Official employment, when your friend is a boss: advantages and disadvantages. Is it worth recommending a friend for a job?

Official employment, when your friend is a boss: advantages and disadvantages. Is it worth recommending a friend for a job?

In this article, we will talk about what are the advantages and disadvantages of official employment on the “blat”,

Friendship is very good, in any case in personal life. But if we talk about friendship and career, then everything is not so clear. Is it worth combining friendship and official relations? Does it make sense to go to work in the company, where your friend works or leads? These questions always arise in the head of those who are looking for work.

Let's talk with you whether it is worth mixing work and friendship, is it really good when a word is shut up for you, and this helps to get a job, or is a friend in general a boss.

Official employment when your friend is the boss: advantages and disadvantages

Employment by acquaintance
Employment by acquaintance

Of course, when your friend is a boss, then official employment is considered in many ways attractive, but is it so? Let's find out.

The advantages of official employment on "BLUTO"

It's easier for you to find a job

If your boss is your friend, then there will be no problems when applying for work and you will get to the right place, so to speak, “according to the form”. Many believe that this is the best method to attach to a good place.

It will be easier for you to communicate with the authorities

Since you know the manner of communication with the chef, it will be much easier for you to talk to him on working topics. In fact, the more understanding, the better for both sides. And the process of work itself will be more effective.

You know the shortcomings and features of each other

If you are old friends, then you know each other very well. You know all aspects of character, like other personality characteristics. Of course, it will be easier to work with such a boss, and there will be much less conflicts.

Complete trust

Complete trust
Complete trust

Since the boss knows you, you will not have to gain his trust. Therefore, it will be easy to pass the trial period.

Quick promotion in career

When you have been friends for many years, when registering for work, you hope for help and promotion. Surely, the chef has the opportunity to increase you, and this applies not only to the trial period, but also to the future in the career.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages. Although, not everything is as simple as it might seem. In reality, everything can be a little different, and a long -standing good friend can become an enemy.

This is determined by how specifically you got into place - on the recommendation or not, it just coincided. If a friend contributed to your design, then he would like to work with you, but this does not yet mean that the future will be full of prospects.

But, if he did not participate in your employment, then there may be different options. Maybe a friend will be not at all glad that he will have to work with you, and even more so he will not want to be your boss.

To speak easier, most problems can appear from incorrect or too high expectations, because all the advantages indicated above can have the opposite side, and therefore can easily become shortcomings.

Disadvantages of official employment on the "blat"

You can stop friends

Disadvantages of employment by form
Disadvantages of employment by form

Even if your friendship used to be the strongest and everything was nothing to her, then the test in the form of a “boss-subordinate” may not withstand. So, before going to work for a friend, you need to think about, are you ready to pay such a large price?

They can look at you askance

If a person is arranged according to someone else's patronage, then it may seem to him that this is a great success, especially at the beginning. But only you should be prepared for the not very good reaction of the team. You understand, no one loves “favorites”, and those who make a career in this way.

You will have to think how your actions can be taken by a friend-leader

If you value friendship, you will have to follow your actions all the time. After all, you will have thoughts how your actions will accept the boss. If the leader had not been your friend, it would be easier, but friendship has some obligations and sometimes too tough.

This is largely determined by his attitude to work. If he is a workaholic, then you must definitely have such ideas. Otherwise, you will have problems in the future.

Acquaintance device
Acquaintance device

It is also important exactly how a friend will accept your criticism, his own opinion, especially with others. Thus, you threaten the authority of your boss in the team, so you will have to restrain yourself in many ways.

It is even more difficult if you decide to open your business. In this case, you may have disagreements about finances, as well as different views on development. And this often provokes disputes and conflicts.

There is another option when friendship arises in the process of work. This usually happens in small companies, when there are only a few people in the team. Such friendship also has features, but, in general, the problems are the same.

Official employment when you recommend a friend: pros and cons of

There are situations when you yourself can advise a friend for employment or hire it. This also has its advantages and disadvantages. The official employment of his acquaintance also imposes some responsibilities and must be understood.

Advantages of the official device:

Should I work by acquaintance?
Should I work by acquaintance?
  • You form a reputation for a friend as a useful person
  • Leadership loyalty increases significantly
  • Its own position is intensified in the company
  • The team is more coordinated, because everyone understands each other
  • It is much easier to solve most working issues
  • You are a kind of benefactor for your relatives and acquaintances
  • You confirm the ability to qualitative and objective assessment of the qualities and skills of other people
  • You strengthen your authority, and your opinion becomes important

Flaws  official device:

  • If the candidate remains not professional enough, as well as problematic, then this threatens to fall in authority
  • Different rumors can go in the team, and a biased attitude arises, and all the mistakes of a friend become, as it were, yours
  • You can slow down your career advancement, as you have a competitor
  • If the protege turns out to be problematic, then the career can be ruined due to the loss of leadership confidence
  • Damage to relations with a friend because of the unconscious issues in terms of finance, subordination, and so on, especially when working in one department
  • Poor effect of quarrels or friendly conversations on work
  • Connivance and inability to adequately punish your protege
  • Unexpected identification in friends and native unpleasant qualities

Video: Employment on the form - career disaster

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