The nails are laying and breaking - what to do? Strengthening baths for nails: recipes

The nails are laying and breaking - what to do? Strengthening baths for nails: recipes

Are your nails laying and breaking? It became impossible to make a beautiful manicure? To cure the nails and restore an attractive appearance to them, we recommend that you make baths according to the recipes given in this article.

For a modern woman, in order to take care of herself. And she can begin a real panic if her nails begin to extend and break. Obviously, this problem is complex to solve it, one visit to the manicure salon will not be enough.

Why are nails laying?

If the nail plates become brittle and delax, it will be very difficult to make a beautiful manicure. But this is not the biggest problem that a woman should worry about. The skin, hair and nails are an indication of the internal state of the body. Therefore, if the nails ceased to be strong, faded, changed the color, or spots appeared on them, you should think about your health and lifestyle.

The causes of cosmetic defects in the nail plates can be as follows:

  1. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter period or early spring can affect the appearance
  2. If the nails of which vitamin is not enough? Relaxing, fading, slowed growth of the nail plate speaks of deficiency in the body of vitamins A, D and E
  3. Malnutrition. A strict diet can affect the condition of the nail plates negatively. For their health and normal growth, a person needs a balanced diet, in which he will receive all macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals (especially calcium, silicon, magnesium and phosphorus), amino acids and other beneficial substances
  4. Fungal diseases. Relaxing and brittleness are signs of onychomycosis
  5. Diseases of internal organs. If the nails turn yellow and lay, may have problems with the liver. The yellowish tint of the nail plates can also be purchased in the case of any endocrine disease, such as diabetes. If the work of the thyroid gland is broken, the plates become brittle
  6. Bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol affects the appearance of a person literally from the crown to the tips of the fingers.
  7. Incorrect lifestyle. Lack of sport, hypodynamia, lack of sleep leads to disorders of metabolic processes in the body and deterioration of blood circulation. The nail bed is not enough, the nail grows thin and fragile.
  8. Stress. Placing nails on the thumbs can be the result of nervous shocks and frequent experiences
  9. External damaging factors. The skin of the hands and nails are harmful to contacts with household chemicals, a long stay under the straight rays of the sun, in the cold or wind, so on
  10. Incorrect care. The frequent use of varnishes, especially if the quality is dubious, fluids for their removal based on acetone. Inattentive actions during the procedure of hygienic manicure (cutting of cuticles, cutting and grinding) can also violate its structure

Important: if the child has nails on the legs, you need to check if his shoes are cramped.

Nails turn yellow and lay. Treatment of laying nails

Caring for laying nails does not boil exclusively to the procedure for hygienic manicure in the beauty salon. It should be complex and include:

  • rejection of bad habits
  • medical examination in order to identify internal diseases, their treatment
    visit to a dermatologist or mycologist in order to exclude onychomycosis;
  • normalization of the regime of day and food (inclusion in the diet of vitamin -containing products)
  • increasing stress resistance
  • reception of vitamin-mineral complexes
  • using gloves when working with cleaning and detergents
  • conducting a manicure interior or home conditions of caring procedures - masks, baths, massage

Tip: Nails are laying what to do
To strengthen the nail plate, you need to purchase vitamins for nails, skin and hair in a pharmacy, and not a general strengthening complex. Special drugs contain exactly the balance of beneficial substances that are necessary for beautiful and healthy nails.

How to strengthen laying nails at home?

Damaged, brittle, dull, relaxing nails need to be fuel with vitamins and other useful substances not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can organize it at home by making masks and baths for nails.

Video: How to strengthen your nails and get rid of nail stratification

For the preparation of caring, restoring and medicinal drugs, inexpensive and affordable substances and products are used: essential and vegetable oils, honey, gelatin, decoctions and infusions of herbs, sea salt and cosmetic clay.

The biologically active substances contained in them penetrate deep into the structure of the nail plate and restore it. The blood circulation in the fingers improves, the nail bed receives nutrition and oxygen in the required quantities. The problem of brittleness and relaxation will soon be solved.

Nail baths. Caring for laying nails

Homemade baths require a certain preparation:

  • old varnish is removed from the nail plate
  • in order to degrease and remove excess moisture, dehydrator or alcohol is used
  • make chemical or hardware hygienic manicure
  • make massage of hands, fingers, directly nail plates

Tip: nails are laying and breaking. What to do? Home baths will help! Depending on the components used, they treat onychomycosis, strengthen the nail plate, restore its structure, nourish vitamins and minerals, improve the color of the nail and accelerate its growth.

