Orchitis in men - symptoms and treatment. Is infertility possible with orchitis? Orchitis in a child

Orchitis in men - symptoms and treatment. Is infertility possible with orchitis? Orchitis in a child

The proposed article will talk about the disease "Orchit". We will talk about the causes of this disease, the symptoms of the development of the disease and the principles of its treatment.
Orchitis is an inflammatory or infectious disease of the male genitourinary system, or rather tissues of the testicle itself.

AT one from their own articles we they wrote about inflammatory disease appendage yaichkaepedian, bad and not correct treatment whom so the same maybe bring to development orkhita. Read read more about this disease you you can crossing on link:Epididmit in men - symptoms and treatment. Epididymititis in children. Antibiotics for treatment

let's the same find out on what reasons maybe arise this is inflammatory disease.

The reasons development orkhita

Reasons occurrence inflammation fabrics seven can serve those the same infections, which call development epididmit. BUT exactlybacteria, which in norm they live in intestines man; infections, calling development venereal diseases; blooded infection from remote foci inflammation (pneumonia, bronchitis and t.d..)

To infections, defiant orchitis related:
Staphylococcal infection
Infections, brought hematogenous by the way and urogenital infections, such how ureaplasma, mycoplasma and chlamydia
Viruses herpes and flu
Fungi kind candida
Venus infectionsgonorrhea, syphilis
Tuberculosis bacterium and bacteria typhoid

To reasons occurrence orkhita so the same related:
Transferred injuries pachovoy areas and surgical interventions
Sedentary image life, in result whom arise stagnant phenomena in small pelvic and sexual organs

So the same to i will stague blood in sexual system maybe arise on reason often interrupted sexual acts
Factors, which can predispose to development orkhita serving:
Decrease work immune systems organism in result transferred diseases
Long sexual abstinence, equals how and excessive enthusiasm sexual life
Sharp and chronic disease urogenital systems
Chronic foci infections in body
Prostatitis and adenoma prostates, stenosis urethra ( stagnation urine maybe provoke development and spread infections)

Orchitis u men: symptoms and signs

Orchitis in men: symptoms and signs

We already found out, what orchitis is inflammatory disease fabrics yaichka, because and symptoms given diseases enough characteristic:

Manifings disease with expressed dull pain in semennik, with that parties, with which develops inflammation
Develops swelling and redness skin pokov
Pain increases and it becomes acute
Feverish condition and increase temperatures bodies before 40 degrees Celsius
Sick suffers from head pain, weakness and chills
Pain maybe continue along seed cords

How and anyone disease, orchitis maybe have sharp and chronic forms. We briefly we will try describe differences these form between yourself.

Spicy orchitis

Sharp orchitis
Sharp orchitis
  • Acute the form diseases it begins sharp and characterized strong pain in areas inflamed seven. This pain intensifies at change regulations bodies and anyone movement
  • Semennik swelling and increases in sizes, at this skin covers scrots tighten and they become tense. Rises local temperature above inflamed testicle
  • General temperature bodies sharp increases before hectic numbers, condition patient it becomes feverish. At this it is noted chills and lomota in body, strong head pain, which can accompany nausea and vomiting
  • At adequate therapy diseases, manifestation symptoms disappears in average through 1 a week treatment

However, if not treat this disease, then her development maybe go on next ways:

Self -recovery diseases on the length 34 weeks, at the best forecasts
Maybe form abscess
Disease will cross in chronic form

Chronic orchitis

  • Development chronic forms orkhita maybe become investigation not addressed or not treated acute orkhita in past. Inflammation yaichka so the same maybe to be initially chronic. it characteristic for orkhita, which the called SPPP
  • At this type diseases symptoms maybe practically not manifest. BUT herself disease detected by chance at planned inspection or examination on the subject infertility
  • Chronic the form orkhita is frequent reason infertility u men. The only one manifestation chronic orkhita is appearance periodic weak pain in inflamed testicle. These pain, how rule, arise at acceptance defined regulations affairs or palpation yaichka

Orchitis diagnostics: to which doctor address?

