Low -calorie, low -calorie products for weight loss: list, use rules, calorie tables

Low -calorie, low -calorie products for weight loss: list, use rules, calorie tables

This article will talk about low -calorie products.

To date, to our regret, more and more people are faced with the problem of excess weight. And this is not always the difficulty of an age slowdown in metabolism after 30, but even the adolescence with the peak of activity of not only hormones, but also metabolism.

And the reason is precisely in malnutrition with high fat content of e-fillers. Because of this, the Internet resource is teeming with a huge number of diverse diets, advertising of new tablets for weight loss, an abundance of sports and fitness programs, as well as other miraculous methods. But the easiest way is to balance your diet with low -calorie foods.

Low -calorie products for weight loss: reception rules, calorie ratio

Most women and men expect the long -awaited minus on the scales without taking any action. Although everyone knows that losing weight must begin with the simplest - proper nutrition. One has only reasonably approaching your diet, as a result will not be long in coming.

People with excess weight need to introduce low -calorie products into their diet. But it is also important to take into account the beneficial properties of such as not to earn new health problems.

Therefore, first remember only 2 basic rules!

  • All nutritionists say one thing - The food should be fractional.This involves dividing the daily diet into 5-6 meals with a break of 2-3 hours. The main meals are shared by small snacks.
  • Armed with the intention to say goodbye to extra pounds, we are looking for theoretical knowledge in various sources. Mandatory knowledge in this battle - Calculation of calorie dishes. However, in any case, reducing the calorie content of the products used, do not reach the extremes.

The level of calorie content of food products is the volume of energy, which is made from products when they are digested. What food consists of - fats, proteins and carbohydrates - produces a different amount of energy. Its amount is calorie content.

Often and a little - the iron rule!
Often and a little - the iron rule!
  • Based on this, the general data are the following numbers:
    • fats produce 9.3 kcal/g;
    • proteins - 4.1 kcal/g;
    • and carbohydrates - 4.1 kcal/g.
  • However, looking at these figures, one should not believe that by buying food with a low amount of fat, we can solve all problems. It is necessary exactly To catch that Golden Middle when the balance of accumulation of fats simply goes in the smaller way.

Important: manipulation with a complete rejection of fats very adversely affects the health and well -being of a person. Since they are necessary for the normal functioning of internal systems.

How to calculate the calorie content of products for a particular weight of a person?

In order to calculate the calorie content of products for today's diet, to lose weight, according to this below the formula of the main metabolism Calculate the calorie content of the diet today.

Start observing a diet until the body gets used to the resulting calorie content. Next, calculate the calorie content of the weight you need. And gradually, gradually (not sharply) reduce the calorie content to the desired size.

The main rule: The body should gradually get used to a decrease in calorie content without stress.

We balance the diet with low -calorie foods and not only

  • Products with the lowest calorie content are fruits and vegetables.This is the main source of fiber, which is necessary to cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol. Also, this substance helps to stabilize metabolism.
    • The most valuable option is raw vegetables and fruits, as all the usefulness of these products remain. Also, these products are recommended in raw forms for mechanical reasons - chewing solid food cleanses the tooth, and this, in turn, enhances the release of saliva and gastric juice.
  • But, despite all the advantages of the use of vegetables and fruits, only they are not able to fill the body with all the necessary substances and elements. The human body will still need cereals, meat and fish.
  • Choosing a balancing food is a simple task, it is only necessary to take into account the compatibility of certain products, as well as their calorie content.
  • According to average data Women need a calorie content of 1,500 kcal per day, and men - 2200.Figures can change, given the age, state of health, as well as physical activity of a person.
We create a diverse menu, counting calories
We create a diverse menu, counting calories

Main groups and a list of low -calorie products


Such a food product as greens, depending on the species, can contain from 0 to 50 kcal. It is also a storehouse of various trace elements, vitamins, so this product is extremely useful for the human body. It advises the use of the following elements in increased number.

Name Kcal in 100 g
green salad 11
feathers of green onions 19
asparagus 21
rhubarb 21
spinach 22
sorrel 22
basil 27
dill 40
parsley 49
Love green food
Love green food


A large plus of vegetables is low calorie content and enrichment of vitamins, trace elements and fiber. This is what makes vegetables universal products without any use restrictions. Also, this allows you not to reduce the volume of portions to those who like to eat a lot - you just need to cut a lot of salad. But there are some exceptions among the winners with the least calorie content.

Name Kcal in 100 g
cucumber 12
chinese cabbage 16
radish, radish 21
tomatoes 23
zucchini 24
eggplant 24
mushrooms 25
pumpkin 25
bell pepper 26
white cabbage 27
cauliflower 30
turnip 32
broccoli 34
carrot 34
ordinary onions 41
beet 43
brussels sprouts 43
fresh green peas 73

Important: completes the list of low-calorie products potatoes-its calorie content is 75-80 kcal, depending on cooking. When oil and milk is added, it increases above 100-110 kcal, in the stewed state they completely reach, on average, to 170 kcal. Therefore, it is this product that requires great caution. Moreover, this is also one of the crops with the highest starch content.

