The norm of AST and ALT in the blood in women, men, children, during pregnancy

The norm of AST and ALT in the blood in women, men, children, during pregnancy

This article describes what the norm of AST and ALT in the blood should be in men, women, children, pregnancy, as well as in older people after 50, 60, 70 years.

Analysis for liver tests is prescribed if the liver is suspected and the presence of appropriate symptoms. In this article we will consider what the norms of Alt and AST, as well as other samples in men and women, should be. You will also learn how to correctly take these tests and what to do if the indicators of liver samples are increased or lowered.

What should be the norm of hepatic tests of ALT, AST in women by age - after 50, 60, 70 years: table, what is the norm of mmol/l with a healthy liver, ratio?


Alaninaminotraxferase (ALT, or Alat)and Aspartetaminoresferase (AST, or Asat) - These are enzymes related to the group of transaminases. Their concentration is obtained by biochemical analysis. This helps to diagnose liver and heart diseases, as well as some other organs.

It is worth knowing: Of great importance is the value of these indicators in women during pregnancy. This indicator is also important when a woman or girl takes any medicine, actively playing sports, experiencing stress.

Determination of transaminases It may allow to identify this or that disease in time.

  • The norm of liver test Alt In the blood of women - 28 to 190 mmol per literor there is another unit of measurement - 7 - 40 IU/lor up to 33 units/l.
  • Norm AST In women with a healthy liver - from 10 to 30 IU/l, from 28 to 125 mmol/lor you can measure it differently: up to 32 units/l.

Important: The ratio of indicators of the norm can be different. In each laboratory, the indicators can be different, as they depend on the reagents that are used in the tests.

Here is a table with approximate norms of Alat and asat by age:

ALT and AST: Norm
ALT and AST: Norm

It is important to remember: In women after 50, 60, 70 years, the norm of these indicators decreases by 15% - 20%.

Bilirubin is common in the blood of women: norm

Bilirubin: Norm
Bilirubin: Norm

Bilirubin - This is also an important enzyme for good liver operation, it should be normal.

  • This is a pigment that is included as a component in the bile mass.
  • It is formed during the breakdown of proteins that contain hemm, that is, hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome.
  • Bilirubin shows the condition of the bone marrow, as well as spleen, lymph nodes and liver.
  • Bilirubin is divided into species, depends on age, but on average, it should be normal for ordinary women from 3.5 to 5 μmol per liter.

A specific and more accurate value must be watched in the tables presented in the laboratory. But usually, as a result of the analysis, the norm and the obtained indicator are already indicated.

GGT liver sample rate in women

GGT - It is also often prescribed for patient complaints about painful discomfort in the right hypochondrium or the digestive tract.

  • GGT - This is Gamma Glutamiltransferaz.
  • The norm varies from the floor and age indicators.
  • The ladies have the average value of the norm - up to 32 units/l.

Usually the norm GGT women are lower than in men. If a GGT Tall, this can be an indicator of the painful state of the liver and the bile “bag”, there may also be other distinctive features.

The norm of hepatic trials Alt, AST in the blood of men by age - after 50, 60, 70 years: table


He liver samples Alat, asat standards In the blood in men they differ from such indicators for women. They depend on age -related indicators and health status. Below is a table of ratio of indicators by age:

Age Alt AST
Children up to a year up to 56 units/l Up to 58 units/l
1-60 years 10-40 units/l Up to 40 units/l
60-90 years 13-40 units/l Up to 40 units/l

It is worth knowing:
In the age over 90 years old level Alt It begins to decline significantly.

Bilirubin is commonit is a product of hemoglobin metabolism. The norm also depends on age.

Age Indicators
17-20 years 3.7-8.1 μmol/l
20-30 years 3.8-19 μmol/l
30-40 years 3.8-18.5 μmol/l
40-50 years 3.9-18.7 μmol/l
50-60 years 3.8-18.5 μmol/l
\u003e60 years 3.7-18.5 μmol/l

GGT -fermented protein, it is involved in the exchange of amino acids. This indicator is important for assessing the state of the liver and the bile “bag”. Here is a table with the norm for men by age:

Age Indicators
Newborn up to 5 days until 185 units
Up to 6 months until 202 units
0.5-1 year within 34
1-3 years up to 18 units
3-6 years up to 22 units
6-12 years About 16 units
12-17 years up to 45 units
18 years and older 10-71 units

Interesting: There is such a curious fact: representatives of the African American race have a level GGT significantly higher than that of Europeans. Why this happens, scientists do not know.

