Lack of money: reasons, what to do? What are the minimum family expenses per month?

Lack of money: reasons, what to do? What are the minimum family expenses per month?

It’s good when we can spend money and we still have a good stock. But what if we constantly face a catastrophic lack of money?

Surely you came across a situation where you were catastrophically lacking funds, especially when it was so important. After that, you just disappointed. And various questions began to arise in your head, for example, "for what reasons did the finances lacked?" What to do in the future, so that there is all the time there is enough money to buy food, for a secured life, for normal existence?

Lack of money: approximate family expenses

  • You know that only with the help of money you can buy all the necessary things. But because of constant thoughts about finances, that they are not enough, you can worry, worry. There is fear about a constant lack of money in the familyThus, you have peace of mind. This may prevent you from managing your own money normally, it is normal to finance.
  • The first thing to pay attention to when the problem of lack of money - Each person is dependent on money. Just think, because you spend about 8 hours a day to find or get money, you think about your own work, about what it is better to spend money on.
No money
No money
  • It is sad that even having received a lot of money, you do not do the most basic - do not manage finances. It is unfortunate, but there is only one truthful truth - either finances work for you, or you work for them.

The ideas about what a comfortable life should be, people have different people. One is enough 20,000 rubles a month, and the other with overstated requests and a million will not be enough. If you look at the problem of acute lack of money On the real side, you can easily calculate the amount for a month that a family of 2 adults and 2 children will be needed for normal existence.

  • Food costs - 20,000 rubles.
  • The apartment for the apartment is 6,000 rubles. (This is only an average indicator, it can be different depending on the region of the country).
  • Other important expenses (replenishment of a mobile phone, Internet, television fees and so on) - 2,000 rubles.
  • Children's education (this includes circles, payment of school meals) - 6,000 rubles.
  • Things, shoes, detergents - 3,000 rubles. (These costs are not carried out every month).

It turns out 37,000 rubles. But sometimes I want to take a walk, goes to a cafe or theater, the novels of the children in the zoo or circus. And sometimes I want to buy sweet, but toys or useful books for children. To the total amount, you can also add approximately 8,000 rubles.

  • The fact is that in our calculations, not average indicators are given, but minimal. In real life, it is very difficult to meet these frames. For example, payment for utilities can increase significantly if you spend more water.
  • Many people come out to teach children much more. There are people who need expensive treatment or he needs special nutrition.
  • In reality, a person is faced with a large number unplanned expenses. For example, a computer has broken, thanks to which one of the family members earns money.
  • Of course, financial pillow For complete safety, you can save you. However, it is almost unrealistic to replenish it if you have enough budget every month, only to cover the main expenses. In addition, unplanned costs are quite high, and therefore your stock will definitely not be enough.
  • The birth of another child is another reason why there may not be enough finances. Often girls say that i want a child, but I'm afraid of lack of money. After all, one of the miners goes on maternity leave, so family income is significantly reduced. And after the birth of the baby, more costs will be required, perhaps even very large ones.
  • These are only part of the examples when people do not have enough money to provide a family. Below will be the most important of them, which should be studied in more detail.

The reasons for the lack of money

There are several main reasons why you have Catastrophic lack of money. Learn them carefully, and then draw conclusions.