The emphasis on salads
The emphasis on salads

Fruits and berries

Fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates, but less fiber than vegetables. Although such a juicy treat is no less useful and necessary for a person. Nutritionists are advised to take fruits until noon so that the carbohydrates contained in them do not linger in the body in the form of deposits. You can eat fruits like breakfast, in its pure form or make juices and fruit puree.

The number of calories contained in these products can be traced according to the following scheme: The more sour the berry, the less high -calorie it is. These products, like fruits, differ in a large content of vitamins, and dark berries are also filled with antioxidants. These foods also recommend eating before lunch and, preferably, in its purest form.

Name Kcal in 100 g
cranberry 26
cherry plum 27
watermelon 27
blackberry 34
lemon 34
melon 35
grapefruit 35
blueberry 39
persian 39
strawberry 41
red currants 43
orange 43
black currant 44
apricots 44
gooseberry 44
nectarine 44
raspberry 46
plum 46
kiwi 47
apples 47
a pineapple 52
mandarin 53
pear 57
mango 60
sweet cherry 63
persimmon 67
pomegranate 72
grape 72

Important: among this tidy product, there are excessively nutrients, for example, avocado with 212 kcal or bananas with 96 kcal.

The useful treat is also small -calorie
The useful treat is also small -calorie

Cereal crops

Many do not attribute products such as cereals and flour products, to a group of low -calorie products. At first glance, this is very simply explained, because buckwheat contains about 280 calories, but in the prepared form the number of calories decreases three times. But various porridge feed our body as much as possible, as they are a storehouse of trace elements. In addition, their mucus favorably affects the functioning of the food system, acting as lubrication.

Names Kcal in 100 g
sunny 80
oatmeal on the water 88
corn porridge 90
wheat 91
buckwheat 100
pearl barley 109
solid varieties pasta 112
rice 116

Important: but this applies only to dietary preparation on the water, without oil and with the minimum salt content!

Our body needs cereal cultures!
Our body needs cereal cultures!

Legal fruits

These fruits themselves are not low -calorie products, but definitely does not need to stop using them in the diet. After all, legumes contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, which is able to replace the animal analogue. But again, it is necessary to cook on the water and without increasing the taste of animal fats!

Name Kcal per 100 g
lentils 100
beans 130
peas 140


Fish and seafood

You should not completely remove animals from your diet, so fish will be a great option for dinner for you. The number of calories directly depends on the variety and fat content of such a product. Other sea products are no less useful, since they saturate our body with the necessary phosphorus and iodine. The most fat and calorie is red fish, also mackerel-they contain more than 200-250 kcal.

Name Kcal in 100 g
sea cabbage 49
cod 70
mintay 72
media 77
flounder 83
pike 84
zander 84
hake 90
shrimps 95
trout 97
crayfish 97
perch 100
Fish must be on your table
Fish must be on your table

Milk products

If you want to look not only slim, but also beautiful, with whole teeth and thick curls, then dairy products must be in the diet. It is also worth noting that all nutritionists categorically do not recommend using low -fat foods constantly, since there will be a shortage of healthy fats.

Important: be sure to include dairy products in your diet!

Name Kcal in 100 g
kefir 0-1% 30-38
milk 0-1.5% 30-45
kefir 2-2.5% 50-55
milk 2.5% 50
ryazhenka 2.5% 54
ryazhenka 3.2% 57
yogurt 58
milk 3.2% 60
kefir above 3.2% 64
yogurt without fillers 60-70
sour cream 10% 119
cottage cheese 0-5% 71-121
Sometimes pamper yourself with uninterrupted products
Sometimes pamper yourself with uninterrupted products

Meat, eggs, gutted

Protein is our construction element. But at the same time, this is a good source of calories and even cholesterol. That's why Remember - we eat boiled meat! And even better - without a skin,it adds about an extra 50-80 kcal.

Name Kcal in 100 g
Soft-boiled egg 50-60
hard boiled egg 79
kids 80-100
heart 96-118
turkey 84
ventricles 110-130
chicken fillet 113
veal 131
horsemeat 133
rabbit 156
Prefer boiled meat, which harmonizes with the vegetable side dish
Prefer boiled meat, which harmonizes with the vegetable side dish


No less important rule is compliance with waterregimeIt is water that helps our body cleanse from various toxins, saturates the internal organs with oxygen, and also stabilizes metabolic processes in our body. Specialists in compiling the correct diet recommend After waking up, drink a glass of warm water to start our body. Further during the day you need to drink a glass every hour to provide the body with oxygen saturation.

As we see, the issue of proper nutrition for weight loss is not extremely difficult to study. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for compiling a diet for weight loss. After all, it is with a healthy diet that the path to reduce weight and excellent well -being begins.

Video: TOP-10 useful low-calorie products

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