DIY talisman and damage: types, use, instructions for creating

DIY talisman and damage: types, use, instructions for creating

In the role of a talisman from the evil eye and damage, any object made of natural material made by yourself can become. When creating a magic object, it is very important to imbue the process or thoughts of a particular person, the protective action is launched by a special magical rite.

The main task of the amulet is to protect your owner from negative energy. For effective work, no one should know the purpose of the subject.

Types of amulets from the evil eye and damage

  • Before choosing a suitable amulet from the evil eye and damage, it is necessary to decide on the object of protection.
  • The evil eye and damage can manifest itself in the form of diseases, the separation of relations in the family, negative energy in the house. Therefore, the amulet is chosen to protect the house, family or specific person.

Varieties of amulets from the evil eye and damage:

  • Charming of a universal action - products made of natural materials depicting characters and signs for any gender and age.
  • Home amulets - Designed to protect the house from people with negative energy and evil intentions.
  • Children's amulets - are made to protect children.
  • Amulets for women - Protect female beauty, feminine, female happiness.
  • Amulets for men - Protect male strength, courage, inner rod.

The amulet was made of important importance. For example, maternity amulet It will have the greatest strength for the child, the amulets are spoused with spouses to protect the family, etc. You do not need to wait for obvious signs of damage. It is better to protect yourself prematurely than to correct negative consequences.

The most popular amulets from the evil eye and damage

  • Cross. The easiest option is to buy a cross in the church. You can make a wood cross with your own hands or embroider it on fabric.
Wear or embroider
Wear or embroider
  • Pin.The pin on clothes protects from damage. The metal from which the pin is made has different properties. Additional accessories on the pin helps to strengthen the amulet.
The amulet has long
The amulet has long
  • Coin.A coin-coin with a specific image protects against the evil eye, damage, and diseases.
  • The icon protecting from the evil eye and damage. The image of the saint is a strong amulet for believers.
  • Red thread.A thread with nodules, tied on a wrist in the form of a bracelet is considered an old proven amulet from the evil eye and damage.
  • Dream Catcher.The amulet consisting of a ring, intertwined threads and additional objects for protection at night.

How to use the amulet from the evil eye and damage?

  • Charged amulet from the evil eye and damage helps to turn aura in impenetrable armor. Magic assistant repels energy blows and helps the owner quickly recover after a negative impact.
  • There are many ways to charge the amulet. During the rite, we suggest using the power of nature.

How to "revive" or charge the amulet by the forces of the elements:

  1. Prepare a handful of earth, a glass of water, aroma-tank, candle.
  2. Sprinkle the amulet with the ground with words "I am charging you with the power of the earth."
  3. Spray the amulet with water with words "I charge you with the power of water."
  4. Light a fragrance-tank, draw a talker through a haze with words "I am charging you with the power of air."
  5. Light a candle and say over it "I am charging you with the power of fire."
  6. Finally, inhale into the amulet of your breath with words "Feel yourself my breath."
Charge and wear personally, without passing anyone
Charge and wear personally, without passing anyone

Rules for wearing amulets:

  • Every day at the end of the day you need to check are there any visible changes on the amulet.
  • At darkening The amulet is washed under running water and not dressed on the body until the next morning. At the beginning of the new day, the amulet can be returned to the owner again.
  • If the amulet cracked or received other visible defects, then he took on a negative blow. With such an amulet you will have to say goodbye - bury it into the ground without prying eyes.
  • The amulet cannot be stored in one box with other jewelry. He should not lie around the apartment as an unnecessary object.
  • The charged amulet is better do not put up for show. Magic objects react to the energy of others, so the fewer negative views, the better.
  • Charm do not transmit or transmit to strangers. As soon as the amulet falls into the hands of another person, his useful action will stop.

Obel from the evil eye and damage with your own hands from natural materials

Plants are no worse than other amulets can protect a person from the evil eye and damage. A lot of useful herbs with a magical action grows around us:

  • To protect the home from witches and various evil spirits use dried thistle.The plant is hung on the walls or above the door. A vase with a thistle on the window perfectly opposes envious and unfounded neighbors.
  • To protect the energy of a person, you need to wear a small a piece of dry sheet of nettles.It could be a small paper bundle with grass in a pocket or a fabric pillow with dry grass inside. You can clean from negativity with wiping water, infused for several days on nettles.
  • To confront evil forces, use rowan leaves. A vase with mountain ash leaves in the bedroom of the spouses will help protect a strong relationship.
  • To protect the house from evil spirits will help medical herbs bags. Lavender, chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, juniper are suitable.
Self -created
Self -created
  • They will help to clean the house from negativity garlic and lavender. Place natural amulets in vases, boxes, on shelves.
  • To cleanse the dwelling of negative energy, the ancient Slavs hung frigs of hawthorn, acorns, blooming mountain ash.

