Cleaning enema for children: staging algorithm, solution temperature, volume. Cleansing enemas for children with butter, salt, chamomile

Cleaning enema for children: staging algorithm, solution temperature, volume. Cleansing enemas for children with butter, salt, chamomile

A cleansing enema is one of the not very pleasant procedures, but in some cases it is simply necessary for the child. And, it would seem, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but not all parents are aware of how to properly put an enema, how many and which liquid can be needed. The article proposes to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the use of a cleansing enema.

Almost all parents are faced with the child to conduct such an unpleasant procedure as an enema. In such a scrupulous question, there are many factors that need to be taken into account for the proper use of this cleansing therapy. They include the purpose of the enema, the age of the child, fluid for the procedure and much more.

When, under what problems do you need to put a cleansing enema for a child?

First of all, the cleansing enema serves to eliminate constipation in a child. You can also resort to the procedure during bloating, flatulence, various types of poisoning.

We are talking about constipation if the child is not emptied too long. The amount of emptying ranges with age:

0-4 months 1-7r/day
4 months-2 years 1-3r/day
›2 years 1-2r/ 2 days
  • Moreover, the frequency of emptying depends on the nutrition. So, the child on artificial feeding is emptied stably, and the baby can go to the toilet like 7 times a day, and once every 5 days
  • To determine whether your child will help observation. If the baby fills the diaper stably once every 3 days and nothing bothers him, then do not worry and you, but if after 7 times a day your child is not emptied and his tummy hurts, then you should think about it
  • Remember that the enema is not the procedure that you should resort to first. For example, when bloating, a gas -based tube can help, and with constipation, glycerin candles. And only if more gentle methods do not work, make the child an enema

It is forbiddento make an enema with suspicions of appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

In any case, that it would not be a prerequisite for such an unpleasant procedure, perform it extremely carefully, because the baby’s delicate skin is easily injured, besides, children under 3 years of age are not fully formed by intestinal microflora.

Important: do not abuse a cleansing enema, with its frequent use for young children, a non -formed body may not learn how to empty and relax the muscles of the press, which will lead to constant constipation.

Cleaning enema
Cleaning enema

Algorithm for setting a cleaning enema to the child, volume, temperature

Before the start of the procedure, calm the child, talk in a calm voice with the baby, stroke, older children try to explain the need for a cleansing enema in an understandable language, you can do this in the form of a fairy tale or story about some boy/girl. In general, do not limit your imagination.

For the procedure, you will need:

  • Oilcloth
  • Rubber pear
  • Boiled water
  • Vaseline or children's cream

Next, calculate how much water you need:

Age Volume (ml)
0 - 6 months 30-60
6 months - 1 year 150
1-2 years 200
2-5 years 300
5-9 years 400
\u003e10 years 500

Water for an enema should be at room temperature and not exceed 25-27 ° C. This is due to the fact that a hot enema causes a strong laxative effect, moreover, water can begin to be absorbed into the body along with toxins dissolved in it.

Important: height and weight in all children are different, so the volume of water used can fluctuate. Use the minimum volume in which the child is emptied.

I suggest you get acquainted with the main algorithm for performing the procedure:

  • Fill the pear with water
  • Put the child on the oilcloth
  • Squeeze the pear slightly to release air
  • Lubricate the tip with cream or petroleum jelly
  • Slowly and carefully enter the tip into the anus 3-5 cm. If you feel resistance, do not attach strength, try to change the direction of input
  • Click on a pear slowly pour in water on the inhalation of the child
  • Without unclenching a pear, pull out the tip
  • Squeeze the child's buttocks with your hands to avoid fluid flow
  • Wait 10 minutes (or maximum time while the child can endure, but not more than 10 minutes)
  • Put the child on the pot
The algorithm of the cleansing enema
The algorithm of the cleansing enema

Cleaning enema to a child with salt, butter, chamomile, glycerin

For a cleansing enema, you can use not only clean water, but also various compounds to enhance the effect (the amount of substances is indicated by 1 cup of water):

  • Salt (sea or cook) - 0.5 hours.l. 1 cup of water
  • Soda - 1 hour.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 h.
  • Chamomile - 1 tbsp, make a decoction
  • Glycerin - 1 h.
  • Children's soap - dissolve in water until foam. You can also use chips of baby soap instead of glycerin candles for children up to a year

Cleaning enema for a newborn and infantry

According to statistics, infants often suffer from constipation than older children. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive system.

For an enema, a baby will need a small rubber pear (sprint), which must be sterilized before use. To do this, put it in boiling water or dial several times and release boiling water from it (carefully, do not burn).

  • Place the child on an even surface covered with oilcloth. You can put a diaper on top so that the baby is not cold
  • Watch the baby's legs to the tummy and spread the buttocks
  • Vaselin's lubricated tip, enter with rotational movements on the inhabit
  • If the child was frightened and cried, stop the input of the water until you reassure the child
  • Squeeze the child's buttocks after the enema is introduced and do not unclench at least 3-5 minutes
Sprinting for a cleansing enema
Sprinting for a cleansing enema

Cleaning enema for a child at 2-4 years

The enema for children at 2-4 years old is no different, except for the volume of liquid. In addition, put the child at this age not on the back, but on the left barrel, pulling his knees to the stomach.

Starting from 2 years for a cleansing enema, you can use not a rubber sprint, but a pear of Esmarch.

Cleaning enema for a child at 5 - 7 years old

You will need a pear of Esmarch and a pretty good gift of belief to persuade the child. If no persuasion helps, in extreme cases, you can put the child on the left side, bending the child’s knees, and hold the child’s body with his left shoulder, and your legs with your hand.

You can also use a mug of Esmarch with a crane. In this case, after the tip of the tip into the anus, place the mug by 50-70 cm above the body of the child and adjust the fluid supply using the tap.

Esmarch mug for a cleansing enema
Esmarch mug for a cleansing enema

How often to put a cleansing enema?

  • As mentioned above, an enema is an extreme measure, which is worth resorting only if necessary
  • Sometimes it happens that one cleansing enema did not help, then you can repeat the procedure, but not earlier than after 6 hours
  • With constant constipation, if other methods of solving the problem (candles, for example) do not help, the cleansing enema is recommended no more than 1 time in 2 weeks

Important: If your child constantly has problems with bowel movements - be sure to consult a doctor to identify the cause.

Video: How to put an enema for a baby?

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