Making flowers from isolon is a master class

Making flowers from isolon is a master class

Not everyone loves flowers from artificial materials. But now for magnificent celebrations and photo shoots are increasingly used flowers from isolon. These flowers can be created with your own hands. Further read the details.

The worst everyday life can be decorated with various ways. In summer there are many different options. There are many flowering plants, beautiful flowers. They can be pulled in the field, and at home it will become much more comfortable. The only drawback is that they quickly wither. Therefore, flowers from isolon will be more practical than alive.

This idea, by replacing fresh flowers, is not new. Even at weddings, the interior is often decorated with such buds. Now, insolon flowers are more popular. Rost flowers for interior decoration are now in trend. Such polymer products look amazing, you can use different design techniques to create them, change color, make different petals, etc.

What is an isolon?

Beautiful flowers from isolon can create any person, the material is simple in application and is available, the prices for isolon are not so high. The great advantage of isolon, that he will never wipe, will not lose its properties, unlike fresh flowers.

Roses from isolon

And at weddings, artificial flowers have been used as buds for many years. They will not wipe at the right time and will not spoil the mood of the young. Flowers from artificial materials are more often used. Why not, they do not crumble, like living tulips or roses. Thanks to designer new trends, tastes and ideas about aesthetics are changing.

Izolon is made of polyethylene. The material has all the same characteristics as polyethylene. Therefore, the flowers from it will be eternal. And they can also be painted. It is for this reason that isolon is perfect for such jewelry. It can be of different thicknesses, for colors it is better to use material with a thickness of about two millimeters.

Where to buy isolon, what other materials for insolon colors will be needed?

Thanks to the originality of the compositions, insolon flowers are gaining popularity. They can easily decorate the appearance of any room. Flowers give the premises of some romance, and if the flower is one, then the space will look minimalist. Nothing superfluous and all with taste, but this is not about that. Then we will find out how to do them with your own hands, where to buy material. More often, large flowers are made from insolon in elegant design.

Scarlet roses from insolon

If you decide to start creating this beauty, then first go to a construction store or to the market. Material for flowers is implemented in rolls. If you choose an isolon for flowers, take raw materials with a thickness of about two millimeters.

Tools for making flowers:

  • First of all, you will need a special hair dryer (construction)
  • Choose a glue gun with a temperature control.
  • Scissors, ruler
  • Glue rods, about ten pieces.
  • For stems, purchase pipes made of metal plastic. Choose a section of 12 millimeters. And the length is 3 meters.
  • It is also impossible to do without steel wire, it will be enough to cross 1 millimeter and length 35-45 centimeters.
  • White island for a masking effect.
  • A ruler, an ordinary simple pencil, a marker and napkins.

The flowers can be different, they also have a long service life. After all, the raw materials are unable to ruin any aggressive factors nature, whether it is temperature changes, heat or severe frosts. The material is not afraid of neither snow, nor rain, not sunlight. Flowers are also made with their own hands, which means all copies will be one of a kind. If you give free rein, then you can get all kinds of bizarre forms. Indeed, when heating the details of the product, wonderful forms come out. It is the construction hairdryer that will make the necessary voluminous petal.

In addition to all these tools, a knife (mounting) will be needed. It is convenient for them to cut the sheets of insolon. You can decorate the flowers, give them the necessary color using a variety of colors from spray cans and acrylic paints.

DIY flowers
DIY flowers

IMPORTANT: Perhaps when you make flowers, you still have to take some materials and objects. The main ones are still listed above. The main thing is that do not make template products, feel free to make your adjustments in the process of manufacturing.

Calculate the number of material approximately. You can calculate the approximate area of \u200b\u200bthe petal, and then multiply it by the number of products and you will find out how much raw materials are needed for one flower. If you make a small flower, then 1-2 standard sheets can go to it. Big objects need more insolo.

Making flowers from isolon is a master class

Even children are capable of creating flowers from insolon at home. If you have never done this, then believe me, the process is entertaining and it is difficult to abandon it. He just absorbs you. Next will be provided with a master class of manufacturing rose buds for beginners.

DIY polypropylene flowers
The process of making colors

You will need to create flowers from insolon:

  • isolon in rolls
  • scissors, pencil
  • glue
  • feng
  • wire.

When choosing the color of the insolon, consider which flower you want to create. Is it also possible to decorate ready -made buds in the desired color. For this, paints are used.

How to make a flower?
How to make a flower?

Flowers manufacturing process:

