Nistatin - tablets, candles, ointment: indications, dosage, instructions for use, analogues, reviews. Is it possible to tablets, candles, ointment of nystatin during pregnancy, menstruation, for children, women, men? Nystatin: How many times to drink per day and how long?

Nistatin - tablets, candles, ointment: indications, dosage, instructions for use, analogues, reviews. Is it possible to tablets, candles, ointment of nystatin during pregnancy, menstruation, for children, women, men? Nystatin: How many times to drink per day and how long?

Methods of taking nistatin in candles and tablets.

Thrush is a fairly common ailment that affects people of any age. Most often, candidiasis of the oral cavity in babies and the mucous membrane of the vagina is found. The most inexpensive and effective for the treatment of thrush Mon is Nistatin.

Nystatin - tablets: readings, dosage, instructions for use, drink before meals or after

The drug Nystatin in tablets is in demand and is implemented in a pharmacy without a prescription. The medicine is used not only for treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention.


  • Prevention of thrush when taking antibiotics
  • Prevention of the thrush of intestine after surgery
  • Treatment of vaginal candidiasis, intestines and mouth
  • Treatment of fungal rashes on the skin


  • 500 mg 3-4 times a day with thrush of mucous membranes of the vagina or intestines
  • 500 mg are absorbed 3-4 times a day with thrush mouth. Reception after rinsing the mouth
  • You can take pills regardless of food. The medicine should not drink on an empty stomach
Nystatin - tablets: readings, dosage, instructions for use, drink before meals or after
Nystatin - tablets: readings, dosage, instructions for use, drink before meals or after

Nistatin - candles: indications, dosage, instructions for use

Nystatin is available in the form of candles. In this case, the drug is used rectally and vaginally.


  • Thrush in women
  • Intestinal candidiasis


  • Suppositories are introduced into the vagina or rectum
  • Dosage can be 250-500 mg twice a day
  • Candles are introduced in the morning and evening
  • When introduced into the rectum, a cleansing enema is recommended
Nistatin - candles: indications, dosage, instructions for use
Nistatin - candles: indications, dosage, instructions for use

Nistatin - ointment: indications, dosage, instructions for use

The ointment is used in the treatment of external candidiasis. That is, with thrush of the external genital organs or fungal ailments of the skin.

Dosage, features of application:

  • It is necessary to clean the affected area with an antiseptic
  • It can be furatsilin, miramistin or chlorhexidine
  • After processing, the damaged place is lubricated with a thin layer of ointment
  • Processing should be carried out twice a day
Nistatin - ointment: indications, dosage, instructions for use
Nistatin - ointment: indications, dosage, instructions for use

Nistatin: How many times to drink tablets per day, how long?

There are several schemes for taking nistatin. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the vastness of the lesion.

Features of the use of the drug:

  • Typically, tablets are used for 10-14 days 3-4 times a day
  • With frequent relapses, take a break for 2-3 weeks
  • After that, the course of treatment is repeated again
Nistatin: How many times to drink tablets per day, how long?
Nistatin: How many times to drink tablets per day, how long?

Nystatin is analogues

There are many analogues of nystaine. The main drawback of the drug is a long intake. Of course, the drug is much cheaper than many drugs against thrush, but the effect does not immediately appear. Therefore, if you want to quickly get rid of candidiasis, choose another drug.

Analogs of nystatin:

  • Livarol
  • Fuchis
  • Fluconazole
  • Diflucan
  • Pimafucin
Nistatin: which is better - analogues
Nistatin: which is better - analogues

Can tablets, candles, ointment of nystatin during pregnancy?

Nystatin is an effective medicine, but its main drawback is a long intake. Accordingly, the fetus inside the mother will have to encounter the drug longer. Accordingly, there is a risk of complications. In addition, now there are more effective and safe products that can be used during pregnancy. Therefore, nobody nobody appoints nystatin to women in an interesting position.

Is it possible tablets, candles, ointment nystatin during pregnancy
Is it possible tablets, candles, ointment nystatin during pregnancy

Is it possible to tablets, candles, ointment nystatin with menstruation

Tablets can be used during menstruation. But candles during menstruation are contraindicated. There will be no use from their intake, since part of the drug is washed out of the vagina with blood.

