“Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today”: procrastination - causes and investigation. Procrastination - examples from life, how to get rid of it, tips of psychologists

“Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today”: procrastination - causes and investigation. Procrastination - examples from life, how to get rid of it, tips of psychologists

The words of the American political figure Benjamin Franklin "Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today"became a winged instructive expression, which we very often hear in everyday life. In this article, we will consider effective strategies that will help you change your habits and teach you to implement all the planned things in a timely manner.

Why do we consciously postpone important things for later? How to learn how to properly manage your time and not wait for the last moment? How to pull yourself together and overcome the inability? As you put off affairs in a long box and the accumulation of unresolved issues, the likelihood increases that the hands will not reach half of the list.

“Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today”: procrastination - causes and investigation

  • In the modern rhythm of life, it is often necessary set aside important tasks for later. Procrastination - This is in simple words a systematic transfer of current affairs for later.
  • In most cases, a person consciously waste his free time to a bunch of useless affairs, thereby moving away from the goal. If a lazy person does nothing and does not worry about this, then the procrastinator experiences remorse and constant anxiety.

For example, most students are preparing for the exam on the last day, and employees at enterprises are accepted for reports on the eve of their delivery. Moreover, each of them does not leave a sense of responsibility and many experiences.

Consider several factors that form the desire to postpone current affairs for tomorrow:

  • Psychological injuries from childhood.When parents set the child’s overwhelming, uninteresting or incomprehensible tasks for the child, he disappears the desire to fulfill them. The child is looking for ways to escape from the task or to delay the time of its implementation as much as possible. If children's tricks work, then the child develops a certain mechanism of behavior, which over time develops into a stable habit of postponing for tomorrow what can be done today.
  • Work on a burden . It is very important when our work brings moral satisfaction. If a person works daily on tasks that he does not like, then he does not have desire and motivation. An uninteresting process takes much more time. We constantly put off working questions in a long box.
Into a burden
Into a burden
  • Excessive desire for ideal.When a person pays too much attention to the little things, the execution process automatically increases and displaces the list of other matters from the schedule. Systematic perfectionism is replaced by real activity with a deep analysis, thereby moving the final result.
  • Lack of daily routine.A person with an active lifestyle needs to systematize his actions daily and plan a list of cases for the future. When many important tasks accumulate, it is very important to learn how to properly prioritize. Otherwise, not fully accumulated and unrealized. The more worries accumulate, the less the desire to fulfill them will be. The workflow should not be routine, but productive.
Procrastination in stages
Procrastination in stages

Very often, postponing cases for later is supported by a sense of fear. We are afraid not to cope, not to justify other people's hopes, not to achieve success, and therefore we choose procrastination. However, any inaction leads to an internal destructive, and any action fakes the desire to achieve the goal.

How to stop postponing business for tomorrow and get rid of procrastination?

How to stop postponing business for tomorrow and get rid of procrastination? In order for the fight against the problem to be effective, we suggest following the recommendations of psychologists.

