach to the body of an exotic animal using toothpicks or matches.
  • From plasticine, blind the ears of the elephant. As an alternative, you can use a cabbage sheet. For the eyes, you will need a piece of white and black plasticine.

That's all - your creative work is completed. Look how wonderful the vegetable elephant from beets and potatoes or carrots in the photo above looks. Such a product will necessarily be appreciated at the exhibition in kindergarten or elementary school.

An interesting creative idea of \u200b\u200bperforming an elephant from beets, blue cabbage and eggplant:

Elephant from beets
Elephant from beets

Here's another idea how to make an elephant from several beetroot root crops:

Elephant from beets
Elephant from beets

The ears of such a craft are simply cut carefully with a knife. The body is attached to the head with a toothpick. Perform the legs from beets, and the eyes are made of plasticine mass. See how many beautiful products can be made from one vegetable fetus - simple and fast. We continue, read on.

Crafts from zucchini and red beets for the competition "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands for schoolchildren with the name: Instruction

Crafts from zucchini and red beetroot
Crafts from zucchini and red beetroot

The beetroot craft is, of course, very beautiful. But when the root crop is combined with other vegetable foods, such a composition acquires a special appearance. Similar crafts from zucchini and red beets for competition "Gifts of autumn" With your own hands, for a kindergarten and schoolchildren will not be left without attention.

What can be made of these vegetables? There are many options, but for children the most interesting will be a cartoon character - bunny Kroshfrom Smeshariki. Only two vegetables will be not enough, except for them you will also need:

  • Small cabbage head
  • Carrot
  • Parsley
  • Pumpkin seeds - 2 pcs.
  • Toothpicks
  • Long skewers
  • Needlet needles
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • The felt -tip pen of the black color

Despite the fact that the craft algorithm is long, the composition is made very quickly and simply. Below you will find instructions for performing such a craft. Follow these actions:

  1. Turn the head of the cabbage so that it lay with a stump up.
  2. On both sides of the stump, carefully separate one sheet and lift them up. If they are too fragile and brittle, then separate them lightly, then make deep cuts in a head on both sides with a knife. However, they should be slightly less than the width of the base of the separated leaves. As a result, insert the separated leaves into the depressions formed and advance them as far as possible, trying not to damage their structure.
  3. From the zucchini, cut both edges and two more circles. From the long parts of the vegetable, perform crumbs, and from previously prepared circles - legs. Fight all the parts of the cartoon hero with skewers or toothpicks.
  4. Place a bunch of parsley on the stump, and attach it with the same skewer.
  5. Perform crumbs from beets. To do this, cut a circle of the desired size and attach it with a tailor with a black bead on another tip.
  6. On a paper sheet, using a black felt -tip pen, draw your eyes. Cut them and fix them with needles on the craft.
  7. The last bar is a mouth of crumbs. To do this, perform a small cut under the nose of the hare, and insert pumpkin seeds there. It will be the teeth. If it is not possible to use seeds, just cut out small pieces of zucchini pulp.

To make the craft look more attractive, attach a small carrot with several twigs of parsley to the hare's foot. As you can see, nothing complicated. But for the baby, making a figure of a favorite cartoon character is a real event and joy. The name of such a craft is “crumbs on a walk”.

Craft mouse from red beets: instructions, how to make a mouse?

Craft mouse from red beetroot
Craft mouse from red beetroot

You can make a small, charming mouse from red beets. To do this, you will need not only the root crop itself, but also:

  • Plasticine
  • Matches
  • A small piece of colored cardboard

Here is the instruction on how to make a mouse - a craft of red beets:

  • The tail of the root of the mouse will be the tail. On the other side of the fruit, attach a plasticine piece and make it in the shape of a muzzle.
  • Using matches or toothpicks, sticking them into the “muzzle” of plasticine mass, make the antennae.
  • Cut the ears from col. cardboard. For an eye and nose, use black plasticine mass.

A mouse from beets is made very simply, and quite quickly. And this is a very entertaining process, especially for small crumbs. This craft is perfect for exhibitions in kindergarten or elementary school.