Is it possible to tablets, candles, ointment nystatin with menstruation
Is it possible to tablets, candles, ointment nystatin with menstruation

Can tablets, candles, ointment nystatin for children?

Nystatin is almost not absorbed into the blood and is excreted in an almost unchanged state along with feces. That is why nystatin can be prescribed to young children. Although now there are more effective and safe drugs for candidiasis.

How to use nystatin for thrush, candidiasis?

With candidiasis of the vagina, nystatin can be used in the form of candles twice a day or in the form of tablets. In this case, take 250 mg 4 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be doubled.

How to use nystatin for thrush, candidiasis?
How to use nystatin for thrush, candidiasis?

How to use nystatin for a fungus?

Nystatin with a fungus helps to relieve itching and burning. It is used for mycosis of the skin and nails.


  • Wash the nail and skin. Cut the affected nail
  • Sprinkle the edges and remove excess skin
  • With a thin layer, apply the ointment to the nail and the skin around it
  • Carry out processing in the morning and evening
  • The course of treatment is 14 days. If necessary, after 2 weeks you can repeat
How to use nystatin for a fungus?
How to use nystatin for a fungus?

How to use nystatin for stomatitis?

  • With stomatitis, ointment of nystatin is used.
  • It is necessary to initially remove the plaque from the ulcers, and then apply the ointment.
  • Processing is carried out after eating and rinsing the mouth twice a day.

How to use nystatin from dandruff?

  • If during the analysis it was revealed that the dandruff was provoked by a fungus from a candidate, then it is worth using nystatin in tablets.
  • This drug effectively fights dandruff.
  • Take 500 mg three times a day 12-15 days.
How to use nystatin from dandruff?
How to use nystatin from dandruff?

How to use nystatin for cystitis?

  • Nystatin does not heal cystitis, since the ailment is provoked by other bacteria.
  • But with cystitis, ceftriaxone and other antibiotics are often prescribed. They, in turn, kill any flora. This contributes to the growth of mushrooms.
  • That is why, when taking antibiotics for prevention, nystatin is prescribed.
  • It is taken 250 mg 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

What is better than nystatin or Clotrimazole?

These drugs contain different active substances. Thanks to them, you can cure thrush.

  • Before taking, it is necessary to hand over a smear on the flora and sensitivity to the antibiotic.
  • Very often, mushrooms have resistance to some drug.
  • It makes no sense to drink medicine at the same time.
What is better than nystatin or Clotrimazole?
What is better than nystatin or Clotrimazole?

Is Nystatin with Trichopol?

  • Nystatin and Trichopol are often prescribed together.
  • Tychopol is usually used for trichomoniasis.
  • Moreover, the disease is aggravated by the presence of mushrooms.
  • It is in this case that it is advisable to use drugs together.

Is it possible to use nystatin along with antibiotics?

  • Yes, the drug is taken together with antibiotics for the prevention of candidiasis.
  • Nystatin will help to avoid mushroom growth due to the destruction of beneficial flora.
Is nistatin with antibiotics?
Is nistatin with antibiotics?

Is nistatin with fluconazole?

These drugs are not used together, since both are antifungal. Despite different active substances, drugs are effective in relation to thrush.

Is nistatin with alcohol?

Nystatin is excreted through the feces and in small quantities is absorbed by the liver. Accordingly, there will be no great harm if you drink a little wine. But if there is an opportunity, it is better to refrain from taking alcohol.

Nistatin: reviews

Reviews about the drug are different. Now less often doctors prescribe this medicine, as a lot of effective and safe drugs have been developed. With the help of diplouzene, you can defeat the thrush in just 1 reception. Therefore, the liver does not suffer. But in cases of the stability of fungi to fluconazole, it is quite justified to take nystatin. This is a fairly effective drug.

Nistatin: reviews
Nistatin: reviews

As you can see, nystatin is an effective drug against candidiasis. But now the medicine is not prescribed often.

Video: Nystatin from thrush

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