How to make a charm from damage and evil eye with herbs with your own hands?

  • For a pillow-cooker from damage and evil eye with herbs, you will need natural fabric-cotton or flax. For a pillow designed for the house, cut out the workpieces in size 20 by 20 cm. There is enough for this size 500 g of the team of grass. So that the contents of the amulet does not deteriorate, necessarily preliminary dry natural blanks.
  • For a hiking pillow enough 10 by 10 cm and less. Small amulets can be decorated with decor and laid out in the room as a decoration. The grass amulet will protect your home from evil spirits.
You can make both to yourself and loved ones
You can make both to yourself and loved ones

How to make fragrant amulets from the evil eye and damage?

For a fragrant amulet from damage to the evil eye, scaring off the unclean power, you will need garlic and lavender. The components can be combined or used separately.

Several options for fragrant amulets:

  • Bouquet for a vase from dry lavender and garlic stems.
Is of great importance as a talisman
Is of great importance as a talisman
  • Add Dry lavender In boxes with shoes or in cabinets with accessories in the hallway.
  • Make a small handbag out of the burlap, fill it dry lavender And hang over the front door. Such a amulet can be hung at your workplace.
  • Cleaned garlic teeth It can be laid out on a saucer and put on a shelf in the kitchen, on top of the closet with clothes, in boxes with dishes.

Magic bottle from the evil eye and damage with your own hands

From simple improvised materials, you can make existing amulets for the home. So that negative energy does not penetrate the house, we make a talisman from the evil eye and damage from the bottle. To start the action of the amulet, work with a workpiece on the growing moon.

  • In an empty bottle of transparent glass, pour a little red paint to paint the inner walls. Then we paint the outer part with a brush. In the presence of gaps, we repeat staining several times.
  • Leave the bottle to dry on the window with the sunny side. The rays of the sun are nourished by the amulet with additional force.
  • At midnight you need to light a candle, clean a few cloves of garlic and, maintaining the integrity of the lobules, push them into the bottle.
  • Add 9 peas of black pepper and 50 g of salt to garlic. Clog a bottle with a lid.
  • The finished amulet must be turned downward with a neck 9 times in a row and say a conspiracy for the amulet.
Say the words
Say the words

Obell-VAZ from the evil eye and damage with your own hands

  • You can protect the family hearth using a vase with vegetable contents. The amulet from damage and the evil eye should be opposite the entrance to the house - in the corner or on the shelf.
  • An opaque vase is filled with layers of dry plants - garlic, rowan branches, thistle, wheat spikelets. The amulet-vase will preserve harmony and happiness in the house.

Obragg-hunger from the evil eye and damage with your own hands

  • A simple household item that is in every house can be turned into a amulet from all types of negative energy. An important condition is not to buy it in the market, but to do it with your own hands.
  • The amulet from the broom from the evil eye and damage is decorated with various elements, each of which endows it with additional protective properties. Decorate the amulet with natural raw materials. The dough, clay, plants, etc. are suitable.
You can add any elements
You can add any elements

The basis is made of branches of trees and dried herbs:

  • Garlic teeth The broom will help to resist energy vampires.
  • Rosehip berries and mountain ash The negative guests, envious of the beauty and youth of the hostess, will be repelled.
  • Straw bast shoes Keep a married couple from unkind guests and neighbors.
  • Dried pepper will ensure the continuation of the kind to the owners.

If the broom is hung from the entrance side, then the handle must be directed down, if from the side of the apartment above the door - the handle up.

Stone amulet from the evil eye and damage

Some varieties of natural stones have magical properties. The pectoral decoration of stones will become a good defender from damage and evil eye.

  • Agate - symbolizes harmony and protection, combines beauty and magical properties. Agate, donated by a blood or loved one, has a special force. The stone is able to repel an energy attack from ill -wishers.
  • Cat eye -a stone with a mysterious glass shine warns the ill -wishers that a person is under protection. A symbol of longevity, good luck, self -confidence. A cat's eye remembers the energy of his master and repels the negative coming from outside. Another use of stone is as a amulet of a family hearth.
  • Eye of the Tiger -the amulet helps to protect against evil people and targeted energy attacks. If you anticipate a negative impact, watch the stone. If the tiger eye darkened and has become heavier, then your fears are not in vain.
  • Moonstone -a beautiful amulet acts as a defender of family relations. The lunar stone cleanses the environment of harmful entities.
Charming stones
Charming stones

For protection, use bones of wild animals. A strong amulet is considered bear tooth or claw. A strong defender is an amulet drank from a piece of horn of a moose, a camel rib, etc.

How to make a stone charm with your own hands?