Hedgehog from beets - craft: Instruction

Hedgehog from beets craft
Hedgehog from beets craft

All children love hedgehogs and little halves, because these little animals are very cute. In addition, they are characters of many cartoons adored by kids. Therefore, please your preschooler - make a hedgehog figure with him from the beets for the exhibition. Below you will find instructions for the execution of crafts.

To create such a masterpiece, arm yourself:

  • The necessary amount of root crops of small beetroot
  • Matches
  • Toothpicks

Have you prepared materials? Wonderful! Now proceed to action:

  • Wash well and completely dry the beets.
  • Place the fetus in front of you on the table and determine which of its sides most in its shape resembles a hedgehog muzzle. Please note that in oblong beets, this part is side, where the tail is located. But it is not recommended to take round vegetables, except in the absence of other options.
  • Throughout the rest of the root crop, with the exception of the "muzzle", stick the toothpicks. These will be animal needles.
  • To make eyes, use 2 matches. Just stick them into the upper part of the "muzzle" so that the heads remain from above. They will just imitate the eyes of the hedgehog.

Your craft is ready. It remains only to decorate it with leaves or small fruits/berries, putting them on toothpicks-igols.

Bull - Craft from great beets with the name: Instruction

Bull - Craft from Big Beetroot
Bull - Craft from Big Beetroot

In order to make a sweet bull, you can use any vegetables, including beets. To do this, you need a large root crop. Stell your time and time, because this craft requires painstaking work. But it has a beautiful look, and is perfect for an exhibition at school. Here is an instruction that will help make a bull - crafts from great beets:

So cut the beets to make a bull
So cut the beets to make a bull
  • Take a large beet, wash it, dry and peel it.
  • Cut the first circle, it must have a convex shape.
  • Cut the second, large, medium thickness of the ring, and put it on the tray, where your composition will be located. It will be the torso of the bull.
  • Cut another ring, smaller, and place it in the upper part of the “body” of the bull. It will be his head.
  • Place on top of the head of the animal 2 pieces Olives imitating eyes.
  • Now go to the muzzle. As it is a previously cut convex circle.
  • Put on the muzzle 2 thin rings Luke. This is a nose of your beet bull.
  • Now take care of the ears. To do this, take another ring of beets, cut it in half and place pieces on both sides of the head. But leave a place for more for ox.
  • And now, finally, make horns for the beet bull. Cut another ring from the root crop and in the upper part, approximately in the middle, make a recess. It must be cut in this way that the pulp remains along the edges, because it is she who imitates the horns of the bull.
  • Place the last part of the composition over the ears. In this case, a circle with horns must be put, and not just attach.

Quite a little effort - and the work is done. You can show imagination and decorate the bull, for example, a sprig of parsley. Put it on the head of a vegetable animal - and he will have a cute little chubchik. The name of this craft can be given this: "Cold bull -calf" or "Goby in the meadow".

Useful advice: The composition is attributed to the exhibition on the tray. It should be durable. A plastic plate is not suitable, because it bends, and this can lead to the fact that the design you created will collapse.

Piglet - Crafts from beets: step by step with the name

Piglet - Crafts from beets
Piglet - Crafts from beets

Small and cute piglets are very easily prepared from beets. Only root crops you need to take the most miniature sizes. And it is desirable that they have not round, but an oblong shape. So they will more resemble the trunk of small piglets.

Now about what you need for such a craft from beets. These are the following materials:

  • The required number of beetroot root crops
  • Plasticine black, pink and white
  • Stack for modeling

The necessary components are prepared, you can proceed directly to the step -by -step process:

  • Wash the fruit thoroughly and let it dry completely.
  • The back of the product serves the side with a tail. It can be cleaned of villi or at least make them less if they are too branched.
  • Now you need to make a patch of plasticine, for which make a cake of medium thickness.
  • From pink plasticine, make ears for the pig. They should have a triangular shape, and not be too large.
  • Then make your eyes. For this purpose, white and black plasticine is used.
  • Glue the resulting components in turn to beets.

All is ready. You got a very cute and pretty pig. If you make several such figures, all of the above actions should be repeated for them. The name of the craft "Merry pig".

