Aspects of the evil eye, damage and birth curse in the natal chart, horoscope

Aspects of the evil eye, damage and birth curse in the natal chart, horoscope

Analysis of the natal chart Allows you to identify what influence the planets of the horoscope have on the character and fate of man. In each sign, the location of the natal planets is different, in different periods of life it differs, their whereabouts are called aspects relative to each other.

Astrology helps to determine the carrier which program is a particular person. Receiving information from astrologers, we have the opportunity to adjust or eliminate a negative effect. The tense relationship between the planets in the natal chart reflects negative events. The predominance of adverse aspects prevents a person from managing his energy. The harmonious connection of the planets characterizes the strengths of a person. Gives it a stable harmonious behavior.

Astrological diagnosis of the evil eye, damage and birth curse

  • Astrology makes it possible to identify 2 types of damage " active" and " passive».
  • For activation active damage Use magic, conspiracies, church rites. This type of negativity is manifested in the form of diseases that do not give treatment. Diagnostics on the natal chart indicates the reason for the ailments and the source of the negative program.
  • When detected passive damage The horoscope divides the closest environment into people who deserve confidence in potential enemies. Talks about the problems between relatives throughout the whole kind . Source of passive damage Often, former spouses, parents, grandfathers and grandmothers, who shift their failures on your head.
  • For example, a simple dictum of grandmother: "You will eat a lot, you will stay lonely" With multiple repetition, it goes into form of programming. A person accepts the thoughts imposed by other people's thoughts and ceases to hope for the best.
  • Source of unconscious damage Often a person with psychic abilities, who does not suspect his capabilities. As a result, the words spoken on emotions are superimposed on specific actions.

Current curse in the natal chart

  • Under the birth curse It implies a strong negative impact on a person. The key sign of the damned kind is a prolonged black strip concerning all family members and inherited.
  • According to astrologers, black magic and superpowers are not always needed for the birth curse. Man with strong energy It is enough to direct negative emotions and feelings towards another object. A strong curse passes through several generations and saves action After the death of a source of negativity.
  • The beginning of a negative action can be launched by relatives from the deep past, so do not shift the guilt to the immediate environment. Relatives under the influence of emotions may not be aware of the power of the words said, thereby starting A chain of negative events.

The lower the statute of limitations of the curse, the easier it is to remove it. The results of the birth curse include health problems, lack of finances, and pathological loneliness.

  • The tribal curse is identified by a natal chart.
  • In this case, family relations are responsible for which it is responsible 4 house.
It is important to recognize the signs
It is important to recognize the signs

The presence of a black moon and tense aspects in the 4th house indicates a clan curse.

Signs of a curse in astrology:

  • The defeat of the fourth house is Lilith Star.
  • The defeat of the fourth house by the planet Pluto.
  • The defeat of the fourth house is a planet Neptune.
  • The quadrature of Lilith or Pluto to the nodes or ascendant.

It is impossible to clean the clan karma yourself. Astrologers are able to identify the problem, but only professionals can eliminate it. To cleanse the affected planets, there are specific instructions and methods of treatment. Astrological secrets contribute to the elimination of the birth curse.

Planets showing the evil eye and damage

Damage or evil eye is aimed at a specific area of \u200b\u200bhuman life. Both actions amaze the energy shell. Planets in the natal chart are considered as specific deviations.

  • Planet Neptune - A giant body has a collective effect on the life and fate of a person. Characterizes the state of the psyche and the work of various body systems. Neptune with positive aspects gives a person good health and endurance. Helps to manifest itself to psychic abilities.
  • Saturn has a destructive effect on the planet Neptune. Their combination is characterized as damage.
  • The opposition is the sun-neptun Enhances the human ability to evil eye, hypnosis, clairvoyance.
  • Interaction of the planet Neptune and the Black Moon Weakens the protection of a person from the magical effects of sorcerers.
The value of the planets
The value of the planets
  • Planet Saturn -the heavenly body acts as an aspect of deep disappointment, depression. Under the influence of the planet, a person is engaged in self -destruction by negative attitudes and pernicious habits. Fatal action occurs when interaction between Saturn and Neptune.
  • The planet Mars -it contributes to the development of obsession, fanatical worship, self -sacrifice, craving for theft.
  • Tense aspects to the sunreflect problems with willpower, which makes a person unarmed before witchcraft.
  • Union Pluto and Lilithtransparently indicates the ability to black magic.
  • Mercury in 8 houseopens new opportunities in the world of the sacrament.
  • Pluto in 4 Houseconveys magical abilities on the female line of a particular kind.

The study of planetary aspects on the natal map helps to reduce the receptivity of a person to negative programs. With the help of cultivating various character traits, confrontation of negative habits, prevention of hereditary diseases, communication with highly modal people manages to qualitatively change their lifestyle.

  • Transforming his life, a person develops in himself The best qualities, Thus changes his fate and horoscope. Negative programs cease to act. It is for these purposes that you need to work out aspects of the natal chart.
Employment is important
Employment is important
  • The intended negative events of the future are rarely possible to completely exclude, most often they can be softened or reprogrammed. For example, instead of a wound, get a scratch, instead of a divorce from her husband - scandal and reconciliation. Aggressive effect is reduced, but damage still acts at the indicated time and in the designated place.

Aspects of planets in the natal chart: how to identify negative aspects in astrology?

  • With the help of a natal horoscope, you can determine the level of resistance to astrological signs to the effects of negativity.
  • Three earth signs - Capricorn, Virgin, Taurus They can resist evil eye or spoilage, But powerless before a clan curse.
  • Sign Taurus It is sick too often and is difficult to rehabilitation. Capricorn It is difficult to get out of debts and come to a stable result.
  • Sign Virgo often fails to conclude a strong marriage and get children. The natal chart helps to identify the root of the problem, the period of triggering a negative program and possible ways of bypass.
  • If a in the sign of cancer, Taurus, lion The planet is located Uranus, then there is a high probability of suicide or insanity.
  • The cancer sign reflects the home and the closest relatives. Finding Lilith in this sign is bad aspect in the natal chart.
  • They are important aspects of 8 houses. Here you can solve the secret of birth and death, the secret of family relationships. Index Stellium in the 8th house is a sign of karma or magical abilities.
  • pay attention to the interaction of the moon with tense aspects. The more combinations, the higher the probability of evil eye or damage.
How does it interact with the moon?
How does it interact with the moon?

When compiling a natal chart, we have the opportunity to defeat the defeat in the source of energy. Astrology gives us a guide to actions that bring positive changes. Human With positive aspects in the natal map It can be a very mediocre person in everyday life. Predominance negative aspects in the natal chart It is noted in people with a changeable line of behavior, unstable goals and desires.

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