A new deadly game of adolescents "Hide and a day or disappear for 24 hours." How many children who played in “Daza for a day” did not return and did not return?

A new deadly game of adolescents

Why children run away from home and how dangerous the game is hide and seek for 24 hours.

A missing child, what can be more terrible for parents? The complete unknown about where he is currently located is capable of driving crazy and parents and all the closest relatives. The new deadly game of adolescents “Lost for a day” is gaining popularity. What is its essence?

New deadly game of adolescents "Hide and a day or disappear for 24 hours"

The child should be the gap for 24 hours so that no one knows about his whereabouts. At the same time, he must turn off the mobile phone and do not take anything out of food from the house. You can hide in other people's entrances, round -the -clock supermarkets and other places where the appearance of a child without parents will not cause suspicion.

It is interesting that law enforcement agencies actively refute the presence of this game among adolescents. The children who disappeared and found in a day said that they left the house after quarrels with their parents. Information that the “test” for hide and seek, the child can only receive if he he will not tell anyone that he played "Sinomas for 24 hours", suggests that children do not talk about the true reason for leaving home.

One gets the impression that, not wanting to inflate a panic among the parents of adolescents, law enforcement agencies consciously “do not see” the new dangerous game of children “for 24 hours”. Meanwhile, in schools among children there is an active discussion of both the game itself and “cool options” where to hide.

What is the danger of the game for a day
What is the danger of the game "Lost for a day"?

How many children who played in "Daza for a day" did not return and did not return

Unfortunately, there is no such statistics and it will hardly appear. After all, it is difficult to distinguish between cases when the children left home precisely because of the game “Lost for a day”, from those cases when children advised to leave the house or acquaintances in correspondence.

In April 2019, a 13-year-old schoolgirl disappeared in Moscow. It was found 25 kilometers from the house. And she explained her disappearance by the fact that someone unknown on the social network sent her a message with a proposal to escape from home and recommendations on how to do it. At first she thought it was stupid, but after a quarrel with her parents she decided to agree.

At the end of January 2019, a Ukrainian 10-year-old schoolgirl disappeared in Dnepropetrovsk, she was found exactly 25 hours later, and she was hiding at school.

In total, for various reasons, about 15,000 children disappear every year in Russia. About 90% of them find, the remaining 10% - missing.

When the terrorists took up the children at school in Beslan, and in the end 333 people were dead, this tragedy stirred with pain, the hearts of the whole world. But, 1,500 children disappear every year, and these are two small or one large school, they do not excite the public.

After the tragedy in Beslan
After the tragedy in Beslan

Why does the child play the game “Loss for 24 hours”?

The game “Hide and Hide and a Day” and similar dangerous games are interesting for adolescents trying to break out of the closed circle of their family and school, and become adults. Children do not fully understand that they expose their lives and hazard health. Everyone believes in the best and does not think that the fear of seriously ill on the street, get an injury, become a victim of criminals or bring relatives to a heart attack can become a reality. Why does the child play the game “Loss for 24 hours”?

  • Children run away from home not because they pursue some goals, but because they are unbearable to be at home. Half in the family and team is difficult to survive this phenomenon not only to children, but also to adults.
  • Check yourself for strength. Can you live all day without food and communication alone with the city? You can not cry, until the end of the term, to endure the cold and hunger. If so, then you can prove your independence to yourself.
  • Achieve a worthy place in the hierarchy, go from the lower step to the highest,and force other teenagers to reckon with you. Agree, the abyss from the house for a day and make you look for you - the act is quite reckless and can be highly appreciated by other children.
  • So, why does the child play the game “Lost for 24 hours”? Thus, he speaks to other teenagers "Look, I'm insane enough, I can be dangerous, be afraid of me." And, probably, he speaks to his friends with the same act diametrically opposite "I do not condemn you for your recklessness, I am the same as you."
  • The child is faced with misunderstanding by parents, teachers and other adults. This misunderstanding hurts him so much that he he begins to doubt whether he needs his parents? Playing “Hide and Hide and Humanitarian Science”, the child checks whether they will look for him, and who exactly will look for him. Yes, it is very cruel to their loved ones, but sometimes, children see only such an option to find out the truth, do their parents love or not?
Game for a day for a day
Game "Lost for a day"

Why do children leave home?

Let's try to look at the world through the eyes of a teenager. Probably then, the questions why the children leave home, why the child plays the game “disappeared for 24 hours” will already be half covered, because this non -child’s game is suitable for teenagers with their problems and experiences. And if she had not been, then they would probably come up with a similar game.

Teenagers can no longer be children, and they have not yet become adults. The transition from childhood to adult life is painful.

Some adolescents are doing well, boys have sufficient authority among peers, and girls have the glory of smart men, beauties and parents' support. But, probably, in every children's team there are those who, for some reason, are dissatisfied with themselves and their place in a small children's society. Most often, adolescents are injured that adults cannot help them solve their problems.

  • Parents of children are too concerned about all kinds of rules and their observance. Sudden dogmas prevent them from thinking, and sometimes they are just too lazy to think, because thinking is hard work.

About what the position of an adult is different from the position of a tough directive parent wrote remarkably in his book "Psychological Aikido" Mikhail Litvak.

  • Often parents put on “pink glasses” and refuse to believe in some terrible or disgusting things that happen with their children. From this unbelief, they do not cease to be real?
  • Hyperopeca is as unpleasant as the lack of attention. Alarm parents often give an inadequate reaction to the problems of the child, and make him only worse.
  • A teenage rebellion is taken in hostility, instead of treating the child with understanding.

