Normal human pulse by year, age: table. Pulse - the norm by age in women, men, children: table. What is the rate of pulse in an adult at rest, physical exertion, in pregnant women? Where can I feel and measure the pulse?

Normal human pulse by year, age: table. Pulse - the norm by age in women, men, children: table. What is the rate of pulse in an adult at rest, physical exertion, in pregnant women? Where can I feel and measure the pulse?

This article will tell you in detail about how to properly measure the pulse and what are the rate of pulse frequency, depending on gender and age.

Pulse - the norm by age in healthy women: table

Each person has a pulse. Understanding that it is quite simple, the pulse is a fluctuation in the walls of blood vessels. Outings appear when the heart muscle is reduced. According to the pulse, or rather by its frequency and strength, it is possible to approximately determine the rhythm of the heartbeat, the nature of its work, the health and the current state of large vessels.

You can determine a healthy person from the first seconds, because in a healthy person the pulse frequency (gaps between heart beats) should be the same and uniform. An impaired frequency is already a symptom of malfunctions of the body, for example, heart pathologies.

Missing the pulse should be correctly, you need to find areas on the body in which vascular fluctuations are felt very well. It is also necessary to know the values \u200b\u200bof the measured pulsation, which differs, depending on the age, human gender and his type of activity (a sports person or person with chronic diseases).

Pulse should be measured on the radial artery, which is well felt on the wrist. Measurement time is 30 seconds. If rhythm is not possible to establish rhythm in the first 30 seconds, then the pulse should be measured for a minute. If you can’t measure the pulse on the wrist, it can also be felt in the temples.

Pulse in women:


The age of the woman

Minimum (normal) strokes Average (normal) hit Maximum (normal) hit Blood pressure (normal)
50 60 75 80 110-130
50, 55, 60 65 75 85 140-80
60, 70, 80 70 80 90 140-160
Correct measurement
Correct measurement

Pulse - the norm by age in healthy men: Table

The pulse frequency is affected by several reasons:

  • The age of the person
  • The position of the human body
  • Food
  • Body temperature
  • Exercise stress
  • Stress
  • Hormonal background of man
  • Environment

Interesting: it is important to know that men have a pulse slightly lower than in women. Speaking for sure, this is from about 5 to 8 beats.

On the male pulse, or rather its frequency, the age of a man has a great influence. It is also necessary to take into account the physical state of the health of a man (child, boy, guy) and his physical training, eating time (as he had eaten for a long time) and what he did before measuring the pulse (slept, walked, ran).


The age of the man

Minimum (normal) strokes Average (normal) number of udorov Maximum (normal) hit Blood pressure (normal)
Up to 50 years 60 70 80 120-140
50 to 60 years old 65 75 85 140-80
60 to 80 years old 70 80 90 145-165
Pulse - heartbeat
Pulse - heartbeat

Pulse - the norm by age in healthy children: table

Before measuring the child’s pulse, each person should know that the rate of frequency of shocks hesitates, depending on age. The children's body, unlike adult men and women, grows very quickly and grows up. Also, an increase in body weight of the child may affect the indicators.

Interesting: the indicators and norms of the pulse change already after the child is 1 month. Missing the child’s pulse should be much more often than an adult to determine his state of health. After 1 month of life, the pulse in a child decreases and only when he turns 12-13 years old, the norms become similar to the norms of an adult.


The age of the child

Minimum (normal) strokes Average (normal) hit Maximum (normal) hit Blood pressure (normal)
D.about 1 month 110 130 165 60-80/85
Up to 12 months 100 130 160 80-110
Ot 12 months to 2 years 90 130 150 90-110
2 to 3 years old 90 100 130 90-110
3 to 4 years old 90 100 130 90-110
4 to 5 years old 85 105 125 110-120

Pulse norm in pregnant women: table

Pregnancy is a special position of a woman that affects her health and well -being. First of all, a woman can feel the severity “jumping” from her chest and a rapid pulse. You should not worry about this, because such a pulse is a medical norm of pregnant women. The fact is that to maintain a woman’s health, as well as her fetus, the heart has to do almost a double volume of work and pump about one and a half liters of blood more than usual.

