Unusual and strange animals living on planet Earth

Unusual and strange animals living on planet Earth

From this article you will learn what unusual and strange animals are on our planet.

Extraordinary and strange animals live everywhere: in forests, mountains, deserts, sea and ocean, and even pets are dissimilar to others. We will talk about this in this article.

Extraordinary and strange pets

Angora rabbit

Angora rabbit is a very ancient breed. At the very beginning, it began to breed in Turkey, and at the end of the 18th century Angora rabbits spread in Europe. Rabbits were bred in order to obtain fluffy wool.

An adult Angora rabbit has a weight of 2-6 kg, it lives in the open air for 5-7 years, if it is good to take care of it and settle in the house, then it can live longer. The rabbit must be combed several times a week. Its coat is long, up to 0.8 m. For a year, you can get from 1 rabbit to 0.5 kg of wool.

Angora rabbit


Mini-pigi are small pigs, weighing in adulthood up to 15 kg. The breed of mini-pegs was taken out in Germany in the 20th century, from crossing Vietnamese pigs and wild boars. The first to Russia was such a pig was brought by Ilona Bronevitskaya as an exotic animal. The pig has a good-natured character, lends itself to training, is friends with other households in the house, lives 12-15 years old. Now many people keep mini-rogues at home for fun, but there are farmers interested in growing mini-wires for meat.

Adult mini-pig

Bergamasco dog

The Berghag's Shepherd or Bergamasco was brought to Italy close 2 thousand years ago to help shepherds to sheep. The dog has a height at the withers 55-60 cm, weight 25-38 kg. Bergamasco is characterized by a good -natured and flexible character.

A feature of the dog is wool: long, twisting into tangles, different shades of gray, which completely covers the dog. The dog is unpretentious in everyday life and food, is not afraid of frost, rain or heat, even the wolf is not afraid of it, adapted to live in a private house.

Bergamasco dog

Extraordinary and strange animals living in the forests

Monkey Best

An adult monkey weighs until 120, body length is 10-15 cm, with a tail-20 cm. Monkeys live in the tropical forests of America. Noteworthy monkeys have big eyes, sharp claws on the arms and legs, except for the thumbs on the legs - there, like in a person, flat nails.

Litting monkeys live in groups, feed on insects, soft fruits, and a nectar of flowers.



Ackname is a mammal, like a mole living in the ground, in the eastern part of Canada and the USA. Starship is a stigma like a star of 22 rays, a cylindrical body, 10-13 cm long, with a short neck and long, up to 8 cm, tail.

Animals make moves underground, with a mandatory access to water. Starships swim well, catch small fish, crayfish for food, and on the ground food for starships - larvae, rainworms and insects.


Cuban slit

Cuban slit - small (up to 39 cm body length) mammal. Beasts live in the mountain forests of Cuba. The gaps were considered extinct, but in 1975 several copies of the animals were caught, and then several were noticeably noticeable, and now they were listed in the Red Book.

The slit looks like this: an elongated head with a trunk and small eyes, a long tail, up to 25 cm. The animal itself is small, close 1 kg in weight, covered with rare wool, ears and tail are almost naked. The slit has sharp bent claws, thanks to which it can climb onto an almost vertical surface.

They feed on the slit to reptiles, mollusks, worms, insects and plants. They live close to 5 years.

A feature of the slit is the presence of a gap in the mouth, from which a poisonous saliva comes, deadly for a potential victim. For people, the poison of these mammals is not dangerous.


Extraordinary and strange animals living in rivers

Japanese salamander

Salamander living in the Japanese islands is the largest in the world of amphibians. The length of the animal reaches 1.5 m, weighing up to 35 kg. Salamander lives in mountain rivers, feeds on fish, crayfish, insects and other animals found in water. The food is digested at a slow pace, once eating, Salamander may not eat a week.

Like other amphibians, the Japanese salamander, damaged parts of the body can grow. In Japan, salamanders eat meat, is considered a delicacy. Salamander lives up to 55 years.

Japanese salamander

Zmeegolov fish

Initially, the fish of the snakes was found only in the rivers of the Far East, now with the help of people it has multiplied in the rivers of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and the USA.

Snakes up to 1 m long, weighing up to 10 kg. The fish with the head of the snake is very tenacious: it survives with a lack of oxygen, in very contaminated water, up to 5 days can live without water and crawl into another river. If the river was dry, the snakes buried in the silt and waits for the drought until the rain on the onset.

Zmeegolov - a predatory, insatiable fish, attacks from an ambush to another fish, insects, frogs, and on land - on small animals. If Zmeegolov lives in a pond, other fish species cannot live there - he eats them.

Zmeegolov is a delicious fish, and fishermen are actively engaged in its catch.

Zmeegolov fish

Extraordinary and strange animals living in the ocean


Guidak - Mollusk living in the ocean, near the west coast of the United States and Canada. Guidak looks strange: on a long, up to 1 m, a small, up to 20 cm, a double -leaf shell clung to the body. Weighing mollusk up to 1.5 kg. He buries at the bottom of the ocean in the ground.

Guidaki are real long -livers, life expectancy is on average 150 years. They have few enemies: sharks, sea stars and kalans. In Japan and China, gidaks eat meat, although it is tough.



Narval is a marine animal from the unicorn family, found in the Arctic Ocean and the adjacent seas. Narvals are very large, reach over 4 m in length, weight more than 1 ton.

A feature of Narvalov is that a long (up to 3 m long) bean grows on a large head. The weight of the tusk reaches 10 kg. The animal’s tusk or horn in the animal is flexible, sensitive, it is needed by Narval to measure the temperature of the water.

Animals feed on fish, mollusks. There are few enemies of the lines-killer whales, white bears, but the largest enemies for a long time were people who mercilessly killing animals due to meat and tusks. Now the lubricants are listed in the Red Book.


Extraordinary and strange animals living in the steppes and desert


Hermenuk is an African antelope, has a long leg as an antelop, and a long neck, like a giraffe. The height at the Hermenuka wit is almost 1 m (more precisely 95 cm), weight 35-50 kg. Males have horns, females do not.

Gerenuki live in Africa (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia), in the arid steppes, where only thorny shrubs (savannah) grow. They feed on leaves of trees and shrubs. To get the upper branches and reach higher, in addition to their growth, stand on the hind legs.



Saigak appeared on the ground with mammoths, was also considered extinct for a long time, like mammoths, but it turns out that Saigaks are still alive, and they are found in the steppes of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, in the south of Russia and Mongolia.

The body length of the adult saigas is 1.1-1.4 m, the height at the withers 0.6-0.8 m, weighs up to 40 kg. Males have small horns, females without horns. A feature of Saigak is that instead of his nose he has a soft proboscis.

Saigaks eat with steppe herbs: wormwood, quinoa, dust, and plants that are poisonous for other animals.


So, we learned about unusual and strange animals a little more.

Video: TOP-5. The most unusual creatures on the planet. Incredible facts - strange animals of the world

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