If you climb into the jungle of psychology, then in the direction found by the Swiss teacher and psychiatrist Karl Gustav Jung, you can find the concepts of archetypes. He created the theory that each person goes through his life path, living one archetype after another. He believed that the problems in adulthood are associated with the fact that a person did not live a particular archetype. On the wheel of archetypes there is an archetype of a rebel or outcast. If a person successfully passes this stage, then he gains the power of a rebel, if not, then he risks becoming an outcast. That is, a teenage rebellion is a natural stage of development.

Jung's teenage rebellion and archetypes
Jung's teenage rebellion and archetypes

How to convince the child not to play “Lost for 24 hours”, which makes him agree to the game?

If the child threatens to escape from the house, communicates with someone on this subject on social networks or has already escaped, then this is always an occasion to think. It happens that the child simply expresses his resentment because he was not bought by another road gadget or runs away after an insignificant quarrel, in the heat of emotions. But it also happens that a teenager really has non -childish problems, he is humiliated at home or poisoned at school.

Half is not a single conflict, but a systematic humiliation, in which forces are clearly not equal. Most often, the objects of bullying, which I now also call bullying, are children who are humiliated in the family. For them, a neglect of themselves, as it were, habitually, they silently listen to insulting words and tolerate humiliations. And this cannot be done.

Where does such cruelty come from and what to do with it - questions in which you need to understand in each particular case. The object of persecution is always a white crow. By the way, the white crow is a symbol of defenselessness, in nature. These birds because of their color are the first to become victims of predators. Sometimes persecution is not related to the conflict in the family of the child or physical disabilities.

  • Beautiful girls can become a white sheep whom peers cannot forgive popularity among boys. In this case, insults and accusations of random ties with the opposite sex begins.
  • Sometimes they envy not beauty, but intellect. One child is easily given everything without effort, while others are forced to puff over the textbooks for hours.
  • It happens that a child or an adult becomes an object of bullying exclusively by virtue of the situation. For example, the boy began to meet with a girl, and another boy, whom the girl rejected, set the team against him.

But it also happens that a child becomes an outcast in all the groups that falls into. This situation is very dramatic, and from the point of view of the child, it seems almost hopeless, more precisely, only a miracle needs to be exit from it. Indeed, if the child is being poisoned, then he himself is unrealistic to find a common language with the offenders. After all, the goal of the bulls is to get rid of a person, to make him leave the team. The victim of persecution is forced to believe that she herself is to blame for all troubles.

It is important to understand that not only the victim suffers from bullying, but also those who humiliate it. These Tirans children learn the habit of dumping aggression on someone. Having become adults, they create the “victim and tormentor” model in their family. As a result, their families collapse.

Frame from a piercing film about teenage cruelty class of Estonian director Ilmar Rag
Frame from a piercing film about teenage cruelty "Class" of Estonian director Ilmar Rag

Is the school to blame for the fact that children play the game "Hide and Hide and Humanitory" and generally leave home? From the point of view of psychologists, persecution arises in those groups where people often and have a lot of negative emotions. If the situation is favorable, then there is no reason to break into someone. And the “weather at school” largely depends on the class teacher. If the teacher does not cope with his task, and the school administration looks at it through his fingers, the school’s fault in the persecution of children within the walls of this very school is obvious.

What to do if a child is offended at school? There are several simple rules for him:

  1. Do not react. No, you just need to fight back. But you need to do this so that strong emotions arise at the opponent, not you. You can’t show your tears and fear, bulls like vampires, feed on these emotions.
  2. Do not tolerate. To run away if they beat or leave, when they insult, this is not cowardice, but a completely appropriate solution. When the offenders are left without the “goat of the prolapse” they begin to be sad after him, they have a feeling of some kind of lack of failure and unrealism in relation to a person who is allegedly guilty of their troubles. And after a short time, offenders understand that all the problems remained with them.
  3. Do not be silent. You cannot believe the insults that sound about you. Very often vulnerable people who take everything to heart become victims of bullying. Do not close, seek support and asking for help, but those who are looking for, find it.
Solve problems with children
Solve problems with children

Parents whose child complains that he is offended at school can also take quite effective measures.

  1. Try to change the school. As we already wrote above, persecution of the child with a group is unlikely where the team has a favorable environment. In addition, they poison the “white raven”, that is, those who are very different. Surely there is an opportunity to choose a team where children are more like your child. If the child is teased with a “cramm” to change the usual school to a gymnasium, where all the “suffers”. If the welfare of the family leaves much to be desired, you should probably not give the child to the lyceum where the children of rich parents study, and it is likely that they will try to humiliate him due to the fact that he does not have certain things. Try to choose a team where children will be as similar as possible to your child.
  2. Turn to the psychologist. Bulling is one of the most common problems that children's psychologists face. And a good psychologist will probably be able to teach a child to cope with anxiety and defend himself correctly.
  3. Find a children's team that will be an alternative to the school. It can be mugs of ballroom dancing, a sports section, a volunteer organization, maybe even some kind of labor brigade that develops fruits in the gardens, in a word, anything. If the child is offended at school, and he does not have friends there, then this is very sad, he does not even want to wake up in the morning and go to this hated place. It is very important that at least some “ray of light” appear in the child’s life. By the way, if the child emotionally switches to another team, then he will cease to react violently to insults, and persecution will lose meaning for the offenders.
  4. If at a school where your child is studying, there are old-story children of your friends or friends, try to make contact with them. The authority and protection of high school students will solidly strengthen your child’s position in the eyes of peers. Here, parents themselves will have to show talent to negotiate with people in order to get attention to their child older.

Talent to negotiate with people and talent to negotiate with children is somewhat different from each other. It is more difficult to negotiate with children. They, like psychics, acutely feel falsity, lies, indifference and veiled aggression of parents.

Previously, our website has already appeared an article about the dangerous game of the Blue Whale distributing via the Internet.

Video: Game "disappear for 48 hours" in Kyrgyzstan

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