Is it necessary and how to protect against pregnancy after 50 years?

Is it necessary and how to protect against pregnancy after 50 years?

In this article, we study the question of whether it is necessary and how to protect yourself from pregnancy during or after menopause.

50 is a kind of line when a woman has age -related changes in the body. The figure is not absolutely accurate, because someone has a menopause at 45, and for someone-at 55. But all women have one small correction from nature, which many forget to take into account. And for this reason they let intimate life on a groove - and this is completely wrong! We suggest that you study the question - whether you need to protect yourself from pregnancy after 50 years, and also help you choose the most suitable method of contraception for you.

Do I need to protect yourself from pregnancy after 50 years?

Modern women give birth to their first child on average about 30 years. This is much later than in the previous generation. But there are also cases when pregnancy is possible even at an age when menopause usually occurs. Pregnancy at 50 is still an exception, but is no longer a medical miracle. Despite this, late pregnancy carries some risks for both mom and baby. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend protect against pregnancy after 50 years.

After 50, the same chances to accidentally get pregnant. As in 20
After 50, the same chances accidentally get pregnant as in 20 - and all out of ignorance
  • Women who are pregnant at the age of 50, sometimes give birth to not the first child. Indeed, in many cases, a late pregnancy is associated with the assumptions of a woman that she is no longer fertile during menopause. Couples often carelessly relate to contraception in this situation and cease to protect against pregnancy after 50 years- And sometimes this leads to an unexpected surprise.
  • In most cases, when a woman reaches 55 years, the probability of menopause in her is 95%. The average age is 51 years. The menopause is defined as One year without menstruation. If you reached 11 and a half months without menstruation, but you have appeared again, the report begins again. This means that you still do not have menopause - this is a perimenopause (preparation of the body with similar symptoms of menopause). Although usually a decrease in menstruation is gradual.
  • Sometimes laboratory tests are carried out to confirm menopause, but most women are not needed. Due to hormonal changes during menopause, fluctuations in the female cycle are observed. Ovulation becomes rare, that is, there are always cycles without ovulation. Thus, pregnancy is still possible in women over 50, but less likely. The activity of the ovaries can change a lot. After the menstrual period was absent for several months, regular bleeding may again appear - perhaps even with ovulation. Therefore, contraception remains a problem until some signs show that pregnancy is more impossible.
  • In addition, many lose sight of one thing - The follicles of the ovaries continue to function poorly even after menopause.That is, when you did not have menstruation for a year, the ovaries still work to reduce. And this period from 2 to 5 years ranges. Therefore, gynecologists do not recommend, but insist protect against pregnancy after 50 years.

There are many different ways to prevent pregnancy after 50 years. When choosing a contraceptive method, it is important to compare potential risks of use with advantages.

The choice of contraception is huge
The choice of contraception is huge

How to protect against pregnancy after 50 years: hormonal contraception

With age, the risk of cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke or thrombosis) increases. And any hormonal drugs further increase the likelihood of these diseases. However, the risk of a heart attack or stroke in women who do not smoke do not have a high blood pressure or high level of lipid in the blood. However, the risk of thrombosis increases without these indicators.

If no other contraception methods are considered and there are no risk factors, combined tablets in low doses can be taken after 50 years. Nevertheless, it is important to regularly control blood pressure, blood lipid levels and other adverse factors of cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis.

  • Tablets - There are many different types of them. They contain almost all combinations of two female hormones of estrogen and progestin (hence the name "Combined tablet"). They differ partially in the dosage, the composition of hormones and the method of taking them.
  • But Gynecologists do not recommend using them after 50 years, Because they are associated with an increased risk of developing thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. These risks increase with age and aggravate the use of tablets. Although they are able to relieve menopause and cope with depression.
  • If you stop on combined tablets, it is better to choose with a small concentration of hormones, preferably the last generation. They have much less side effects and will have the right effect on your body. The best choice will be:
    • Marvelon
    • Novinet
    • Femoden
    • Regulon
    • Trikvlar
    • Silust
    • Mercilon
    • Trisiston

Important: Do not self -medicate! Choose any hormonal drugs with a gynecologist advice!

Hormonal tablets after 50 has risks!
Hormonal tablets after 50 have risks!
  • Vaginal ringit is a hormonal contraceptive that is available and easy to use. A flexible plastic ring is inserted into the vagina and prevents pregnancy, secreting hormones into the bloodstream. He may have the same side effects and health problems as a combined tablet: Nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, sexual lethargy, constraint in the chest and bleeding in the first few months of use. The risk of thrombosis, heart attack, stroke and some types of cancer increases slightly, especially after 50 years. Gynecologists rarely recommend a vaginal ring as a way to be protected from pregnancy after 50 years.
  • Contraceptive patchreleases a combination of hormones of estrogen and progestin through the skin. That is why it is also called the "hormonal patch." The effect of a contraceptive patch is equal to the effect of a combined tablet. Gynecologists still recommend choosing more gentle drugs after 50 years. Moreover, the patch requires timely replacement and lack of smoking, as well as some diseases, like other hormonal drugs.

Important: all hormonal drugs are not suitable for you if you have any Diseases of the liver and kidneys, diabetes, tumor, heart and blood vessels, as well as hypertension and migraine. In no case should they be mixed with alcohol and nicotine!

