Unwanted pregnancy. Medication of pregnancy is a drug abortion. Tablets for termination of pregnancy. Medication method of termination of pregnancy: terms and consequences

Unwanted pregnancy. Medication of pregnancy is a drug abortion. Tablets for termination of pregnancy. Medication method of termination of pregnancy: terms and consequences

Unfortunately, pregnancy in our country may not always be desirable. According to statistics, over the past 15 years, every third woman aged 16 to 30 years old terminated pregnancy. And every fifth did it more than 2 times.

There are several ways to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy. The choice of the procedure depends on the physical condition of the woman and the term. One of the most effective and entailing the lowest consequences for the body is drug abortion.

When is a medical termination of pregnancy?

Today there are four ways to interrupt an unplanned pregnancy:

  • Vacuum aspiration
  • Surgical (cure of the uterine cavity)
  • Artificial birth
  • Medication
Most often, the choice of a way of stopping an unwanted pregnancy depends on its period
Most often, the choice of a way of stopping an unwanted pregnancy depends on its period

The specialist must evaluate the general physical condition of the patient, get data and ultrasound. And only after that, dwell on one of the above methods.

Until how many weeks can a medical termination of pregnancy make?

This procedure can only be carried out at the earliest stages of development of the fetal egg. It is used only from the first day of delay to 42-day delayed menstruation. Which corresponds to the maximum period of 6 weeks.

How is a medical termination of pregnancy?

This procedure is also called pharmacobe. That is, abortion tablets. This method is the best alternative to surgical intervention. When applying it, the risk of complications is several times lower than when the uterine cavity is cursed.

Preparations used for such an abortion gently affect the body
Preparations used for such an abortion gently affect the body
  • Do not forget about the psychological factor. Women who have decided to such an operation transfer it from a psychological point of view is much better than those who have aborted a surgical way
  • This procedure is widely used not only in our country, but also abroad. This method is used in gynecology relatively recently, but has already proved its effectiveness. In addition, in some cases, pharmacation, due to its sparing effect on the female body, may be the only possible
  • According to statistics, when terminating pregnancy with drug abortion at a period of up to 8 weeks, the effectiveness of this method reaches 95%-98%. At the same time, the female body and reproductive function practically do not suffer. A new conception and bearing a child is possible in the next menstrual cycle
Most often, abortion using tablets is carried out by such a substance as mifeperiston
Most often, abortion using tablets is carried out by such a substance as mifeperiston

Once in the female body, it suppresses progesterone (pregnancy hormone). Its deficiency negatively acts on the capillaries of the walls of the uterus and placenta.

Due to the lack of progesterone, they are destroyed and lose the ability to hold the embryo. The fetal egg is rejected.

Stages of medical termination of pregnancy

It is carried out by a drug abortion only in a specialized clinic under the guidance of an experienced specialist. This procedure consists of several stages:

  • At the first stage, a woman should undergo an examination. She determines the exact gestational age. The patient should examine the gynecologist and take a smear on the flora and hepatitis. The doctor must also request blood tests for HIV. For those women who have become pregnant for the first time, a specialist must take tests for a blood group and Rh factor

When examining the patient, the doctor must find out the availability of possible contraindications for taking certain drugs. And only having made sure that such contraindications are absent, you can begin the procedure for drug abortion.

The patient, under the supervision of a doctor, should take 3 tablets (600 mg) of myffiperon and remain under the supervision for 2 hours
The patient, under the supervision of a doctor, should take 3 tablets (600 mg) of myffiperon and remain under the supervision for 2 hours

During this time, she should receive the necessary consultations, and the doctor make sure that the drug did not give complications.

  • The second stage can be carried out 36-48 hours after the first. At this stage, a woman should take the drug prescribed by the doctor - prostaglandin. At the same time, the patient can be both at home and in a specialized clinic

At the second stage, pain may appear in the lower abdomen. Their duration and severity depends on the characteristics of the body. When removing the pain syndrome, you can use only the drugs recommended by a specialist.

