Red thread on the wrist - prayer: how to tie a charm correctly? Prayers for tying a red thread. What to do if the thread has broken?

Red thread on the wrist - prayer: how to tie a charm correctly? Prayers for tying a red thread. What to do if the thread has broken?

If you look closely, then many famous personalities and ordinary people wear a red thread on their hand from the evil eye. Let's find out how to tie it correctly, and what prayers should be read out at the same time?

The red thread worn by people on the wrist consider the most powerful amulet from various manifestations of negative energy. For the first time it began to be used in the teachings of Kabbalah in Judaism. In order for the protection to work, you should be able to correctly tie and read prayers. Otherwise, she simply will not act. For this ritual, a simple bright red thread from woolen fibers is most often used. Since it is the threads of natural fibers that carry great power and protect against magical exposure, ill -wishers, diseases, etc.

The Kabbalists believe that the red accessory on the left hand protects a person from all kinds of negativity, the evil eye. He will also save a person from great troubles, give strength to accomplish the plan.

The red thread on the wrist is a prayer: how to tie it correctly?

The red threads that were brought from Jerusalem have special energy. Thanks to special rituals carried out on the sacred land. When the thread of a large length is wrapped seven times in a circle near the holy place in Israel, namely, the tomb of the mother of all Jews Rachel. And after this rite, the red long thread is divided into equal length of the thread, which are then used on the wrist as a powerful amulet.

Strong prayer from the evil eye on a red thread
Strong prayer prayer from the evil eye on the scarlet thread

When tying an accessory, a certain positive charge of energy occurs on the hand. The owner of the red thread will receive strong protection Rachel.

The red talisman should not be tied independently, but to another acquaintance to a person who refers to this person well. It can be friends, relatives, second half or mother. And this is not all, more importantly, that when tying the thread, a special rite is held.

  • Before the start of the ritual, a person needs to positively tune in - drive away all bad thoughts from his head, distract from negative thoughts. Recall good moments, ask the highest forces of health, spiritual balance.
  • After such a spiritual attitude, you can proceed to the tie of the red thread on the brush. Anyone who will tie the amulet must read a prayer and tie seven nodules alternately.
  • Immediately after the process, the accessory will turn into a powerful magical amulet, and begins its effect on the owner.
  • The amulet is worn on the left hand constantly.
The values \u200b\u200bof the nodules
The values \u200b\u200bof the nodules

It is forbidden to remove the thread - otherwise it loses its strength completely. And you can not wear an accessory on the right hand, it is effective only on the left.

Prayers for tying a red thread

Different prayers are used to protect a person, and threads can be of different colors, not only bright red. Each color shade is responsible for a certain process of normalizing the energy balance. Red, as already mentioned, from negative magical energy, evil eye, envy, etc. Therefore, it should be correctly and spoke. And for this they read strong prayers. Moreover, they must be read seven times, and combine this lesson with the tie of the knots.

Prayer - our father
Moleben: Our Father

The amulet is tied in a calm atmosphere, two people participate in the process. It is desirable that the amulet is tied to mom. Maternal prayers are the strongest.

Prayers for the ritual of tying a red thread:

Before starting the rite, read the prayer: OUR FATHER. And after that you can tie the first knot. Read the prayer. But which one? Choose you. It depends on what problems have been haunting you lately.

Moleben protection from enemies
Moleben protection from enemies

If a person feels damage, you feel someone's negative magical influence or evil eye, then you need to tie a screenshot of a scarlet color with such a prayer:

Prayer from unkind people
Prayer from unkind people

There is a ceremony for the prejudice of a person from ailments and speedy healing. Read a prayer service seven times, and at the same time the action of tie a red thread on the wrist of the left hand for exactly seven nodules.

Protection against diseases
Protection against ailments

Moreover, prayers are not necessary to teach by heart, it is necessary that the words sound from the heart. You can pronounce them from yourself, beg from the highest forces of getting rid of all sorts of ailments. And to do this also seven times, alternately tieing nodules on the red thread. Below are strong prayers-workers who will save a person from all envy, evil, any other danger.

Prayer for a red thread for a child
Mother's prayer for a red thread for a child

Speaking a red thread is a strong protective prayer

Most often, prayers use psychics, because they are constantly subjected to various negative magical influences from the outside. If you make a amulet-protecting with such a prayer, then he will save his owner for about three to four months. After this period, a new amulet will have to be made.

So that everything works, retire in the room. Ideally, if the ceremony will take place on 13-15 lunar days. Put three candles (from the church) on an even plane, then light them with matches or a lighter. Now take the thread and carefully so that it does not light up, draw it over the flame of each candle in a circle (you need to rotate the object clockwise). Be sure to stop on each candle and read a prayer.


The words should be repeated until you feel that your talisman has been charged with positive energy. Now it remains on the thread to tie three knots. Two along the edges, one in the very middle. And after this action, tie a tight scarlet thread on the hand. This amulet will save a person from any witchcraft.

Why is the red thread tearing?

Sometimes it happens that the thread is not for that, for no reason. And when this happens, you must find a new amulet and read on the thread of prayer. Thanks to this, you will understand why the thread was torn, who tried to spoil you or already brought it.

After you understand who it is, try not to have common affairs with a person. Rinse the old red thread under running water, rinse the negative from it. And then destroy it or burn it. It is undesirable for someone to find your amulet and use it for their own purposes, because you can do harm in this way.

The thread-cone was torn
The thread-cone was torn

Do not start enemies, even if you have too grumpy. Try to never put your amulet for display. In the cold season, this is easy to do. But in the summer, to hide the thread, wear bracelets or a clock on the left hand. After all, thorns and sorceresses know that those who wear such a thread have a weakened aura, and such people are very amenable to negative sends from the outside. Therefore, they want to do something unpleasant for a person, especially if this person did something wrong as they wanted.

This amulet on hand is a symbol of protection against negativity, it is available to any person. And thanks to prayers, the red thread will store its master from witchcraft, evil eye. Therefore, such a simple accessory can be made to any person if he feels that his aura is weakened under the influence of evil forces or unpleasant people who want evil of this person.

Video: Red thread on the wrist - prayer


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