Epididmit in men - symptoms and treatment. Epididymititis in children. Antibiotics for treatment

Epididmit in men - symptoms and treatment. Epididymititis in children. Antibiotics for treatment

This article will talk about the disease of male epididyms. We will consider the causes of the disease and the consequences of this disease.

Inflammation yaichkaepididymititis u men

  • For beginning let's find out, what represents yourself disease epididymititis. Epididymititisthis is really inflammatory disease, but not himself yaichka, a appendage seven. It often wears infectious character inflammation
  • This disease maybe hit boys and men in different age, but more often diseases prostious men in age from 20 before 39 years. Children disease amazing on more meres in result obtained injuries yaichka
  • Anatomically appendage yaichka forms half -ring around seven and palp how not big crest on back wall yaichka. On the touch appendage less dense how sam testicle, a his long it is before ½ circles yaichka men. Appendage serves transitional part from seven to slovy ways, because infect he maybe how from urethra, so and by the way entry bacteria from seven
  • Appendage need for access sperm, her maturation and promotion on slovy ways. He is paired organ sexual systems. Appendage represents yourself roll and tightly laid duct, which the situated very close behind seven. Long this duct maybe make up from 6 before 8 meters, if his spin and stretch
  • Getting from ducts yaichka, spermatozoa move on appendage on the length 14 days, dousing exactly in him. AT tail parts semennik thickening and forms « camera» for access sperm in her

The reasons development epididmit

The reasons for the development of epididymitis
The reasons for the development of epididymitis

We already mentioned 2 ways penetration infections in appendages yaichka. At this getting through urethra on ascending ways, infection so the same maybe hit and prostate. U 80% sick men determined urogenital infection.

There is 2 basic type bacteria, which call epididymititis:

Bacteria, which in norm live in intestines man
Infections, transmitted sexual by the way

1. AT age before 39 years often reasons development epididmit serving infections, which provoke development venereal diseasesthis is chlamydia and gonorrhea

2. AT more elder age after 40 years, more frequent cases is development epididmit on reason infections bacteria intestines. At this they provoke development cystitis (inflammation urinary bubbles). Most frequent similar infections u men, which they are engaged anal sex. More rare cases infection fungi.

3. Epididymititis so the same maybe to be provoked reception heart drug « Amiodaron»

4. Development chemical epididmit maybe to be caused entering in appendage urine, at lessons sex with crowded urine bubble

5. U children reason development pathology maybe serve diseases viral infections ( infectious paratitepiggy)

Epididymititis: symptoms and signs

Epididymite: Symptoms and signs
Epididymite: Symptoms and signs

Symptoms this diseases can develop gradually and enough slowly, but more often monifest in the course 1 day after beginning diseases. Start diseases characterized presence painful sensations in areas scrots and groin, then develop the following signs:

  • It is noted pain in side affected appendage and in lower parts abdomen, these symptoms develop on reason togo, one hundred inflammation initially develops in seducer ways, a only after it falls in appendage. At this inflammation and symptoms can to be one -sided or to be stronger with one parties
  • On the length 4x hours dimensions appendage and yaichka can increase in 2 times from normal size in result edema. Pain at this growing up
  • At urination it is noted pain, possible signs blood in urine
  • From urethra channel can to be observed discharge
  • Rises temperature bodies before fever
  • Maybe subtit

All listed symptoms demand immediate appeals to urologist for diagnostics the causative agent and urgent treatment.

Classification epididmit

Classification of epididimitis
Classification of epididimitis

Distinguish several types currents diseases:

1. AT dependencies from parties on the which develops inflammation
Bilateral development epididmit
One -sidedrightor left -handed development epididmit

2. AT dependencies from duration currents diseases:
Spicy epididymititisswiftly developing disease with bright symptoms (head pain, hyperthermia, pain in scrotum and t.d..). At this even turn regulations bodies accompanied sharp pain in pachovoy areas
Chronic epididymititisformed in result protracted not treated acute epididmit. At development this forms is happening formation rubtsov, a symptoms at chronic form reduced to minimum. This the form diseases maybe become reason reduction capabilities to fertilization.