Snowman - Crafts from beets with the name: Instruction

Snowman is a craft
Snowman is a craft

The snowman can be made of different round vegetables. Beets will also suit. There is nothing easier than making a small snowman from such a vegetable. Here you can safely arm yourself with your imagination, especially when decorating the product. For crafts you will need 3 root crops, different in size. Although, in principle, they can be the same - this will not affect the attractiveness of the product.

In addition, arm your long wooden skewers. They are necessary to fasten parts of the body of the snowman among themselves. Here are the instructions for performing crafts:

  • Rinse and dry well well.
  • Remove extra elements from its surface, in particular, villi.
  • It is not necessary to clean it from the skin, especially if you are going to paint the snowman with multi -colored felt -tip pens or markers.
  • Gently stole all parts of the body on a skewer or toothpick. Start with the largest - it will be the bottom.
  • Then put the average and finally the upper one. The last beets are the smallest, as it serves the “head” of the beetroot snowman.
  • On top of it you can place a miniature plastic bucket (it can be bought in the department of children's toys) or a knitted hat. Make sure that all parts of the crafts are firmly and reliably fastened.

For the eye of a snowman, use matches (according to the principle of how you made your eyes to the hedgehog). By the way, they are suitable for parts of the body, and their heads will serve as buttons. To make pens, toothpicks or the same skewers are suitable. But they should not be too long.

A snowman from beets is one of the fastest performances of crafts. At the same time, she looks pretty cute, and she can also be decorated. Beads, scarf, bucket, different drawings on the "trunk". All this is provided to your child, let this creative process become an exciting occupation for him. The name of this craft: "Snowman on a walk".

Smeshariki - Crafts from beets: step by step with the name

Smeshariki - Crafts from beets
Smeshariki - Crafts from beets

In addition to Krosh, from beets you can make other characters of the popular hero of the cartoon of Smeshariki. For example, a hedgehog. By the way, instead of beetroot for making figures of this cartoon hero, a large red onion with husk is often used.

But in our case, medium -sized beets and colored plasticine will come in handy. The necessary shades:

  • White
  • Black
  • Violet

Here's how to perform this craft step by step:

  • To get started, wash the vegetable and leave it to dry.
  • At the same time, blind from purple plasticine a “hairstyle” for a hedgehog. It should be purple, as in a cartoon.
  • Now blind your eyes from white plasticine. Make pupils from black. And the edging for the eye and eyebrows should also be purple.
  • Alternately glue all parts of the character’s face on the beets, as well as a previously made hairstyle. If necessary, you can remove or shorten the beet tail so that the hedgehog looks as realistic as possible.

After a short period of work, you get an original craft, which can be sent to the exhibition, both to kindergarten and school. Name: "Cool Smeshariki".

Crafts of pumpkin and root crop beets for school and kindergarten with the name: Instruction

Crafts of pumpkin and root crop beetroot for school and kindergarten
Crafts of pumpkin and root crop beetroot for school and kindergarten

From beets and pumpkin you can make heroes of different animated films. For example, muzzles come out well these Miki Mausov. You can also create heroes of another popular cartoon - Angry Birds. Or just make small funny "faces" with different facial expressions. The main thing is that you don’t have to do anything.

  • You just need to take small vegetables, wash them, remove third -party elements and dry well.
  • Now take the felt -tip pens and a sheet of paper. Draw your eyes on it for each of the characters, cut them and glue them or pin with a small piece of toothpick to each fruit.
  • To depict a specific expression on a pumpkin and beetroot, use a black felt -tip pen. Focus on the photo:
Type craft for school and kindergarten
Type craft for school and kindergarten
Type craft for school and kindergarten
Type craft for school and kindergarten
Pumpkin crafts for school and kindergarten
Pumpkin crafts for school and kindergarten

The composition can be supplemented with many other miniature vegetables. The craft is simple, but original and beautiful.

Crafts of owl from beetroot: how to make an owl step by step?

Crafts of owl from beetroot
Crafts of owl from beetroot

And one more Smesharik, who can be made from beets, is owl. Here you also do not have to work seriously. How to make an owl step by step? Here are the instructions for performing crafts:

  • Wash the fruit, but while it dries up with a modeling of wings, legs, ears and hats of plasticine.
  • The base has a purple color, but you can make a hat multi -colored.
  • Give this business to the child - he will be happy to work on creating a headdress for owl.