The frequency of the pulse during pregnancy in a woman is more often approximately 10-15 beats than that of an ordinary woman. So, if the future mother had a pulse 110 in the usual state, then the figure of 120-140 beats during pregnancy is quite adequate. When measuring, it is important to pay attention to the complexion of a woman, her activity (whether she is engaged in sports: yoga, swimming, pilates, etc.).

Interesting: the frequency of the child’s heart does not increase, despite the number of pulsating blows of the mother. The pulse of the fetus can only increase in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as slow down a few weeks before childbirth.

The pulse frequency in a pregnant woman does not change when measuring if she changes the position of the body (sitting, lying on her back or side). The pulse frequency during pregnancy can increase in the same way, depending on body weight, which increases to the approaching childbirth. The weight gain and the frequency of the pulse are affected by hormonal background, increased metabolism, pressure surges, severe toxicosis, uterine displacement.

If the pulse of a pregnant woman is above 90, then doctors can safely diagnose tachycardia. Such a pulse most often does not cause poor well -being and complications, but the pulse exceeding the mark of 120 makes us experience dizziness, nausea and weakness (in the worst case - loss of consciousness). Only a professional doctor can prescribe treatment that adjusts pressure and pulse in a woman.

The character of the pulse
The character of the pulse

What should be the frequency of blows per minute of the pulse in a healthy adult at rest, when running, walking, in training: norm

Load Pulse frequency Type of load
Calm state 60-90 No load
Walking 100-110 Very light load
Fast step 110-130 Light load
Jogging 130-150 The average load
Run 150-170 Heavy load
Running with a load (maximum) 170-190 Very heavy load

What pulse is considered normal in a man and a woman at 30, 40, 50, 60 years old?

Women's pulse norms:

The age of the woman Minimum normal strokes Normal strokes (average) Maximum normal hit
From 20 to 30 years old 60 65 70
30 to 40 years old 70 73 75
40 to 50 years old 70 75 80
50 to 60 years old 80 83 85
60 to 70 years old 83 85 87
More than 70 years 83 85 88
The norms of the pulse
The norms of the pulse

What pulse is considered normal in a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old?


The age of the child

Minimum (normal) strokes Average (normal) hit Maximum (normal) hit
6 years 90 92 95
7 years 83 85 90
8 years 80 83 85
9 years 80 83 85
10 years 78 80 85
11 years 78 82 85
12 years 75 80 82

What pulse is considered normal in a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old?


The age of the child

Minimum (normal) strokes Average (normal) hit Maximum (normal) hit
13 years old 72 75 80
14 years 72 75 78
15 years 70 73 76
16 years 68 70 72
17 years 65 67 70

Where can I feel the pulse?

On the human body, the pulse is felt in several places and therefore it can be measured:

  • On the wrist -the radiation artery pulsates
  • The elbow artery- Look for the elbow artery, which is located in the bend of the elbow.
  • In the axillary hollow
  • On the temples
  • Temporal artery over the eyebrows
  • Neck -the location of the carotid artery
  • Angle of mouth (jaw edge) - There you can feel the front pulse.
  • Groin - Here you can feel the femoral pulse
  • Under the knee(where the leg is bent is the popliteal artery).
  • Foot or arrow
Where to measure the pulse?
Where to measure the pulse?

How to measure the pulse on the arm on the wrist yourself and determine the pulse on the carotid artery?

To measure the pulse is very simple:

  • You will need to have a watch that would measure the time and number of pulse strikes for a certain period of time.
  • Calm down and sit down, find a quiet and calm room.
  • Place the index and middle finger of the right hand in the place of pulsing of the artery (wrist, neck or other part of the body).
  • Set the time (from 30 to 60 seconds) and consider the number of shocks for this period of time.
  • Check the data with the table

Video: "How to measure the pulse yourself?"

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