Blood tests for Alt and AST: how to hand over, decryption correctly

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

As mentioned above, this analysis shows the state of the liver, since Alat and Asat - These are enzyme markers. The increase in the level speaks mainly of damage to the liver, sometimes high Asat It is observed with suspicion of myocardial infarction. Analysis is assigned:

  • In case of suspicions of genetic diseases of different organs.
  • It is also necessary to pass it with hepatitis, diabetes, obesity, taking hepatotoxic drugs.
  • Such an analysis is prescribed for any disorders that may indicate problems in the liver (nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, jaundice, etc.).
  • In pregnant women - if gestosis is suspected.

How to take a blood test on Alt and AST right? Here's the answer:

  • On an empty stomach - in the morning.
  • Blood is taken venous.
  • It is recommended to eat food in 8 hours. to change, or better - in 12 hours.
  • Over the day, fat and fried, alcohol, heavy physical are excluded. Loads and stress, smoking is prohibited in an hour.

Important: Tell the doctor about taking medication, as some drugs can cause an increase in the level of these enzymes.

Physical activity, stresses, conducting various diagnostic procedures (ultrasound and radiological studies, endoscopic diagnostics), and physiotherapy also affect.

Advice: The doctor should decrypt the analysis, as well as to make a diagnosis. You can simply see the results in accordance with the norms that are published above in the text.

ALT indicators in an adult are increased, AST is normal: what does this mean?

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

From the above, you already know that Alat (alanineine -sphere) and Asat (Aspartetaminotraxferase) are blood enzymes that indicate problems in the work of a particular organ. If at least one component has values \u200b\u200babove the norm, pathologies in the muscles, heart, pancreas, liver, and kidneys are possible. So, indicators Alt In an adult, increased, and AST Normally: what does this mean?

It is worth knowing: A mild degree of increase in fermented indicators - 2-5 times, is not necessarily related to the presence of the disease in the body. The cause may be, for example, obesity, burns, some medications, chemotherapy, drugs.

Alt accelerates biochemical processes with amino acids in the body and provides transport of nutrient molecules. For Alat A moderate or high degree is a sign of a serious illness. In particular, the cause may be steatosis (excess fat in the liver cells), hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer and other diseases.

  • Increase Alt usually associated with acute liver diseases, and an increase AST It may indicate the destruction of myocardium.
  • If indicators Alat In an adult, increased, and Asat - Normally, first of all, the liver should be examined, and the heart muscle will probably be healthy without pathology.

Important: Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis!

To restore normal indicators Alt and AST It is necessary to establish and treat the cause of the pathology.

Liver test Alt and AST in children: Norm

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

The norms of liver samples in children should be in order, as this is an indicator of health, as in adults. What should be the norm of liver test Alt and AST In children, consider below.

It should be noted: Cases of diseases associated with the need to do tests for AST and Alt, in our time, is not uncommon among kids. The liver is a complex organ, and it does not show its “dissatisfaction” for a long time, however, an experienced pediatrician usually notes that there are problems - he judges them by some indirect manifestations, signs and symptoms.

In this case, the pediatrician prescribes a biochemical blood test. In terms of level Alt and AST We can judge the presence of many diseases in the body. If there is a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, yellow skin, heaviness in the abdomen on the left or right, weakness is present and the temperature rises - all these are reasons to do analysis.

Alt and AST In children, it is very different from the norm for adults, while the age of the baby plays an important role:

  • In newborns Alt should not exceed 49 units/l, a AST should increase to no more than 149 units/l.
  • If the baby before 6 months, the indicator may be higher - up to 54 units/l.
  • In children from year to three years, the indicators should decrease, and Alt It will be already up to 33 units/l.
  • When the child has been more than years old, the indicators are even less 10%-15%.
  • From three to six years - the norm will be the indicator up to 29 units/l.
  • 12 - 18 years - the norm will increase up to 38-39 units/l.

If we talk about the norm AST - then the indicators should be like that:

  • Up to 1 month It will make up up to 73 units/l.
  • From one month to a year - she must be up to 58 units/l.
  • If the child is more than a year old, up to 16 years norm AST will be up to 38 units/l.

As you can see, those indicators that are the norm for infants can be a significant excess for more adult children.

Alt and AST is normal, bilirubin is increased: what does this mean, reasons?

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

Even Alat and Asat Normally, with increased bilirubin-this still indicates some kind of pathology in the liver. Do not tighten with a trip to the doctor. What does this mean, only the doctor decides. Most likely, he will appoint an additional examination, for example, Ultrasound of organs located behind the peritoneum. This will help to see the picture of the disease in more complete.

Reasons why bilirubin is increased with normal values Alat and AsatThere may be many. Even a small deviation of any of these enzymes indicates problems with an important body - liver. It can be liver failure, and the formation of stones in the gall "bag" and so on.

Remember: Only the doctor will prescribe the correct diagnosis and treatment!

Alt and AST are increased, bilirubin is normal: what does this mean, reasons?


With a biochemical blood test, there may be a situation when Alat and Asat Increased, and bilirubin at the same time is normal. What does this mean, what is the reason for such indicators?