Catastrophic shortage
Catastrophic shortage
  • You cannot skillfully manage money. If someone from your married couple (husband Il wife) is incorrectly related to finances, there is a complete lack of care of money. In your married couple, this principle can work - "How much money you would not earn, you simply must spend all the money quickly." As a result of this, you cannot make any savings.
  • You spend large amounts, buying unnecessary. The purpose of each advertising company is to increase the volume of unexpected purchases made by people on emotions. The spontaneous purchase of some product is the means that are wasted, on different garbage. Perhaps the purchased goods will “eat” most of your income.
  • Problems related to health and other accidents. Treatment or even worse funeral - these expenses speak for themselves. Human treatment for a long period of time for many people is the main reason for the impoverishment. As a result of this, the family needs what is missing most - money.
No money in the family
No money in the family
  • Regular debt load. On each side of the family, ideas are pouring better, using loans. The pleasant faces of borrowers who smile from TVs of TVs or billboards promise to us that life with loans will be happy and carefree. By the way, only the 10th part of the entire population may not turn to advertising. The rest of the people still once understand that a loan is absolutely normal. Debts or loans are also a payment of some interest, which is why sometimes you may not have enough money. Remember that the overestimated loan rates sooner or later lead to the fact that family income is reduced.
  • You do not see the differences between needs and desires. You and many people sometimes have a strong desire to buy something. For example, you dream of the last novelty of a mobile phone, and this, in turn, can take a large part of the family budget. There is the only solution to this problem - say “no” in time, sometimes refuse your own desires.
  • Excessive passion for charity. There are people who are ready at any time to lend their own finances to each person. This is why they try to use such people unscrupulous personalitieswho, when they borrow from them, are in no hurry to return the money. This greatly affects the financial situation of any family. If you belong to people who cannot refuse to give debt, listen to our advice. Know help people is wonderful, but only in cases where you can fully satisfy your needs, you have money that you can give in loans.
  • Lack of additional savings. Such savings enable the family, if you need to take money, avoid loans and overpayments of large interest for them. If you do not have such savings, then you may have difficulties with finances at any time.
  • You cannot or do not want to monitor your own expenses. Inability to keep your own funds can lead to the following - your family’s expenses will exceed your income. If you begin to control the costs, you will immediately be surprised how many unusual things you bought earlier, because of which you did not have enough money.
  • Crisis situation. Costs can be different every month. It all depends on the time of the year. If within 6 months you end with money a week after receiving wages, then you may have encountered a crisis. This is conceived due to the fact that people receive a very small payment for their work or the enterprise delay the salary. Maybe you should think about changing the place of work.
A crisis
A crisis
  • Illiteracy financially. You probably have some things that you rarely use in your own life. The heads of people are stuffed with various formulas, but not everyone knows about money. But it is finances that are considered an important aspect of the life of mankind, without them cannot exist. It is unfortunate, but they do not yet teach such an object at the institute that teaches to properly manage money. Not even many parents try to convey their own experience on how to use money correctly.

Lack of money: what to do?

As you noticed, there are many different reasons constant lack of money. But you quickly eliminate them if you adhere to our recommendations.

  • Join your own finances. If you do not want to draw a lot of tables, fill them out, count the amounts, install a special application on your mobile phone, try to control your own finances. You can also find out where the funds were spent if you periodically look into the bank’s personal account. Conduct an analysis of expenses: Maybe you are impulsively buying unnecessary goods. If you do not do this, quickly improve your own financial situation.
  • Pull the money. On the day when you get wages, put the part in the stock that you will not touch. Wait until the right amount is collected. Set away the money Immediately while they are still. Taking some part of the finances is not difficult. Make a piggy bank, put the bills in it. And you can open a bank account. There list the money from the salary after their receipt. You can install in your account so that the money is transferred from the account automatically. Thus, it will not be so traumatic for you to accumulate money. If you are awaiting several large costs, for example, buying a house or car, open an account for the necessary purchase.
  • Plan expenses. Think about what you need to buy, what your family really needs. Fix future purchases, calculate the amount that will be spent. Be sure to keep in mind when you plan other expenses. Stock up the right things In advance, in order to look without hurrying, select to your own taste. So it will be more profitable for you, much more convenient.
  • Do not be frivolous to financial savings. Buy only high -quality goods, including things and shoes. If you buy summer clothes, do not buy things made of synthetic material. Give it preference of cotton things. Clothing, which is pleasant to the body, will last you much longer, and clothing made of artificial fabrics will make you sweat greatly in the summer. As a result, you will want to get rid of her. This means that new expenses will affect you.
  • Pay on the bills. The accumulation of mandatory debts can lead to the fact that the quality of your life will significantly deteriorate. After you receive wages, calculate the funds for a funded account, also take the amount of important payments. Only after that you can plan expenses for the future month of the money that will remain.
Pay on the bills
Pay on the bills
  • Try to take care of things. Do not be lazy, use those methods that help to extend the life of your property. If the car needs maintenance, go to the service. Wash the refrigerator regularly, pour in the washing machine for the scale of the scale. Correctly take care of leather things, clothes that are made of natural fabrics. So you can save finances, and your dear clothes, for which you will carefully care, will allow you to look beautiful even during the financial crisis.
  • Increase income. Here, much will depend on what skills you have, opportunities. For example, find a part -time job, sell old things on sale, open a small business, deal with tutoring (if possible). Know, money love to work, they should “multiply”. In other words, invest or put your own finances in some projects in order to get large interest in the future.
Try to increase income
Try to increase income

Adhere to the always planned budget. Do not rush to buy, avoid unexpected acquisitions each time. Refuse souvenirs, do not constantly go to expensive parties. Better pay a loan or give a debt. For example, instead of 1,000 rubles, pay 2,000.

Video: What to do if there is not enough money?

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