  • Three days after taking myffiperon, the patient should come a gynecological examination and ultrasound. In order to make sure that the procedure was successful, after 1.5-2 weeks you need to go through an ultrasound again and take an analysis for the analysis for XGG

Medical abortion tablets

For termination of pregnancy in the early stages, such drugs are used:
For termination of pregnancy in the early stages, such drugs are used:
  • "Pencrofton" - The drug based on mifeperistone is used as emergency contraception. He has practically no side effects. Pencronton does not cause infertility and does not threatens the opportunity to get pregnant in the future
  • "Myfugin" - A modern drug for termination of pregnancy up to 6 weeks. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Exelgyn Laboratories. This is one of the few funds certified for use in Russia on the day of circulation. In women's forums, this drug is most often called a "French tablet." It has a close -closely 100% efficiency.
  • "Mifepriston" - a drug based on the active substance of the same name. It is used to remove the fetal egg for up to six weeks
  • "Mytholian" - Another drug based on mifepristone. It can also be used for up to 6 weeks. Sometimes this drug is used to stimulate natural birth
  • "Mifeprex" - The drug for blocking the actions of progesterone. Used to terminate pregnancy up to 42 days. Has high efficiency and good tolerance

All these drugs have two significant disadvantages. Firstly, they cause a violation of blood coagulation. And, secondly, when taking these funds, hormonal background can be very suffered. What can lead to serious consequences.

Where can I do a medical termination of pregnancy?

This procedure can only be done in a specialized medical clinic having permission for such services
This procedure can only be done in a specialized medical clinic having permission for such services

Reception of unknown tablets at home to call abortion is strictly prohibited. It is advisable to take all stages of medical termination of pregnancy under the supervision of a specialist.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages, consequences

  • Undoubtedly, a drug abortion is the best way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, in terms of consequences. Unlike other types of abortions, they are minimal
  • But, this does not mean that they are not in pharmacation. All complications with this procedure are divided into early (emergency) and late (advancing in the remote period)
  • The early consequences of drug termination include uterine bleeding. It is because of the possibility of such a complication that the process of termination of pregnancy with medical drugs should only be held by a specialized clinic
  • Also an unpleasant consequence of such an abortion is cramping pain in the lower abdomen. They are provoked by drugs that affect the rejection of the fetal egg
My stomach hurts
Taking such potent drugs can cause problems in the work of the stomach and intestines

Spasms and stool disorders may appear.

  • Rarely, taking drugs that cause pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation of diseases already available in a woman
  • Such as uterine diseases, cervix and vagina. Inflammatory processes after taking such drugs may worsen
  • Also, an incomplete abortion may be a serious negative consequence of such a procedure. With this condition, a fetal egg or part of it can remain in the uterine cavity. To remove it, you will have to use the procedure for curettage of the uterus
  • This is about the early consequences of such an abortion. But, even if such a procedure has passed without such complications, this does not mean that the drug abortion will not affect later
  • This procedure is associated with the impact on the hormonal background of the woman. After exposure to drugs on one of the hormones, the entire hormonal balance in the body may be disrupted. What can lead to infertility. But, such a complication is extremely rare and more often depends on other factors
  • Also, the consequences of drug termination include a violation of the menstrual cycle. What spills in irregular menstruation. Sometimes they are manifested by abundant bleeding with painful sensations
  • You need to know that Mephiperon can activate the growth of tumors in the mammary gland, ovaries and cervix. Recent studies have shown that this substance does not cause the appearance of a tumor, but can activate the growth of existing

Recovery after drug termination of pregnancy

For a female body that is subjected to drug termination of pregnancy, this procedure can be a strong shock
For a female body that is subjected to drug termination of pregnancy, this procedure can be a strong shock
  • This form of abortion weakens the body and apply moral injury. Therefore, for the fastest recovery, it is necessary to protect yourself from additional stresses
  • Physical pains that follow after such a procedure can be removed using drugs such as no-shpa. It is better not to resort to strong painkillers, since they will also say the load on the already weak organism
  • For the fastest recovery after this procedure, it is necessary to adhere to special diets, with which it is necessary to saturate the body with the necessary fats and proteins. Alcohol and energy drinks must be excluded from its diet. The amount of coffee drunk should not exceed 1-2 cups per day
  • Harmful food creates a large load on the not yet restored organism. Because of this, he may not cope with the load assigned to him
  • To prevent infection from entering the body, it is necessary to refuse to take baths and bathing in open water
  • If there are no complications after such a procedure, then sexual life can be resumed after seven days. But, it's better to postpone with this
  • Medication abortion greatly affects the condition of the uterus, and it becomes sensitive to various infections, bacteria and microbes. Many of which can be brought to the female body in sexual contact