  • Levels Alat and Asat Important for determining mainly liver diseases. These components belong to intracellular enzymes.
  • In case of damage to hepatocytes, such elements begin to enter the bloodstream in high concentration.
  • Bilirubin is a product that appears in the process of metabolism, it is obtained from hemoglobin red blood cells, which is split in the liver and is released with bile, feces and urine. Bilirubin is responsible for the full operation of the liver.

It is worth knowing: If bilirubin is normal (that is from 5.1 to 17 mmols per liter), a AST and Alt Increased - this is not uncommon in medicine. Aminotransferases are responsible for the protein-carbohydrate exchange, while bilirubin does not immediately react to pathology in the organs.

If a Alt and AST Increased with a bilirubin, which is in normal meaning, this may indicate the following problems:

  • The boring form of hepatitis
  • Viral liver damage
  • Tumors in the hepatobiliary zone
  • Intoxication of the body
  • Burn disease
  • Damage to the heart muscle
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • The presence of parasites in the liver

Sometimes the problem can be in chronic viral hepatitis, liver cancer in the early stages. But there may be other reasons: for example, with alcohol damage to the liver, such a picture of the tests is also observed. Also, with fatty restructuring of hepatocytes, such results can be. If we talk about oncology, then in this case, with such indicators of blood test, this can indicate ovarian cancer or other organs.

ALT - norm, AST - increased: what does this mean, reasons?

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

Increased transaminase indicators Alt and AST They may indicate a serious disease. These enzymes are mainly contained in the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs and muscles. Sometimes an imbalance occurs: Alt - Norm, AST - Increased. What does this mean, what are the reasons hiding?

  • Increased AST With normal Alt It may talk about problems in the heart muscle.
  • Most often this occurs with myocardial infarction. Sometimes in the absence of clinical symptoms or atypical course, this analysis helps to correctly make a diagnosis.
  • The more extensive the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, the higher the concentration of this enzyme.

Also, the reasons can be:

  • Angina pectoris
  • Myocarditis of various etiologies
  • Heart failure
  • Rheumatic defeat of the heart or its wound

Sometimes such an imbalance occurs with various muscle injuries, extensive hematomas, bone fractures and myositis. Clarifying, it should be noted such an important aspect:

  • At any excess AST compared with Alt, especially significant, it is necessary to exclude heart disease and muscle pathologies.

Important: In any case, with the deviation from normal indicators of blood analysis, consult a doctor. Only he can correctly prescribe diagnostic procedures and treatment.

Biochemical blood test ALT, AST during pregnancy: norm

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

During pregnancy, you need to take care of your health and health of the future baby. Therefore, you need to regularly take blood tests during pregnancy. A woman who expects the birth of a child is prescribed a biochemical blood test is prescribed Alt, AST. What is the norm of these enzymes, read below.

It's important to know: Throughout the entire period of an interesting position of a woman, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and do an analysis for liver tests, since at this time a special load is on the internal organs of a woman.

Alt and AST should be normal. What does it mean?

  • The norm of the enzyme Alt during pregnancyup to 31 units/ml
  • Norm AST up to 31 units/ml

Alat - This is an enzyme that is produced in the liver and kidneys, as well as in the heart muscle, spleen, pancreas.

  • If the norm is increased, there may be a problem, for example, fatty hepatosis of the liver, hepatitis, or pancreatitis.

Asat - This is an enzyme that is involved in the exchange of amino acids. It is contained in cells of different organs.

  • If increased Asat, then there may be a suspicion of the ischemia of the liver, hepatosis or hemolytic anemia.
  • Also AST can be increased with obesity.

There are many reasons for increasing these enzymes, in each case you need to consult your leading gynecologist.

Hepatitis C - Alt and AST is normal: what does this mean?

Analysis for ALT and AST
Analysis for ALT and AST

The diagnosis is made hepatitis C.but when the biochemical blood test is passed - indicators of such important enzymes Alt and AST Normally: what does this mean? Answer:

  • The liver works normally and the liver cells are restored.

With hepatitis C very often enzymes Alt and AST are within normal limits and do not grow immediately:

  • A long period of time passes, before, the doctor will notice any changes in the analyzes.
  • But at this time, an imperceptible, but persistent and constant pathological destruction of liver cells occurs in the body.
  • The results of the tests show at what stage the disease is and how correctly the treatment is prescribed.
  • Therefore, analyzes must be taken by all patients 1 time every six months.
  • If the disease is severe in the nature of the course, the tests are carried out 1 time in 2 - 3 months.

In order for these indicators to be normal, it is necessary to organize proper and healthy diet. Completely remove fried and fatty foods from the diet, limit the use of spicy vegetables, sour fruits, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, muffins, chocolate. The menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, low -fat fish.

Video: About blood test AST and ALT

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