Orchite Diagnostics: Which doctor to contact?
Orchite Diagnostics: Which doctor to contact?

Establishment this diagnosis for experienced the doctors not is complexity. Treatment this diseases engaged urologist.

This diagnosis maybe put already at primary inspection, but for his confirmation and definitions the causative agent diseases assigned the following research:

Analysis blood general, which the provides possibility define severity diseases and general condition patient
Analysis urine general, which the will help confirm development inflammatory process. This analysis so the same will be able help in definition infectious process in organs urination
Analysis seminal liquids give information about mobility sperm and about availability the causative agent diseases
Taken smear from urethra, so the same for definitions pathogenic microflora
Urine explore on the subject bacteria, which the gives possibility define sensitivity microorganisms to antibacterial therapy
Ultrasound will help fast and effective define prevalence inflammation and estimate characteristics seven
MRI with big accuracy determine stage diseases

Orchitis u child

Orchitis in a child
Orchitis in a child
  • U children inflammation testicles arises more often total in result complications at disease epidemic mumps
  • Infection, defiant « Pig» u boys, maybe go down in inguinal region hematogenous by the way and call orchitis
  • Symptoms this diseases u children not differ from development u adults men
  • At this with appearance the first symptoms need urgently turn to doctor and to begin treatment

Orchitis and infertility

Orchitis and infertility
Orchitis and infertility

Orchitis maybe have enough serious effects in plan reproductions and childbearing. AT result diseases arises violation processes dispute education.

Special attention must call bilateral inflammation testicles or/and epididymititis, on that reason, what probability complications in form infertility extremely high.

Self -medication at this disease maybe to be very dangerous and not costs to him resort.

Treatment orkhita antibiotics. Orchitis drugs

Treatment of orchitis with antibiotics. Orchitis drugs
Treatment of orchitis with antibiotics. Orchitis drugs
  • Therapy acute and chronic form a little vary, but direction treatment must set together to elimination the reasons diseases
  • At development acute forms diseases, after passage necessary diagnostics, assign antibiotic therapy shock doses (high)
  • it made for togo, to how can faster kill infectious process and not allow development complications. Therapy conduct in compliance with crops on the sensitivity microflora to defined sight antibiotics
  • In time treatment assigned bed mode. AT complex treatment on the row with antibiotics prescribe reception anti -inflammatory drugs and painkillers funds
  • AT case, when full bed mode not available, patient attributed wearing specialized bandage, which the supports scrotum. Such bandage called suspension
  • If a pain too much expressed, maybe conducting blockade seed cords analgesic drugs with help accurate injection in certain point

Important remember, what at treatment antibiotics reception alcohol strictly contraindicated.

  • Chronic the form orkhita maybe become reason formation infertility u men. This the form difficult amenable treatment and requires perseverance and long and consistent therapy
  • At treatment so the same assigned antibiotic therapy, based on the sensitivity microflora. On the row with treatment actively used methods UHFtherapy, magnetotherapy and compresses

Treatment orkhita in home conditions

Recipe 1: Grass Ruts. This grass need use in fresh form. Her necessary grind and mix with crushed lavrov sheet. Obtained mixture put on the cotton napkin and use in quality compress on the scrotum.

Recipe 2: Mix honey, wine and gruel aloe in equal proportions. This mixture apply how compress on the region scrots.

Video: Orchitis Symptoms and treatment of orchitis with folk remedies and methods

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Comments K. article

  1. In fact, this is an unpleasant diagnosis for any person. I also worried about this much, my wife supported well. We found a good andrologist, he recommended a sperm ware me to drink, natural composition, nettle extract, taurine, amino acids. Plus a complete rejection of smoking, baths, harmful products. You know, I passed the spermagram in three months, the results are normal.

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