New Year's crafts on the wall - ideas for children

New Year's crafts on the wall - ideas for children

The ideas of New Year's crafts on the wall. Jewelry that can be created with children and crafts on the wall for kindergarten.

New Year's crafts on the wall for children

New Year's crafts on the wall are especially interesting for those who have children. And it’s even more interesting to make crafts for the New Year with children. The following examples of work are collected according to materials from various children's competitions, and their authors are schoolchildren and preschool children.

Picture with a snowman In a frame of cones, even adults captivate. Meanwhile, her author Yuzifovich Anna, very young and visits a kindergarten. You will need such a children's craft for the New Year on the wall:

  • Fir cones and silver paint for them.
  • Hollofiber to make lumps of fluffy snow.
  • Pieces of fabric for the snowman clothes.
  • Gold stars or sequins in the form of stars for decoration.
New Year's crafts on a wall with beautiful frames
New Year's crafts on a wall with beautiful frames

Crafts on the wall for the New Year with an angel from a schoolgirl Eva Serikova tells a Christmas story. You can try to make a similar New Year's decoration on the wall. To do this, you will come in handy:

  1. Dense cardboard. From it you need to cut the star.
  2. Fluffy threads for knitting. All of them should be in the blue range, but of various shades: from muffled blue to a rich purple color, like that of a night sky. Now in stores you can find skeins of multi -colored threads for knitting, in which one color of the thread itself goes into another. You can use threads from different skeins.
  3. Golden beads of different sizes that need to be glued. Perhaps you can find a finished thread with already glued beads.
  4. The angel can be crocheted or bought ready -made.
  5. A gold satin ribbon will be complemented by the composition. It can be attached to the New Year's craft on the wall.

New Year crafts on the wall in balls of threads They look voluminous, elegant and openwork, like the interweaving of thin branches of snow -capped trees, or snowflakes. The authors of the next two works are preschool children. This is Sofia Gruzdeva and Leo Galkin. The compositions are complemented by small toys, Christmas decorations and artificial snow from cotton wool. Such balls look good on a table or windowsill, but if your house has an empty wall, then balls of threads will perfectly decorate it. And about how to make them strong, we will talk below.

New Year's crafts in balls of threads
New Year's crafts in balls of threads

To make a strong ball of threads, for New Year's crafts on the wall, you will need good source materials.

  1. You cannot save on the balls themselves. Balls should be relatively large and with thick walls. We will need to dry them for about 8 hours in a hot place, and the ball should withstand it.
  2. Choose the threads from cotton. Their name and weaving can be different. For example, iris is brilliant and delicate threads. But this is also a clap. It is better to choose cotton threads, because they absorb glue well. Flax or microfiber - will not work. Ordinary sewing threads are not suitable - they are too thick. Take the iris or cotton yarn for knitting.
  3. Use PVA glue, fresh and well mixed.

In order for the glue to drink the threads well, pour it into a glass or jar, and directly dip the skein of the threads into the glue with which you will wrap the balloon. If there is too much thread in the skein, rewind a small skein from the large and soak it with glue.

Children's New Year crafts on the wall with the moon and an asterisk - These are the work of two different small authors: Kirill Petrakov and Konstantin Tyulenev. But together they could create a beautiful composition about the magic of New Year's Eve.

To make fluffy edges of the stars, use yershiki for cleaning the hookah. Inside the cardboard star, glue small Christmas tree toys and cones.

Such a fabric that is covered in the moon, you are unlikely to meet in needlework stores. Rather, it can be found in stores with fabrics or in carnival costumes from second-hand. Matter is similar to fluffy synthetics with a stretching thread of Lurex. Balt, beads and New Year's wreath will help to make a magic month elegant.

Star and Moon for the magical New Year's Eve
Star and Moon for the magical New Year's Eve

New Year's crafts of children are very interesting. The bright fantasy was shown in their works Rodion Ramzin and Ekaterina Gorbachevskaya. If you know where to find pieces of artificial fur of all the colors of the rainbow, then create a rainbow gnome! Do not forget to hand him a bump in his hands so that he does not come to the holiday not empty -handed. And decorate the hat with colored balls from a needlework store.

Cotton wheels can be turned into delicate flowers. And these flowers, in turn, are assembled in elegant Christmas tree. Choose your original decoration for each branch, and you will get a wonderful picture to decorate the wall for the New Year.

New Year's compositions for children
New Year's compositions for children

Postcards - This is also New Year's crafts on the wall. Try to create your own collection of New Year's cards. They can be very different with volumetric patterns, and with applications, with felt elements or with embossed Christmas toys, as in the second photo.