  1. Before starting work, decide on the size of the flowers, they can be different. Therefore, make certain sizes. Please note that the petals come in different shapes and this is evident in the photo below. If you want to make small flowers, then choose an isolon with a thickness of 2 millimeters, and if large growth flowers, then it is better to take the material already 3 millimeters. Thanks to this thickness, the flower leaves will keep shape well. The number of petals in the bud can be different, there are no restrictions here. The more petals, the more magnificent flower.
  2. Rost flowers for the interior are often made of insolon of different thicknesses. So the products look harmonious. That is why experienced craftswomen use isolon with a thickness of 2 to 4 millimeters. In the center sheets are made thicker, and a little thinner along the edges.
  3. Template for the manufacture of a flower, as in the photo above. You can use your imagination and modify the product. Previously, it is better to draw the petals on the piece of paper, then circle and cut them out.
  4. To make the petals as similar as possible to the living, they need to take shape. Flat sheets are not suitable for crafts. The material changes the form when heated. It is for this that the construction hairdryer is used. Thanks to him, the petals come out, like a real rose.
  5. When the petals are all ready, you can paint them with acrylic paint or another. Let them dry, then only glue them into the bud. This will require an adhesive gun and rods. At the top, the image clearly shows how to form a flower correctly. At first, the largest leaves are chosen, after smaller and so, less and less are becoming less to the center.
  6. It is beautiful if you are still drawing with a shade of a different color of paints on the flowers so that the buds look like real ones. Roses, tulips or lilies of the valley then look amazing.
  7. Such flowers without stems and spikes, leaves are suitable only for decorating accessories for premises for some celebrations. For a real flower, all these parts are needed. Rost flowers are made with stems, leaves. And so that they do not fall, they still make stands.
Roses on stands
Roses on stands

Then we will study how to make stems, leaves for a flower of insolon?


The flower looks natural when the stem is present. And making it for growth flowers is simple. To get a similar stem, use the phone. Which one? Choose yourself. Suitable for such purposes and metal -plastic. It can be made green thanks to dyes, or so that the stem becomes green, use the same color fabric, paper, etc. The wire is also suitable as a stem. You choose a section for you. The main thing is that she can withstand the bud and look naturally paired with a flower.

Loose flowers luminous
Loose flowers luminous


Leaflets are always present on the stalk. And each plant has its own leaf. This must be taken into account when you cut the petals. After all, they have a certain form. And with the help of a hair dryer, they give petals beautiful bends. So you can achieve naturalness. Rost flowers without these details will come out completely unlike the real ones.

The lilies of the insolon
The lilies of the insolon


If the flowers are not in a vase, then in order for them to stand, a regular stand will be required. Metal welded products look beautiful. For its manufacture, a metal sheet is required. It is better to choose the thickness no more than three millimeters. A reinforcement or poles are welded to metal sheets from above. And then, metal -plastic stems are planted on such poles.

Flowers on the stand

If you cook a stand, then make it in the form of an ordinary decorative pot. But so that, the pot does not fall under the weight of the buds of flowers, it is weighted by the cement mixture. Only the flower must also be fixed. For this, poles and reinforcement are also used. Inside the pot, the space is poured by a third by a third, and a certain number of metal tubes are also concrete - stalks for flowers. To fix the tubes, they are poured with a cement mixture twice.

Flowers in a pot
Flowers in a pot

When the vase is ready, or rather, the cement inside the container froze, you can arrange a vase to your taste. Decor use any. You can paint it to your taste or wrap it beautifully with a cut of fabric, combine several types of fabrics. Fantasy in this matter is welcome. It should be noted that thin pots can burst when the cement mixture dries, because the solution has the property to expand. So that this is not used strong pots. They are also replaced by barrels or buckets.

Beautiful flower of insolon
Beautiful flower of insolon

IMPORTANT: Use hollow tubes for the stems, so they can simply be planted on the pins inside the pot or on a metal plate. The stem will hold well.

Ready -made stands are of good weight. It is not at all difficult to withstand three to five flowers for them. They are also stable. Claims of small pots look good.

How to tint isonon in the manufacture of flowers - examples, photos

Flowers from isolon, if not painted, will be of the same type. The flowers made of a white insolon, and then toned into the desired shade, will look more beautiful.

Red flower
Red flower

As dyes, it is recommended to use:

  1. Rubber dyes They are considered persistent and durable, do not respond to temperature changes, are not afraid of high humidity, and have a uniform application of application. When the dye dries, the surface does not shine, so it is recommended to apply more varnish.
  2. Paints in spray cans.Available and inexpensive way of painting isolon flowers. There is only one drawback. If you produce the slightest mechanical effect on the flower, then the paint is cracking. To achieve uniform color, they apply many layers, which is not economical.
  3. Acrylic dyespersistent, they perfectly retain the original coating even after ten years. It is desirable to apply from the spray gun.
  4. Car enamelthey lie perfectly on insolon flowers. Although it has a long shelf life, it has a long consumption. And the price bites.

As a result, note that it is necessary to paint the flowers with a spray gun. And if it is not, then tint the petals manually. And only after the gluing process among themselves.

Ozolon tulips
Ozolon tulips

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the fact that special care is necessary for the flowers from isolon. They can not be washed, and dust is better wiped with special brushes or blowing it off with a hairdryer. Use a hairdryer in cold mode.

Look at the composition above, it is perfect for any corner in the room. And the material of colors allows them to use them even on the street to decorate the festival. Flowers from isolon is a great idea for the photo zone. They will be appreciated even by the most picky eyes of connoisseurs of the beautiful.

Below will be the works of different masters for the manufacture of flowers from isolon:

Do -it -yourself cornflowers
Do -it -yourself cornflowers
Rost Lily
Rost Lily
With your own flowers
With your own flowers
Do -it -yourself asters
Do -it -yourself asters
Sunflower from isolon
Sunflower from isolon
Orchid from Isolon
Orchid from Isolon

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Video: How to make lily from isolon?

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