  • Make efforts.Any process suggests that from time to time we will be distracted by extraneous affairs, conversations, a break. So that this does not affect the duration of the task, it is necessary to make maximum efforts during the process itself. All that you do brings you certain experience and skills, so you strive to benefit from everything. And don't forget - "Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today."
  • Put priorities.To have time to fulfill the list of accumulated cases, it is necessary to set their sequence and priority. Drive up everyday and work processes. If you cook borscht and type an essay on a computer in parallel, then most likely both processes will take more time and will be poorly performed. When giving preference to more priority matters, you are more close to the cherished goal.
  • Real goals.Soberly evaluate your capabilities. In two weeks it is impossible to qualitatively master someone else's language. Just as it will not be possible to lose weight per day.
  • If you do not know how to sew, then you do not need to puff over the patterns for weeks and waste time. Trust the process to a professional, And do a useful and important thing yourself. If you do not have time to perform the process yourself, then be sure to connect new participants to the process. Part of household issues can be delegated to your household, which automatically frees additional time to you.
  • It’s not scary to make mistakes.Any gained experience, even negative, brings certain fruits. On the way to achieving the goal, people are often mistaken and this is normal. We improve our skills and skills, look for new solutions. Thus, we upgrade our work processes. The need to put something into a long box automatically disappears.
  • Strongly delve into the process.In order for the planned action to quickly come true, and does not hang in the list of unrealized desires, paint real detailed steps. For example, if you want to learn ballroom dancing, then you need to purchase ballroom equipment, find a partner, choose a dance school, and join the schedule with the work process.
  • Reduce the deadline.If you often do not have time to do business on time, then organize a small stock of time for each process. For example, if the boundary deadline for submission of the report is the 20th, then do it in the first days of the month. Thus, you will quickly close the question, you will not mentally return to it and switch to other topics. A sufficient supply of time is a securement in case of failure.
Reduce deadlines
Reduce deadlines
  • Analyze the last day.At the end of the day, summarize the work done. Analyze the reasons why it was not possible to perform certain tasks. Draw conclusions for the future. A detailed analysis will help to form further plans and summarize the list of unfinished ones.
  • Motivate yourself with praise.To stop putting off business for tomorrow, encourage yourself for timely work. Allow yourself a vacation in an interesting place or a new purchase. Lay motivation at the beginning of the process. For example, you will make a report on time, get a bonus and buy a new handbag.
  • Adjust the time for rest and work.The accumulated fatigue slows down the process of performing current tasks, warms up the desire to postpone things for tomorrow. Correctly dosage the time for sleeping and rest. High -quality sleep stimulates the activity of the brain and increases performance. With any work activity, time for lunch and small breaks should be provided.
  • Maintain order in your things.If things are scattered and do not lie in their places, then you have to constantly be distracted in search of the next loss. This adds absent -mindedness. Any thing not found on time can provoke procrastination. If you are not accustomed to order, then re -educate yourself and develop useful habits.
Everything is in order and does not distract
Everything is in order and does not distract
  • Exclude everything that distracts you. Eliminate objects that distract you from the main process. Do not let your attention dissipate. For example, working at the computer, remove the rest of the gadgets. Otherwise, an interesting program on TV or a social network can transfer your workflow for tomorrow. For the employment period, it is useful to turn off the phone.
  • Avoid empty conversations.Learn to block any information unnecessary to you. For example, you are told a story about a stranger who does not cause you interest. Polishly interrupt the conversation. Otherwise, after an hourly conversation, it turns out that there is no time left for a report, and you need to transfer it to tomorrow. You are imposed on the transmission of knitting - although you cannot stand needlework, leave the viewing session.
  • Do not combine important processes.The simultaneous implementation of several cases often leads to a poor -quality result. No need to take on several key processes at the same time. Build a consistent chain of actions.
  • Turn the support of the specialist.Procrastination may be a consequence of protracted depression. If a systematic deposit of a long box destroys your life, then you need to enlist the support of a specialist.
Let them help you
Let them help you

Exclamation: In what cases is the deposit of cases for later?

In the list of emergency matters in the first place should be issues related to your health, safety, family, finances. It is very important to realize that the price of delaying is too high.

Consider several situations when depositing for later in the future fully justifies itself:

  • Emotional devastation, burnout.If a person is morally not ready to carry out the planned task, then the result of its implementation will be poor and ineffective. It is difficult to write a verse or a picture when there is no creative inspiration. Being in a good mood, the rhyme will turn out much faster, and a beautiful pattern will play on the canvas. It is difficult to beautifully stick wallpaper when the design is not thought out and there is no understanding how to act correctly. Even if your repair is running out, it is better to come to terms with bare walls for a while than to redo your own work twice.
Do you have these symptoms?
Do you have these symptoms?
  • Our inner condition sets the pace and paint to current matters. Therefore, if there is no mood, then what can be done today, it is better to postpone it for tomorrow.
  • Hasty decisions.There are a number of questions for a complete understanding of which are needed more time. Hasty decision -making very often causes regret and desire to redo everything. “Today I can afford to buy this car, but tomorrow I will understand that its characteristics do not meet my expectations and requirements. Today I am buying an annual subscription to dancing, but tomorrow I understand that I want to engage in gymnastics. ” Our solutions should be weighed.
  • Lack of related conditions and circumstances. If there is not enough resources or time to fulfill the set target, it is better to take a pause until better times. There is no need to buy poor -quality furniture today, if in a month your financial income allows you to buy a good thing. No need to agree to move to an apartment in a remote area, if you can find a suitable option for you within a month. To achieve the best result, sometimes you need to be patient.

In various situations, delayed actions exhaust their need in the future. Either the situation is resolved independently, or circumstances are changing in which the important passes into the status of the right one. Sometimes Work in accelerated mode mobilizes a person, increasing his performance. When the process has nowhere to postpone and transfer, we are able to fulfill it faster in extreme conditions.

Do not put off for tomorrow what can be done today
"Do not put off for tomorrow what can be done today"

Do not forget that the deferred training, the transferred workflow will necessarily affect your self -realization in the future. If procrastination does not affect the quality of your life, then try to extract from the habit of postponing everything for tomorrow positive points. Perhaps your delays in life are completely controlled and problems do not exist.

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