Is the skin of the hands and legs of the child - causes and treatment?

Is the skin of the hands and legs of the child - causes and treatment?

The article describes the causes of peeling of the skin in the child and legs, gives a list of diseases that are characterized by this symptom, offers a number of recommendations for the care of dry, flaky skin.

The thickness of the skin of the child is less than that of an adult. In addition, children are more active and more prone and vulnerable to the effects of external stimuli. Often the epidermis becomes a reflection of the result of these influences, as well as internal processes occurring in the body.

A rash, redness, peeling and other forms of reaction of the stratum layer of the skin can be a reason for the concern of many parents. Visible changes on the skin of a child can be both symptoms of various diseases, and a signal of a lack of vitamins, an allergic reaction, a feature of the skin of a particular child, etc.

Let us dwell on such a fairly common phenomenon as dryness, roughness and peeling of the skin on the arms and legs of the child.

Peeling skin in a newborn between the fingers

Normally, the skin of a healthy person is distinguished by integrity, homogeneity, lack of rough or colorful spots, pimples, pustules, etc. However, the baby, just born, is an exception. The newborn child first passes the period of adaptation to new conditions: temperature regime, humidity, etc. Therefore, the presence of dry areas and excessive peeling of the skin is a completely natural and temporary phenomenon.

You can notice an erythema in a child a few days after birth. Most often, they are faced with this. In addition to abundant peeling, usually found between the fingers, behind the ears or on the bend of the limbs, you can notice redness, as well as toxic erythema in the form of yellowish-white pimples. After a few weeks, everything goes on its own and does not require special measures.

If, after a month, the skin also climbs, or new symptoms have appeared, a medical consultation will be useful.

Signs and symptoms of what disease, when leather is led?

The enhanced renewal of epidermal cells, externally manifested in the form of peeling, is a symptom of a huge number of diseases. An approximate list of the most common of them:

It is characteristic of the winter and spring period, when, due to natural causes, a deficiency of nutrients can be observed in the child’s body. As a manifestation, the child has skin on his fingers
Allergic manifestations
Peeling of the skin can be a sign of atopic and contact dermatitis, chronic eczema and other allergic reactions

Disorders of the digestive tract
Problems with the pancreas, intestinal dysfunction (dysbiosis) can affect the condition of the skin and lead to excessive peeling
Fungal diseases
They are caused by parasitic fungi, which often affect the nails, areas between the fingers and the sole of the foot. The main sign of the disease is the presence of scales, expressions and cracks on the skin
• Psoriasis
A non -infectious disease, manifested in the form of red peeling spots, accompanied by itching. Most often, characteristic plaques are localized on the elbows, knees, in the scalp of the head

• The presence of worms
Roughness and redness of the skin can be one of a number of symptoms of infection with worms
• ichthyosis
Genetic congenital disease, the signs of which in most cases are visible to the naked look: overly dry skin, visually reminiscent of a fish of scales

• Scarlatin
Infectious disease, the pathogen of which is streptococcus. The patient has a high temperature up to 39 ° C and an itching rash throughout the body. After a few days you can notice abundant peeling, in particular, the skin on the palms of the palm

• Scabies
Parasitic disease caused by scabies tick. It is characterized by a very severe itching, intensifying in the evening and at night, the presence of scabies, outwardly manifested in the form of red nodules. Signs of the disease can be found on the buttocks, stomach, hands, etc. They can climb fingertips

Important: in the case of a serious disease, peeling of the skin is not the only symptom, so it is difficult to miss it.

The skin of the child is rough skin, rashes on the skin in children

In the absence of other symptoms, excessively dry skin and peeling in a child may indicate:

  1. lack of vitamins
  2. adverse climatic conditions
  3. allergic dermatitis
  • If you began to observe that the skin of the child becomes dry and rough in winter or early spring, most likely, the body signals a lack of vitamins A, E. To make up for the deficiency of nutrients, add products rich in these vitamins to the child’s diet

Products containing vitamins A:

  • liver
  • caviar
  • fish fat
  • eggs
  • carrot
  • apricots, peaches
  • plum
  • pumpkin
  • red pepper
  • potato

Products containing vitamins E:

  • whole grain
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • olive, linseed oil

Important: these vitamins are absorbed only with sufficient intake of fats into the body. Therefore, ensure the use of the required amount of oil.

  • Very often the cause of peeling of the skin can be very dry air and insufficient humidity. This is characteristic of the period when heating devices work in the houses. If the child’s skin becomes dry and climbs precisely during this period, you should take care of creating a favorable microclimate: ventilate the room, use the air humidifier or hang wet towels/sheets in the child’s room to increase humidity

  • In addition, an external factor that can cause peeling of the skin is the effect of cold and wind. In this case, hands or face usually suffer. To solve the problem, you should use a special children's cream before going for a walk, as well as put on warm mittens to the child
  • Often peeling of the skin is a symptom of allergies. This can be both food allergies, and a reaction to household cosmetics, medicines, etc. At the same time, such signs as rash, redness, and roughness are accompanied by peeling

Rough spots on the body of a child

  • The appearance of rough areas of the skin is a fairly common phenomenon among children of the first three years of life. If you find rough spots on the child’s body with a fine reddish rash, most likely you are dealing with atopic dermatitis
  • At the same time, in the morning, the sleep field can be invisible and only dry rough skin can be detected by touch. Perhaps the appearance of spots in different parts of the body, more often on cheeks, handles or legs. During exacerbations, in particular in winter, spots become irritated, red and convex

  • The cause of atopic dermatitis may be a hereditary immune system that responds to allergens in food and environment, as well as a genetic predisposition to dry skin
  • Atopic skin needs special care and moisture. In addition, an important role is played by the need to exclude allergen, compliance with a diet and a careful selection of cosmetics, clothing and everything that is in contact with the skin of the child

You can find out more about atopic dermatitis in the article Diet with atopic dermatitis in a child. Modern and folk treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

Cross or dry skin can also be a consequence of dry air, chlorinated water, abuse of herbs with bathing, lack of moisture in the body, etc.