From white plasticine, make your eyes, from black - pupils. The mouth of ovunya can be pink or red. To make such a cartoon character, you will need no more than half an hour.

Crafts from beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder: Instruction

Beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder
Beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder

From the beets from the garden in the shape of a cylinder, an interesting little man, or even a robot, can be obtained. And there are also wonderful crafts in the form of flowers, for example, tulips. But here you have to work hard, because this is a very thin and painstaking work. It is important to cut each petal so that its structure is not damaged, and so that it does not break. One of the adults should do this, and the child will already take up the decoration of crafts.

Crafts from beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder
Crafts from beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder

Also, cylindrical beets are perfect for making an original basket for small berries, fruits or vegetables. And from it you can make a vase for flowers with leaves of trees. The little animal will also turn out perfectly from such a root crop. It can be rats, pigs, etc.

Crafts from beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder
Crafts from beets from the garden in the form of a cylinder

In fact, there are much more options. And you can quite come up with some kind of original and unusual, composition for the exhibition.

Mammoth from beets from the garden: craft

Mammoth from beets from the garden
Mammoth from beets from the garden

The mammoth is outwardly very similar to the elephant, only he, except for the trunk, has tusks. To obtain such a beautiful composition, the supply of vegetables from the garden you will need:

  • Small beets
  • Artificial fur
  • Styrofoam
  • Skewers or toothpicks
  • Vata

You will also have to work hard on this product:

  • First, cut the body and legs of a mammoth from the foam.
  • It is not always possible to make these parts of the body whole, so you can make them separately, after which simply glue them with each other.
  • As the head of the mammoth in the photo above is the Kazakh dike, which has grown like that - with a bent tail. But you can safely replace it with a little beet.
  • Just choose that the tail is thick and looks up so as not to fix it on purpose. For example, as in this photo:
Mammoth from beets from the garden
Mammoth from beets from the garden

We showed this photo above, as the craft is similar to an elephant. But you must admit, and there is also a similarity with the mammoth. We continue:

  • Using skewers or toothpicks, attach the mammoth head to the body.
  • You can draw your eyes, cut out of paper or fly out of plasticine (as in the image).
Mammoth from beets from the garden
Mammoth from beets from the garden
  • Place a piece of artificial fur on the torso and fasten it with a tailor with below with a tailor or hairpin. You can glue the shreds between yourself or sew them.
  • Now proceed to the ears. To do this, you will need another piece of beetle peeled. Cut 2 ring vegetables and attach them to the head. But note that on the side that adjacent to the product, cutouts should be made on the beetroot rings. For fixation, use glue.

The final part of the creative work is a place for your mammoth. You can make a pallet out of the same piece of foam, or put the product on a beautiful plate. Lay out pieces of cotton wool around the figure - and the composition is completed.

Rose from purified beets: Instructions

Peeled beetroot
Peeled beetroot

What could be more beautiful than delicate red (in our case - burgundy) roses? And try to cut this exquisite flower from the beetroot fruit. Here is an instruction that will help make a rose from purified beets:

  • Clean the root crop, take a sharp knife and make several oblique sections on the fruit from below.
  • Then carefully cut the pulp with layers, making imitation of the petals. See how it looks in the photo:
Peeled beetroot
Peeled beetroot
  • Do all the petals thin, but not too much - they should not be transparent. After a short work on the craft, you will get such a gorgeous flower:
Peeled beetroot
Peeled beetroot
  • Such beauty can be decorated with transparent beads or rhinestones that will be similar to dew drops.

Video: Beautiful roses from beets!

"Gifts of autumn" - This is a real holiday for children. Every child wants to bring something unusual, bright, beautiful to the exhibition. Beetroot is one of those vegetables from which beautiful compositions are obtained. It is used alone or in combination with other fruits and herbs. After all, each of the compositions is a real masterpiece that will not leave anyone indifferent. Good luck!

Video: Crafts from beets. DIY crafts

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