How to increase body temperature? Field temperatures quickly

How to increase body temperature? Field temperatures quickly

In this article, we would like to talk about how not to lower, but to increase body temperature. There are times when you just need to do it yourself.

You must admit that we all have situations in life when it is necessary to simulate poor health. Sometimes it is simply necessary to skip classes, postpone the exam or not appear on a certain day to work.

And at the same time, they do not always agree to meet you if you talk about the real reason for the pass. Well then, to get a certificate is the most reasonable. And if you do not know how to fake certificates, fake your body temperature.

Is it possible to increase body temperature?

In addition to those cases when the disease needs to be simulated, there are situations in which the body has a reduced temperature. In this case, it is recommended to return it to a normal state, that is, slightly increase. When can it be?

  • In the case when a person is dressed easily, and it is cold outside, that is, when it occurs hypothermia
  • The body needs a respite in the case when it he was sick for a long time. The immunity then becomes very weak, the temperature decreases
  • Overwork It can also occur during prolonged heavy physical exertion. Protection of the body cannot but turn on under such circumstances
  • Sometimes due to a malfunction of the pituitary gland digestive processes slow down, heart work - this can lead to a decrease in temperature
  • Hormonal disbalance - In this case, it is advisable not to increase the temperature artificially, but to visit the endocrinologist. The doctor will be able to choose the therapy that is able to cope with the problem

Important: Remember that it should be artificially raised very carefully - when overdate, fainting or even poisoning is possible. Choose a method wisely and do everything carefully, remembering that everyone’s susceptibility is different.

How to increase body temperature to an adult?

  • Griffel - A method, known for a long time and consists in eating the neck of the most ordinary pencil. However, you should take a simple pencil at the same time, since the pigment contained in color can provoke food poisoning
  • Swall the pieces quickly, without chewing to avoid painting tooths and lips, as well as drink with a small amount of water. The temperature will rise guaranteed by 3 or 4 hours, reaching even 40 degrees
The neck should be used from the simplest pencil
The neck should be used from the simplest pencil
  • Chancellery glue - Allows you to quickly raise the temperature to 37 degrees, having received a runny nose in addition. The most ordinary glue is suitable, which should be applied in a small amount to the mucous membrane of the nose
  • Coffee - A soluble look is suitable, which should be chewed in the amount of two or three teaspoons. Keep in mind that ground and grain coffee will not bring the expected effect
  • Breathing exercises - They are used by climbers in order to warm up as quickly as possible when the movement is limited. Four breaths should be made deeper, and then draw as much as possible into the light air, while holding the press with the diaphragm in tension
  • You need to imagine that you seem to want to crush the air inside yourself. Count 20-45 seconds. If you repeat the above algorithm 5 times, you can raise the temperature to 37 degrees and even higher

Important: no matter how tempting the respiratory technique appears, it is worth resorting to it only if you have appropriate training. For example, if mountaineering is familiar to you firsthand, then you can try.

  • Grinding armpits with salt, pepper, garlic or onion -If you choose one of the components and process the armpits for them, then after 10-15 minutes you can get a temperature of about 38 degrees. However, keep in mind that garlic or onions will smell strongly, and the skin in the place of rubbing can obtain redness and irritation
Be careful: grinding armpits is fraught with the appearance of an unpleasant odor
Be careful: grinding armpits is fraught with the appearance of an unpleasant odor

How to increase the temperature of the child?

  • If the child is just frozen, hurry wrap him with a blanketDressing more warmer. Hot tea in addition to this will be an excellent tool if it is not burning. You can put a heating pad under the blanket
Can help elementary wrapping the baby
Can help elementary wrapping the baby
  • It happens that even a poor emotional state can cause a lowering temperature - for example, depression, apathy. In this case, it follows give the child as much attention as possible And, preferably, visit a psychologist
  • If the child has a constant low temperature in the region of 35 degrees, this may be the result of the child’s prematureism or injury during childbirth. In this case, you need to not just artificially raise the temperature every time, but conduct regular examination by specialists and take care of the child for the child as carefully as possible
  • A decrease in body temperature can result in prolonged SARS or any other disease that significantly reduces immunity. The doctor’s observation is desirable here, although, as a rule, the temperature itself gradually returns to the normal mark
  • As for immunity, in its absence, the temperature is almost always reduced. In this case reception of polyvitamins, sports, proper nutrition, hardening They will help a lot
Polyvitamins can help a lot
Polyvitamins can help a lot
  • If the child lives in the area in which iodine deficiency is observed, he may have problems with the thyroid gland and, as a result, a decrease in body temperature. Then drugs, iodine content, just necessary - for example, "iodomarin"

Important: the child should be treated very carefully to the lowered temperature of the child’s body-it also happens that it is simply a consequence of the characteristics of the constitution. If the baby does not feel discomfort, then you should not take cardinal actions, especially since self -medication that can only harm the organism can be harmful.