The child’s body is white spots, red spots, rashes on the skin

Possible diseases, the symptoms of which are white spots:

  • Smot -shaped lichen
    The fungal disease of the epidermis. At the first stages, it manifests itself in the form of peeling spots of pinkish color, and when exposed to sunlight, the spots become more noticeable and acquire a white color. Typically, the location is the neck, chest, shoulders, back.

Among the causes of such non -aesthetic spots:

  • increased sweating
  • hormonal restructuring (characteristic of adolescents)
  • non -compliance with hygiene rules

This disease is not dangerous. The main thing is to contact a dermatologist in time, which will prescribe an appropriate antifungal ointment.

  • Vitiligo
    It is a disease associated with impaired skin pigmentation, as a result of which clear white heels are observed, which may peel off. Most often, this ailment is hereditary. In addition, the disease can develop after an infection, due to disorders in the work of the nervous, endocrine system, with autoimmune diseases

Red spots They occur on the body much more often and in most cases are not symptoms of serious diseases. However, the causes of redness can be:

  • allergy
  • stress
  • insect bites
  • infectious diseases (measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, rubella)

Redness, as a rule, do not arise on their own without other symptoms. Except when it comes to temporary redness when crying a child, overheating, nervous experiences. In other cases, red spots are accompanied by additional symptoms. Most often, this is a rash, itching, peeling, depending on the combination of which you can suspect the presence of a particular disease.

  • Rashes in children, especially at an early age, is a frequent phenomenon. For young children, redness in combination with a rash may indicate the presence sweating, diaper rash or allergies
  • Parting and diaper rash are characterized by wet red spots in the folds of the skin, which occur due to excessive overheating of the child, non -compliance with hygiene
  • If redness + rash + peeling occurs, in the vast majority - these are symptoms of allergies that the child can develop.
    In older children (after a year), rashes on the body may be the result of infectious diseases, each of which has its own symptoms and requires timely diagnosis to the attending physician

The legs of the child - the child has a skin on his leg, what to do?

If you notice that on the fingers of the child’s legs or between them the skin is peeling off and stuck, there may be likely reasons:

  • fungus
  • allergy
  • avitaminosis
  • poor -quality shoes

For the initial diagnosis, you can take the following actions:

  • pay attention to the presence of other symptoms: dryness on other parts of the body, the presence of itching, etc.
  • check if the child’s leg is in shoes
  • provide the proper to moisturize the skin
  • adjust the diet

If peeling does not cause discomfort in the child, and other signs indicating a possible disease are absent, then compliance with the above recommendations will help restore the integrity of the skin.

If the problem could not be solved, to clarify the reason, you must contact the pediatrician.

Leather skin on the fingers of the child - drugs, medicine

If the child is the owner of dry, peeling skin, increased attention should be paid to its care. An important principle should be the moisture and nutrition of dry skin areas, as well as complex treatment of the body from the inside.
Among the drugs for local treatment, ointments are used:

  • radevit
  • bepanten
  • diaderm

Apply ointment 2-3 times a day on dry skin.

Important: do not use hormonal ointments to treat peeling skin in the absence of the appropriate prescription of the doctor.

  • For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, various emolets are used (la Rosh Pose Lipikar, Aven Triczer, Topicrem, Mustel Stalatopia, Bioerm atoderm, etc.)

  • When diagnosing the allergic nature of peeling of the skin, antihistamines (phoenistil, suprastin, zyrtek) are also used)
  • For additional nutrition of the skin, vitamin complexes are prescribed (Aevit, multitabs)

Important: before using medicines, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis. In particular, when others arise, in addition to peeling and dry skin, you should definitely consult a pediatrician, who, in turn, will send the child to a dermatologist, an allergist or another specialist for appropriate treatment after examination and according to the results of the tests.

From the inside, the body should be enriched with food containing omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish), vitamins A and E, as well as additional fluid.

Fingers peel, fingers on their feet, peeling hands - advice and reviews

  • Find out the reason and if necessary undergo a course of treatment
  • Do not bathe your child in hot water
  • Avoid frequent water procedures (chlorinated water dries the skin)
  • Do not use soap, even children. For dry peeling skin, there are special moisturizers for bathing
  • Support in the room a sufficient level of humidity (40-60%)
  • Do not allow the contact of the child with wool, synthetics and other unnatural fabrics

  • Twice caress the clothes and bedding of the child
  • Moisturize the skin with hypoallergenic creams or lotions (based on coconut oil, sea buckthorn, jojoba oil, etc.)
  • Follow the variety of nutrition of the child
  • Offer your child more fluid

You should not be scared that the skin can peel off and survive. Epithelial cells are updated every day. In the absence of other symptoms, this does not signal serious problems, but only requires adjustment of nutrition and additional care.

Video: How to get rid of skin problems with allergic dermatitis? - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: dermatitis in a child - a school of Dr. Komarovsky

Video: fungal infections - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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  1. We had this when, under the diaper, the skin became. The reason was most likely allergic, because soon after treatment it became easier. But now I am more attentive and rarely use a diaper.

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