New Year's cards on the wall
New Year's cards on the wall, the author of the snowman Ivan Untila

Video: durable balls of threads for New Year's decorations

Video: New Year's crafts on the wall

New Year's crafts on the wall for kindergarten

Every year, employees of kindergartens try to come up with beautiful New Year's crafts on the wall. Their pupils are the most reverent connoisseurs of beauty. Take a look at the next photo, there the walls are decorated with New Year's balloon balls. Children will definitely want to touch them, and take them to themselves. Probably, it is better to immediately buy two sets of balls: one for the design of the room, and one for games.

New Year's crafts on the wall for kindergarten
New Year's crafts on the wall for kindergarten

If you take completely different crafts for the wall and surround them with the same rain, then they will merge into a single composition, as in the previous photo. The drawings drawn on snow -white Whatmans look very elegant, they do not need any color background.

Decoration of the premises of the kindergarten
Decoration of the premises of the kindergarten

Buying New Year's decorations on the wall in the store is also a good option. In the department of stationery you can find a variety of sets. Some of them are simply huge in size, you can’t print A4 on a sheet or even draw on a batman.

Crafts on the wall for the New Year
Crafts on the wall for the New Year

It seems that the tree has a trunk made of real wood in this composition. And only if it is good to take a closer look that this is a skillfully bent piece of cardboard.

Watch Another interesting New Year's craft on the wall. At home, you could make a small watch with a cuckoo from cardboard. But if you need to decorate the whole kindergarten, then the clock should be huge. In order to make shiny numbers, you will need a whole roll for baking foil. And the composition will complement the composition of huge snowflakes carved from the Whatman.

New Year's decoration for kindergarten
New Year's decoration for kindergarten

House From cardboard could be a New Year's craft on the wall. But in the next example, it also serves as a decoration, and at the same time “scenes” for actors.

New Year's scene
New Year's scene

Take a closer look at the next photo. The cat in this company Snowmen seems to be a snowman. And the birds are drawn in the same style. Gouache and rich imagination create amazing crafts on the wall for a kindergarten or school.

Decoration for the wall for the New Year
Decoration for the wall for the New Year

The place between the battery and the windowsill is located just at the eye level of some kindergarten pupils. It is necessary to create a fabulous and magical composition on the wall for them in this corner.

New Year's composition under the battery
New Year's composition under the battery

New Year's crafts on the wall: ideas

Take the Christmas tinsel and hang it on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree. Decorate the top with a star and a bow. Chancellery nails will help to fix the rain. To score them, you need a hammer. And below, under such a craft, you can fold gifts on the wall. This compact Christmas tree from Mishura is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to put a large Christmas tree. For example, it can be made in a student dormitory or in a school class. For those who have a large Christmas tree in the house, but there is also an empty wall, such a New Year's craft will be a complement to the decor.

New Year's crafts on the wall
New Year's crafts on the wall

Now decorate your Christmas tree with paper balls and garlands. The more modest the Christmas tree itself, the brighter the decorations are needed for her. And a flat Christmas tree on the wall, in itself modest. Therefore, do not skimp on different and bright balls, flags, caramels, bows and applications with New Year's heroes.

Christmas tree on the wall
Christmas tree on the wall

Look at the volumetric snowflakes from which snowmen and grandfathers frosts are taken in the previous photo. Perhaps you do not know how to make such a New Year's craft on the wall. Then we will tell you how to create it.

Paper snowflakes
Paper snowflakes
  • Fold the white or colored paper with an accordion.
  • Cut the edge of the accordion with an angle.
  • Bend the accordion in half.
  • Now glue it in the form of a circle.

You will get a corrugated snowflake. If you make a smaller snowflake and glue it on top of a large one, you will get a voluminous paper snowflake. Decorate with such snowflakes the walls of your room. In the same way, you can make snowmen.

Corrugated snowflake from paper, place of gluing parts
Corrugated snowflake from paper, place of gluing parts

Paper cups can also decorate the walls of the room. Glue your eyes, deer horns or hat of Santa Claus to them. You can buy ready -made eyes in needlework stores, with them your crafts will look even more interesting.

How to decorate a room for a new year
How to decorate a room for a new year

Crafts-organs in the form of wreaths, snowflakes and Santa Claus will also become a good decoration for the New Year. For New Year's decorations on the wall, you can choose any equipment you like. This is decoupage for creating paintings and postcards, and drawing with paints, and origami, and balls of threads. Together with the decoration of the room for the New Year, it will be possible to master new techniques in needlework for yourself and your child.

Crafts from paper for the new year
Crafts from paper for the new year

New Year's crafts on the wall will decorate the walls of the kitchen. Take a look at how interesting a set of cutting boards with the characters of the fairy tale "Silver Hoof" looks.

New Year's decoration for the kitchen
New Year's decoration for the kitchen

Children's cards are very different. Who said that the characters should have clear and correct contours? The furry Santa Claus is next to the furry Christmas tree - it looks very harmonious.

Happy New Year card
Happy New Year card

On our site there are many other interesting articles about crafts for the New Year:

Video: a luminous Christmas tree from the rain on the wall

Video: New Year's garland-spiral with your own hands

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