Recipe No. 1. Strengthening vitaminized bath with olive oil.

Components for the home drug: olive oil - 100 ml, citrus or bergamot - 5 drops, lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon; Liquid vitamins A and E - 2 drops.
Olive oil is heated to the temperature of the human body, alternately enriched it with other active components. The fingertips are lowered into the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the fingers are rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.

Important: the oil bath moisturizes the nails and makes them more elastic, as it stimulates the production of keratin - the main structural component of the nail plate.

Recipe No. 2. Honey bath from relaxing nails

Components for the home drug: fresh honey, liquid - 2 tablespoons, chicken egg - 1 piece, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
Honey is slightly melted, the egg is beaten into foam. Mix, add lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the drug to the nail plates, put on the hands of plastic mittens. After 10-15 minutes, washed off with water with the addition of citric acid.

Important: the effect of a honey bath - nutrition, moisturizing and treatment of nails.

Recipe number 3. Battery Anti -inflammatory and recovery with chamomile

Components for the home drug : pharmacy chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons, horsetail - 1 tablespoon, a series - 1 tablespoon, water - 1 liter, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Chamomile, a series and horsetail is poured into a glass dish, pour boiling water and insist until the water cools to 40 OS. They lower their hands into the water infusion of herbs for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the hand can not be washed, it is enough to wipe them with a napkin made of natural matter.

Important: chamomile is a strong antiseptic. It can also treat fungal diseases.

Recipe No. 4. Baths of plantain leaves against nail placement.

Components for the home drug: fresh or dry plantain leaves - 5 pieces, milk - 250 ml.
Milk is brought to a boil, but they do not allow to boil, add dry leaves of plantain or gruel from fresh leaves crushed to powder. The bath should brew about half an hour. It is filtered. The duration of the procedure itself is 20 minutes. After not the hands rinked with water or herbal decoction.

Important: fatty warm milk improves the absorption of nutrients contained in the leaves of plantain.

Recipe No. 5. Cleaning and strengthening soda bath

Components for the home drug: water - 500 ml, soda - 1 tablespoon, salt - 1/2 tablespoon, iodine - 5 drops.
Soda, salt and iodine are added to boiled and cooled water. Lower the fingertips into the bath and hold for 10 minutes. Wash off with acidified water or a decoction of herbs.

Important: soda crystals gently clean the surface of the nails without injuring them. They become stronger and more elastic.

Recipe number 6. Bath with gelatin

Components for the home drug: food gelatin - 1 package, essential oils of roses, ylang ylang and patchouli - 3 drops each, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Gelatin is prepared according to the instructions on the packaging, drowned and cooled, oil and vitamins are added to it. Nogots are lowered into the bath for 15 minutes, after which the drug is washed off with a decoction of chamomile and coltsfoot.

Important: gelatin envelops the nail plate and creates the effect of lamination.

Recipe number 7. Bath with egg and castor to strengthen nails

Components for the home drug: egg yolk - 1 piece, castor oil - 1 tablespoon, apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon, glycerin - 1 teaspoon.
The yolk is beaten separately, then with a castor, add vinegar and glycerin to the mixture. Lower the nails into the mixture for 10 minutes, after which the hands are washed with acidified water.

Important: castor oil saturates the nail plate with fatty acids, which restores its structure.

You need to make baths from brittleness and relaxation every three to four days until the condition of the nails improve. Decorative manicure at this time is undesirable. The exception is the gel varnish on layering nails, which has a strengthening and therapeutic effect.

Baths made of natural components that strengthen the nails and improve their appearance are very simple. According to many women, the effect of them is no worse than from expensive salon procedures.

Video: Nail baths. How to quickly strengthen your nails

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Comments K. article

  1. On problem nails and the coating does not last long. As I began to drink Natubiotin pills, so the condition of the nails improved immediately. Well, not immediately, of course), but after 2 weeks for sure.

  2. I did not know that the nails could lay down from the fungus. And somehow I noticed that one nail was crumbled on my leg, swayed with a mizol, everything became strong. Just at work constantly in closed shoes, and probably the mushroom was formed)

  3. Good recipes, but it is also important to take vitamins to strengthen the nails. On the advice of my cosmetologist, I drank mono vitamins Natubiototin. Super tablets. The nails look great now, and most importantly, they stopped breaking.

  4. The best vitamins are those that enter the inside. And no baths and therapeutic varnishes will affect the nail plate as a good complex of vitamins! I was convinced of myself. As I drank 2 cans of the special dragee of Merz, so the condition of the nails improved. And before that, everything plunged them into the baths with salt.

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