Consider the contraindications!
Consider the contraindications!
  • Mini tablets and implantscontain only progestins in small doses. It is believed that they increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases less than a combined drug. Even more, reduce the ebbs and symptoms of menopause. Therefore, they are more likely to be recommended. However, women who use pure progestins often have an irregular cycle. Give your preference:
    • Lactinet
    • Exuluton
    • Microme
    • Charosetta
  • Mini tablets are accepted without a break. If the packaging with tablets is empty, the reception should continue without a break the next day with a new package. It is advisable to drink them at the same time. There are tablets with 3 and 12 hours of error. That is, if you missed a little, then the effect is preserved. They can be accepted for smoking women and they do not have such strict contraindications for use. But still, consultations of a gynecologist require.

Important: Hormonal drugs mask the onset of menopause, After all, they cause bleeding. And you cannot understand - you have started menstruation or is it the work of pills. Therefore, it is impossible to understand exactly when menopause will come!

Mini - more gentle option
Mini - more gentle option

Spiral to protect against pregnancy after 50 years?

  • Many women over time go from pills to spirals. However, in women after 50 years very often it causes bleeding and pain. In addition, it is not suitable for everyone, and the material should also be taken into account even before the purchase. During the period of menopause, it causes pain during intercourse (although such a sign occurs at any age, if the spiral simply does not fit). Therefore, gynecologists are less and less offer this method to protect against pregnancy after 50 years!
  • Hormonal spiral.In women after 50 years with a relatively severe menstrual cycle, hormonal spiral can be an alternative: it reliably protects from pregnancy and significantly reduces bleeding. It resembles an ordinary spiral, but differs in its action. It consists of a T-shaped plastic frame, whose shaft is equipped with a small hormonal pot. From this, the hormone levonorgestrel is delivered directly to the mucous membrane of the uterus.
    • The dedicated hormone collects mucus in the cervix, compacting it, and makes the uterus impenetrable for sperm. When a woman has very severe bleeding, the hormonal spiral copes well. Hormones affect the cycle only slightly.

Important: middle -aged women more often have fibroids (benign muscle nodes) in the uterus that can deform its cavity. This makes it difficult to insert a spiral. In addition, with age, endometriosis, fibromatosis and adhesions are possible. You can not put a spiral with erosion and any inflammation. The spiral itself, even hormonal, is capable of increasing blood flow, and with any of the contraindications they are prohibited!

With any violations, the spiral is contraindicated!
With any violations, the spiral is contraindicated!

Will spermicides help protect against pregnancy after 50 years?

  • Increasingly, gynecologists recommend that women after 50 years of intra -vaginal candles, tablets, gels or creams. Gynecologists attribute such methods to sparing. Spermicides Introduced into the vagina 10-15 minutes before intercourse. And the effectiveness on average is from 1 to 2 hours after the introduction. If you adhere to the recommendations, then the probability of pregnancy, taking into account the age, is not more than 5-10%. If you combine spermicides with a condom or diaphragm, then the protection will be much higher. remember, that The contraceptive effect depends on strict observance of the instructions, attached to this chemical contraceptive!
  • Spermicides are presented in a relatively wide range and have a low cost. It is important to note that contraceptive suppositories, in addition to contraceptive effect, have antiviral and antibacterial properties that prevent possible inflammation. These are sparing methods, so In women, after 50, they practically do not cause side effects.
  • In addition, they provide additional lubrication, which is important in cases where there is no necessary natural amount. But in order to protect against pregnancy after 50 years, you still need to pay attention on the effect of moisturizing.
  • It is worth highlighting the following drugs:
    • Pharmaclex
    • Benatex
    • Patentx oval
  • This method is very good for women after 50 years. But this method also has Your shortcomings:
    • Women notice the appearance of irritation after using a gel or cream, both at home and in a sexual partner;
    • Another disadvantage of using contraceptives, candles or gels is some discomfort in intimate relationships, caused by the need to insert suppositories at a certain time;
    • As indicated in the instructions for use before sexual intercourse, this prevents spontaneity in sexual relations.

Important: you can not wash with soap before and after using such candles or creams.

There are also contraindications
There are also contraindications

Additional methods to protect against pregnancy after 50 years

  • Natural contraceptionit is possible until a woman has more or less regular cycles with ovulation. But mucus and fever should be constantly monitored. As soon as the cycle becomes irregular and has a lot, then few days without menstruation - this method can no longer be called reliable. After all, it is impossible to correctly calculate the days of ovulation!
  • Barrier methods,such as a condom or diaphragm are also often used by women after 50 years. Their sexual experience and acquaintance with their bodies facilitate the use of these contraceptives. Nevertheless, women with a pelvic bottom should make sure that the diaphragm is in place. If a woman had no practice before use, then it is worth training a little. But condoms and diaphragms still remain in the place of the most popular, convenient, affordable and relatively safe methods of contraception!
  • After sterilization You no longer need to take care of protecting from pregnancy after 50 years. The procedure is suitable even in the presence of diseases, especially if there is a danger from pregnancy. But this security is faced with a risk that is associated with any operation. In addition, the cost of sterilization is high. There are also safe, convenient and inexpensive alternatives of sterilization. Since the procedure, as a rule, is easier for a man from a medical point of view than for a woman, sterilization of a man can become a good alternative to couples, which, of course, no longer want children.

If you want to avoid hormonal failures when moving to menopause, you can use barrier methods, such as condoms, a cervical cap or diaphragm. You can also protect against pregnancy after 50 years, By choosing candles, tablets or gels with contraceptive effects. Or conduct a small surgical procedure to tie or block the phallopian pipes. Your attending physician can help you choose the best option to control the birth rate for you during a menopausal transition.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need and how to protect yourself from pregnancy after 50?

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