Activated carbon - Instructions for use

Activated carbon - Instructions for use

Let's talk about a proven antacid tool. All familiar activated carbon. How to apply it correctly? And do he have contraindications?

Instructions for use

This drug is made of wood coal, or of coal coke. Over the years, it would seem that there is no simpler and more proven agent and more modern drugs have already been created. ONE and now activated carbon is successfully used by doctors as a sorbent.

Today, these black tablets are used not only as sorbing Means, but also in cosmetology and life of inventive housewives.
In case of poisoning, coal is taken inside, the medicine binds harmful metabolic products and toxins, normalizes the gas formation process and removes harmful substances from the body naturally.

Indications for use

Historically, this drug was used to detoxify the body, however, at this stage, the spectrum of using activated coal is much wider:

• Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, flatulence, poisoning, decay processes and fermentation in the intestines)
• sepsis and intoxication in severe burn disease
• infectious diseases (salmonellosis and dysentery)
• In diseases of the liver and biliary tract (chronic and acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic cholecystitis)
• Gastritis
• Allergic conditions (food allergies)
• Preparation for the endoscopic study of the gastrointestinal tract
• as part of diet for weight loss
• cosmetic wraps and masks to improve the condition of the skin
• Application in cosmetology to eliminate dandruff, in dentistry-conjure yellow plaque on the teeth
However, activated coal is Initially, the drug, do not use it in unlimited quantities. Before starting use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Activated carbon to children

Indications for the use of the drug in children are the same as for adults, their list is extensive. Its main direction is detoxification for allergic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases.

It is used as antidiarrheal means. In most cases, parents make an independent decision to apply activated carbon in the treatment of the child.
With all the positive moments of the drug, there are conditions in which children cannot be given activated carbon:

• bleeding of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract
• GIGRAL ulcers
• Combining treatment with other antacids

If not given these contraindications, applied activated carbon in the treatment of a child, you can encounter digestive disorder, constipation, thromboembolism, vitaminosis, hypoglycemic states.
The consequences are serious enough for the child's body, therefore, carefully react to the contraindications of the drug.

The use of activated coal in children is allowed from an early age to remove colic and increased gas formation.

Doses for children are:

• up to 1 years- tablets crush, mix with water and give 1-2 tablets throughout the day
• 1 year-3 years-2-4 tablets per day
• 3-6 years- 4-6 tablets per day
• at the age of older than 6 years to 10-12 tablets per day with the expectation of body weight

When using the drug in children,   do not forget that it is used on an empty stomach.

Activated carbon dosage

  • The usual dosage “1 tablet 2 times a day” is not suitable for taking activated coal. With each pathology, the amount of the drug may vary
  • If you are faced with symptoms of poisoning, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet for each kilogram of body weight at once, then we wash the stomach (to cleanse the stomach of the residues of the poisonous matter). Then we take the same dose of activated coal inside. If poisoning occurs as a result of taking irritating fluids, gastric lavage is not produced
  • With symptoms of flatulence or to prepare for the examination, a dose of 1-3 tablets 3 times a day is prescribed. If these symptoms are caused by poisoning, then it is recommended to crush the tablets and dilute in half a glass of water and take in the form of a suspension
  • The duration of treatment is from 3 to days to two weeks. In the treatment of activated coal, you should not take other drugs, they will not be effective

Activated carbon tablets

The usual form of release of this drug is a tablet with a dosage of 0.25 g of the active substance in one tablet. It is in this dosage that the drug is calculated for therapeutic purposes.
But we have already mentioned that this drug was widely used in other areas of life and human activity, therefore activated carbon is available in the form of granules (for the preparation of a suspension) or capsules for oral administration. It is also a paste and powder for suspension.


Contraindications for taking the drug are the following conditions:
• ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
• increased sensitivity to the drug
• bleeding of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
• Simultaneous   the use of antitoxic drugs, along with activated coal

Activated carbon or Polysorb?

Today, many doctors consider activated carbon to be remunerations of the past, as more modern and safe means have been created.

Polysorb is One of the row sorbing Means that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora (which is important for the child's body). The drug is excreted from the body without a cumulative effect.

This is an effective sorbent acting in the lumen of the intestines, which quickly and effectively binds and removes poisonous substances and pathogenic microorganisms available in the intestines and bloodstream. This drug also positively affects the restoration and normalization of the functions of the liver and kidneys, stimulates immune system.


There are no analogues with an activated coal with the same active substance, however, thanks to modern medicine, drugs have been developed that have a similar sorbing action:
Ultra Adsorb

Activated carbon reviews

Having re -read many reviews, we can conclude that how entereal Activated carbon adsorbent is outdated, although it has the most economically advantageous position in price policy. However, as a cosmetological agent, this drug is widely used with a large number of positive reviews.

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