Adhering to these rules, you can protect your body from the undesirable consequences of such an abortion.

How many discharge is there after a medical termination of pregnancy?

  • Clothing discharge accompanies any type of abortion and drug termination of pregnancy is no exception
  • Such discharge can last one day and several weeks
  • Their duration depends on the physical condition of the woman, the loads of which she is subjected to other procedures
No gynecologist can call the patient the exact date of termination of such discharge
No gynecologist can call the patient the exact date of termination of such discharge
  • Medication abortion is a serious violation of the normal state of the body. And every woman copes with such a load in different ways
  • The most important factor affecting the duration of blood discharge after such an abortion is the gestational age at which it was made
  • If this happened immediately after several days of delay, then such discharge may not be very large
  • Blood discharge after a miscarriage of the fetal egg does not appear immediately. Most often this happens on the second day
  • In some women, the discharge after such a procedure does not differ from discharge after menstruation. They are similar in terms of intensity and the amount of discharge
  • And how the rules last no more than two days. But, in some cases, such discharge can go for a week, a month and even more
  • Anxiety must be experienced if intense strong blood discharge appears suddenly. Such bleeding may appear due to violations of the doctor’s recommendations, physical activity or the adoption of a hot bath
  • Also, severe bleeding can be caused by the remains of the fetal egg in the uterus or taking the drug in the dosage, more permissible. In any case, with such intensive discharge, you need to urgently seem to the gynecologist

When will meal after a medical abortion come?

Such termination of pregnancy is the strongest stress for the body and the restructuring of its hormonal background. Very often, after its conduct, women are interested in a gynecologist when she wait for the next menstruation.

Most often, menstruation occurs through a normal period of time.

Important: in order to calculate the date of the next menstruation, you need to count on the first day of the cycle of the onset of bleeding after taking the drug containing mifepristone. It is necessary to add the days of the cycle to it and determine the date of the onset of menstruation.

  • Sometimes deviations from the “normal” date of the first menstruation after drug abortion can reach 2 months. But, usually their character and intensity does not change
  • Rarely, they become more plentiful and painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen more strongly than those that usually accompany menstruation
  • Possible changes in the nature of subsequent menstruation depends on the age of the woman, the presence of gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders and other factors

Is it possible to get pregnant after drug termination?

Conducting such a procedure does not affect subsequent pregnancy
Conducting such a procedure does not affect subsequent pregnancy
  • In fact, a woman can already become pregnant 14-15 days after such a procedure. But, here you need to understand that the body may still not be ready for this. Therefore, such a pregnancy can take place with complications for both the mother and the child
  • In sexual contact after termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraceptives. Their choice needs to be entrusted to professionals. Typically, the gynecologist will advise which contraceptives to use on the first reception after such an abortion
  • Carrying out drug abortion does not directly affect the possibility of conception and bearing a child. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when planning is the time to restore all internal systems
  • In order for the pregnancy after such an abortion to pass without pathologies and complications should pass at least six months. During this time, the body will be able to almost completely recover

Medication of pregnancy: tips and reviews

Olga. I had to go through this procedure. Pregnancy did not plan, and I underwent a course of treatment in which drugs were used that could cause pathology in a child. After the delay, I made a test. Showed pregnancy. I was very worried with my husband, but decided on this procedure. The sensations were like fights (I have a child and I know what it is). On the second day, the pain has already passed. It was morally restored for a very long time.

Yana. She was also very worried. The thing is that you see what comes of you. I hope I will never go to this again.

Video: Pharmacological termination of pregnancy

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