3. AT separate form display tuberculosis epididymititis. At this form pain expressed weak, a temperature subfebril before 38 degrees Celsius. Ordinary antibacterial therapy at tuberculosis form epididmit not brings effect

Spicy epididymititis

  • At development acute forms temperature bodies patient it becomes very high, patient snobit and it is noted acute pain in areas groin. At hematogenous ways infection (through blood) in the first turn suffers head appendage. At condition urogenital ways infection, first infected tail appendage
  • Pain bright manifests itself often with one from sides, bilateral epididymititis arises 1 case from 5. Pain often maybe give away in region lumbar or sacrum. Appendage at inflammation swelling and squeezes sam testicle
  • Disease maybe recover on one's own, but exists risk development abscess how complications or transition diseases in stage chronic inflammation

Chronic epididymititis

  • By expiration acute phases inflammation and absence adequate therapy develops chronic phase diseases, but there is cases original formation chronic phases diseases
  • Epididymititis in chronic phase currents maybe to be investigation neglected urethritis, syphilis, gonorrhea or prostatitis. So the same maybe develop after ectomy or linking seducer ducts
  • Chronic the form often curses to formation bilateral pathology. At this pain  expressed  not bright, a temperature bodies corresponds subfebril. Characteristic education species and connective tissue heavy

Epididymititis and infertility

Epididmit and infertility
Epididmit and infertility

How complication diseases after epididmit maybe develop infertility. it take place on next reasons:
After diseases maybe violate function secrets appendage. AT norm this secret promotes high motor activity sperm
Worsen terms maturation sperm in process promotion them on channel appendage
Inflammation violates function and deformed interior epithelium channel appendage, in result what channel maybe clog
AT result inflammation immune cells accept in process inflammation active participation, a barrier yaichka maybe violate and immunity starts production cells against own sperm, killing them

Epididymititis u children

Forms and symptoms diseases u boys not differ from those from adults, but u children can to be other the reasons diseases. To him related:
Anomalous development urine ways, what maybe drive to violated excretion urine and ascending infection
Transferred injuries areas scrots
Viral small with defeat appendages
Narrowing lumen urethra and chronic stagnation urine
Tuberculosis defeat
Medical procedures, related with penetration in urethra

Should mark, what epididymititis in children's age enough rare phenomenon.

Complications transferred diseases can serve:
Inflammation seven and his abzeding
Transition one -sided diseases in bilateral form
Salting and formation fistula scrots
At not adequate therapy or her absence disease crosses in chronic form and threats infertility

What kind antibiotics need at epididy? Epididmit treatment with drugs

What antibiotics are needed for epididymitis?
What antibiotics are needed for epididymitis?
  • Appointment that or other therapy antibacterial drugs maybe only at definition the reasons development diseases. Thatthere is definitions bacteria, called disease
  • Before accurate definitions bacterial infections assigned antibacterial drugs, having wide spectrum actions
  • By meres receipt tests smear determined sensitivity identified microflora to certain antibiotics and assign most effective from them
  • Treatment maybe carried out how with combination several antibiotics so and in form monotherapy

Epididymititis treatment in home conditions folk means

People's the medicine so the same offers their methods treatment this diseases:

Recipe 1
AT quality painkiller funds apply infusion grushanks. For preparations infusion 10 tea spoons herbs should pour 1 liter boiling water and to give stand in thermos. Accept infusion recommend on 50 ml before 3 once in day

Recipe 2
D. la removing inflammation should prepare decoction. For this necessary mix in equal proportions parsley, dandelion, shepherd bag, tolknyanka and fruit anisa. Then take 6 art.l. this mixtures and pour 2 liters boiling water. Accept decoction on the length day, replacing them ordinary beverages (tea, coffee).

Video: acute and chronic epididymitis - causes, symptoms and treatment

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