New Year after divorce: 12 rules for divorced parents

New Year after divorce: 12 rules for divorced parents

Divorce of parents is often very difficult for children. Let's figure out how to celebrate New Year's holidays after a divorce.

Even the most avid pessimists do not think about divorce immediately after marriage. However, when he still comes, nothing can brighten up the festive mood, and the conflict grows even more. The New Year is full of horror for such a couple, because they have not yet decided to fully for themselves whether it was worth maintaining a relationship further.

How native children and parents react to this. Many continue to adhere to old traditions, while others try to start everything from scratch and create new ones. What is worth paying attention to so that the children do not feel lonely, that they have a family, but they just do not live together.

What should the former spouses be avoided when celebrating the New Year: 12 tips

Many parents create the illusion of an exemplary family and further, pretending that no changes happened, that they are still together. However, it is worth thinking about how to protect the kids from such a confusion and explain that in this way you are trying to give them the love of both parents. Kids may think that after a while everything will cost, and dad and mom will still live together. There are children who blame themselves for the fact that their parents have dispersed, worried and try to understand what they did wrong.

Important: holidays for children in the event of a divorce of parents form mixed sensations. For some children, they are full of joyful moments and unforgettable impressions with the family. For others, the holidays are associated with sad memories, negative emotions, experiences, fears and understanding that they will no longer have a strong family, and they are not right to change anything.

The transformation of established family life is especially acute when the former married couple ceases to celebrate the New Year. Children celebrate holidays, then in one or another family. Departure from family traditions causes the kids sadness and the feeling that they have forever lost their family.

For children it is stress
Divorce is stress for children

In order to somehow prevent this, it is worthwhile to thoroughly approach the celebration of the New Year and draw up a detailed plan in order to avoid conflict situations. In advance, it is worth discussing how exactly you will celebrate the holidays. If at this point you have already developed a new relationship, it is worth considering a meeting and acquaintance of a new family member with your children.

Each of the parents must realize that the changes will be and cannot be avoided. If you remain friends, it is worth preserving your common traditions, but also without fail to create new ones. They will reflect changes. In order for children to disappear, a sense of fear should try to convince them that they are a family, although in a different form.

It is important to talk to the child
It is important to talk with the child about divorce

We will analyze the main 12 tips, which the former spouses should pay attention to during the New Year holidays:

  1. You should not with the help of gifts to buy love, forgiveness of their native children.
  2. No need to trample in the mud of the other parent.
  3. It is not advisable to pretend that everything is still and nothing has happened.
  4. All trips and plans of children on vacation should be discussed together and informing each other about any changes.
  5. Conflict situations decide face to face, and not in the presence of children.
  6. To concentrate on a divorce, instead of communication and needs of children, it is prohibited.
  7. You can not tune yourself to negative emotions and memories, be offended when communicating with the spouse.
  8. The new relationship should temporarily abandon or at least not introduce the first time a new person with children. The reaction may not be the best. Give the children a little time to consider the current situation.
  9. Do not transfer negative emotions to relationships with children.
  10. Do not delve into the reasons for the divorce and do not conduct conversations with children on this subject. Despite the fact that many children are adults for years. They are still children and it’s hard for them to understand that parents will no longer be together.
  11. To tell the children about their fears, anxieties, experiences and grievances at the ex -spouse will also be superfluous.
  12. Trying to arrange a “perfect” vacation is not worth it. The playfulness of your emotions will not lead to anything good.
Children believe in miracles
Children believe in miracles

When the marriage breaks up, this does not mean that the family is no longer there. The couple breaks up, but for children, parents will always be parents so that it does not happen.

Minimize your hopes and show flexibility. Concentrate on what is most important to you at the moment. And the main thing is to see the children happy and arrange an unforgettable holiday for them.

Every year you will change, and not stand still. Old traditions will sink into oblivion, and any changes, not even the most joyful, will give you a chance to change everything for the better.

Video: How to survive your child’s divorce?

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