Body temperature preparations

  • Pyrogene preparations They are able to raise body temperature if the immunity is weakened. Examples of such drugs are Pirogenal, purified sulfur. However, an overdose of these drugs, without taking into account, is fraught not only with a sharp increase in temperature, but also with other side effects - nausea, vomiting, pain in the head and in the joints
  • Echinacea It also strengthens the immunity and increases the temperature. Can be used both in the form of tincture and in the form of tea
Echinacea tincture can help
Echinacea tincture can help
  • St. John's wort tincture Great for warming. It is done as follows: a tablespoon of St. John's wort is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the decoction is infused. It should be consumed in warm form, preferably combining this use with firing legs
  • Valerian and motherwort They will help if the cause of a decrease in temperature was stress. After taking such tinctures, the body should return to normal work and, consequently, the temperature should also rise

Tablets that increase body temperature

As for the funds in the form of tablets, there is practically nothing to recommend, because the same “Pirogenal” is produced in the form of ampoules. Unless you can advise vitamins, since a consequence of low temperature is often a weak immunity.

It is best to use vegetables and fruits directly, but tablets will also come in - they are with a high content of vitamins, with reduced and for children.

The only pills that should be consumed to increase temperature is vitamins
The only pills that should be consumed to increase temperature is vitamins

Body temperature

  • Cayenne pepper - A quarter of a teaspoon of this seasoning added to food daily will help to cope with the task. Capsaicin contained in pepper is responsible for the release of heat

Important: there is an opinion that Kayensky pepper will successfully replace the peppers of halapeno or habanero, but this is a misconception.

A little Kayen pepper can come by the way
A little Kayen pepper can come by the way
  • Ginger - To increase body temperature, you need a piece the size of a thumb. If you are not able to chew it, leave a piece to boil in water for 5 or 10 minutes - this is how ginger tea is made. However, if the ginger does not like it at all, replace it with such root crops as beets, battery or carrots
  • Brown rice - When eating this product daily, you will saturate the body with complex carbohydrates, and they, in turn, will give a load on the digestive system. As a result, the body will have to make a lot of effort to digest the product, which will give the desired body temperature

How to increase body temperature with honey?

There is an opinion that you need to drink several cups of tea with raspberries and honey to increase temperature. However, this misconception, since such an action will only give the effect of visibility of fever.

If after such tea to use the thermometer, it will immediately become clear that the mark remains the same as before. In order for the honey to really make the temperature crawl up, you will have to eat a lot.

Important: if you like a way of simultaneous absorption of a large amount of honey, it is better to abandon it at once. Despite all its benefits, a large portion of honey will enhance the load on the heart.

Honey is useful, but no more than a few spoons per day
Honey is useful, but no more than a few spoons per day

How to increase body temperature with iodine?

Imaging the temperature with iodine is a way known to schoolchildren. However, the tincture in its pure form should not be used in any case, it is recommended to apply 4-6 drops with a pipette to a piece of sugar. Sugar immediately swallows, it is not necessary to chew it. But drink it with cold water. After 15 minutes, the temperature will rise to 38 degrees.

Important: with iodine you need to do very carefully, otherwise you can get not only an increase in temperature, but also poisoning.

Iodine can help, but it needs to be treated very carefully
Iodine can help, but it needs to be treated very carefully

How to increase body temperature raspberries?

In the same way as in the case of honey, tea with raspberries will not lead to an increase in temperature. It will seem that the body has become hot, but the thermometer will tell you the opposite. Moreover, this berry is considered antipyretic, so for our goal it will not be useful for sure.

Raspberry is a useful berry, but it will not raise the temperature
Raspberry is a useful berry, but it will not raise the temperature

Safe methods of increasing body temperature: tips and reviews

The advice that many give: if shortly before measuring body temperature jump, squeeze or run, the thermometer will inform you that you have 37-37.5 degrees. This happens due to intensive sweating, increasing metabolic processes.

However, it is not always possible to load yourself physically before measuring the temperature, but at the same time I also do not want to attend health. In this case, use the safe ways to obtain the desired mark:

  • Lower the clean rag in boiling waterHold it there literally 3 seconds there, then cool it a little. Puting such a rag on the forehead, you will create the appearance of a body glowing from the heat
  • If there is time in stock, you can turn your legs. It will be especially good to add a little mustard or aromatic oil with St. John's wort or eucalyptus to the water
  • The body temperature is directly related to the metabolism - this is a proven fact. Turn yourself with a good portion of foodso that the body begins to actively work
  • Herani leaflets, placed in the nose, will help to perfectly simulate not only high temperature, but also a runny nose
Geranium is a plant that has almost all
Geranium is a plant that has almost all
  • If you need to do manipulations directly with the thermometer, use heaters, batteries, hot liquids

Important: you should very carefully heat the thermometer, because no one will believe too high. In the case of a mercury thermometer, it can be achieved that it will burst, and this is already fraught with unpleasant consequences.

  • You can make a heating pad from mustard, moistened in hot water. It is recommended to wrap the heating pad with a polyethylene package so that the thermometer does not contact directly with the mustard
  • Tap a thermometer slightly from different sides slightly - So you can make him show what needs
  • Dissolve 4 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. This solution should be coated with yourself, and then wrap yourself in a blanket. Except for a possible smell from vinegar, the method can be called quite effective

As you can see, you can increase the temperature due to different reasons - to simulate the disease or in fact get rid of malaise.

However, in the latter case, a low temperature is a consequence, and not the cause of health problems. Well, as for the simulation, it is necessary to carry it out wisely, otherwise then you will have to be treated.

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  1. The best is just physical activity

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