  • Choose a stone that will play the role of amulet. For example, a stone according to the zodiac sign with protective properties.
By sign
By sign
  • Hold the stone in your hands, read the prayer, ask him for protection. Make a hole for the thread in the pebble. Yellow thread helps to protect family well -being, White thread protects against negativity, Red thread Removes damage. You can make weaving from several threads and attach a stone with a clamped clamp.
  • If the fastening breaks during the socks or the stone cracks, the amulet cannot be worn more.

Obell from the evil eye and damage to the house

  • The charm of the horseshoe -performs the function of protecting the house and its inhabitants. As a talisman, a weary horseshoe found on the road or donated is suitable. The subject should be packed from iron. The amulet cannot be additionally equipped with any accessories. Niting the horseshoe to the ground, you can say a magical installation - "I am naunching the amulet, I protect the family, bad for the threshold, good to the house." You can make a amulet in the form of a horseshoe with your own hands made of wood or clay.
Without additional elements
Without additional elements
  • Raw a rag doll -a rag, faceless doll will help protect the house from evil creatures. For the manufacture of a talisman with your own hands, it is better to use natural fabrics. To preserve the positive energy of the amulet, it is better to refuse to use a needle and scissors.
  • VAZA amulet -home amulet from damage and evil eye. The vase is sculpted from clay, from wooden bark, grape vine, willow branches. They are decorated with dry leaves and filled with wheat ears, dry herbs, pine branches. Filling a vase must be periodically updated.

Obell from the evil eye and damage red thread

  • The uncomplicated amulet blocks negative energy from outside and has a positive effect on various spheres of human life.
  • For a talisman from the evil eye and damage is needed exactly red thread. Tie it in the form of a bracelet on the wrist of the right hand. Previously, 7 knots are tied on the thread.
  • The thread should be natural and folded in several layers. If the amulet broke or worn out, then it must be burned, mentally thank you for the service.

The amulet of the pin from the evil eye and damage - how to wear it correctly?

In order for the pin to protect its owner from the evil eye and damage, you need to use it correctly.

When dressing a pin on clothes as a talisman, pay attention to several important points:

  • The pin must be placed near the heart.
  • The location of the pin on clothes - point down.
  • Changing the clothes, the pin is after being rebuilding.
  • Removing clothes before bedtime, the pin is unfastened, closed and left until morning.
  • The pin is pinned under the clothes, hiding from prying eyes
  • The pin protects well small children, pregnant women and everyone who needs protection.

Runic amulet from the evil eye and damage with your own hands

  • Of the 24 runes one called algiz is responsible for protecting a person from the evil eye and damage. You can apply it on your own on any item. The most suitable option is to cut on a piece of wood or stone.
  • Suitable types of trees - oak, ash, mountain ash. The tree should be young and healthy. Runa Algiz protects against an unkind look, envy and damage. Warns a person about danger by intuition.
  • A beautiful amulet is hung around the neck as a decoration. For attractiveness, the amulet is opened with varnish. A shapeless amulet can be worn in a pocket or bag.
  • Bracelets, earrings, caskets are also made of wood. Before cutting a twig of a tree, you need to mentally ask for permission.

Charm from damage and evil eye for pregnant women

Both precious and semiprecious stones are capable of protecting mom and the unborn child:

  • Improve well -being, relieve stress and protect the amulet helps from a bad eye diamond.
  • To remove bad thoughts and protect a woman planning a child will help amethyst.
  • Protect the fetus from the evil eye and damage is capable of stone turquoise.
  • To maintain mutual understanding between young spouses and protect them from envious people will help ravigan Mountain Crystal.
  • Sacred emeraldgives women strength and protection against the evil eye.
  • Cornelian will protect from love spells, evil views and damage.
  • A popular amulet for a pregnant woman is considered rozhnitsa embroidery with embroidery. The drawing can be applied to the pillow, coat.
For pregnant women
For pregnant women
  • The expectant mother is recommended as a talisman in her purse a bag of herbs. At night, it can be laid under the pillow.
  • In your free time you can do Modanka doll. To strengthen the protective properties of the amulet, signs of Old Slavonic patrons are applied to the doll.

How to clean the amulet correctly?

  • Protecting his owner from negative energy, the amulet takes the whole blow to himself. After a while, an amulet saturated with a negative ceases to fulfill its functions. It turns into a dangerous thing for a person.
  • To extend the action of the amulet from damage and the evil eye, it is necessary to clean your defender in a timely manner. The characteristic signs of a worn amulet are fading and the appearance of spots on the surface.

There are several methods of cleansing the amulet:

  • Wash off the negative energy from the amulet running water. A suitable method for both worn and new amulet.
  • Skip the amulet through the flame of the church candle, soak incense, leave salt in a mixture for a day.
  • Load the amulet on the night of the full moon. The energy of the night luminary has powerful and magical properties.

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