Johari window: Theoretical side of the technique, the use of knowledge gained

Johari window: Theoretical side of the technique, the use of knowledge gained

The Johari window is an interesting technique that will allow you to look at itself and its environment from the other side. Interesting?

“I'm leaving for me, I open the whole world” - Johann Wolfgang Goethe

How often do we try to understand ourselves, our needs and find ways out of stagnation, which sometimes happens in our lives? But only developing and knowing ourselves, we will be able to find our true vocation, happiness and achieve success, which everything is waiting for.

Theoretical side of the technique of the Johari window

Johari window - The unique technique of self -knowledge, created in 1955 by American psychologists elevator and Inham. The technique was originally aimed at ensuring that we could realize and take control of one of the most important relationships in our lives - the relationship between our personal qualities and the perception of them surrounding people. Today it is a certain card for personal development, which helped many achieve harmony and happiness.

The name of the technique was invented by adding the names of two psychologists that created it - Joseph Elevator and Harrington Inham - Johari. Nowadays, there is no psychologist who, on the table, among other profiles and questionnaires, would not lay a mysterious sign of the Johari window. It is called a model of self -knowledge, and a map of personal growth, and even by happiness and eternal human goal. But whatever you call it - thanks to her you can look deep into yourself, explore the qualities that make you vulnerable and the strengths, as well as realize what you need to do next.

  • To begin with, if you are not aware (and even if you think that you are aware), about what others think about you, ask for your closest friends, colleagues, fitness coach and relatives to write a brief description. Do not be afraid and do not hesitate, believe me, for the most part people think about you much better than you yourself. The result will surely surprise you.
  • In addition, we gathered here to become better, right? A letter or speech with which you will contact your loved ones can start “Mom (dear husband, dear friend), I really want to change, become better and happier. To do this, I need to understand what people who are around me think about me. Please answer the extremely honestly. ”
  • Of course, it will be better if it is a letter - you can forget everything that you were told about or just not start a conversation. And the screen of a computer or smartphone often makes us bolder.
4 main zones
4 main zones
  • If you do not want to know the opinion of others about yourself, this is a sign of immaturity of a person or even illness. Let someone envy and write you muck. Someone will blurt out some kind of stupidity. But at least two of the twenty interviewers will definitely write you something that will subsequently be useful to you or even change your life. Fear to come across a misunderstanding and criticism of others, the fear of getting to know the present, leads to the fact that we become ugly and unhappy. It's time to get out of your shell and recognize yourself better!
  • The survey will help you create a more objective picture of your personality, and thus the works that you send to your self -development will not be wasted.
  • Another way to find out what others think of you is to eavesdrop on their conversations about you. But, firstly, it is ugly to eavesdrop, and secondly, this method will take you much more time, and you do not want to wait on your way to your happiness?

Johari window: Application of knowledge gained

You need to take the paper in the cell and draw a rather large square on it. Divide this square with a cross into small sectors in the form of four identical squares. Ready? Now let's sign these squares.

  • The upper square on the left name is so - "Open zone". In this window, you must record your personal qualities that you know and who know and accept others. Scientists who created the technique believed that this zone and its size (the number of coinciding qualities known to you and loved ones) is directly related to your happiness, success and well -being. After all, success and other benefits are possible only with complete understanding with the outside world. Therefore, the more this zone, the better you are understood, and the more effective your interaction with the environment will be. And it will bring more fruits both in work, and at home and in other areas of your life.
  • How to fill the open area of \u200b\u200bthe Johari window?In an open zone, write down all the qualities that you know about yourself and who recognize and love (or do not like) surrounding people in you. Do not write praises for yourself, only what others agree with, judging by the pre -conducted survey. When filling out this window, be extremely honest.
  • The square to the right of the open zone is called "Blind area". It often happens that we, discussing or condemning others, do not see logs in our own eye. Few people are so mentally mature that they clearly realize all their qualities - both bad and good. This bad habit got it as a gift from our own ignorance and frivolity.
  • Most often, this is expressed in low or high self -esteem. People who see and know you see a large number of positive qualities, but you yourself are not able to see them and it seems to you that you are a very bad person. This leads to the fact that we are embittered to others and the whole world, we do not know how to build relationships, we communicate little and we take the convenient position “better to attack the first” to us.
  • How to fill the blind area of \u200b\u200bthe Johari window?In this square, feel free to write down all the qualities that surprised you in the characteristics given to you by others. Good or bad - perceive them as steps upward.

Answer yourself the following questions:

  • Are you tolerant of criticism? How much?
  • What are you doing, noticing a non -standard reaction to your behavior?
  • Do you often ask other people to evaluate your actions?
  • What signs indicate to you how others react to your actions?
Be honest with you
Be honest with you

The left lower square is called "Hidden zone". The bad habit of hiding your true “I” and adapt to society with thoughts like “what others think about me” is imposed on us since childhood. Already in the kindergarten, we begin to understand that it is “beautiful”, and that “ugly” and hide our ugly features in order to seem more pleasant to others. Of course, the reasons that we all hide and wear in the soul can be different-unwillingness to open completely before people, the desire to seem better than we are, fear that any of what has been said or made can later be used against us.

The more information in our hidden zone, we are more unfortunate and we have more health problems. One of the most striking indicators of psychological maturity is the empty window of this zone. But stress must be made on the fact that this is an indicator of maturity, and not the ideality of the personality. Ideal people do not exist.

It’s just that those who have this window remained empty for a long time understand a certain truth that allows them to be honest with themselves and others and sleep calmly. For example, if such a person gets up to work in a company, whose leadership is deeply disgusting to him, and understands that he will have to hide his attitude every day. He will not set up for such a job, but will look for another. If only because, deeply hiding his hostility, he will not be able to build effective relations in the team, and, accordingly, will not be able to bring any value to the success of the company, as well as to his personal growth.

Many believe that, hiding their shortcomings, they acquire some advantage and expose themselves only in a profitable light. However, the constant need to hide makes a person irritable, angry and closed, plus a fear appears that the secret will be revealed (and we all know well that all the hidden once becomes clear), and as a result, such a person has problems with mental and physical health.

  • How to fill the hidden area of \u200b\u200bthe Johari window?Everything is simple - honestly write down in this window everything that you have saved and hid in yourself for years, and what others do not know about, judging by the survey that you previously did.
  • And finally, the square in the lower right corner is called "Unknown zone". What is it, what do you know about yourself and what do people from your environment do not know, even the closest?
  • Some psychologists believe that an unknown zone are those traits of character and personality as a whole that you acquire in extreme conditions. Others believe that this is a certain well, deep at the bottom of which is hidden, still unsolved, potential. When your friends or other people ask you questions like: “Could you kill?”, “Would you be able to part with life to save another person?”, “Are you able to die for your idea?”, “Do you think you think Could you give your child to strangers? ”,“ Would you let go of another person? ”,“ Would you be able to lie in court? ” “They thus try to get into your unknown zone and understand you even better.”
  • Unfortunately, none of us will be able to answer this question, until he begins to live in truly, accepting both the gifts of life and the problems that it brings. It is to eliminate such a zone that people are consciously or unconsciously fond of extreme sports.

How to fill the window of the unknown zone about kna Johari?

Joseph Lift and Harrington Inham offered a very simple way - by interviewing friends, ask them also about qualities that you definitely do not have. Thus, having mapped them with the qualities that you think you have, and selecting those that do not coincide with your list, you can actually fill out the window “from the opposite”.

Request loved ones
Request loved ones

You can also make a list of qualities that you yourself want to purchase, and which others have not yet seen in you.

Johari window: What to do with the results - work on yourself

Having read to this place you already managed to understand that the Johari window is not just a toy and it will be difficult to “cut it through” it into your mind. Do you need it? All psychologists and people who have achieved great success in life and self -knowledge claim that the game costs a candle. After all johari window Not just four squares on a piece of paper in a cell filled with scribbles. These are clearly formulated recommendations for those who seek to live better and feel better and those who are trying to understand the meaning of their own existence and their own path to happiness.

What to do?If you formulate the meaning of further work with johari window - We need to try to reduce such zones as unknown, hidden and blind and increase open.

An open zone is a reflection of your I. This is a zone in which you can be yourself, rejoicing in life and without hiding anything. That is why, in order to become happier, you need to work to eliminate the rest of the zones.

How to reduce or eliminate the blind area?

You need to communicate with other people more. Ask others about yourself more often and, receiving feedback, work on eliminating qualities that you do not like or somehow interfere with you, adjust your behavior. Do not be afraid of communication, because it is not for nothing that life every second pushes us out of the cave, in which we subconsciously strive to get better.

For analysis, go out of the comfort zone
For analysis, go out of the comfort zone

It is in communication and interaction with other people that we become better and simply happier and achieve success.

How to reduce the hidden zone?

Try not to live in a lie, no matter how difficult it is. For this, do not go into conflict. Avoid situations that are unpleasant for you or cause fear in you, or overcome them. For example, if you think that you are a terrible speaker and are afraid to act in public, you can refuse to perform until the end of your life, or you can go to acting and oratory’s courses that will give you confidence, many new friends and, of course, the ability to fascinate the audience .

Or another situation - if suddenly in the process it turned out that you lack skills to carry out a particular task, gain courage and ask for the help and hint of colleagues. Do not hide and wait until the deadlines begin to put pressure on you.

What to do with an unknown zone?

This zone can only be reduced by constantly developing, acquiring new skills and leaving the zone of their own comfort. Learn a new language, go through the theatrical art course, learn how to skate or snowboarding, get your own blog.

Video: Johari window

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